Fake Boyfriend (16 page)

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Authors: Evan Kelsey

BOOK: Fake Boyfriend
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"I know
you wanted the job. I tried to get comfortable with the idea, but
Pasqual's presence is a deal breaker." I tell her. I'm still a
little perturbed about watching her and Xavier having fun and
joking with each other. I think I'm hiding it well,

"I see
that. I didn't think you were capable of losing your temper like
that." She says, stunned.

"I didn't
lose my temper." I reply. She raises her eyebrow. I may have lost
it a little bit, but not too bad. I've never lost my temper

should I quit face to face or over the phone?"

I look up
Xavier's number and hand her the phone. "I left my purse in his
office." She adds.

have someone retrieve it." I reply, briskly.

"Can't I
say goodbye?" She asks. She wants to say goodbye to him. He'd hug
her, she'd hug him. No way I'm letting that happen. Her wanting to
see him to say goodbye, sets my blood to a boil.

I can
tell she watching my temper rise. I can't control myself, what is
wrong with me? She's mine. I have her, I know this. However, I
don't want her touching, talking or seeing anyone but me. I feel
like I'm going crazy! Like the rational part of me ceased to exist
when she came into my life. For the first moment I seen her, I
changed. I've never been so possessive over someone.

I shake
my head no. Not trusting myself to open my mouth. She purses her
lips, but makes the call.



I listen
to Xavier's phone ring. He answers on the third ring. "Miss

I scoff.
"You wish. How'd you even know it was me?"

"Your the
one calling me fifteen minutes after you left. I think you love me.
What are we going to tell Ruxin?" He asks, whispering, like a
little school girl. Then continues seriously, "I don't think Ruxin
has ever called me before and I knew you were with him, it was a
safe guess." He explains.

I laugh.
"Shut up and listen." I pause and look at Ruxin who nods for me to
continue. "I have to quit." I say, rather reluctantly.

silence then. "Yeah, kinda thought that would happen. Since,
Pasqual is here it's probably for the best."

sorry." I wince. I really did like working with him.

worry about it. The meeting I just had with my dad was him telling
me I'm needed in London. I fly out today."

doesn't Pasqual go? Doesn't he work in London?" I can't stop from

"I think
he's the one messing things up." He admits sadly. "My father is
keeping him here, until I can figure out what is going on in

sorry. Hey, we're going to be in London next Monday! Let me know if
you have time for a play date."

on. I'll take you on a double decker bus tour, you'll hate it." He
states, knowingly.

I laugh,
"Sounds unbelievable." I say, sarcastically.

unbelievably boring. Call me when you get to London."

"I will.
Bye, butt face."

bird brain." He replies.

I laugh
and end the call, handing the phone back to him. Look up to see a
stone faced Ruxin. "Oh, stop. You know I've kept it in my pants for
twenty four years. I'm not attracted to him, so there's no reason
for the jealousy." I point out.

"I'm not
jealous." He grumbles. He shifts in his seat. "Are you attracted to
me?" He asks, seriously.

I can't
help but look at him and stunned. "I can't believe you'd have to
ask. What do you care anyway?" I question, close to laughing. "I
thought you had a big ego? Why does it matter what I think of

answer the question." He orders, irritated.

I smother
my smile. Who is this Ruxin? When did he become so self conscious?
It's adorable and unbelievably sexy. "Does someone need a little
reassurance about how pretty they are?" I ask, putting my hand on
his thigh. I lean forward rubbing my hand up and down his hard leg.
I feel his muscles contract under my hand. The waiter comes and
puts bread on our table. Ruxin orders for the two of us and the man
leaves. I whisper in his ear. "If we weren't in a restaurant, I'd
take you on the table." I see my words registering by his posture.
I know he has a thing for tables, I kiss the corner of his mouth
and sit back in my chair.

I feel
his eyes on me and glance over to him. "Yes, I'm very attracted to
you." I reply, not teasing anymore. I cross my arms waiting for his
smirk. I can wish he wasn't sexy as sin, but what would be the

His hand
reaches under the table and he grips my thigh. "Why did I make you
change this morning? It would be much more fun if you were wearing
a skirt." States, huskily.

I chuckle
happily. "That's what you get."

"You know
what your going to get?" He asks, standing up. I look up to him
confused because our food hasn't even came yet. He holds out his
head for me. I take it and stand up.

"What?" I

down with his lips on my ear he whispers, "I'm going to make love
to you on my dining room table. Right now." He throws money on the
table and takes my hand walking us out of the restaurant. Dave is
in front of us and Ronan is in back. I see the blacked out SUV
waiting for us. I don't see any photographers as we quickly get

Henry." Ruxin, orders and we leave the curb.

"Your not
joking are you?"

"I never
joke about tables."

Mr. Novak?"

since I've met you." He replies, smiling. He's pulls out his phone
and makes a call.

cancel all my appointments today." He pauses a moment. "Fine but
push him back until 4:00 and I'm only giving him an hour." He ends
the call.

"I'm glad
you didn't fire her."

"Yet. I
warned her, she has one more shot."

such a softie, for a crab." I tease, playing with his large hand on
my lap.

"I'm a

I nod.
Fighting my smile, "A very cute crab."

teasing will bite you in the ass, very soon."

"Bite or
pinch?" I ask, mockingly.

His eyes
narrow to slits and he turns, his hands grab my thighs lifting me
onto him so that I'm straddling his lap. He pinches my butt. I
grasp and lift my self up by my knees in shock and my boobs go into
Ruxin's face. I rub my butt and sit back down on his lap, noticing
Ronan right next to us. I forgot all about him! I glare at Ruxin,
who looks like he couldn't care less about Ronan being

The car
stops before I car retaliate. I climb off his lap and he gets out
after Ronan and I follow. I notice a few people asking questions,
but we get through them quickly. I guess Ruxin was right about the
story of us blowing over.

we're inside the elevator, I elbow him. "Don't think for a second
I'm not getting you back for that pinch."

"I look
forward to it, Angel."

I look up
into his smiling face. "You're a very sick man Mr.



I can't
stand these tedious meetings. There was a time I didn't care, now
all I can think about is getting to Eva. I look at the table
remembering the meal I made out of her three days ago. I sigh
thinking about the steamy encounter. Eva definitely delivered on
her promise to take me on the table, I feel myself start to stir
and harden. Every time I see a Goddamn desk, table or any flat
surface I get turned on. It doesn't help that William found her an
apartment three blocks away and moved all her stuff in for her.
Last night she insisted on staying there instead of with me. I
expected her to invite me to stay over, but she didn't and I didn't
want to sound clingy. Fuck! I sound like a woman.

I tossed
and turned all night wanting her next to me, now I have two hours
left until I can leave. If she wants to stay at her apartment
tonight I'm stay with her.

is the gala dinner, then we fly out Sunday night for London. My
mother can't make it which is disappointing, considering I know if
Eva isn't with me she'll be with Xavier. I won't lie, the fact she
says she's not attracted to him has helped. However, there's still
that part of me that doesn't want her to laugh and enjoy another
man's company. I won't ask her to stay away from him, my pride
won't let me go any lower. She quit and told me she found me
attractive, that's all I can ask for. I won't show her how weak she
makes me, I already looked pathetic enough.

the meeting ends and I make my way to my office to send out a few
more e-mails and call Eva. I know she hasn't left all day, I have
Dave waiting outside her apartment door. Sitting behind my desk I
find her number and hit send, just as there's a knock on my door.
"Come in."

comes in as Eva picks up. "Yes? Oh, domineering one." She

"I'm not

scoffs. "Whatever you say, dear. What's up?"

"What are
you doing?"

to you." I don't respond until she answers me. Sighing she
continues. "I'm organizing my closet and making a list of things I
need to get."

coming over after work. I'll bring dinner."


for you, Angel. Mushroom and green peppers?"


see you soon."

bye." I end the call and open up the my email. A throat clears and
remember Julia's presence. "What is it?"

"I have
the confirmations you wanted in writing. Also, your mother called
while you were in the meeting. She would like you to call her
back." I nod and she leaves.

I decide
to call right away. "Ruxin." She answers happily.

you called?"

"I just
wanted to make sure your bringing Eva with you

"Yes, of
course I'm bringing her."

making sure. You know you should tell her that you don't want her
seeing other men, because you can seem indifferent some times. She
might not realize you're a couple."

what are you talking about? She knows we're a couple."

"Then why
are there rumors about her dating you and Xavier?" She asks,

rumors? She worked for him for two days and I made her quit. She's
not seeing him." I clarify.

silence. "Oh, that'll teach me to listen to gossip television." She
says, sounding embarrassed.

"What is
the rumor?" I ask, curious.

"That she
was dating you, but she was becoming very close to Xavier

friends. Nothing more, I'm seeing her tonight."

"Okay, I
love you. See you Saturday."

you, too. Bye, mom."


Just like
that my jealousy flares up again. Did she not want to see me last
night because she wanted to see, Xavier? Wait no, he's in London.
Did she want to talk to him, without me knowing? Forgetting about
the rest of the work I need to complete, I shut down my computer
and leave. Ronan follows behind me, I call and place an order for
pizza delivery at Eva address. Henry drives me to her apartment and
I go to the fifth floor and knock on her unit. She opens it with a
smile and then it drops.

thought you were going to feed me?" She pouts, standing back to let
me in.

I turn to
Dave and Ronan. "You may leave." I walk in looking around the
space, it looks homey. The worn couch looks comfy and pictures
litter the walls and tables. "It's homey."

laughs, "Not your style, but your looking for something nice to
say, like I did with your place."

I shake
my head no. "I really do like it. It's very you."

There's a
knock on the door letting me know it's the pizza, I answer and pay
the man, turning to see a very happy Eva.

you! I haven't eaten all day." She says, gratefully.

didn't you eat?"

no food in the place and I was busy." She replies taking down
dinner plates for us. "I only have water." She adds.

didn't you have me send someone?" I ask, my temper escaping just a

it's not a big deal. I'm not complaining to you."

realize that, but if you need something ask." I state.

"I can do
it myself. I was just busy and lost track of time until you

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