Everything I want: Will Alfie and Lily's love survive?... (28 page)

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Conscious that he hadn’t locked the door, I glanced in its direction until he buried his fingers deep in my folds from behind. He rubbed my clit, making me wet and massaging my sensitive spot with his finger as his tongue delved deep int
o me.

Breaking away from me, Alfie unfastened his buckle, tugging hurriedly, and unbuttoned his jeans, before freeing himself and sliding his thick, hard cock int
o me.

No condom, skin on skin. He gasped, “Fuck.” I moaned loudly. “Fuck, I love the little noises you make. You drive me insane. They make me so fucking horny.” He began to rock into me. “Are you

As soon as I nodded, his movements increased from a fast, steady rocking to hard fucking; it was intense, hot, and animalistic. Alfie sensed me tighten, and I came almost immediately, as Alfie growled, “Damn, do it.” I clenched around him, squeezing him tightly. “Oh my God, Lily. Soooo… tight. Sooo fucking good…

Slowing his pace as I continued to spasm through my climax, he studied me, looking for signs I was beginning to relax. When he saw them, he increased the intensity again, pushing me over the edge into another orgasm, right before he followed. “Goddammit you’re here. This was a fucking wish, and it came true,” he husked raggedly into the back of my

We were both covered in sweat, and Alfie quickly wet a towel, which we wiped ourselves down with, then I went to fix myself up quickly. As we made our way back to our respective bands, Alfie looked guilty and squeezed my hand. “Sorry, I know that was really bad, but I just needed to have you so fucking

He squeezed my hand again in support as our bandmates came into sight. “You know we’re gonna get shit, right?” He smirked. There was no doubt what we’d been doing. We couldn’t hide it this

I was flustered, fumbling my way through the meet and greet with sly looks from Cody and Shawn. When we were making our way back to the dressing room, Cody whispered, “You know that dude Alfie? He’s one lucky son of a …” He shook his head and dragged his hand behind his neck. I was embarrassed but smiled. I wasn’t going to let Cody get the better o
f me.

Walking past the area that was set out for Crakt Soundzz, I looked up and saw Drew first. He smiled and winked at me, then turned back to listen to the guy that was talking to

I caught sight of Alfie, and as I did, a tall redhead flung her arms around him and planted a kiss on his lips. When he held her by her arms, I paused to watch what he did next. He brought her arms down and nodded twice. Henry, his security guy, stepped between them and, with the same motion as I had seen him make at the club, made distance between

Alfie looked across as if he sensed me and signaled for me to approach by waving two fingers in a, “come here,” motion. I walked through the room where various groupies and fans were hanging out, and he stepped around a few to reac
h me.

Taking my hand, he pulled me back to where he’d been sitting. A couple of the women eyed me up and down, one sneering right a
t me.

Alfie placed a hand on my neck and moved my face to his. “Hey,” he cooed. A smile curved on my lips as he whispered in my ear, “These people are no one I want to know, understand me?” I nodded, and he kissed me so tenderly, not caring that we were in a room full of pe

When he let me go, he held my hand. “Please stay with me,” he pleaded. I squeezed his hand, and he rewarded me with a gorgeous dimpled smile and another soft

We chatted with the lingering fans and some paid compliments to XrAid by telling me that they would buy the album. By the time we left the venue it was almost eleven thirty. I was exhausted and so was Alfie. We only had one night in Poland, but we were staying in the hotel again. Tomorrow at six in the morning we were flying to At

Sitting in silence on the way to the hotel, we just cuddled and held hands. Holding hands was amazing. I didn’t really remember even getting into

Alfie was in the shower because he didn’t get time after the gig. I was asleep by the time he was finished. I never even felt him getting into bed with me. I’d been on my feet for about 15 hours, which might not seem harsh to most, but the adrenaline I expended today had left me no stronger than ass

Chapter 28
– M&M’s

oud pounding on the hotel room door startled us awake. “Get your asses out of bed, the plane won’t wait, and the coach is here to transfer us to the airport.” Drew’s voice invaded my warm, fuzzy slumber. Trying to focus my blurry eyes on my phone, I saw it was only five thirt
y am.

I groaned and nudged Alfie. His legs were tangled up in mine, and he was sound asleep. When I tried to move, his arm reached out seeking me under the covers, and he snaked it around my waist, drawing me close to his warm body. “C,mere,” he c

I tried again. “Drew says the bus is waiting Alfie, come on.” He cleared his throat. “Tell him we’ll get the next one,” he muttered, snuggling his face into my neck. It tickled, and I knew I was going to have to get him out of bed, or I’d be flat on my back, doing something a lot more pleasurable than sitting on a bus at the butt crack of

Giggling, I nudged him. “Come on rock star, you need to shake your ass out of this bed, we have a job to do.” He grumbled and stretched his arms going up under the pillow as he pulled it into his face, squashing his c

I slipped out from under the comforter and dragged it away with me, taking the sheet as well. Alfie was lying naked, face down on the bed. I sighed, and he peeked up at me with one eye. “I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of that.” I wi

Alfie smirked, still lying on his stomach in the same position. “Damn, you’re objectifying me a

I smirked, “Of course I am. I have to have some p

He chuckled. “So…I’m a t

I leaned over and spanked his ass playfully. “Of course you are, you’re right up there with M&M’s…the peanut

He sat up and raised his eyebrows. “M&M’s

I nodded. “Yep, I’m serious about my treats.” Alfie shuffled across the mattress and stood up next to me, taking the comforter and sheet from my h

“It’s the nuts… the common factor, between me and candy?” he asked wiggling his finger. “Or is it that once you’ve had a taste you just have to keep going back for more? I mean, can anyone only eat like five peanut M

Alfie smirked and walked past me, turning back to drop to his knees and sink his teeth playfully into my ass cheek. “Get your pretty ass covered up, we’ve got a bus to catch.” He smacked it playfully and ran into the bath

Loud knocking interrupted us as we were dressing. “Come on, the fuck guys. We’re all sitting waiting for y’all.” Drew was screaming from the other side of the door again. Alfie walked over and pulled the door

“Dude, we’re up. I had to see to Lily’s nut fetish before could get out of here, but you’re good to go now honey, right?” My mouth gaped at Alfie, and I twisted my lips, making my way over to the

I pushed past him. My hand briefly patted his chest, and Drew stood aside to make room for me to step into the hallway. Carrying my large leather holdall and oversized bag, I turned and sneered at Alfie, then flicked my gaze over to Drew. “In his dreams, Drew, the guy is a fantasist what can I

I heard them both chuckling and Alfie explained, “Dude, you can totally see why I’m so into her, can’t you? She’s got a sassy, smart mouth, but I’ll keep you posted on the nut fetish, she’s only let that one slip this morning, and I didn’t have time to explore it

They both chuckled as I shook my head at them and smirked as I entered the elevator Alfie dropped his bag and took mine out of my hands and handed them to Drew. “Here Drew, make yourself us

Alfie slipped his hands from my stomach to my back, his fingers probing the back pockets of my jeans and pulling me flush against his hips. “That’s better, I’m definitely awake

He smiled and dropped his mouth to my neck, his hot breath soothing me until the elevator stopped on the ground floor. He inhaled and straightened up, kissed me chastely on the lips, then bent down and picked up his bag. He scooped me into his side, and we headed for the

There were cheers as we stepped on to the bus. One of the PAs was sitting with styro-foam cups of coffee in one of those cardboard cup holders. Alfie took one and offered it to me. I shook my

Des was annoyed and shouted at Alfie, “Did you have to leave us sitting on the fucking bus while you got your rocks off, dude?” Alfie turned and smirked, cocking an eyebrow at him. “Des, dude, it’s been ten fucking minutes since Drew woke us, does Lily look like someone I could only spend ten minute
s on?”

Both Des and Alfie glanced at me together, and I was mortified. Alfie turned his attention back to Des. “So…to answer your question numb nuts, I wasn’t getting laid, but I hope to remedy that later when we get to where we’re going,

Alfie gestured me into a window seat on the coach, then settled himself beside me, chuckling quietly at the dazed face that Des was spor

Alfie’s hand fell to rest on my thigh, and he squeezed it a little. “Sorry, he pisses me off complaining all the time.” In the time I’d been around all of the guys in the two bands, I had grown a thick skin and was now able to keep my feelings to myself no matter how embarrassed I felt at what they

“You need something to drink?” Alfie gestured the coffee at me again. I shook my head. “Nah, I’m good,” I said searching into my oversized bag. “What’re you looking for?” I smirked and pulled out a half-eaten family pack of peanut M&M’s. “I’m just doing a spot of research.” I winked and popped some in my m

Alfie smirked and whispered, “No matter how many of them you pop into your mouth Lily, they’ll never satisfy you like my nuts

We both chuckled, and Elle piped up, “What the hell has got you two giggling at this time in the morning?” Alfie smiled over at her. “Lily’s love of M&M’s, Elle.” He wi

Once we were settled on the plane and in the air, it was like we’d all been shot with tranquilizer darts. Everyone slept like they’d been drugged, and I woke with a crick in my neck and Alfie slumped against me. Our fingers were interlaced and aching. I slipped my hand out of his and sat up stra

I couldn’t help laughing out loud at the sight of everyone else around me, especially Elle, who was wearing an eye mask that had slipped and was half across her cheek, one eye visible. Her hair looked a tangled mess, and she was hanging off the side of the chair with her head on her lap like a rag

One of the cabin crew members brought me some orange juice and a hot flannel to freshen up. It was bliss. She mouthed that she was turning the cabin lights on in ten minutes. I sat watching Alfie sleep, thinking that I would never get enough of just being able to look at his

This beautiful man was one of the world’s greats. A special person who rose above others in what he did, yet he was amazingly unaffected by the crazy world he lived in. That fact alone made me love him even more, if that was at all poss

We had started our relationship in a bad way, and it had taken us both quite a journey to where we were now, but it made me treasure it even more for all we’ve been thr

The rest of the journey and the transfer went smoothly, and we had another night in a hotel. Having experienced sleeping on a bus by then, it was luxury. I was still looking forward to the time we’d spend on the bus though, because that would be special time with just Drew, Elle, Alfie, an
d me.

Athens was a truly historical city, full of landmarks I’d been taught about in school. The venue wasn’t as big as the one in Poland, holding only about twelve thousand, but the crowd was just as r

I couldn’t get past the fact that Alfie’s band was known worldwide, and even somewhere like Greece, with all its ancient culture, had fans of the music Crakt Soundzz pl

The fans were much more polite, though, which was great for Alfie. It meant that he could at least have a sense of normalcy and wander around the str

He commented that just being able to sit in a small roadside café with me gave him so much pleasure now. It was the simple things he struggled to do now, without someone needing to speak to him or being disrespectful to me by hitting on

The gig went well and was fairly uneventful, apart from when one of my strings broke and caught in my hair briefly. Luckily, the guitar tech had my reserve guitar to me in seconds, and Lennon helped me get loose of the string before I stopped the flow of the m

Even the meet and greet was short. The event organizers and promoters were all polite and the after show food and drinks finished at a decent hour. We were in bed by 1am, and even though we were tired, Alfie still made good on his comment to Des from this morning about taking his time wit
h me.

It felt like deja vu when woke to knocking. It was room service. Alfie padded into the bathroom and pulled a towel around him before going to an

A small stocky woman, dressed in a crisp powder blue uniform with black braided hair and olive skin, wheeled a tray over to the balcony. She pulled the stainless steel lids off the plates of meat, cheese, bread and bowls of fruit and bowed her head as she started to l

Alfie dug into his jeans and pulled out some Euros, handing them to her. Her dark brown eyes lit up. It must have been a lot, and she thanked him profusely, bowing and walking backwards until he closed the door behind her. “Sheesh, Alfie, competition for me?” I grumbled in mock disappoint

When we had eaten breakfast Alfie arranged for us to take an early sightseeing bus trip. The driver stopped at the Parthenon and The Acropolis, where once again, Alfie set up his camera and took pictures to replace the ones in my album. “God, Lily, you have no idea how happy I am right now,” he exclaimed, kissing me sloppily on the c

He dipped his head to look at me and whispered, “I love you,” as he tucked my hair back behind my ears and kissed me slowly. An elderly English woman who was getting back on the bus cleared her th

“Oh, my, you both look so in love, you could probably get a job modeling for the tourist board here,” she swo

Alfie chuckled. “Thanks for the vote of confidence ma’am, if my regular employers get fed up with me I’ll keep it in

We headed back to the hotel and once again, we were on the road. We flew to Italy, and had two venues to play there: Milan and Rome. We were playing two nights in Rome then we were heading to Milan by bus overn

In Rome, we’d been to the Coliseum and to The Vatican for Alfie to collect memories of us during the day, and my heart was bursting with happiness having all this time together. The gigs were amazing, and the Italian crowds lived up to their hot, passionate reputat

I was so excited when I saw the bus we were staying on when we moved our stuff from the hotel the last day in Rome. I could barely contain myself. Just like Alfie said, there were two double beds on the bus. It was more like a large motor home really, but seemed to be coach-size. Alfie and I took the room at the back of the bus, and Elle and Drew had the one in the middle, which was slightly sma

Our large cases had been moved onto the bus for us, so we unpacked then settled ourselves in with some cheese and wine we found in the fridge. Elle was like a big kid, running around opening doors and squealing with what new surprises she f

We had another nine days on this bus, before we swapped with the other band, who was currently with Cobham St

I was beginning to get pangs of regret that we wouldn’t be with Crakt Soundzz for the whole tour by then, but it was the right decision for the band. It wouldn’t have been fair to commit them indefinitely because of my personal feel

Shaking my depressing thoughts aside, I was determined not to think about leaving. I was happy to spend more time with Alfie without any demands on us for the first time, while we were on the bus an

There was a shower between the two rooms, and after I unpacked I went to freshen up while Alfie did some vocal stuff and rehearsed a little on his guitar. Stepping back in the room, I opened my towel to dry myself and screamed loudly when a truck driver pulled alongside the large window at the side of the

I dove down the furthest side of the bed naked, and Alfie’s body folded over with laughter. “They can’t see you honey, it’s one-way glass.” He leaned over and pulled me up and across him. The guy in the truck was examining the bus, and I was still squirming trying to hide my

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