Everything I Shouldn't / Everything I Need (20 page)

BOOK: Everything I Shouldn't / Everything I Need
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When I'm sure he's gone, I head for the stairs, running up them and shutting myself in my room. I strip off the costume, exchanging it for skinny jeans, a long d pink henley and a hoodie before heading back out to the party. I don't see Jeremy on my way out, and I'm thankful because I don't want him to think I changed because he wanted me to. In reality, I changed because dressing like that isn't me. I only put that on to torture him.

Pulling up to the house where Livvie, Emmett and Wyatt are waiting for me, I send her a quick text to let her know I'm here. When she replies with where they are, I head inside to find them. It takes me a few minutes to get through all the people in the living room, but I make it to the kitchen where my friends are standing, drinking and talking. Scooting next to Wyatt, I slip an arm around his waist to hug him and he wraps an arm around mine in return. He places a kiss on the top of my head in hello before going back to his conversation with Emmett and Clay, leaving me to deal with Livvie's questions.

"Oh boo!" she exclaims. "You changed! How come?" She has her head cocked sideways as she studies me, which looks really funny when you take into account the horn on the top of her head. I can't believe she chose the unicorn costume.

Rolling my eyes, I tell her, "Liv, you know that a costume that shows my butt isn't my thing. I changed after Jeremy saw it." I know the grin that spreads across my face speaks volumes, but Livvie doesn't get the chance to ask what happened because Clay butts in to the conversation.

"Whoa! Wait a sec - your costume showed your ass? Baby, why didn't you wear it for me?" He pouts comically, and my smile widens.

Reaching over, I run a finger down his bare arm. "Because Clay, if I wore that outfit here, you'd come in your pants and we don't want everyone to know just how....
...you are." I can feel Wyatt shaking beside me with silent laughter and Emmett isn't even trying to hold it in, laughing loudly while Clay scowls at all of us.

"Fuck all y'all. That shit ain't right." He starts to pout, which just makes Emmett and Wyatt laugh harder until finally, Clay walks off.

Biting my bottom lip, I watch him leave before looking up at Wyatt. "Too much?" I ask him, but he just shakes his head.

"Definitely not, babe. That was awesome." He hugs me closer to his side and I relax into him, wishing again that I could feel something other than friendship for him. It would make my life so much easier if I was in love with him instead. Unfortunately, I didn't get a choice, but I am glad I have a friend like him.



avid has a girl, a real live
over for dinner tonight! If I wasn't so excited that he has someone to focus on besides me, I might be jealous of her getting my brother's attention, but since I started spending so much time with Wyatt, he's become the definition of over-protective. I'm pretty sure even if Wyatt and I
in a romantic relationship, he'd never touch me...my brother is just that scary.

I was hoping to be out of the house before they came back to the kitchen, but I couldn't find my phone so now, I'm standing at the top of the stairs listening to their conversation like a creeper. I feel even more like one when their conversation stops and I know I'm standing here listening to them making out. There's no way I can go down the stairs now and even if I went down the front stairs I'd have to go through the kitchen to get to the pool house, so I'm pretty much stuck.

As soon as I hear them talking again, I run down the stairs, making as much noise as possible and hoping I don't walk in on them doing the dirty on the counters or anywhere else. When I walk in, Lyric is sitting at the bar and my brother is cooking. Good boy! Show her you can cook and maybe she'll hang around long enough for me to get a little freedom. There's a bowl of olives sitting on the counter, so as I walk through, I grab one and pop it into my mouth. I don't know why more people don't like olives, I

"Where are you going tonight?" David asks as I walk past him.

I shrug, "I'm going to go see what Jer's doing. If he's busy, I guess I'll hit up Liv."

"I think he's in the pool house." David raises an eyebrow at me before continuing, "But, if you wind up with Olivia, try not to get into too much trouble, okay?"

Jeez dad, pay attention to your date and leave me alone. Seriously...he's got a hot girl here, and he's worried about what I'm going to do for the night? He's wound way too tight. Rolling my eyes I say in a placating tone, "Whatever big bro. You know I'll behave."

"Yeah, but your definition of behaving and mine are vastly different," he scowls at me; clearly he's not going to cut me any slack.

Laughing, I open the door before looking over my shoulder and smirking at them both. "Don't do anything I wouldn't do!" Then, closing the door I skip down the steps to the path to the pool house where Jeremy already told me he would be. As I walk, I reflect on the past few months, well really, the past year. Since last New Year's Eve, my friendship with Jeremy has been strained and Wyatt has kind of taken his place as my guy bestie. In some ways, that's a really good thing, because my "bestie" is the last thing I want Jeremy to be. In others, it's not so great because now I'm faced with trying to put Jeremy in his own little box. A box I'm not sure he wants to get in.

If you had asked me before that night, I would have told you that Jeremy absolutely had feelings for me that were the opposite of brotherly. There were so many moments that had me certain of that. But, after the misunderstandings and drama that night, and Jeremy going home with the skank from hell, he didn't forgive me right away. Well, he
he forgave me, that he got why I said I wanted to keep "us" on the down low, but forgiving and forgetting are two very different things. I really thought we were getting back on track, and then he found me in my room with Wyatt and misunderstood the situation again. I feel like I spend most of my time chasing Jeremy down to explain why I said or did something and it sucks. Tonight, I'm finally going to make my move.

I probably wouldn't have the courage for this, except Halloween and the few months since; he's acted more like he did before I screwed everything up. And, after the things he said on Halloween, I know that he wants me, at least sexually. Now I just need to know if he still wants me the way he did on New Year's, and if he does, I need to convince him to not tell David. It shouldn't be hard considering how overprotective my brother's been lately. Jeremy has commented on it to David and me so I know he's aware of how ridiculous it's become.

When I walk inside the pool house, Jeremy is lounging on the couch watching a race, not paying any attention to me coming in until I sit down beside him, pulling my knees up underneath me and cuddling up to his side. Without turning his attention away from the screen, he puts an arm around me, not pulling me closer, but not pushing me away either.

"Hey Little Bit," he murmurs absentmindedly and my chest warms from the nickname. He used to call me that all the time, but now he only uses it when he's feeling particularly sentimental or I'm doing something sweet. We sit in silence, him watching the race and me watching him. I'm feeling a little pouty because he hasn't even looked at my outfit, one I picked especially for him.

Granted, it's not overtly sexy, because that would have raised questions from my brother that I'm not prepared to answer right now, but it's cute. I'm wearing a ruffled pink, purple and black plaid skirt that ends about three inches above my knee and a black short sleeved fitted sweater, plus a pair of black thigh high stockings and a pair of heeled black mary janes that I toed off when I sat down on the couch. I left my hair down so that it's wavy around my shoulders.

After ten minutes of Jeremy ignoring me for the television, I gather up enough courage to sit up on my knees facing him. When he turns to face me, his eyes wide but wary, I position myself over his lap with a knee on each side of his hips, kneeling over him but not actually sitting on his lap. His hands immediately come to rest on my hips as he watches me, one eyebrow raised like he's challenging me. I wrap my arms around his neck, and start to lean down to kiss his lips.

"What are you doing, SarahBeth?" Jeremy asks, leaning back to keep our lips from meeting. If he has to ask what I'm doing, I'm obviously not doing it right.

I try to pull him closer to me, but he resists, so with a huff I lean forward and brush my lips against his. "I'm
to kiss you, Jer, but you're not making it very easy on me."



Fuck me
. She's practically sitting on my lap and she's wrapped around me so I can feel every part of her tight little body. I should fucking get sainthood for resisting her, especially since she's alternating between trying her damnedest to stick her tongue in my mouth and giving me puppy dog eyes every time I pull back from her.

When I ask her what she's doing, she tells me very matter-of-factly that she's trying to kiss me, but I'm not making it very easy on her. Then, she touches her lips to mine and just like every other time we've done this, we both lose control. My hands tighten on her tiny little hips and I pull her down so that she's sitting fully in my lap. All I'm wearing is a t-shirt and a lose pair of sweatpants which don't leave much to the imagination so as soon as her panty covered pussy touches my cock it's all I can do not to fucking come like a teenage boy.

SarahBeth whimpers into my mouth, moving almost imperceptibly against me to the point I think my head is going to explode - pun
. Her movements are jerky, the movements of an inexperienced girl, and even though I
she was still a virgin, the confirmation has me wanting to beat my fucking chest. I move my hands up her sides, stopping when my thumbs are just under the swell of her breasts, feeling the heat of her body. She stiffens slightly at my touch, breaking away from my mouth to sigh breathily. My lips trail along her jaw before biting her ear lobe gently, causing her to settle more firmly on top of my erection.

"Mmmm baby," I murmur in her ear as I move one hand back down to her waist to help direct her movements, keeping them more rhythmic. Once she gets the hang of it, I trail my fingers back up her side, brushing the tip of her breast lightly with the back of my hand before wrapping it around the back of her neck, tipping her head to the side to give me better access to her neck.

SarahBeth's breath gets faster as I feast on her throat, sucking lightly before biting down, stopping just at the point where I'd leave a mark on her skin. Having her walk back into the house with my mark on her wouldn't be smart, no matter how much I want everyone to know she's mine. I straighten so I can look into her eyes and see that they're glazed over, her lids lowered with her arousal and her lips swollen from our earlier kisses. Taking her mouth with mine I tangle our tongues together at the same time I move my hand so that it's covering her breast, feeling her nipple pebble against it even with the layer of clothing and her bra between us.

Her hips are moving faster than before and I can damn near feel the dampness between her legs through my pants. I want nothing more than to feel her, but I know if I cross that line, we'll be crossing every other line tonight and I just can't do that. Instead, I thrust my hips up into hers, rubbing harder to please us both. Her breath catches and her hands tighten around my neck as she buries her face into me. Fuck that. I want to see her face when she comes. I know she's close by the way her body is trembling and the fact that her breathing is fast and stuttering.

It only takes a few more thrusts of my own hips into her center before she cries out, her eyes going blank and her mouth dropping open. God
. SarahBeth orgasming is the most beautiful sight I've ever seen. We continue to move against each other, even as she sags into me, her body jerking slightly as she calms down, her breaths coming out in little gasps against my throat.

BOOK: Everything I Shouldn't / Everything I Need
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