Evan's Addiction (42 page)

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Authors: Sara Hess

BOOK: Evan's Addiction
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     A nose nuzzled into the back of my head, inhaling. “This feels
good…waking with you in my arms, and you smell great too.” I closed my eyes and
inhaled. He was killing me with all the right words. “Did you sleep well?”

     “Yes.” I breathed. “Surprisingly. Why didn’t you wake me up so we
could head back to the house?”

     “Because then you might have decided to split off into separate
bedrooms and I wasn’t going to give you that option when I liked you right next
to me.” His fingers fanned out over my bare stomach under my shirt, like a
heating pad that pinged all my special places. 

     I was glad I wasn’t facing him because a silly grin spread across
my face. “So you decided to chance sand fleas instead.” I teased.

     His hand rubbed briskly up and down my side. “That looks like its
going to be an added bonus affect. Now we can scratch each others itches all
day.” He snickered.

     “Is that a double innuendo?” My grin quivered in amusement. 

     “A pretty good one, if I say so myself.”

saying it yourself.” I chided.

     Chuckling, his lips nestled into the bend of my neck, nipping up
and down the curve. “Want to go for an early morning swim?”

     My brow rose and I scanned the white-tipped waves rolling into
shore. “What…in our underwear?” The air was feeling a bit nippy outside our
little cocoon, and while underwear was basically like wearing a swimsuit I
don’t know if I was comfortable exposing myself like that. Also, anyone could
come by now that it was morning. 

     “Yeah, just a quick dip to wake us up.” His hands hadn’t stopped
restively roving me.

     “You wouldn’t by chance want to utilize the water to reduce that
unfortunate swelling I feel poking me?” I wiggled just to torment him.

     He pressed his hips forward and growled in my ear. “You got pretty
well acquainted with poky so you know there’s nothing unfortunate about him.”

     “Oh, you are so going to regret calling it that.” I laughed even
as my blood sizzled.

     He groaned. “Shit. Disregard my earlier comment; I meant to say
The Beast.”

     “Too late.” I snorted.

     He sighed, hands still on the move; hips, stomach, thighs, and
then his lips came back into play on my neck. I was surprised he hadn’t touched
my breasts or between my legs yet, but no matter where he was touching he was
making my body his; it sang at his handling. 

     “Are you positive you want to go swimming?” Panting, I reached
behind me to clutch at his pants, trying to pull him closer while squirming
back into him shamelessly.

     “No.” He answered throatily, grinding his hard-on into my rear. “I
want to sink myself inside you over and over again until we can’t move.” His
hands finally cupped and massaged my breast and sex. “But I have plans for us
today; plans to see you smile more.”

     “I can smile while you sink.” I rocked with his grinding, so
freaking horny I was about to burst. His erection was hard as steel pressing
into me so he had to be hurting as much as I was.

     “Fuck, Shaw, you are not helping.” He growled pinching my nipple
and rubbing my clit.

     And he didn’t seem to really mind that I wasn’t. Reaching back I
squeezed his ass, and rocked harder with a small roll of my hips. “Does this
help?” I was playing the devil’s advocate but couldn’t help myself. 

     His lower hand shifted, jamming itself down my shorts to strum my
bare clit. “Shit, it’s crazy how much I want you…all the fucking time. If you
were fucking naked I’d slip right between those firm ass cheeks to plunge into
this dripping wetness.” His finger imitated the action; plunging, swirling, and
then pulling out to manipulate my clit…and then repeating. “Then I’d pound you
so damn hard…”

     My body clenched and the orgasm slammed into me unexpectedly. It
came so fast, and was so intense my body arced in ecstasy, lights sparking
behind my closed lids. Distantly, I heard Evan grunting behind me, his hips
grinding into my butt as he squeezed me tightly. The sharp contractions
declined into smaller tremors and I clasped his arm that was gripping my breast
like my life depended on it.

     “Damn, you muddle my head.” Evan croaked after a while.

     “Sorry.” I wheezed.

     “No you’re not.” He complained with no heat, thumbing my nipple

     I sucked in a breath and dug my nails into his forearm,
constricting around his finger still inside me. “You’re right, I’m not.”

     “It’s okay, because I do the same to your head.” He growled,
stroking my sensitive inner tissue along with my nipple.

     He did; in a really big way. “I don’t know what you’re talking
about.” I balked, and quaked. He was going to hurl me into another orgasmic
spiral if he continued…and he did; pinching and pulling my nipple, rubbing my
clit determinedly, stroking his finger inside me on a particularly sensitive
spot. I cried out as another muscle clenching orgasm seized me, harder and more

     I gasped for breaths, clutching at his arm frantic for something
to ground me. My heart felt like it was going to hammer out of my chest.  

     “You keep denying it and I’ll keep showing you.” He rumbled
throatily. Releasing my breast his hand grasped my chin and turned my head so
his mouth could cover mine. My mind was too scrambled to worry about morning
breath, and I got lost further under his plundering on-slant.

     When we came up for air I got my first good glimpse of his morning
look and my heart clenched at how messily gorgeous he was; light brown hair
tousled, cheeks flushed, amber eyes drowsily burning with desire and

     His finger tapped my bottom lip. “Not many women can pull off the
morning look, but you own it like you were made for them.”

     My mood took a small dive thinking about all the comparisons he
might be doing right now. My temporary Facebook and internet investigation of
him had turned up some really attractive past bed-friends. He was always
telling me how beautiful he found me, but years of being told you were a weird
looking kid were hard to shake, and guy’s hitting on me because they heard how
easy I was wasn’t something that boosted my self-confidence. And I know I had
to look a mess right now; my hair all over the place and my mascara smudged.

     Tense now, I shifted away from him. “We should probably head back.
No one knows where the hell we are since we snuck out like teenagers trying to
evade their parents.” Getting to my slightly unsteady feet I straightened my
clothes and brushed off specks of sand.

     Evan stood as well but tugged my stiff frame back into his arms.
Cupping my shoulders he stared down at me intently with a small puckered brow.
“What’s going through the head of yours that made you suddenly so rigid?”

     Surprised that he’d caught my tension I tried playing it off. It’s
not like I wanted to talk about my insecurities. “I don’t know what you’re
talking about. I’m fine; just not looking forward to seeing everyone’s knowing smirks
when we walk through the door.”

     He grinned, kneading my shoulders. “If anyone gives you a smirk
you don’t like you tell me and I’ll wipe it clean off their face.”

     I raised my brow. “And if it’s Amanda or Nadia?”

     He grimaced. “Than I’ll do my best to hold back Noah and Seth
while you do it.”

     Chuckling, I allowed his hands to relax me. “Don’t tell me you’re
afraid of them; although, I can see how Nadia might.”

     Affront covered his face. “I don’t lay hands on women with malicious

     “Who said it had to be malicious? A pie in the face would wipe off
a smirk just as easy as a fist.” I countered.

     Rolling his eyes in amusement he grabbed the blanket and then my
hand pulling me into his side, and towing me after him as he headed in the
direction of the beach house.

     “What are you; Bozo the clown? If there are pies lying around I’ll
be sure to hand them to you.” As he walked his hips wriggled and he pulled at
the front of his jeans. “Hell, everyone’s smirks are going to be for me if they
see the front of my pants. I can’t believe you made me jiz in them.”

     I coughed out a laugh even as my face reddened. “Excuse me, but
how is that my fault?” I couldn’t stop myself from sneaking a glance but he had
the blanket in front of him.

     His gorgeous features scowled down at me. “I have never cum in my
pants before meeting you…consequently, you are entirely at fault.”   

     My grin may have acquired a small amount of smugness at hearing

     We walked together up the steps to the terrace and found Dan,
Maya’s parents, Nola, and Izzy sitting at an outside table eating breakfast.
Evan kept the blanket in front of him, blocking his stained pants. They smiled
at us, no condemnation on their faces.

     The only other parents I’d had regular interaction with were
David’s and their standard expressions had held haughty dislike whenever I was
around. They didn’t treat David all that much better because of his sexual

     “Did you two sleep on the beach last night?” Dan looked us both
over with a grin and without waiting for an answer continued. “It was a
beautiful night last night so I can’t blame you.”

     Even though they were all cheery I shifted nervously. It felt like
what the two of us had been doing was written all over my face…and Evan’s pants.
I knew that shouldn’t matter because we were both adults, but it didn’t stop
the flush heating up my whole body.

especially amazing last night.” Evan agreed hugging
me back against his front.

     I wanted to slap him for the heavy suggestion I heard in his tone.
As a substitute, I elbowed his stomach and got an ‘
and a
tightening of his embrace.

     “Anyone else up?” Evan laughed on his exhaled breath.

     Maya’s mother eyed the both of us in amusement. “Eight-thirty
appears to be too early for everyone else. If you’re hungry Dan has the largest
stove griddle I’ve ever seen and we made enough pancakes and sausage to feed an

     Evan snorted behind me. “I hope that’s not an exaggeration because
the guys are like piranha in a tank of fresh meat when they get up.” They all
laughed as Evan turned me toward the kitchen. “Do you want to go change first?”
He asked in my ear as he shuffled us along.

     “Shower, brush my teeth, change, all of it.” I was sandy and
squelchy in some pretty personal places.

     Stepping through the door I glanced around the kitchen taking in
the bowls of fruit, pitchers of juice, and two large warming containers that
housed the probable mountain of pancakes and breakfast sausages. My mouth
watered at the smell but my hygiene needed taken care of first. 

     Evan’s hands caressed my waist as he directed me past the food and
out of the kitchen. “Yeah, I need to change too, and a shower would probably be
a good idea as well.” Using my hips as a steering wheel he guided me through
the house and up the stairs. At the door of the bedroom Samantha and I were
supposed to have shared he halted us and twisted me around to push my back up
against the door.

     Heated amber eyes twinkled down at me. “I wish I was the soap so I
could feel you up during your shower?” He waggled his brows.

     Amusement tugged at my lips. The man loved his pick-up lines…and I
couldn’t deny that I looked forward to them too.

     I reached back for the door knob at the same time purring. “I wish
I was the water…” His gaze got hotter as I paused dramatically while turning
the knob behind me. “So I could drown you.” With a sneering grin I slid
backwards shutting the door on his soft laughter.

     With the door between us I set my head against it and inhaled a
calming breath; being around that man was a constant adrenaline high and I
needed this separation to get my bearings back. It was proving impossible to do
while I was with him. It was so easy being with him, getting lost in him, but I
knew it wouldn’t last. He didn’t have it in him to stick around, and it wasn’t
like I had anything special to make him change. 

     How could a person love and dislike something at the same time? Evan
was like chocolate; I loved the taste of it, but hated what it could do to my
ass and thighs, and too much of it made me really sick, but it didn’t stop me
from eating it again when offered. Everyone knew chocolate was very addictive.
How was I supposed to say no to it…to him?

     “Where have you been, little lady?”

     I spun with a squeak, clutching at my chest in surprise to find
Samantha walking out of the bathroom wet from a shower and wrapped in a towel.
She looked like she was trying to give me a stern parental glare but the
sparkle in her eyes contradict it.

     She propped her hands on her hips. “No call, no text, no note…I’ve
been up all night worried sick.”

     Holding back my grin at her manner I mimicked her stance and
bleated. “You’re not the boss of me. I’m a grown-up and I can do what I want.”

     She shook her head and walked toward her bag on one of the chairs.
“This is the attitude I get for caring. Next time I won’t leave the door
unlocked for you…ungrateful egg of my loins.” 

     I grimaced. “Ehw, gross mom. I don’t want to hear about your icky
old eggs.” 

     She gasped in outrage. “My eggs aren’t old. You’re the one that’s

     “Well, this argument suddenly turned twilight zone. Are we playing
a scene from Back to the Future?” I headed for the bathroom.

     “If it is then we have to kiss, so pucker up Buttercup.” Samantha
yelled after me.

     I laughed. “Sam, I find it interesting that you focused on that
one scene out of the many. Has kissing me been on your mind and now you have
the prefect opportunity to act on it?”

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