Read Evan's Addiction Online

Authors: Sara Hess

Evan's Addiction (21 page)

BOOK: Evan's Addiction
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     I stood there shocked that I had revealed that, but even more
astonishing was a part of me had wanted to. I wanted to share with him.

     Evan reached out and snagged my waist, tugging me toward him to
breathe in my ear. “You have to be wicked intelligent to cross words with me
because I’m a genius, and who cares how you got your break. Look at me; I got
mine because I’m friends with Landon.”

     He was sending my hormones into overdrive, but his comment had me
looking at him in astonishment. “Dan thinks so highly of you; you don’t really
believe he keeps you because of Landon, do you?” Dan treated Evan with so much
respect and affection. There was no way he kept Evan on as a favor to Landon.

     A warm smile curled Evan’s mouth and he pulled me completely to
him, aligning our fronts, sending scorching electrical shocks through my whole
body. “No, but I love the affront in your tone on my behalf.”

     More heat seared my cheeks and I pushed him away. “I don’t know
what you’re talking about. The only emotion in my voice was derision from that
ridiculous remark on your genius.”

     He smirked, pulling me back, and his hand roamed awfully near my
butt. “Is one hundred forty-five ridiculous?”

     I gaped. He
a genius. Shit, a genius had his hands all
over me, and I was getting hotter because of it.

     I coughed out a scoff in an attempt at indifference. “Only if
you’re pitching it out there like I should be impressed? It’s nearly as bad as
if you bragged about your dick size.”

     Instead of looking chastised his grin spread. Leaning down he
whispered in my ear. “I’ve never measured it but I’d say I’m probably a tad
more than seven inches, maybe even eight. However, it’s not the length but the
width and the way it stretches you that’s important, hitting all those
erogenous areas, and Shaw, I would love to impress you with what I’ve got

     He nipped at my ear, and the substantial cock he was going on
about was pressing rigidly against my stomach. His hot breath, his words, his
touch, everything about him; all of it had sexual arousal coiling so tightly
inside me that I was about ready to explode. I was actually leaning into him
wanting to feel more when the sudden burst of clapping had me jerking away, or
at least attempting to. Evan’s hold on me was too unyielding.

     “Maya and Landon are back; time for the dinner part of the night.”
His voice was hoarse in my ear, and then I was being turned and Evan was behind
me directing me to a table where all his friends were taking seats. I tripped
along mutely.

     During the next few hours speeches were given, dinner was served,
the cake was cut, drinks were consumed, and I remained in a constant state of
heightened arousal because Evan’s hands were on me relentlessly. Every nerve in
my body was alive and tingling, my core clenching with longing as the pressure
built to an almost unbearable pressure. I felt wrung out from the power it.

     Maya and Landon got their first dance in and then the rest of the
guests kicked up their heels.

     Evan didn’t waste any time pulling me out there with him for the
slow dances, and being held closely to him was incredible; his frame was so
solid and powerful, and his arms held me so securely…like he never wanted to
let me go. That was like an extra aphrodisiac to me.

     It was another set of three slow songs and our hands roamed, and
our bodies slithered against each other intensifying the sexual tension that I
thought had already reached maximum levels…but I was wrong because it just kept
getting worse.     

     “Fuck Shaw, I need you so badly right now.” Evan rolled his hard
and very large erection into my stomach groaning harshly in my ear. “No, that’s
actually wrong; I needed you badly days ago, now I’m at the point if I don’t
get inside you right now I’m going to fucking embarrass myself.”

     I whimpered in need, unable to get anything else out. I wanted him
with the same burning intensity, completely overpowered by the swirling storm
of passion, lust, and desire he was weaving around me. He was intoxicating and
I wanted to sink into the oblivion of pure bliss.

     Evan’s hands on my butt rocking me into him torturing me with his
hardness. “Come to my room with me now, Red. Let’s go put this fire out between
us before we combust all over this floor in front of everyone?” Nuzzling my
ear, his voice was guttural and feral.

     Why did I put up with him calling me Red? I hated it when guys
called me Red, or Ginger, or Firecracker, etc., but the way Evan said
it….languidly, familiar, throaty…it just sounded so natural coming from him.
When he said it I had no desire to hold his head under water until he stopped

     I also couldn’t pull up a ‘
to save my life. The man was
like whiskey; setting fire to my insides, leaving me lightheaded and woozy. My
lips pressed into the V of his open shirt to kiss his warm flesh instead. God,
he smelled fantastic; hot man and spicy cologne.

    The next second I was being hauled away, Evan’s arm around my
waist, and when we hit the fortuitously open elevator and the door slid shut he
slammed me up against the wall mashing my mouth ruthlessly with his.

     I opened for him, meeting his tongue eagerly and he tasted of
alcohol and Evan. The
of blood rushing through
me was overwhelming making me light-headed with desire. I wanted to blame the
drinks I’d consumed, but he was always doing this to me.

     Evan’s hand wrapped around my breast, molding and squeezing it,
and I moaned at the white-hot current of electricity that shot to my sex. Evan
echoed the moan, rubbing his thumb over my engorged nipple before pinching it
and rolling it between his fingers. My knees trembled and I grasped his hair to
meld us closer…
I needed closer
. I nipped at his bottom lip and sucked it
hard trying to get him to understand.

     Growling, his hips thrust forward into my aching core and his kiss
became even more aggressive.

     The ding of the elevator alerted us to fact that we’d arrived at
our floor, but instead of ending the kiss Evan lifted my legs around his waist
and strode with me down the hallway. I didn’t care where we were or who might
see us, I just wanted him. The alcohol I’d drank probably aided in my
inhibition. I wasn’t completely drunk, but I was feeling really, really good,
and he was making me feel even better. 

     Distantly I took note that we stopped and Evan fumbled in his
pants for something, but I was too busy eating at him greedily. He tasted so
damn good. The next thing I knew I was falling backwards and Evan was laying on
top of me, pressing his hot erection into my spread thighs firmly. The contact
was perfect and I threw my head back and cried out at the blissful feeling.

     “Fuck yeah,” Evan panted into my neck, rocking and sucking forcefully
on my skin. “I knew it would be like this.” Finding my zipper on the side of my
dress he pulled it down and suddenly my dress was gone, leaving me in only my
light pink bra and panties. He paused to look at me, eyes blazing with heat.
“So fucking beautiful.”

     I only had a moment to feel nervousness at my near nakedness when
my bra disappeared too. My license and room card was tucked in the side of my
bra and Evan gave a small smirk at seeing them before engulfing one of my
breasts in his mouth, swirling his tongue around my nipple, scrapping his teeth
over it. The shock of pleasure was incredible and I bucked up into him.

     Raking my nails over his shirt covered back I moaned…this was
beyond anything I could have ever imagined.

     Evan jerked up off me to stand and began stripping off his clothes
with rapid carelessness while staring down at me hotly. “I’m going to make you
come so many times you’ll be begging me to stop.”

     That didn’t sound right and I finally found my voice. “Why would
that make me want to beg you to stop? It sounds like heaven.” I panted,
watching as Evan’s superb body was revealed.

     He was all muscle; his chest was wide and defined and gloriously
inked, his tight abs had that V and six-pack thing going on, and his arms
flexed with every move he made as he pushed down his pants revealing another
bulging muscle under his black boxer briefs. Without any ceremony he whipped
those down too and my breath caught at the enormity of him. He hadn’t been
exaggerating; it was long and thick.

     “That thing looks angry.” I whimpered in anxiety and desire. This
was going way faster than I expected, but I wanted it. I wanted him.

     He laid his hot, hard body on top of mine, making me sigh with
bliss, and mumbled around my breast that he’d taken back into his mouth. “It’s
going to get happy real quick.” And then he began gorging on my breasts;
cupping, tasting, molding, sucking, squeezing, biting, and my sex clenched and
pulsated with what I think were mini-orgasms.

     I moaned, gasped, whimpered and scraped his back raw at the almost
unbearable pleasure, but I didn’t beg him to stop. He did that on his own and I
did sag at the reprieve, but then he moved down my body and was divesting me of
my panties and sandals. 

     “Damn!” His avid gaze and fingers ran through my small red patch
of pubic hair. “This red tells me how hot it’s going to be inside you. I’m
going to have every inch of you, Shaw.” He growled, and before I could stop him
he was spreading my legs and his mouth was on me.

      I cried out and hunched up in shock, grabbing his hair. It might
have been to pull him away at first, but instead I clenched at his short curls
and pulled his head closer as the pleasure hit me swift and intense. His lips
suckled and pulled, while his tongue stroked and stabbed, and my body fell back
as the tension in my body tightened excruciatingly. It wasn’t anything I’d ever
come close to feeling before and soon I was crying out as crashing waves of
pleasure washed over me.

     Evan was suddenly in my face, kissing me like he couldn’t get
enough of me. “You are so damn responsive, Red, and when you come you fucking

     His words, the frantic way he seemed to want me was making my
chest swell with emotion. “Evan,” I pleaded, and fisting his hair I met his
kiss with renewed urgency.

     The next moment I felt his hardness pushing into me, and without
pausing he drove straight in all the way. The pain was minimal, maybe because I
was so wet from his oral ministrations and my own desire, and I only gave a
short grunt of surprise digging my nails into his shoulders. The alcohol in my
system probably helped in dulling the pain as well.

     “Oh shit yes, you are so fucking tight.” Evan groaned against my

     He began moving immediately and it was exquisite agony; the deep
penetration, the wonderful width of him…he was right, it did rub against every
nerve-ending I had down there. I felt overly full, but not in a bad way.
Raising my knees I tried to take him deeper. This man made me so greedy; I
wanted all I could get from him.

     His hips snapped faster and harder. “Too fucking good…it’s too
fucking good, Red…I can’t hold back…waited too long…come with me…come on my
cock.” He grunted into my neck, pounding me into the soft mattress with each
thrust and squeezing my breast and nipple almost painfully…wonderfully.

     I gasped and whimpered into his shoulder with each thrust.
Everything was happening so quickly…and it was so intense. That red-hot tension
coiling tighter in my lower belly had me clutching at him in frenzied need and
pushing my hips up to meet his. He went so deep, grinding against my clit that
I screamed in pleasure and then exploded as another, more powerful orgasm
ripped through me making me see stars. My inner walls spasmed around his
driving cock shooting out thousands of bolts of electricity through my groin
and beyond.

     It was glorious.

     Evan drove deep one last time with a low bellow, but still seemed
to be attempting to get inside me farther because he grabbed my butt and rocked
his pelvis almost brutally into me, grinding us tightly together while grunting
deeply. The motion blasted additional acute, blistering tingles into me so I
wasn’t complaining. In fact, I clutched him to me harder.  

     And then it was quiet, except for our raw deep breathing. My body
had exploded and now it felt like my heart was going to. I could still feel him
inside me, pressing against my sensitized tissue, as I pulsated in
uncontainable tremors around him. My nails needed into the back of his scalp blissfully
at each one. 

     Evan sprawled dead-like on top of me languidly kissing my throat,
making breathing even more difficult, but I didn’t care because his heat and
weight felt so very good. This closeness felt good. After about a minute he
rolled off. Never before had I been held like that and it was more difficult
than I thought to be let loose from it. 

     Lying there quivering and tingling I turned my head to see him
smiling slightly with his eyes closed, looking so damn gorgeous. The tsunami of
emotions that hit me was so concentrated I sucked in a harsh breath; he’d
gotten under my skin, and now I couldn’t deny it any longer, I…

     “Damn, Shaw.” Evan mumbled, sounding like he was half-way to
sleep. “I want to do that all over again after I take a short nap.” He rolled
over pulling me to him spoon style. My breath shuddered in my chest in
contentment. He expelled a huge sigh. “You were as wild as they said, but
you’re all mine now.”

     Everything in me froze…No, no, no, no, no, no!

     My stomach roiled and filled with bile. I wanted to shove Evan off
me, but I was afraid to breath, afraid to move, afraid to draw any attention to
myself. I wanted to curl up and disappear, maybe even die.

BOOK: Evan's Addiction
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