Fairy Unbroken (9 page)

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Authors: Anna Keraleigh

BOOK: Fairy Unbroken
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“You locked the door.”

Trillian jerked back then frowned. The man she was supposed to
avoid was flying down from the sky onto the balcony. It would be kind of hard
to stay away when one of them had wings. “Didn’t want any trolls to bust in.”
She gestured to the unconscious Cameron snug beneath a blanket. “We’re not
exactly ready to take on an army of ugly fuckers.”

Keyn snorted. “They are ugly.” He sighed and shifted to rest
against the thick railing.

“And smell like rotting food.”

“They do smell hideous.”

Trillian took the time to slowly step back and settle in the
nearest seat. Her fingers caressed the smooth wood beneath her palms. She
couldn’t control her gaze roaming over his bare chest and those thick,
column-like thighs. Nothing tented his loincloth and she found herself
disappointed. Disappointed? She needed to find and destroy that emotion later.
Keyn was strictly off limits. Besides, he hated her kind. She simply thought of
their kiss and felt the heat between her legs dissipate. Maybe if the fairies
just wore more clothes...

“There’s a good trick that sometimes works to warn you of their
approach.” Keyn tapped his nose with a finger. “Face the wind and sniff the
air. Their smell will usually carry, and once you get a whiff, you can prepare
for a fight.”

“Yeah, my fight prepping didn’t really do any good.” She kicked at
the ground. “Three times I fought them and three times I was rescued.” That was
a kick to her ego. She was a tough woman in the human world. Here she was
just...a girl.

“Perhaps, when you are ready, I can show you some defense

Her head popped up. “Really? That’d be great.” Trillian smiled. “I
know some. Cameron showed me the palm-to-the-nose thing and stomping the instep
and the ball crunch.”

Keyn frowned. “That is not one I care to practice.”

“Neither did he.” Trillian grinned. A bright blur of colors
whirled by them and she jerked to her feet. “What was that?” It was about the
size of a bird but way too bright to actually be one.

Keyn watched it, turning so he could see it on the nearby roof. “A
banshee bird. Those sweet things are the only creature on earth that can cool
the notorious banshee tempers.”

“Banshee?” Trillian shook her head and moved to the railing to
watch it. The feathers were a rainbow of colors that lit up brightly under the
rising sun. “They exist too? What else is out there that we don’t know about?”

“There’s an entire world around us that humans do not see.
Banshees and trolls, fairies and...”

Trillian wasn’t staring at the bird. She was watching Keyn’s face.
Her eyes drifted over the scar, ragged edges that marred his tanned skin. His
nose was small for his face and crooked like it had been broken several times.
His jaw was all angles and dark stubble. Even the column of his neck was fascinating.
The way the pulse under his skin jumped rapidly. His hair was down his back, a
wild black that made him look dangerous. She was looking at his body when she
realized he no longer spoke. Trillian glanced up and locked eyes with the moody
fairy. “I was listening,” she blurted.

“I cannot be your mate,” he

Where did that come from? “I know,” she said quickly. “It’s sort
of hard not to look when every warm-blooded male around here goes around in
their underwear.”

Keyn frowned. “They’re loincloths.”

“Well, yes, but they look like...never mind.” She glanced where
the bird had been but noticed the space was vacant. It had flown the coop just
like she wanted to do. “I’ll go.” She spun around, feeling awkward and bruised
by his quick rejection. This was not a time to go looking for a lay. There were
trolls to think about, Cameron, the existence of supernatural creatures, which
sure as hell blew her mind, and apparently, her balance. Trillian stumbled over
her own feet and made a mad dash for the rough floor. She braced for impact as
air left her lungs but was quickly gathered up by Keyn.

He arms wrapped around her and her feet were now flat on the
floor. She was ready to apologize, to ignore his quick backpedal at being this
close, and try to find a hole to disappear in. Her confidence was taking all
sorts of shots this week.

Trillian glanced up. Keyn was looking down. There was something in
the way he stared at her. He slowly uncurled his arms, removing that warm, hard
contact, and Trillian licked her lips. For an instant, their breaths mingled
and she could have sworn he was thinking about kissing her. The way his eyes
glazed over, his lips slightly parted, and that very distinct bulge that now
pressed against her leg were clues. There was a small smile at the knowledge he
was hard for her.

Keyn broke the trance with speech. “You smell like a Dead-Sparkle

Snap went the lust. “What? I smell like a dead tree?” What
romance! She pulled away.

“No. Wait, it’s not like that.” He fumbled, grabbing her arm, and
bringing them back face-to-face. “It’s a tree.”

“Yeah, I kind of got that.” She huffed, fighting down the urge to
go sarcastic on his ass as she heard the soft breaths of a sleeping Cameron
behind them.

“No. That’s the name of the tree. Dead-Sparkle tree, it smells
wonderful. Musky and sweet.” He took a breath. “It’s a very rare occasion that
you get to see one as they’ve mostly faded from existence in the kingdom, but
they used to fragrance the western breeze with such a lovely smell.”

“Oh.” Who the hell would name a tree Dead? “Thanks. I think.”

“I meant it as a compliment.” He fidgeted, biting his lower lip.

“That was a nice idea.” She tried. After all, he did say she
smelled like something dead. Without thought, she reached up and brushed a piece
of hair from his face, exposing the scar. She went to speak again but felt his
body draw near. A tremble ran down his hard form as it started to press against

“It doesn’t bother you?”

Trillian shook her head. It was a scar. “Some people have them on
the outside, some on the inside hidden away where it’s harder to see them.”

“I have both.”

“I’m aware of that.” She leaned forward, hesitated when he pulled
back. Then Trillian gently placed her lips on his. It was the briefest touch, a
caress of silk against her skin all too quick and unsatisfying. Trillian parted
her lips and tried again. Keyn was stiff and still before her. She suckled his
lower lip and swiped her tongue across it.

“You still with me?” Trillian asked, pulling away slightly.

Keyn nodded, swallowed hard, and trembled.

She reached up again and her lips found his easily. They pressed
against his unyielding mouth, slowly, touch by touch easing his lips from a
hard line to a soft, open state. Trillian draped her lips against his, her tongue
slipping out to swipe against his skin before dipping into his mouth.

He jerked back. Was that shock on his face? His skin broke out in
goose bumps but she just started again. Soft, light kisses followed by a
curious tongue. It was rather sweet and nice. Trillian smiled and slowly pulled

Keyn suddenly grabbed her arms. His fingers dug into her skin and
he dragged her closer. She was slightly nervous as he pressed their bodies
together. “Keyn?” she said softly but he didn’t answer. His mouth fell onto her
neck, suckling deeply and pulling the skin against his teeth. The rough edge
made her thighs loosen and her heart begin a wild pounding. He walked her
backwards. Trillian felt her back hit the wall and shivered when his body
touched hers. His teeth scraped against her neck, and he grabbed the collar of
her shirt, pulling it.

There was a loud rip and the shirt hung open, revealing her pink
push-up bra. Trillian gasped. Fear edged her lust as Keyn’s hands went to her
jeans. He tugged roughly, pulling them down her body in a quick motion. They
pooled around her ankles as his eyes roamed between her legs. This was going
way too fast. “Keyn.”

He growled. His eyes were vacant like no one was home.

“Keyn!” She pushed him but he didn’t budge. He did, however, pick
her up and carry her inside. She caught a brief glimpse of Cameron’s supine
form and felt the cold table under her bare ass. Lust moistened her folds as he
knelt before her. Keyn was quick to remove her sneakers, throwing them across
the room along with her wadded-up jeans. His hands were on her thighs, prying
them apart to reveal her wet core. She swallowed hard.

Keyn growled again, deep and low. He moved his face between her
legs. Trillian anticipated a touch of his tongue, a wild kiss to her nether
lips. Instead, he sniffed, inhaled slowly, and let loose a groan. He stood,
towering over her, and pulled his loincloth away.

Trillian’s mouth had to have fallen open. She glanced down at his
dick and she was more shocked by the marks. Her breath caught. There were
jagged scars like the one on his face. At the base of his cock, there were a
few nicks on the beautiful skin of his cock and on his inner thigh. “What...”

Keyn grabbed his engorged cock. The head was red, the length
impressive. He spread her legs farther. The tip was instantly at her wet hole.
She hissed out a breath as he pushed the tip inside her.

Sweet heaven and hell, he was just going to enter her. No
foreplay, not even a fucking word. Inch by inch, he speared her with his dick
and sent her lust skyrocketing. With one hard thrust, he was in to the hilt.
Trillian had never felt fuller. Her head fell back, her inner muscles clenched,
and her lids closed as pleasure consumed her.

Keyn held her hips, fingernails digging into her skin. She felt
them cut her flesh but it only added to the pleasure between her legs. She
cried out as he pulled free and thrust home once again. He growled above her,
wild and crazed, as his cock began a rhythm. It was uncoordinated like he’d
never been with a woman before. His hips slipped out of sync and his cock
pressed against her thigh instead of inside her. Keyn growled. He flipped her
over, kicked her legs out, and she felt the overwhelming cock penetrate her
pussy from behind. She gasped as pleasure nipped at every nerve in her body. He
was rough, gloriously so, and the movements were more uncontrolled. He was
shivering. She felt it and then he lifted her legs and really began to fuck

Pleasure blended with a small amount of fear in her system.
Trillian couldn’t believe Keyn was actually fucking her. It was like some wild,
untamed dream but a hell of a lot better. She squeezed her muscles. Her breasts
pressed against the table top, her nipples rubbing roughly with each thrust
from behind her. She was so close to release that moans began to slip from her
parted lips. “Yes. More. More. Yes.” She bit her tongue to keep from crying
out. The swarm of orgasm overwhelmed her. Trillian came hard, the hardest in
her life and so long she could hardly breathe from the intensity.

Slowly she came down from the high, jerking back and forth from
the wild thrusts of the fairy behind her. She glanced back. His red and black
wings were spread wide. Keyn’s face was a mask of determination and something
else. Was that anger? He pushed and pulled. Another growl escaped. He fucked
her harder. Fingers bruised her skin, and his lips lifted to reveal grinding

“Keyn.” Her voice was raspy and he didn’t answer.

He pressed into her vigorously. Trillian felt the insane buildup
of another release and then he screamed.

His deep voice was loud and pierced the quiet morning. Trillian
tried to turn around but his big hand held her there as he fucked and fucked.
Sweat beaded his skin and his eyes seemed to be completely unfocused. Now, he
was scaring her. “Keyn!” What was wrong with him?

Keyn pulled his cock free. He stared down at her open legs, let
out this animalistic growl, and his dick jerked and began to deflate. His chest
heaved, his lips pressed into a line, and his balls were still heavy with
unreleased cum.

“Keyn?” She turned around, trying to cover her exposed body as she
reached out to him.

Keyn slapped her hand away from her pussy. He jerked her legs
apart and shoved his cock inside her. Trillian fell back. She couldn’t fight
the feel of his hardness inside her. His cock penetrated the sated entrance.
Trillian was slick but the hard width of him added to her already sensitive
state. She longed to feel his lips around her nipple.

His head fell forward, his eyes closed, and Trillian would never
forget the sight of hopelessness on his face. His chin rested against his
heaving chest. He opened his beautiful eyes and shifted to look at her.

Why couldn’t he cum? Did it have something to do with the scars?
“I can help.”

Keyn frowned, harsh and
mean, and then he flew right out the balcony doors.

Trillian’s mouth fell open. He just left. She stood there, half
naked, satisfied, and watched the fairy that pushed his way into her heart fly
away, broken.




Chapter Twelve


Keyn flew as long as he could. The moment he came to the
waterfall, he collapsed. Naked, he fell to the prickly, dead grass and passed
out. Mentally exhausted, he must have slept for hours. When he opened his eyes,
darkness greeted him. His ass was bare and the moon shined down on his deflated
dick. What the hell had happened? He’d finally faced his demons, become
overwhelmed with Trillian’s sweet scent, and taken a chance. It ended up
devastating his already bruised mind. He couldn’t perform. The moment Trillian
had her pleasure, he went for his. The first time inside a woman was amazing.
Feelings and emotions stirred that were long dormant but so did memories. Every
time he tried to push harder, to achieve release, he heard those harsh grunts
and cruel laughs from so long ago.

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