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Authors: Sara Hess

Evan's Addiction (75 page)

BOOK: Evan's Addiction
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     I blinked at her sudden tangent, and then blinked again when she
returned back to her passionate story-telling.

     “I was so scared when I went into labor for you. I lied to my
parents and told them I was going to spend a few nights at a new friends house,
but really I went to one of my parents friends who were out of town for a
couple weeks, and it was there that I delivered you…alone. God, I was
terrified.” She shook her head with a look of remembered fear on her face. “I’d
spent hours researching pregnancies, but I wasn’t prepared for the pain, and I
was sure I was going to die. I didn’t though, and you came out healthy and
crying. Damn, did you cry, but hell, so did I.”

     Once again she shook her head recalling the past. And all I could
do was stare at her with a mix of shock, confusion, and heart-stopping unwavering
fixation. She’d jumped into the story so abruptly and I was trying to catch up
and process it all, but I didn’t miss the look of expectation on her face. She
was waiting for some kind of response from me.

     “Uhm…the whole things does sound insanely frightening.” My mouth
agreed on autopilot.

     She smiled and nodded looking excited. “Yes, it was, but you just
went through something terrifying yourself so I’m sure you can relate.”

     My brows shot up. I guess in a way the two situations were kind of
comparable. She’d been afraid she was going to die giving birth all alone in a
hotel room, while I’d thought I was going to die of appendicitis in a cage. The
big freaking difference was that she could have called for help if she wanted and
I couldn’t.

     A twinge of shame stabbed through me. It was possible she had
truly felt like she couldn’t call anyone. I didn’t know her parents or all the
facts of her life at the time, so I didn’t know how helpless she actually felt.
Maybe she had really felt like she was all alone; she’d been young, pregnant,
and terrified of being thrown out in the streets.

     A battle brewed inside me; I was torn at wanting to throw my
shitty life in her face, yell at her for her selfishness, but also trying to
identify with what she must have been dealing with. God, I was confused.  

     Trying to push all my emotions to the side…
yeah right
asked instead, “What about my…the guy who got you pregnant?”

     Several emotions flittered across her face and it was hard to describe
them all, but I did decipher anger. She also took an extra long moment to
answer. “He was a senior at UVA at the time and when I told him I was pregnant
he dropped me like a poisoned apple. I just found out recently he died and
you’re better off not knowing him anyway.” Her lip curled in a sneer.

     That news caused an unexpected pain to shoot through my chest.
Again, I don’t know why. I didn’t know the man, and it sounded like he was a

     I started when her hand reached out to grip mine and I focused on
her suddenly earnest expression. “Forget about him. On the whole, men are
unreliable. That’s something I’ve discovered after years of disappointments.”
Damn, she must be my mother because she sounded like me…or like I used to be.
She squeezed my hand. “Let’s focus on us. I want to get to know you. What your
life was like, and how you’re dealing with what just happened to you. What you
went through with that slimball sex trafficker.”

     Did she think we were suddenly going to become bosom-buddies? By
the expectant expression on her face it would seem so. Surprisingly, I was torn
between wanting to spill everything and jumping from the car. It appeared my
long desired dreams of having my mother finally come and recue me were at odds
with another part of me that wanted to tell her to go to hell.

     Since my butt wasn’t moving I guess the first part was winning,
but I wasn’t comfortable with laying out my life for her either.

     “Uhm…You kind of surprised me with this sudden meeting. I’m going
to need a little time to process everything.” Watching her hopeful expression
switch to disappointment had me swiftly backpedalling, because if she was
disappointed than it must mean she really wanted to get to know me. “But maybe
we could meet tomorrow and talk some more.”

     Her optimistic expression came back and my chest constricted and
my eyes pricked with tears. Maybe Evan was right and being kidnapped was
destined; Elizabeth was recued, Evan realized he loved me, and now I might get
the family I always wanted.































     Parking my car behind Nic’s truck I turned off the engine and
jumped from the car. Jogging up to the house I ignored the few reporters’s
still camping outside our house yelling out questions to me about Shaw. My
irritation burned a little milder with them today only because I was hopped up
on adrenaline for the booty I was about to raid tonight.

     I smiled recalling our texts this afternoon, and the many others. My
girl was one of a kind; the only nut to my screw. I chortled at her response to
when I’d told her that:
If only your screw came with the same ridges as a
real one, than you’d have something to boast about.

     Tonight I was going to remind her I didn’t need threads to please
her. We’d been fooling around and taking the edge off each other while she’d
been healing but I missed sinking deep inside her delectable body. These last
two weeks had revealed another astounding fact to me. If given the choice to
only fool around with Shaw or stick my dick in another woman…I’d choose
restricted sex with Shaw. I’d take her anyway I could.  

     Charging through the door I startled Nic and Shaw sitting on the
couch together in the living room. Carrie wasn’t anywhere in sight which meant
she was working at the aquarium. Nic was going through a stack of papers that
were spread out over the coffee table and Shaw had her laptop in front of her.
They were going over information for Nic’s new business; had been for the last

     I had been burying it, but the fact that Nic got to spend this one
on one time with Shaw had been bothering me. Even though it was work and I knew
they would never cross that line, this possessive part of me wanted all her
time to be mine. It didn’t help that these last two days I’d been going through
Shaw withdrawal after spending two full weeks with her.   

     Hooking my coat on the coat rack and dropping my briefcase I prowled
toward her. Her eyes widened, as did her mouth in an excited half smile, as she
interpreted my expression.     

     “I hope you’re not working on anything imperative.” I growled.

     “She is, so you’re going to have to bank your fire until I’m
finished with her.” Nic declared while pointing a threatening finger at me.

     Paying him no attention I grabbed Shaw’s computer and switched it
from her lap to the coffee table. She didn’t question me or complain as I bent
over and scooped her carefully over my shoulder in a fireman’s lift. She might
be healed but it wouldn’t hurt to be gentle with her.

     “”Dammit, Evan. Why’d you even ask?” Nic snorted, tossing the
papers in his hand on the table.

     “I didn’t ask.” I massaged Shaw’s ass as I turned and headed for
the stairs. “I might bring her back down after I’m done with her.”

     Nic scoffed and grumbled behind us as I marched away with my

     Shaw stroked my ass almost causing me to stumble at the wave of
lust that washed over me. “Are you sure you don’t want to eat first. Nic and I
made enchiladas.”

     Another twinge of jealously pinged through me at the two of them
making a meal together.

     “There’s only one thing I’m hungry for at the moment.” I slipped
my finger between her cheeks. Her yoga pants couldn’t hide the heat and wetness
she was starting to spill and I groaned in anticipation, running my fingers
over her seam. 

     Shaw ‘
out a moan as I took the stairs two at a
time. Striding through my bedroom doors I pushed it closed behind us and then
tilted her forward to flop down on the bed. She bounced and situated herself on
her elbows staring up at me with passion-filled eyes, a happy grin, flushed
cheeks, her legs spread slightly, and her unruly curls falling out of her askew

     Shit, she made my chest hurt with how beautiful she was.  

     Staring at her, my blood running thick and hot, I loosened my tie
pulling it from my collar. “Okay, the first time is probably going to go fast,
but don’t worry, I’ll roll right into the second round.”

     Her smile widened, and her gaze locked on my fingers as they began
unbuttoning my shirt. “You know they have doodads for just for that problem.” Gripping
the bottom of her shirt she pulled it up and off.

     That was a new bra…and it was lifting her breasts in an oh-so
appetizing manner. The sight of them had me going deaf for a moment. “What?” I
shrugged off my shirt and worked hastily on my belt and pants while at the same
time toeing off my shoes.

     “You’re premature ejaculation problem…they have these things
called cock rings that stop you from ejaculating.” She wiggled out of her yoga
pants. “Do you want me to order one for you? Actually, never mind; that’s more
of a question for me than for you, so I’ll get on that order tomorrow.”

     I finally caught onto what she was saying and chuckled throatily. “First
ridges, now rings. Is my dick too plain for you, Red?” I dropped my pants.

     I could see her trying to subdue her laughter. “Well, I was
surfing the internet and compared to a lot of other penises yours is kind
of…unadorned. Ever think abut getting a Prince Albert?”

     “Ever think about a clit ring?” I shot back with a smirk, and hooking
my thumbs in the waistband of my boxers I hauled them down. Shaw’s mouth parted
and her cheeks flushed a deeper red. “That way the next time we sixty-nine
we’ll both have some metal to play with.” 

     Stepping forward I seized her underwear and wrenched them down her
legs. Then I dove in unable to banter any longer at the sight of her drenched
sex. Swinging her legs over my shoulders I grabbed a hold of her firm ass
cheeks and plundered her spicy wetness…
that was a pirate reference there

     Releasing a small squeal she clutched at my head at the swiftness
of my attack, and then throaty moans of bliss rumbled from her. “Oh god…oh

     Reaching one hand up I pulled down her bra, rolling and pinching her
turgid nipple firmly, while sucking and biting her clit, and teasing her tight
little entrance with my tongue. She panted, and bucked, and withered, pleading
for me to fill her.

     My dick was so hard the skin felt like it was going to split. I
needed inside her…now! Shooting to my feet I hauled her vibrating body further
up the bed. Taking a second to peel her bra off I cupped one of her breasts,
molding it, and devoured her mouth as I climbed over her.

     Shaw grasped my head and returned my kiss with feverish intensity.
“Please…now…” She whimpered into my mouth.

     Wedging my hips into her welcoming open thighs my rigid cock honed
in on her heat like a magnet to metal and I slid into her tight, glorious,
wetness with an elated groan. “Holy shit, Red. It feels like I’m home…and I
don’t want to ever leave.”

     Shaw’s fingers dragged down my spine. “Okay.” She panted into the
corner of my mouth, her inner muscles contracting threatening around my nearly
exploding dick. “You can stay…but you have to please move.”

     If I could have laughed I would have; instead I kissed her
fervently and began stroking into her unhurriedly, enjoying the feel of her. My
eyes locked with hers. “Tell me that you will always be mine.”

     Lids half closed, eyes glazed, hands clutching at me desperately, she
gasped. “Always.” Her hips rose to meet my downward thrust.

     My mind was fast losing it to the avalanche of pleasure consuming
me. “I love you, Shaw. Do you love me?” I knew there was a part of her that was
afraid to fully trust in our relationship, but I also knew with time, and
enough vocalizing, she’d finally believe. And moreover, I just needed to hear

     Her passion darkened green eyes filled with emotions. “I love you
so much…so very much, Evan.” Her legs lifted and wrapped around my back,
pulling me in tighter. “You lit up my darkness and healed my soul. I don’t know
why you’re with me, but I don’t ever want to lose you.”

     Hearing those words, that I knew came from the vault inside her
chest, brought back a smidgen of my control. My frenzied thrusts slowed again
to long, deep strokes as I sandwiched her face between my hands. “I’m not going
anywhere, Red. You’re the lost piece of my soul; I wouldn’t make it without

     A tear slipped from her eye and I kissed it away, recognizing it
was a release of her internal emotional struggle.  

     Suddenly, her inner walls began constricting around my cock and
the ecstasy of it began to unhinge my mind. Through my haze of pleasure I
watched Shaw’s face tighten and flush with her impending orgasm. Grasping her
ass I wrestled with my loss of control and kept my thrusts measured, wanting
this moment between us to be tender and unhurried.

     Taking her mouth I kissed her deeply as her orgasm surged through
her. She keened a long, agonized cry of rapture into my mouth, and her nails
dug into the muscles of my back as her body shuddered through one of the
longest orgasms I’d ever witnessed from her…
without the added use of a
vibrator that is.

BOOK: Evan's Addiction
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