Evan Elemental (The Evan Elemental Series) (5 page)

BOOK: Evan Elemental (The Evan Elemental Series)
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but perhaps another time," he says with a grin. "Today, I have

I nod. I can feel the disappointment plain on my face.

in my expression, Lex's grin fades. He bites down on the corner of his bottom
lip, his eyes dark. "Plans for us, that is."

I ask, suddenly nervous. "What kind of plans?"

sort of a surprise, so you're just going to have to humor me." The
darkness has evaporated from his eyes and is replaced once again with

suppose," I answer, ignoring the way my heart is suddenly dancing.

holds out his hand to me and I don't hesitate to take it, letting him lace his
fingers through mine. My pendant is clearly visible in the deep "v"
of my black lace halter-top, but I don't mind. I have this feeling like
is someone I don't need to hide it from.


I turn
in my seat and watch the sign for Price, NY shrink behind us as we cross the
town limits. I can't help feel a little nervous to be driven out of town by a
man that I barely know, even if he does work for my grandmother and is hotter
than should be allowed. I know
would be
furious if she ever found out, which she won't. I mentally add this to the
other secrets on my growing list.

says, as if answering my thoughts, "you're
safe with me."

I cast
him a wary look and he laughs. I press my lips together to contain my smile.
His laugh is beautiful.

on. At the very least, you know your grandmother would have me tortured and
executed if even one hair on your head was harmed."
reaches over and winds a chunk of my long strawberry blonde hair around his
finger, causing my heart to race.

guess...." I answer, trying to sound reluctant even though eagerness has
taken over my body.
pulls his hand back and grips
the steering wheel; his expression is unreadable.

where was it you said we're going?" I ask casually.

but I didn't say,"
answers, his lips quirking up at the corners. "A surprise is a surprise
and I am not going to spill."

you at least tell me where, if not what?"

considers this for a moment. He
glances at me momentarily then nods. "We're going to Saratoga."

I exclaim. Panic starts to grip me, but I push it back. "But, that's like,
fifty miles from here."

to be precise," he answers, smirking.

lie, you're freaking me out a little."
My tone is teasing, but the underlying panic is still evident.

breathes out a frustrated sigh.
"If it makes you feel any better, I told Thelma and the head of security,
George, exactly where we're going. I had to. Unfortunately, you are very high
profile and I had to get clearance to take you out."

I start
to laugh until I realize he's not joking. "Clearance? You have got to be
kidding me."

not," he replies, flashing me a sad smile. "In fact, if you look in
the mirror you'll see a black SUV tailing us."

glance in the side mirror and see exactly that, a black Lincoln Navigator
practically bumper to bumper with us.

is that? I ask, my panic amplified.

answers. I note the tightness in
his voice. "You're more than safe with me, but Magda doesn't like to take
any risks." He sounds bitter and it makes me wonder if that flirty banter
he had going with Magda was just an act. God, I hope so.

let me get this straight: not only do you have to get clearance just to drive
me outside of town, but I also have to have a security detail tail me
everywhere?" I ask, my voice incredulous.

everywhere, exactly," he replies, "just any time you leave

is fucking ridiculous. We live in Upstate New York, not South America."

snickers, his mood suddenly
lighter. "I agree with you, but I can't be too upset about it. I would be
absolutely devastated if something were to happen to you and I wasn't able to
prevent it." He glances at me quickly before turning his eyes back to the

I feel
the newly familiar sensation of a blush creeping up on me. I turn my head away
to try and conceal it but Lex's laugh tells me I'm not fooling anybody. I'm in
way over my head and it excites me.


surprise turns out to be a tiny, but well-stocked, record store. The sight of
it thrills me more than he could possibly know. I study
questioningly. He flashes me a pleased smile and takes my hand, leading me into
the store.

noticed that a few rather heavy boxes of records turned up the other day,"
says brightly.

I bite
down on my bottom lip, trying and failing to suppress a silly grin. My small
record collection had accidentally gotten placed in storage and only turned up
two days ago. The boxes are still sitting in the corner of my room unopened.
With no outlets in my room I can't exactly hook up my record player; I still
haven't managed to find an extension cord.

must have noticed the sad look
on my face, because he slides his arm around my shoulders and whispers in my
ear. "What's wrong, Evangeline?"

when people use my full name it annoys me. Not
he can say it anytime he wants to. Choking back a sigh, I lean into his embrace
for a second before pulling away and heading straight for the used vinyl at the
back of the store. "I don't know. I used to lie in bed in my room back
home and listen to records for hours.
Patti Smith, Leonard
Cohen, The Smiths; all that mournful depressing shit.
It felt so good
and I'm afraid it won't feel the same, now that everything's changed.
Besides," I continue while leafing through records in dusty sleeves,
"I don't have any outlets in my room for my

expression deepens with his thoughts, but I don't bother asking him what's on
his mind. I'm lost in the hunt and have no need for the pity.

A few
hours later, we emerge, blinking as our eyes adjust to the afternoon sunlight.
Under my arm I clutch the day's finds: a Titus Andronicus' "The
Monitor," Kevin Devine's "Between the Concrete and the Clouds, and a
handful of 7"s. It's not a lot, but I'm satisfied.

starving, so we head to a sandwich shop nearby. After browsing the menu I order
a hot chocolate and a peanut butter and bacon sandwich with a side of fries.
orders a coffee and nothing else.

you hungry?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.

really. I ate earlier." There's something in his expression that makes my
stomach do a little flip-flop.

did I," I reply, shrugging.

doesn't say anything in
response. Instead, he grabs my hand under the table and laces his fingers
through mine. My heart speeds up and I feel tiny little sparks dance across my
skin. It feels so normal and exciting, to be out on a date with a cute boy.
Except it's not a date, more like a supervised field trip, I remind myself
casting a rueful glance at the man sitting nearby. He's average looking and
dressed in a cashmere sweater over a striped button down and brown slacks. To
everyone else here, he's just a guy reading the newspaper in a coffee shop, but
I know better.

still don't get why I need a bodyguard." I mutter, looking back at

squeezes my hand and lets go as
if he, too, just remembered we're being monitored.

discussion for another time," he replies in a clipped tone. His eyes go
dark as hidden thoughts consume his attention.

The way
he's acting should have me running scared, but I stay put. I want to ask him
about himself, to try and pry open the locked box that is
Monroe, but the food arrives and distracts me.

watches me take a bite of my
sandwich, an odd amused look on his face. Normally, I would be self-conscious
to have someone watch me eat, but he seems to be enjoying it, and I know I
couldn't bear to have his eyes anywhere but on me.

I take
my time eating, trying to prolong our time together. But, sooner than I would
like, we're heading back to Price. The drive home isn't long enough. Before I
know it,
is escorting me inside. This time he
walks me all the way back to my room. I invite him inside, sure he's going to
say no again, but he surprises me and accepts my invitation.

I want
us to lie on my bed and hold hands, maybe do other less innocent things, but I
ignore the impulse and tuck my desire deep down inside of me, where it can't
get me into trouble.
sits down on one of the
sofas and I sit opposite him on the other. We stare at each other silently for
a long, awkward moment before I burst out laughing. I'm not exactly sure what's
so funny, but once I start I can't stop.

What is it?"
grins, but confusion and
insecurity color his features. It's a new look for him and it makes me laugh
harder. I press my hands to my eyes and try to calm down; it doesn't work. I
feel a slight pressure on the sofa next to me. Startled, I drop my hands to my
lap and turn to find
sitting at my side, our
only inches apart. The closeness sobers me. Slowly,
reaches up and runs his thumb along my jawline. I
tremble as the pad brushes gently over my lips.

are so beautiful when you laugh," he whispers. He's so close I can feel
his breath brush against my face, sending shivers through me.

when I'm not laughing?" I ask, biting down on my bottom lip, my gaze fixed
on his mouth.

He lips
turn up in a small smile. "Still beautiful," he breathes.

I let
out the breath I'm holding. Heat floods the pit of my stomach and I'm consumed
by the aching desire to press my lips to his. I lean forward slightly.
inhales sharply and jumps up from the couch.

afraid I must be leaving," he says in a choked voice.

I ask, blinking back my surprise. "Don't go yet." I can hear the
pleading in my voice but I don't care, I need him.

wish I could stay," he responds, his face contorted with an expression of
conflicted longing, "but it's getting late."

that late," I whisper. I stand and take a hesitant step toward him. His
expression softens and a small smile plays on his lips.

for you. You should be preparing yourself for tomorrow."

I start to ask and then stop, slapping my palm against my forehead.

take it you forgot?"
asks his eyebrows

like, overlooked." I sigh, remembering that I have to go to tea with the
Ladies Council tomorrow. Dread eats away at the lingering happy feeling that
spending time with
has given me.

looks like he's considering
something. I start to ask what's wrong, but he stops me by taking my hand. He
leads me to the door, not letting go right away. We both watch as he slides his
hand up until his thumb rests on the inside of my wrist. I feel my blood rise
inside my veins to meet his touch.

night, Evan," he breathes without looking up.

drops my arm gently and slips smoothly through the doorway, shutting it behind
him. Dread takes over completely and I'm left feeling cold and slightly hollow.

With a
sigh, I head over to the door that leads to my closet and begin rummaging
through the racks of clothes until I find the pale grey silk dress I bought on
my shopping trip with
last week.

The dress
is simple, yet elegant and is the only one I bought that doesn't have flowers
plastered across it. I hold it up to my body as I gaze at myself in the mirror.
Absently, the fingers on my free hand find their way to my necklace. I wasn't
planning to wear it to tea, but the idea of taking it off unnerves me. I
contemplate my options for a few moments before an idea strikes me.

I slip
the chain over my head and begin wrapping it around my wrist on my right arm,
the same one that
held earlier. The thought sends
a tiny shiver down my spine. The chain loops around my wrist three times before
it's secure. The dress is long sleeved so it will hide the stone easily.

with my solution, I fasten the necklace back around my neck and hang the dress
up on the closet door. With a heavy heart, I wander over to my spot on the
balcony, where my copy of Rules of Attraction still rests.

BOOK: Evan Elemental (The Evan Elemental Series)
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