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Authors: Scarlet Black

Tags: #Romance, #Vampires (12 page)

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She felt his lips on the back of her neck, moving along the same path his fingers had, placing tiny, lingering kisses all the way down to where his hand rested at her cleavage.

Her breathing became uneven and her breasts heaved. He lightly tugged on her hair, pulling her head back and kissed the tiny hollow of her throat. A slight moan escaped her lips and she closed her eyes, reveling in the most erotic moment she’d ever experienced.

He pulled away from her and stood, extending his hand to her. “Come to me.” He said in a soft demanding voice; the kind that said saying no to him was not an option.

All of a sudden she felt paralyzed and hesitated. He sounded somewhat threatening when he said certain things. Was it confidence, arrogance or was he downright dangerous?

“Are you afraid of me, Jennifer?” He didn’t smile, nor did he have a playful look in his eye. He
looked dead serious.

“Yes . . . and . . . no.”


“What’s good? That I’m afraid of you or that I’m not?”








hapter 9


Solemnly, she took his hand and faced him, gazing into his stunning blue eyes. He kissed the top of her head and lifted her up into his arms with little effort. She let her head fall against his chest, her hair spilling down, felt his lips graze her throat.

He brought her into an enormous bed room, laid her down on
a massive four poster canopy bed dressed in an ornately embroidered, golden coverlet. Plump and luxurious pillows were propped along the rich mahogany headboard. Bed curtains of the same golden color as the coverlet hung on three sides.

The room faced the ocean and she smelled the salty ai
r coming through an open window, oddly, the drapes were close. Still, the light breeze took hold of the bed curtains and they billowed gracefully, as if dancing upon the air.

The atmosphere in the room and being with him made her feel
as if she’d just stepped into a fairy tale.

He came to the bed and straddled her. Leisurely, he pulled the straps of her dress down, past her breasts, down to her hips. She arched her back so he could remove it completely. He slid the dress over her knees. She closed her eyes and sighed.

“Open your eyes Jennifer and look at me. Do not look away from me again. I want to watch your passion. I want you to see mine.”

“Okay, yeah. I mean yes,” she mumbled. She felt his erection against her inner thighs.

“I must warn you, I’m not used to being tender with women. I was taught to be rough with them, to fuck hard. But there’s something about you that seems to bring out the tender side of me. I promise I’ll do my best to control my darker instincts. Do you want me after what I just said? Do you trust me?”

Taught to have sex? Who the hell was taught how to make love and what dark instincts?
She thought.

She replied
shakily. “Trust you? I hardly know you. I can’t even believe I’m in your bed! I don’t do things like this.”

“Trust your instincts. What do they tell you regarding me and my intentions toward you?”

“I need to ask you a thing or two before I answer that.”

“Very well.” He raised an eyebrow. That wicked little half smile played on his beautiful mouth. “What do you want to know?”

He was without a doubt the most enigmatic, incredibly handsome and intimidating man she’d ever met. And that smile was going to be her undoing.

“Just how many women have you been with? How many have you seduced in this bed?” She felt a stab of jealousy at the thought.

“I’ve had my share of women. But I’ve never brought anyone into my bed before.”

“Never?” she asked.

“No. This is a first for me. You’re the only woman I’ve ever wanted to bring into my home and my bed.”

His words scared and excited her at the same time.

She saw something in his eyes, something that told her he was telling the truth.

She knew in that moment, despite the fact that he was a control freak, albeit a sexy, classy and
beautiful one, that he was a good man.

And she also knew she’d allow him to do whatever he wanted with her. The thought shocked her. God only knew what it did to Ms. Prudinsky. She hadn’t heard a word from her. Perhaps, she too was enthralled by Mr. Dorian Taylor.

She was naked on his bed while he was still fully clothed. Feeling totally vulnerable, a hint of shyness came over her and she wanted to turn her eyes away from his penetrating stare, but she didn’t. She held her eyes steadily on his, just as he’d insisted she do, and much to her surprise, just as she wanted to do.

“Yes, Dorian
, I want you.” She couldn’t say she trusted him. Trust had to be earned as far as she was concerned.

He didn’t ask her again
, instead, he lifted his tee-shirt over his head and threw it aside.

Tentatively she touched his chest, ran her hands down it and then on to his arms, marveling at the hardness of his body. She took his hand in hers and kissed the tips of each finger, her eyes never leaving his.

When she released him, he rose from the bed, unzipped his jeans, pulled them off gracefully and kicked them aside.  Her eyes drank him in. She couldn’t help breaking eye contact. His manhood was enormous and rock hard. In fact, his entire physique was glorious. He was perfect in every way.

He straddled her, his erection resting lightly against her sex. Slowly, he eased his body down onto her. His skin against hers, touching her breasts, her stomach and her thighs was intoxicating. And his erection now between her legs, brushed her clitoris teasingly.

He cupped her face in his hands and kissed her. It was a mere whisper of a kiss, yet it was completely devastating. Her body reeled from it, made her feel light headed. He pulled away and looked into her eyes. She looked into his and knew she was totally lost.

He buried his hands in her hair, pushing it away from her face. “I want that mouth,” he whispered.

“Then . . . take it,” she whispered with a confidence she didn’t know she possessed.

His mouth came down hard and demanding on hers. His lips were soft and delicious; the thrust of his tongue went deep into her mouth. Much to her amazement, she matched his passion. The kiss was all consuming. He buried his hands in her hair, weaving his fingers around the strands and pulled it—hard. She gasped. It was totally unexpected.  She was excited by his kiss and the slight but not unpleasant pain from having her hair pulled.

My God! What must Ms. Prudinsky think of me now?
She thought.

She plunged her hands into his hair, feeling that unruly mass of silken locks between her fingers and
pulled it hard enough to make his head tilt backward. His lips turned up in an incredibly sexy half smile. She returned the smile, knowing she’d done something he truly liked.

Gracefully, he moved off her and leaning over, slipped his hand behind her head and kissed her slowly, passionately. His lips moved from her mouth down to her throat, and then to her breasts and there they lingered.

She felt his silken hair touch the tops of them as he kissed each one. His tongue moved in deliciously slow circles around the nipples. It was so sensual. She stiffened when she felt the nip of his teeth on them. It hurt a little and at the same time, sent a bolt of electricity through her entire body. He squeezed them, alternately taking each one fully into his mouth. His other hand moved down her belly. She heard herself moan with need. He moved his fingers lightly down her body in an agonizingly slow dance. She felt him touch her clitoris.

Using his thumb and index finger he kneaded it slowly. She felt a finger slip inside her. He moved all three in unison, his finger moving in and out of her, bringing her wetness up to her clitoris, his thumb and index finger moving faster and faster. She felt a sharp pinch on her clitoris. She gasped, went rigid. Her body was on
for him now. 

His kiss became rough and all encompassing, he nibbled and bit her lips, thrust his tongue deep into her mouth, literally devouring it.
Good God!
She thought she’d surely come right then.

“Do not come yet.” He ordered in a solemn voice. He moved his body back on top of her.

She tensed the muscles in her vagina to stop her from climaxing. The tip of his manhood was at the opening of her vagina. He moved into her just a little before gradually pulling back out. He watched her face. She continued to hold eye contact as she’d been instructed. He eased into her bit by bit, before pulling out again.  His hips moved leisurely from side to side as he pushed further and further into her. At long last, when she couldn’t stand it any longer, he thrust his entire manhood into her.  With amazing speed, he grabbed her legs and put them on top of his buttocks.

He moved very fast inside her. She wrapped her legs around him tight, pinning him to her, as his thrusts became more urgent. Again, he ran his hands through her hair, stroking it,
pulling it. She gasped and ran her hands through his hair, pulling it again, even harder this time. She watched his head jerk back and heard him sigh with pleasure.

His mouth came down on hers, their tongues danced together. His manhood slammed into her. She tilted her hips higher, wanting to have the whole of him inside her. He was riding her hard now and she kept up with him.

She dug her nails into his upper arms, feeling herself go where she’d never gone before. Her hands moved from his arms to his back and she gripped his skin, her nails sinking into his flesh as she felt herself going over the edge.

“Oh . . .
God!” She moaned loudly as she came.

And still he moved inside her, looking down on her, watching her at the very height of her passion; watching the flush of her face as she climaxed. He pounded into her mercilessly, his eyes fluttered, his lips parted and she watched
his passion mount. Incredibly, she came again when he did.

“Jennifer,” he whispered softly as he spilled his essence into her.

They lay still joined together for a minute or two. She loved the feel of him on top of her, feeling his hard body against the length of her own, running her hands down his powerful arms. He buried his face in her hair and kissed her ear. Finally, he lifted himself up and lie beside her.

He gathered her up in his arms and held her tight. She rested her head on his chest, draping one arm across his stomach and sighed with contentment. She was totally spent and a little drowsy. Never in her wildest dreams did she think sex could be so fantastic.

After her disastrous coupling with her high school boyfriend, she thought that was the way it was. Dorian Taylor had proved her wrong. He was a skilled lover, and although he’d been a bit rough, she’d loved everything they’d done together.

“You’re very quiet Jennifer. Was I too hard on you?” He kissed the top of her head gently.

“No,” she said drowsily. She felt safe in his arms.

“Hmm. Perhaps not. You surprised me Jennifer. I didn’t expect you to be almost as rough as me. I must caution you though. I’m a very demanding lover. Hopefully, you’ll want to continue our relationship. Stay the night in my arms, in my bed and sleep.”

“So, this wasn’t just a one night stand?” She asked.

“No. I want a relationship with you.”

“Will you still see other women?”
God, why do you have to ask the stupidest questions and ruin the mood?
She thought.
Because I need to know, that’s why

“I just said I want a relationship with you Jennifer. To me, that means an
relationship. I won’t see other women and you won’t see other men. Is that clear enough?”


“Good. I won’t be here in the morning when you awake. Not because I don’t want to be. I’m simply not able to.”

He wanted her and she wanted him. She was lulled by his voice and exhausted by their arduous love making.  She fell asleep in his warm embrace.




















hapter 10


“It’s the forbidden fruit which tastes the sweetest, is it not?” The words, spoken so softly were undetectable by human ears.

For Dorian, who was gifted with preternatural hearing, the voice was as clear as day. He must’ve dozed off. Now
, he was fully awake and alarmingly alert. The room was cloaked in darkness. With his vampire eyes he saw a shadow in the far corner.

A figure stood there with eyes as black and lifeless as a shark, a hint of blonde hair gleamed on the head of the intruder.

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