Eternal Flame (Guardians, Book One) by Valerie Twombly (14 page)

Read Eternal Flame (Guardians, Book One) by Valerie Twombly Online

Authors: Valerie Twombly

Tags: #Paranormal Romance

BOOK: Eternal Flame (Guardians, Book One) by Valerie Twombly
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Gwen’s arms wrapped around her and pulled. “Now is the time to believe in miracles, little sister.”

Her eyes were riveted on Marcus and Jill. Large palms placed over the gushing wound. His lungs expanded then exhaled, his eyes slid shut. White light encased his hands and radiated around the wound. It continued down her body until she was totally bathed in it. A prickling sensation rolled out and touched Cassie’s skin. The light changed. Diminutive pinpoints of blue danced all around her sister, sparkling like a million tiny stars, then they vanished.

She was hallucinating. It was the only explanation. The wound on Jill’s neck completely healed. Moving closer, she took her sister's wrist and felt for a pulse.
Thump thump.
A perfect heartbeat. Breaths were slow and rhythmic like that of sleep. Marcus caressed the tears from her cheek.

Her eyes met his. “I don’t know how you did it, but thank you.”

Voices shouted from behind, she turned to witness two large men approaching. “More are coming.” Frantic hands tugged on his shirt.

“It’s okay, they’re on our side.”

“Is anyone hurt?” one male asked.

“No, my lord, Marcus was able to heal this one. She is sleeping now,” Gwen replied.

The man knelt down, soft brown eyes looking into her soul. “Are you alright, Cassandra?”

Her tongue twisted into a knot, making it difficult to speak. “I…I’m fine, I think.”

He offered a warm smile then stood. “Marcus, take the women back to Vandeldor. I’m sure Cassandra has many questions for you.”

Marcus scooped up Jill and stood. “Yes, my lord.”

So many questions flowed through her mind. What happened? Who are these people? Why do they call this one ‘my lord’? But most important, what the hell is Marcus? Clearly not human.

“Cassie, take Gwen’s hand. Everything will be fine. I’ll explain once we get you to safety,” Marcus said.

A shaky hand reached out and took Gwen’s. She had no idea where she was going but knew Marcus and Gwen had saved her from whatever those monsters were, and Jill was still alive. She would trust him to explain everything as promised, later.

Chapter Twelve


I might have lost her
. His muscles went rigid at the thought when he flashed them back to his home.

He’d planned to tell her everything; there was no skirting around it. He never intended her introduction to his world to be like this but envisioned showing her the beauty of his home, his pride in his warriors. Her only exposure—the icy, blackness of evil.

As he carried Jill to his guest bedroom, he couldn’t help but be delighted by his mate. She wasn’t hysterical as many females might be, but she was afraid. Her emotions stirred in him like his own. His connection to her grew stronger.

“Is she really going to be alright?”

His arm reached around and pulled her close. “Yes, she will sleep for a while. A lot of blood was lost, but she’ll be fine. Come, let her rest, we need to talk.”

Her eyes moved up and met his. The sparkle gone, replaced with pain. “Yes, I guess we do.”

He led her to the living room and sat her on the couch. Gwen came in with a hot cup of chamomile tea, “Drink this. You’ll feel better.” She placed the cup on the table in front of her.

Cassie rubbed her head. “Thank you, I’m feeling a little lightheaded.”

“That happens when humans flash.” She knelt on the floor. “Everything will be fine. Marcus will explain, but should you need me, you only have to ask.”

“Here, put this on.” He handed her a black T-shirt.

Her eyes filled with gratitude. She placed the shirt over her head and slid it past her breasts. “Thank you.”

He waited until Gwen closed the door behind her then reached out to take Cassie’s hand. She pulled away, and his heart dropped.
Have I lost you already?
“Let me start from the beginning.”

She refused to look at him. “What are you, Marcus?” Raising her eyes to meet his. “You’re not human; that much I know. And what were those things…those monsters who attacked us? They weren’t human either.”

He sat next to her but far enough away to give her some space. “It’s a long story.”

“Somehow, I don’t think I’m going anywhere.”

“My people were created by a god named Zarek. He is the king of all gods, the one who gave me the ability to heal others.” He paused, waiting to see her reaction. Her emotions remained masked on the outside, but inside, he sensed her turmoil.

“That’s how you saved my sister, you healed her somehow?”

“Yes. We were created as the guardians of the human race. As you saw tonight, there are evil beings who would harm you. It’s our job to protect. The ones who attacked us are called minions. They were created from humans by another immortal.”

Her eyes lit up. “Is that what I saw the other night? Was that man creating a minion?”

“Yes. That was Odage. We’re not sure what he’s up to.” He hesitated for a moment. “Something is very wrong with him, and his people are on the verge of war with us.”

“His people? You mean he is not the same as you?”

“No. His people are weredragons.”

A nervous laugh. “What the hell is a weredragon?”

“A man or woman who can shift into a dragon.”

She pushed herself back farther into the couch and brought her knees to her chest. “You mean like a werewolf?”

“Exactly, and yes, they exist as well.”

She took a sip of tea. “Got anything stronger?”

He laughed. “How about a glass of wine?”

“Seriously? I was thinking more along the lines of a shot of Tequila, or several.”

He headed to the bar on the other side of the room. Grabbed the bottle from the glass hutch that sat behind the bar and poured a shot. “Got it, one shot of liquid courage coming up.”

She followed, taking a seat on a stool in front of the bar. “Oh you have no idea.” When he placed the glass in front of her, she swiped the liquor off the bar and tossed it down her throat. Her color returned. “Can I ask you a question?”

His gaze softened. “You can ask me anything.”

“You said before you believed in the truth, is that what I will get from you? The truth?”

“Always, I cannot lie. It’s not in my nature to do so.”

“Are you my guardian angel?”

“I’m not quite sure how to answer. In a way, yes.”

She rubbed her temple. “I’m confused, but whatever, we can come back to that later.” Green eyes scorched his soul. “Do you by chance have fangs?”

“Yes, why do you ask?”

A delicate finger pointed at the glass indicating a refill. He obliged then placed the bottle on the bar.

“I’ve had dreams of you biting me.”

He smiled.
Oh if you only knew, my love.

“What did you say?”

Damn, she picked up his mental thoughts. He rested his elbows on the bar and leaned closer to her. “Did you enjoy it?”

Her face grew ten shades of pink. “I…uh.”

“Only the truth, we vow it right now to never hold anything back from each other.”

She grabbed the bottle and poured another shot, tossing it back with ease. “Only the truth.” Her eyes dropped to her lap. “Yes, I enjoyed it very much.”

He moved to the other side of the bar. “Can I touch you, Cassie?”

She hesitated before answering. “I suppose.”

His thumb brushed across her cheek. “There’s more to the story.” He slid onto the stool next to her. “Many of my people were lost to a war with a demon more than three hundred years ago. Very few females survived, many of the men have been unable to mate.” He saw a look of fear cross her face. “Let me finish, sweetheart. Yes, as you are aware, we can have relations with humans, but it’s different. When we find our true mate, it’s a bonding of the heart, mind, body and soul. It’s so much more than a human relationship can ever be.”

This time she took a sip of Tequila. “So what you’re telling me is I’m just a fuck until your mate comes along.”

He grabbed both her hands and pulled them to his chest. “Never. What I’m trying to say is the gods chose us to be together. You are my mate, Cassie.”

* * * *

Wait, he just said I was his mate?
She jumped off the stool and paced the room. Was that why he’d been showing up in her dreams? She had to be missing something, some hidden meaning.

“Shit. First, I find out I’ve been sleeping with my guardian angel. Next, I bear witness to the real boogieman, and now you tell me, we have been chosen to be together?” She did a face-palm to her forehead. “Oh how could I forget, you have fangs. Which leads me to my next question. I suppose you drink blood? I mean, otherwise, why would you have fangs?”


She stopped mid-stride. “But I saw you eat food.”

“I do eat food, but blood gives us strength.”

“Holy fuck. I feel like I stepped into a damn novel. Please tell me you don’t sparkle.”

A dark brow shot up. “Please! Only if you dip me in glue and roll me in glitter.”

Her hand flew to her mouth. The image of his broad, well-defined chest covered in gleaming tinsel nearly sent her into a fit of laughter. No, he looked much better with a naked chest. A shiver crawled up her spine. Much better naked.

His lips curled into a sly grin. “I’m pleased you like me better naked.” He waggled his brows. “Just say when, my love.”

She gasped. “You’re in my head. Get out. Get out of there this instant.” She placed her palms over her scalp as if it would help. “I should have known you could read my mind.”

“I’m not reading your mind but hearing your thoughts. Just as you have begun to hear mine, our bond is growing strong.”

Could this day get any weirder? “How can I be your mate? I mean doesn’t your mate have to be like you? How long do you live anyway?”

“We can realistically live forever, there are a few ways to kill us, and as I said, many were lost in the war.” He scrubbed his face. “I don’t really know why we were chosen to be together, but I know you feel our connection.”

“Yes, I will admit my attraction to you has been mind-boggling at times.” She noticed he looked at the floor. He was hiding something; she was sure of it. “What are you not telling me?”

“You are to become one of us.”

“Oh hell no!” Wait, she still wasn’t sure what he was. A vampire angel? She rubbed her neck, the thought of him taking her blood sent moisture to her core.
I must be fucked in the head.
“I’d remember if you had taken my blood, wouldn’t I?”

His tall frame leaned against the bar. “You are untouched. I would recognize if any other had ever tasted you.” He leveled his eyes. “The pleasure my bite brings you will be unforgettable.”

Arrogant bastard, but somehow, she knew he was right. She walked over and grabbed the rest of the shot and drank it down. “I don’t get it. You say you’re a guardian, but yet you take our blood and without our consent.” It was her turn to cross her arms over her chest. Chin tipped up. She had him on this one, she was positive.

He snorted. “Did you not pay attention in school, woman? The gods have always required a blood sacrifice.”

She exhaled sharply. Well damn, he had her there. “Okay. Look, I have a million more questions, but I’m tired, and I need time alone…to think. Can you take Jill and I back to my house, please?”

“I’m sorry, but it’s not safe there. Those minions came for you, they meant to take you from me.”

Her body shuddered as she remembered the men and what they had done to her sister. Suddenly too much for her, she burst into tears. She never heard him approach but found strong arms encircling her. Bringing the comfort she so desperately needed.

He stroked her hair and kissed the top of her head. “Please, baby, I know it’s been a lot, but my heart breaks to see you cry.”

She looked up at him. So much worry covered his face. “What do we do now?”

“We’ll work this out.” His mouth sought hers. Gentle at first then more desperate. Yes, this is what she needed. This strong man, no matter what he was, would make her forget.

Pulling away, she panted. “Marcus, it seems crazy, but I need you to make love to me.”

He scooped her up and headed for the bedroom. “I’ll give you anything you wish.” He laid her on the bed then with careful hands pushed the oversized T-shirt he’d given her up past her stomach. She sat up and lifted her arms so he could pull the shirt over her head.

Next, he unsnapped her pants, and she lifted her hips. The jeans landed on the floor next to the T-shirt. All that was left were the red lace bra and panties. Her fingers fumbled for his jeans. He stepped back.

“Allow me.”

She watched while he grabbed the bottom of his navy shirt and pulled it over his head. Her tongue traced over her lips, never had she seen such well chiseled abs. Anatomy studies would have been more fun with a specimen like him.

He unzipped his jeans then his thumbs inserted into the waistband and pushed down, freeing his erection. She was glad he didn’t wear underwear. He slid in next to her, his warmth flowing over her. He unhooked her bra from the front and let it fall to the sides of her breasts. His head bent closer until all she could feel was hot breath, causing her nipples to harden.

Her breaths increased, and she arched toward him, but he made her wait. Finally, his tongue flicked out, touching her nipple. A plea escaped her throat. “Please.”

His tongue swirled around her pink bud then sucked it into his mouth. Fingers swept between her folds.

“You’re so wet for me.”

“Marcus, I need you inside me. Now.”

He grabbed her panties and ripped them free then pulled her legs apart and pressed the tip of his cock against her entrance.

Her breath stopped.

He inched in farther while he pinned her hips to the bed, preventing her from thrusting upward. Inch by agonizing inch, he slid into her until at last he filled her. She moved under him and let out a moan. “So good.”

“Sweetheart, you know what I am. I can no longer conceal my true identity.”

Their gazes met. His eyes molten silver, fangs extended. Her fingers reached up and traced his lips. How was it possible he could be even more handsome in this state of arousal?

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