Everything I Need (18 page)

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Authors: Natalie Barnes

BOOK: Everything I Need
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Grinning, his dark eyes rake up my body to my swimsuit top. He levers himself above me on one arm, caressing my body while working his hand upward to my breast. He doesn’t undo the tie around my back as I was expecting him to. With his index finger, he pushes the cups down, pushing my breasts up over the underwire. His knees are on either side of my waist as he leans over my body, kneading both breasts now in his rough hands.

Moving my hips side to side, I’m trying to gain relief from the ache of my arousal. Tristan nips at one of my nipples, pulling it into his mouth and grazing the hard pebble with his teeth. His facial hair is rough and begins to make my skin feel raw, but I fucking love it! Tilting my head back, I start panting harder. I need him inside of me.

He sits back on his heels. My body quickly reacts to the lost of warmth of his nearness. Lifting my head back up, I pinch my eyebrows together. Huh? Leaning back on his arms, which are flexing as he holds himself up on them, he bites his bottom lip now with his eyes cast down on me. He nods at me with his chin.

“Come here and turn around.”

His voice is husky and I’m on my hands and knees in a fucking second, crawling up to him. I start to turn myself around when Tristan’s hands grab hold of my waist and lift me so that I’m sitting on him with my back to his chest. His hard on is pressing against my back. Breathing hard in my ear, he lifts me above him so I reach down and take hold of him, positioning him at my entrance.

“So wet, my girl,” he whispers in my ear as I deliberately take him inch by hard inch.

“Ah. . .”

My head falls back on his shoulder once he’s completely inside of me. He stills for a moment before moving my hips up and down on him. My knees are bent out to the sides, my ankles rubbing up against either side of his massive thighs as my body arches back.

I take over my movements, bracing my hands against his thighs. His hands let go of my hips and rub my stomach, moving up to my breasts. With Tristan fucking me like this, I can feel him hitting my sweet spot with every thrust, causing sharp, pleasurable stabs deep within me. He uses his hand and runs it slowly up my neck, tilting my head back as he grazes his tongue along my jaw. Our breathing picks up as he starts slamming into me.

“Fuck, Tristan!” I plead, almost wanting him to stop. I’m so close, but my arms are getting too weak to hold myself up.

“You can fucking take it,” his deep voice rumbles in my ear. “Fucking take it!”

“Ah, shit!”

I close my eyes tight as I fall into ecstasy. Every muscle locks as my pussy holds onto his dick inside me. My blood runs hot through my veins and my belly drops.

“FUCK!” I yell before falling onto Tristan. I hear him say something but for the fucking life of me, I have no clue what it is. Pushing on my shoulders, he bends my upper half over his torso as he starts driving into me. After a few more thrusts, I feel his warmth spill into me as he grips my ass hard, pulling my cheeks apart. Fuck!

He falls back onto the floor. I’m still in this awkward as fuck position on top of him, but I can’t fucking move. Thank God I’ve been doing yoga for a while, or this shit would really fucking destroy me.

I wince as I pull myself up and try to crawl off him. Once I remove myself from him, I collapse back onto the floor. I can feel his cum leaking down my thigh, but right now, I just don’t give a shit.

Damn. After the fucking we did just now and last night and then not eating anything all day, I can’t do shit right now. I feel Tristan move, then he scoops me into him hard, nuzzling me into his chest as he brings me over to the bed.

“Tristan?” I whimper. He sets my sore body down and pulls the sheets over me.

“Yeah, my girl?”

Oh, God. I love it when he calls me that. Warmth spreads through me at the thought of being his.

“You wouldn’t mind grabbing something from the fridge, would you?” I croak out weakly.

He chuckles at me before laying a kiss on my head.

“No problem. Anything you want?” he asks as he wraps a towel around his waist. His chest looks fanfuckingtastic with sweat beads rolling off it. I love the fucking V shit, too!

“I don’t care.” I get out before rolling on my side, getting more comfortable.

How fucking crazy is this shit? I would have never guessed this would happen just a few days ago. Now look, we’re actually happy and he’s waiting on me. But my good mood dies when I remember that I was supposed to call Benny back.


Chapter Seventeen





Tristan is the one that left this time, I notice when I wake up in the morning. Waiting by the door with my bags, I wonder what the fuck is going on. Last night, after he fed me, he pulled me into him, whispering, “I love you.” I know I may have been off, it was because of what I have to face today. Whatever! Maybe he regretted it or something. I’m not like a virgin on prom night that you have to say ‘I love you’ to in order to get them into bed. But the fact is that I actually admitted how I felt, too. I’m kind of wondering if I should have kept that shit to myself.

I’m wearing the same jeans that I came here in, the dark colored ones, but I opted for a gray tank. I wait for Tristan to come down, nervously running my hands through my hair. It’s starting to wave since I let it air dry today.

Ryan throws his duffle bag over the top banister. It lands with a thud as it hits the floor. I see him disappear back off into his room and out of the corner of my eye, I see Caleb rounding the corner. Typical Caleb, grinning as usual.

“How’s it going?”

I nod my head, giving him a weak smile back.

“Going good.”

He rests his suitcase up against the wall and pulls out a cigarette.

“What do you think of the song?” he asks as the smoke bellows out his mouth.

Looking over at him, my face lights up. I actually really like the song. It’s pretty much the lightest track that I’ve worked with since my second album, even though it’s about a break up. Most of my band’s new album is harder and pretty dark. Cory’s death had a big influence on us when we were writing.

One by one, the rest of the guys crowd around the door. Tristan is the last to come down, waiting for the drivers to show up before leaving his room. Pissed off, I take hold of the handle of my suitcase and begin to make my way outside. Suddenly I feel him behind me, tugging on my handle.

“I got it,” he says to me as I look over my shoulder.

I let go and watch him walk by me with his arms full of both of our luggage. Gawd! He’s such a brute.

Taking my steps lazily behind him, I watch him toss our luggage in the back of the SUV. He does it himself, ignoring the driver. When he’s done, he faces me and stretches out his hand for me to take. I quirk my eyebrow at him, folding my arms over my chest. He’s ignored me all morning. Besides, I don’t want to play the couple card yet. His hand drops and his eyes harden as he steps into my space. Standing my ground, I tilt my head back to get a better look at him when he closes in.

“What’s the problem?” he asks as he wraps his arm around my waist, pulling me into him.

Pushing off his chest with my hands, I quickly scan my eyes over to make sure the other guys aren’t seeing this public display of affection. Nope. Thank God! They’re all piling into the SUVs. Tucking a piece of my hair behind my ear, I do a quick shrug, looking down. This shit is so crazy, I don’t really know what to do. He brings both of his hands up to either side of my face, forcing me to look up. His eyes search my face as I stare back up at him.

“Tristan. . .” I squeak because my nerves are starting to go into overdrive with everything that’s about to happen. He still holds my face, not saying anything, so I go on. “When we get back to LA . . .”

I step back so his hands release my face, tucking my hands into my front pockets. His arms fall to his sides and I’m kind of intimidated to go on. Something about his size and masculinity turns me on but also freaks me the fuck out. I don’t think he’s going to like what I have to say next, but it’s for the best, for everyone. The tendons in his neck pulse as he works his jaw. I might as well just get it out.

“They can never know what we’ve done.”

He cocks his head to the side, rolling his eyes at me as if I’ve just said something ridiculous. His eyes narrow on me, but I stand my ground, pleading him with my gaze to understand. Tristan steps back and folds his arms over his chest. Damn. I love how his t-shirt looks like it wants to rip off of him. Fuck!
Time to think seriously, Sophia!
I remind myself. It’s so fucking hard to do around him, though. I swear, my freaking body just wants to have him inside of me all the fucking time.


“Why the fuck not? You’re MY girl. And another thing Sophia . . . I don’t fucking share. You better get rid of that fucking boy when you get back or I’m going to,” he threatens.

Oh, hell no! My eyes widen at him with my lips push into a tight line.
Don’t cause a scene. Don’t cause a scene.
After counting to fucking ten, I let go. Moving up on him like he used to do to me, I poke hard on his chest with my finger as if that would do anything, but I want him to know that he can’t control me.

“Tristan, let’s get a couple fucking things straight.” I try to keep my voice down so the others can’t pick up on our conversation. With the glare Tristan’s giving me, I swear could kill any man right now. But I’m too pissed to give a damn. I go on, practically growling at him.

“I don’t want Benny, obviously,” I say sarcastically, rolling my eyes. “But I don’t want to hurt him, either. Have some fucking compassion, would ya?”

Tristan lets out a sinister cackle, rubbing his hand up and down his face. He stops and glares down at me again.

“Compassion? Sophia, did you have any compassion for the guy when my cock was buried inside of you all them fucking times?”

Motherfucker! If I wasn’t in love with this fucker, I would fucking slap, no, punch him in the face right now.

“Fuck you!” I spit out at him, making my way around him.

Tristan reaches out and grabs my elbow, stopping me. Whipping my head to the side, I glare up at him. He’s breathing deeply as his teeth clench together. We stand there for I don’t know how long, doing our fucking glare down at one another before he dips his head and growls in my ear.

“Don’t you ever fucking say that to me again unless you want me to shove my cock in you. Do you fucking get me?”

I shiver at his words, which send liquid heat running to my core. Yanking my elbow harder and pulling me back, he goes on.

“You’re mine, Sophia. I waited and fucking suffered enough to have you, and I’m not letting you go. So do whatever you have to do, but we’re not finished! You got me?”

Then I feel his hot breath on my skin as he trails his tongue below my ear, laying an open-mouthed kiss underneath it. Shit! Pulling myself free, I maneuver around him, walking over to the SUV. He can ride in the other one. Right now, I need a little fucking space to get my head straight. Damn.

The first SUV is mainly for our luggage, but Ryan and Gunner are seated in the back. I hurry up and hop into the front and slam the door shut. Fastening my seat belt, I see Tristan glaring at me in the side mirror as he takes his seat in the front of the second SUV. My phone then vibrates in my back pocket. Lifting to one side, I pull it out. It’s Benny.

“Shit!” I hiss under my breath.

What time should I pick you up today? Your friends told me that Lux’s planned a special dinner tonight at eight. I think they said at “Cut.”

Okay, I got this.
Damn, I’m such a bitch. I’m lowest of the low.

I think Lux has a driver already planned? But thanks anyways.

What am I going to do about tonight? I can’t break up with him at the restaurant, but I know I can’t do it before then, either. Shit!

I’m not really feeling up to it. I think I’m just going to stay home tonight.

Laying my phone in my lap, the driver takes off around the circular driveway heading out. I stare out through the side mirror, looking back at Lux’s tropical oasis. I would rather just stay here and hide out for a while than have to face reality. My phone goes off again.

Hon, it’s fine. We’ll go to dinner then head back over to your place. I have to get back to work. I’ve got a conference call from France again today, so I’ll meet you there tonight. Bye, gorgeous. Can’t wait to see you.

After reading his text I already know I’m screwed. Tristan is going to flip the fuck out seeing me walk in with Benny, keeping up a façade that everything is fine. I will tell him. Shit, I don’t want to hurt him, but I will let him know tonight after dinner for sure.
Please Tristan, please don’t freak
, I pray to myself. I can already tell that it’s gonna be a bitch of a flight.  




Sophia is different since we left the house. She’s acting as if she is nervous to be around me now. I wonder if it’s the way I spoke to her? I don’t know. She had better not have gotten second fucking thoughts over there.

I close in on her as we approach the jet. Her shoulders tense the closer I get. Reaching out with my hand, I squeeze her tiny waist firmly so she slows. She doesn’t look up at me but her shoulders slump, almost as if she’s defeated or some shit.

Stopping us abruptly, I let the other guys make their way onto the flight. I keep my eyes locked on hers. We’re not leaving this spot until she lets me know what the fuck is going on in that beautiful, fucked up head of hers.

“Tristan, we’ve got to go,” she whispers, staring straight ahead. I shake my head ‘no’ at her.

“Not ’til you tell me what is fucking going on with you.”

“Can we just talk on the plane or when we get back, please?”

At that last part she looks up at me, pleading me with her eyes to drop it. Fuck that!

“No,” I growl. She rolls her eyes at me, then places her soft hands on my forearms, gripping them tightly, like she’s holding on for dear life. I fucking love it when she touches me. Any form of contact makes my dick instantly hard.

“Tristan, don’t flip out!” she says forcefully to me. I’m kind of shocked at how she’s gone from timid to demanding. Giving her a quick nod, she continues. “Lux planned some dinner tonight- ”

“I know,” I cut her off. Where the fuck is she going with this?

“So. . . I’m not going to have time to talk to Benny ’til after.”

“Fuck that!” I say exasperatedly, tilting my head back.

“Tristan!” Sophia’s voice sounds threatening, her nails now digging into my forearms. Swallowing hard, I look back down at her.

“I’m not going to be able to see him until then. He’s busy working all day and will be meeting me there tonight. And there’s no fucking way I’m dumping him there, damn it!”

She loosens her grip on me now and softly says, “I promise after, I will. I want to be with you, but that also means we will have to keep this-” She gestures between us with her delicate finger, “on the down low for a bit. With the tour about to start again, and. . .”

“And him?” I say through gritted teeth. Her big blue eyes look pained, but she nods. Grinding my teeth together, I narrow my eyes on her; hers are still beautiful and bright, staring up at me. This woman. . .

“Fuck it!”

I reach down and scoop her up into my arms, holding her close to my chest.

“Tristan!” she hisses at me, but I don’t fucking care. The guys won’t say shit, and I’m not going to hide forever. She’ll be lucky if she gets a fucking week. I stomp up the steps with Sophia pressing her face into my chest. My embarrassed little thing. She’s gonna pay me back for putting me through this shit, and I’m collecting the first payment . . . now!

Ryan looks up briefly before quickly looking back down at his phone. Dave doesn’t notice a damn thing, just sits off in the corner, braiding his fucking hair. I keep my eyes focused on the back door until I hear Caleb’s voice behind us.

“Are you two going to be the newest members in the mile high club?”

“Oh, God!” Sophia whimpers into my chest, but I ignore him.

The rest of the guys start laughing as I kick open the door and toss her on the bed. Immediately she tries to scramble away.

“Don’t fucking move!” I point at her and she instantly stills. Closing the door behind me, I hear Caleb tell the guys to put in their earphones.

Sophia’s tank rides up on her soft, tanned belly, showing me that perfect skin of hers. With one hand, I reach behind me and yank my shirt off. She’s panting now but shaking her head ‘no’ at the same time. Giving her a shrewd smirk, I start undoing my belt.

“You know how bad I wanted to fuck you when you first stepped on this plane?” I ask as she watches me undress in front of her.

Her eyes glisten as she sees more of my flesh revealed. After I finish undoing the buttons, I lean back with my arms crossed over my chest. I point at her with my chin.

“Take off your clothes and lay on your stomach!” I command in a low voice.

“Tristan, we can’t.”

“I’m going to rip that shit off of you if you don’t fucking start getting naked right now!”

My voice sounds so cold, but the inside of me is running hot. If she’s not going to let this ‘Ben’ dude know anything yet and keep us a secret, than she’s going to let me fuck her . . . hard!

She kneels up on the small bed. Full size, my ass! Taking the hem of her tank between her fingers, she tilts her head back as she brings it up and over. Her long hair falls around her shoulders as she stares straight into my eyes. Fuck me! She wasn’t wearing a damn bra. I fucking knew it. Her nipples are hard and with every shallow breath she takes, her heavy breasts rise and fall.

I fucking love her tits. Not fake, but not sagged out, either. Fucking perfect! She runs her hands slowly down her stomach, coming to rest on the top of her jeans. She holds on to them with one hand, using the other to pop the button open. Tugging them lightly down her thighs, she gracefully leans back and pulls them completely off her.

I take in the sight. I’m already feeling drunk off of her. She’s wearing this little white silk thong, showing the sides of that ass of hers as she rolls over to her stomach, teasing me. Moving up on her hands and knees, she pushes that ass out in front of me and my dick twitches. With one hand pushed down on the mattress, propping herself up, she runs the other one over her ass as she takes hold of the elastic band.

“No!” I growl. I want that fucking sweet little piece on.

Stepping over to the side of the bed, I see Sophia watching me. Using my hands to hold myself up, I lean in and run my tongue over her bare ass cheek. I feel her body quiver as I do. I start slowly, firmly, caressing her thigh, working my hand up to her pussy.

“Fuck girl!” I hiss.

She’s already drenched. From behind, I slide my finger inside her wet panties. Pushing them out of the way, I begin to stroke her from her clit to her sweet little puckered asshole, running her juices around her. Sophia moans as her head falls forward, her hair covering her face.

My finger keeps spreading her juices around as I position myself behind her and press my face into her ass. Gripping her cheeks, I spread them far apart. I blow on her opening then slide my tongue inside her luscious pussy.

“Ah, fuck!” she whimpers again.

Soon those whimpers are going to be screams. I may be starting this all nice, but it’s gonna end rough.

Pulling my tongue out of her, I place my hand between her shoulder blades and press her down. I rest my knee on the bed as I balance on the other leg. I lean over her and run the tip of my cock around her wet pussy, slapping her clit with it every so often. Without warning, I jam it right in her,
, filling her completely.

“FUCK!” she yells before burying her face in the mattress. I piston myself in and out of her, not giving her time to adjust. I twist her hair around my hand, turning her face sideways again.

“No! I wanna hear you!” I yell at her as I keep pounding her.

Her eyes close tight as she tucks those full lips in her mouth, trying to stay quiet. But every time I plunge deep inside her, I swivel my hips around, causing her to moan louder.

“So fucking wet. Mmm. . .” I moan out the last part as I, too, tuck my lips into my mouth.

Releasing her abruptly, I pull out and bend over. Gripping her shoulders, I flip her onto her back. Her eyelids are heavy and her mouth hangs open with every breath she takes. Taking a fistful of her hair again, I lift her up as I shove my cock in her face.

“You don’t wanna be loud, Sophia? Use this to fill that mouth of yours, then.”

Again, not giving her any time to adjust herself, I slam it to the back of her throat. She gags on it for a second before regaining herself and starts sucking me off forcefully. Using her hands, she grabs my base as the other grips my ass, digging them damn nails into it.

I hiss through my teeth. I love how my girl can just give it right back. As she’s moaning on my dick, my eyes close shut and my head falls back. A deep, throaty groan escapes me. She can’t fit it all in, but hey, no one ever has.

Even so, my girl sucks it the best, continually shoving in as much as her throat will allow her to while running her saliva up and down the rest of it. She pulls it completely out of her mouth, a string of spit connecting her full, swollen lips to the head of my cock. It’s one of the sexiest fucking things I have ever seen in my entire life.

I step back and she practically falls over on me. She’s high off my cock and I fucking love it.

“Get off the bed and bend over it,” I demand, and she quickly obliges. Good girl. Now I’m really gonna get her going, and remind her to never fuck around with me again!

She’s way shorter than me, so I have to crouch down. With one hand pressed firmly on her back, I position myself at her entrance and thrust deep. As I start pounding harder and harder, I see sweat starting to form on her tanned skin. I love how it glistens on her. Using my other hand, I start spreading her juices around her clit, moistening my fingers as I bring them to her sweet little pucker, rubbing around it before plunging my finger slowly inside.

“Shit!” she screams, but I feel her pussy starting to clench my dick and I know she’s getting close.

I swivel my hips every time I’m balls deep in her so that sweet little bud of hers feels my balls hitting against it. I’m not going to take it easy on her. Every part of her is going to feel something when I make her cum.

I begin to pump my finger in and out of her ass. She leans completely forward now with her ass sticking straight up. We both begin moaning out loud as I feel my balls tighten. Pressing my chest to her back as I’m still fingering her ass, I bring my other hand around, gently pinching her clit.

“Ahh, Fuck! Shit! Fuck!” Sophia screams.

I let go of her bud and pull my finger out of her as I spread her cheeks apart, pounding hard.

“That’s it, my girl. You want to fucking hide, huh?”

She starts letting go as I continue my punishing rhythm on her.

“Fucking listen to yourself. I’m not going to let you hide. You’re. Mine.”

I say the last part through gritted teeth before I pull out of her and cum all over that sweet ass. After I’m done, I collapse on her and pull her to my side. Our bodies stick together from all the sweat and juices from our orgasm, but I don’t fucking care. I have her. And she fucking knows it. 

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