Everyday Calm: Relaxing Rituals for Busy People (2 page)

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Authors: Darrin Zeer,Cindy Luu (illustrator)

Tags: #Self-Help, #Health & Fitness, #Quietude, #Relaxation, #Stress Management, #Exercise

BOOK: Everyday Calm: Relaxing Rituals for Busy People
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Wake up, sleepyface! Here is a way to give yourself a natural face lift. Turn your morning yawning into a workout, to help relieve puffiness and stiff facial muscles. Yoga Yawns will enliven your face and mind.

1. Imagine that you are chewing an enormous piece of gum.

2. Move your mouth up and down, then side to side.

3. Stretch your face up and down while chewing.

If you do this in your car or at your desk, expect some interesting reactions.

Motivational Mirror Session

Stand strong and flex before your mirror. Fill your lungs with air. Shake your head or body if you just can’t perk up. Give yourself a pep talk before launching into your day, and you’ll receive an instant boost. For better or worse, this is the you you’ve got today! Check in to see how you are doing.

What is special about today? What challenges lie ahead? Any final words of encouragement? Try repeating this: “Today I will calmly conquer the world.” Or make up a motivational phrase that is appropriate for you. Attach a note of your special reminder to the bathroom mirror.

Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm

—Ralph Waldo Emerson

Instant Coffee Bend

This is a great stretch to do while you are waiting for the coffee to brew or the teakettle to boil. When you make room in your daily routine for a stretch, you’ll be sure to feel the results all morning. When you finish the stretch, rise and enjoy your morning libation with renewed vigor.

1. Grab the counter edge and step back a couple of feet.

2. Spread your feet shoulder-width apart.

3. Let your upper body stretch down.

4. Enjoy the powerful stretch.

5. Try not to bob; your body is still waking up.

6. Relax your head and neck.

7. Focus on your breath to help loosen tightness.

8. When the coffeepot is full or the tea whistle blows, release out of the stretch.

I bend but do not break

—Jean de La Fontaine

Bar Hopping

Got the breakfast blahs? You know that you need to fill your belly to help you get up and go, so why not update your cereal or oatmeal with tasty toppings? Stock your pantry with these healthy treats and turn ho-hum basics into a new treat every day:

golden raisins

shredded coconut

fresh fruit

carob chips

nuts of all kinds

plain or vanilla-flavored yogurt

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