Evolve Series Box Set (97 page)

BOOK: Evolve Series Box Set
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Sawyer kisses are a whole body experience—consuming, like one ember quickly turns to wildfire. Somehow, with only our mouths connected, he makes my whole body feel like part of the act. Not one muscle in me hasn’t gone lax, every inch of me his all at once. “More,” I beg into his mouth. “Sawyer, more, anything, please.”

“Oh no,” he tilts my head back further, making me listen, “there is no way you’re rushing me. I will take my time on every single inch of you.”

If that’s not the best argument I’ve ever heard in my life, I don’t know what is. “Show me,” I grunt as he pulls on my hair, “show me everything.”

“Lie back and let me love you. For every sweet smile you’ve given me, every sexy outfit you’ve tortured me with, every night I’ve held you in my arms, never knowing if you’d be mine… I’m,” he licks straight up the middle of my throat, “going,” he nibbles down the left side, “to savor you.” He finishes with open-mouthed sucking side to side across my collarbone, hitting a sweet spot that makes me positively shiver.

One of his hands leaves my hair, gliding downward, and my girls know he’s on his way, my nipples hard and waiting. He stops, asking in a husky pant, “Can I touch you here, Emmett?”

My heart soars at his thoughtfulness, trying to overly ensure my comfort since he knows my past, but my past has no place here now. I grab his hand and crash it on my chest, arching further into his now kneading grasp. “You can touch me anywhere you want, however you want.”

He growls, attacking my mouth with a rough, aggressive kiss. The tug on my nipple makes me gasp, even my lower half trying to come off the bed now.

“Are they sore? Too rough?”

“God, no! It feels great.”

“Then can we lose the shirt babe?”

“You ask too many questions.” I grab his cheeks with both hands. “I want you. I’m not scared or breakable. Take me any way you want, Sawyer.”

“Fuck me,” he snarls, grabbing the bottom of my shirt.

“I’m trying to!” I giggle, rising so he can lift it over my head.

His eyes take in my bare chest and I force myself to keep my hands at bay despite the urge to cover myself. I’ve talked a big game and it’s time to back it up.

Leisurely, he moves his gaze back up to mine. “You’re so fucking gorgeous, Emmett. Better than anything I’ve pictured in my head a million times.”

I don’t know if it’s me or my hormone-induced inner minx talking, but somebody says, “Suck them, Sawyer.” I grab myself, offering up both achy peaks to him. “Suck my tits, babe.”

“Oh, goddamn, I love that mouth, you nasty little girl.” He goes for the right one first, his mouth open wide around it, his tongue flicking my nipple. Every time the hot metal of his tongue ring hits the very tip of my sensitive nipples, I jump a bit, sucking in a deeper breath. Sensory overload—yes, please!

My hands are firm on the back of his head, daring him to try and stop. I rub my hands back and forth over his close-cropped black hair. I love it. I mewl, or whimper, or make some other sound I’m sure I’ve never made before, and feel around for his hand. Finding it, I place it back on my left breast, wanting stimulus on every part of me at once.

“That feels so good,” I moan.

He tries to pull away but I push his head back down, grunting my protest. “Just wanna suck the other one, baby; not stopping.”

Oh, okay then. Carry on.

I see the smirk on his face as he moves his mouth over, latching on to my left nipple with vigor. “Mhm, Em,” he murmurs through licks and nibbles, “you have the best tits I’ve ever seen. Real and big and in love with my mouth. They’re perfect.” He leans back on his haunches. “You do crazy things to me, woman.” He watches his own finger trail from between my breasts down my stomach, hinting at the top of my shorts. “Crazy fucking things.”

The touch of one fingertip exudes the sizzle of a thousand hands, the eyes of one man have me entranced, my toes curling under and my breathing staggering. Without a word, I elevate my hips, bidding him to bare the rest of me. Both hands now find my hips, his fingers curving beneath the edge of my shorts. Eyes never leaving mine, he slips them down my legs, carefully maneuvering first one ankle, then the other, out of them.

“I’ll never be the same, will I?” he asks no one, his stare now trained on my wholly revealed body.

I crook my finger at him, wanting to feel him cover me.

He shakes his head, giving me a sexy air kiss and wink, then lifts my left leg. Running both hands up and down my over-sensitized skin, he croons, “I love your short ass legs, baby.” That full, sexy mouth of his begins kissing every spot those hands just rubbed, a low hum emanating from him. When he’s worked his way up to the spot that has me writhing in anticipation, his mouth is suddenly gone.

“What the—” I rise up onto my elbows, precariously close to devastation.

His low chuckle only lasts a moment before he starts treating my right leg to the same torturously delightful ministrations. God. This man. This patient, willful fucking man. “Relax, Emmett, I’ll get there. When I do, I’ll be staying awhile.”

I can’t stand it, the swelling, the tingles, so I literally take matters into my own hand. For three glorious seconds the pressure subsides…then my hand is hijacked by a much stronger one cinched around my wrist. “Don’t even think about it, woman,” he rumbles. “You’ll come soon; in my mouth, on my fingers, then a few times all the fuck over my dick. Those are your only options.”

“Please, Sawyer, fuck me.”

Now he hovers over me, conscious to shift his weight to one forearm. “One day I’ll fuck you real good, Em, but not tonight. Tonight I want to give you what I’ve never given anyone.”

“I don’t want your piercing. Nothing but you, ever. Only you inside me.”

He buries his face in my neck, laughing faintly. “That’s the sexiest thing I’ve ever heard, but I didn’t mean the happydavra, babe.” Kissing my neck, my chin, finally backing his face away some to commandeer my half-lidded eyes, he whispers, “I meant making love to you, Emmett. Loving your whole body with my whole body as slowly and gently as I can possibly go.”

Don’t you have to love someone to make love to someone? It’s just semantics, really, because I do…I love his gentle, his crazy, his bossy, his tender, his coy, his playful…I love everything about him.

As far as what he meant, now is certainly not the time to ask for clarification. Not only am I clueless as to what I’d do with whatever his answer may be, but I can feel my need easing down the inside of my thigh. 

“Show me, Sawyer, show me what that means.”

That one magic finger of his again starts its taunting descent, finding its home in the shameful, embarrassing pool between my legs. “Aw, fuck, babe.” He bends his head to my ear, pulling the lobe in his mouth. “That’s all for me,” he guides said finger up and down, “and I love it. Can I go down there and taste you, sweet girl?”

My holy…who knew sex held so many extracurricular activities?  Leg licking, finger sliding, boob sucking…it’s a smorgasbord of tantalization and it feels too damn good to be worshipped.  I can’t wait to have my turn on him; I have no idea what I’m doing, but as he’s said before, I’ll feel my way. 

“Okay.” I grab the back of his head, putting his mouth to mine. “But kiss me first, lots and lots.”

“Oh yeah?” He chuckles. “Am I grounded from your mouth after I go downtown?”

“Would you kiss me after coming in my mouth?”

“Shorty, if I could figure out how, I’d kiss you while I was coming in your mouth.”

“Ew.” I grimace. “We’ll see, okay? Put in on our sexual bucket list.”

His face goes stone-cold serious. “Do I get to make one of those? Like for real make one?”

I laugh, something extra special about how comfortable we are together—me naked, several things explored…throw in some banter while I’m naked and being explored, yep, that sounds like us all right.

“Shut up and kiss me,” I demand. “You’ve got a trip downtown to get to.”

“Yes fucking ma’am.” He salutes me playfully, our mouths joining ravenously while his right hand sets off on the trip without him.

“Uh, please,” I grovel into his mouth, gnawing his lower lip. “Do that again.”

I don’t know how many digits he slips inside me, it’s hard to tell, but I know it’s my new favorite number. The pad of his thumb pressing down and rubbing circles on my swollen clit has me on the edge of detonation. But his words, that seductive mouth of his, is what finally does it. “Ah, Emmett babe, you’re so sweet and fucking tight for me. If I survive, I’m gonna make you feel so damn good.”

If he survives? My head feels like it’s going to explode off my shoulders, right after my pussy shoots sparks. “What…you’re…doing…Ah!” I lose my voice, my eyes rolling back in my head.

“There’s the spot,” he groans, this thumb working miracles while one of however many fingers presses against a spot inside of me that feels unbelievable. “Don’t tighten up, baby.” He starts sucking on my neck again. “Breathe and relax through it, it’ll last longer. Relax, Emmy, go numb with it.”

I take big, deep breaths, willing my legs to relax, ‘cause currently they’re drawn up tight, as is my whole body, almost like I’m having a seizure. 

“That’s it,” he moans around my breast, where his mouth somehow snuck while I was in the throes of my orgasm. “Better, baby?”

“B-better?” My breathing escalates at the hopeful prospect. “It gets better?”

His husky laugh resonates through the bedroom as his fingers slowly leave me. “I meant, do you feel better, did that take the edge off? But yeah, it does.”

“When do I get to see you?” I playfully tug on the waistband of his shorts.

“Trust me, babe, the longer my shorts stay on, the longer this lasts for you. I’m only human, and you…” he rubs the back of his neck, his head falling back, “you’re out of this world.”

While he’s got his head back and eyes closed, I quickly get up on my knees, closing the gap between us. “Or,” I say, loving that he flinches when my mouth meets his chest, “we could take your edge off too.”

“Emmett,” he growls out, fisting a hand in my hair.

I worship his torso, so broad and hard beneath my lips, placing kisses everywhere, leaving no spot untouched by my mouth. Teasing both nipples with my tongue, I ask him, “Will you wear your piercings in these for me sometime?”

“Done,” he mutters, “anytime you want.”

I nod and grin, pleased and ready for more. “You have a magnificent body, Sawyer.” I bend at the waist, following the trail of my wandering hands over his abdomen with my hungry mouth. “And this,” I lick the groove of his V, “is the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen.”

Straightening back up, I place both hands on his pecs and lean in for a kiss. He doesn’t leave me wanting, doing that thing with his mouth where I enter another realm. Which is probably where I find the courage to quickly make it past his waistband and wrap my hand almost around his dick.

When I saw it that day in the alley, he was obviously going soft, having been finished and all, because MOTHER of HELL!

“Em,” he growls, his hand on the back of my neck, the other in my hair, both gripping down hard.

“Hm?” I hum against his lips, my right hand exploring him.

An odd time I know, but all I can think about right now are Holly and Erica, two girls in my eleventh grade gym class. One day, while dressing in the locker room, I eavesdropped on their non-whispering, vulgar conversation about the many different male appendages they’d “tried out” and their disappointment. According to them, their quest for a dick that was both long and thick was futile, most guys blessed more so in one facet or the other, but never both. Considering they were admitting to being experts, I’ve lived for years under this assumption of what to expect.

Well, here’s to locker room sluts being wrong, because the pulsing, heated cock in my hold is too thick for me to fully circle with my hand and long enough that the head is peeking out from his waistband.

“You’re huge.” I flash my eyes to him, mortified I said that out loud.

“And you’ve got quite the grip.” He winks, then places a chaste kiss on my lips. “You win.” He scoots back and off the bed, standing before me like the Adonis I just found out first hand, he is.

Languidly, he removes his shorts, no underwear, and remains still, letting me look my fill.  He’s so damn sexy, his large body made up of deeply cut lines, bulging muscles, and large, broad shoulders, a fine line of dark hair leading to the beautiful cock straining up to his stomach—perfection. I try my finger crook again, gleeful that this time it works as he climbs, one knee at a time, on the bed toward me. 

“I’m ready, Sawyer, I want to feel you deep inside me.”

“Not yet, Angel. I’m nowhere near done. I still want to—”

“Shh,” I lay a finger over his mouth and stare straight into his eyes as I lie back and hold out my arms to him. “Now.”

He makes a move for the nightstand drawer but I lock onto his wrist and pull him back. “I trust you, Sawyer. Only you inside me.”

“Em?” he says, his grumble and eyes full of doubt.

“Well, we know I won’t get pregnant,” I chuckle nervously. “And I just want to feel you. No jewelry, no barriers, nothing but the two of us. Is that okay?”

“God, yes,” he groans, bending his head to lick up my neck. “Never gone bare, Em, ever. Only with you. Just the two of us.”

I lift his head, my hands on his cheeks and stare him in the eyes. “I believe you, you’d never hurt me.” I kiss him once. “Now feel me.”

Taking his time, gentle and caring, he eases the tip of himself in, back and forth, not even an inch at a time. He kisses my mouth and my neck, asking me over and over if I’m all right, the battle of restraint heavy in his voice. His concern, his scent, his tenderness—they relax me, my gasp matching his rumbling groan when my body fully invites him in. And then he is. Inside me. And it is everything, but nothing like what, and so much more than, I had imagined.

“My Emmett,” he murmurs. “My sweet Emmett.” He slides in and out of me, gentle and unhurried, kissing my face, my lips, my neck, my breasts.

I’ve never felt more adored and safe in my entire life. 

“I can feel everything, baby,” he groans. “You feel like my Heaven. So hot, so tight, so—fuck.” His hands grip my ass, maneuvering me up and closer to him and we gasp together. 

BOOK: Evolve Series Box Set
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