Essential Oils: Essential Oils (The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Uncovering the Healing Benefits of Aromatherapy) (5 page)

BOOK: Essential Oils: Essential Oils (The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Uncovering the Healing Benefits of Aromatherapy)
11.83Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub


  • Apricot kernel carrier oil: 2 ounces
  • Roman Chamomile essential oil: 10 drops
  • Black pepper essential oil: 4 drops

Mix the above oils together and store in an air tight glass bottle. Massage a small quantity over arthritic joints every day.


  • Jojoba carrier oil: 1 ounce
  • Peppermint essential oil: 5 drops
  • Lavender essential oil: 4 drops
  • Cypress essential oil: 4 drops

Mix the above mentioned ingredients and apply over your abdomen very gently.



I would like to thank you for purchasing my book and reading to the end. I hope you have enjoyed this book and learned some important tips and tricks on usage of essential oils.

Try and create some interesting blends for yourself and keep getting amazed at the magic these oils can create in your life.

I wish you a happy and healthy aroma therapeutic experience.

Bonus Content


Natural Weight Loss Habits



38 Ultimate Habits to Lose Weight & Keep It Off Naturally!




By: Abigail Cruise






I want to thank you and congratulate you for downloading the book: Natural Weight Loss Habits: 38 Ultimate Natural Weight Loss Habits to Lose Weight & Keep It Off!

Is this book right for you?

If any of these apply to you, then you will find the contents of this book helpful:

  • Have you been trying to lose weight and have yet to find success?
  • Have you lost weight but only ended up gaining it all right back?
  • Are you one of those people that have tried all diets but never seem to find one that works for you?
  • Are you looking for a natural way to lose weight and keep it off?
  • Are you one of those people who know how to lose weight but struggle with actually doing it?

Don’t feel alone because I have been there; these steps have helped me lose the weight and keep off.


What will you learn?

This book will teach you how to jump start your weight loss, increasing your energy, clear your mind, and improve your overall health. You will learn:

  • Strategies to feel the healthiest you have ever felt and have the most energy you have ever had
  • How to begin burning that dreaded hard to loss fat (especially belly fat, thigh fat and arm fat), and keep it off
  • How to lose inches off your waist and other hard-to-lose areas
  • Why these habits work, along with an action plan to push you to your ideal body!


Obesity has spread around the world like an epidemic, it is a worldwide problem and has impacted several countries.  And no matter how you tip the scales, the fact remains that Americans are getting heavier and wider every year. A number of other nations are closely following the Americans.

According to the Huffington Post, one out of every ten individuals is overweight.

The solution for this problem lies with us and it is not surgery, weight loss pills, fad diets or any other over the counter medicines. The solution lies in ‘

From that women who has successfully lost pounds and pounds of weight in order to acquire the perfect bikini body to the guy who has miraculously achieved and maintained a perfectly sculpted body, the only common thing is ‘habits.’ All these lean, healthy, fit and happy individuals have developed certain habits that help them stay fit.

Being overweight is generally a result of many problems and it may not entirely be your fault. This is when you possess a genetic marker that predisposes you to excess weight. In such a scenario too, the information provided in this book can help you gain more control over your life.

In certain cases, it may be your fault that you are overweight. This is because
you choose your habits
. You have control over the kind of food that you want to eat and the lifestyle that you want to lead.

Habits are a result of thoughts. You think about something and then decide to act upon it. Over time, this action becomes repetitive and converts into a habit.

Let us imagine that you are a little overweight. If you think about curbing your television time from five hours a day to one hour a day and gradually put that into practice, you develop the habit of watching less television. In the process you also develop the habit of becoming more active. It is just a natural reaction or process. So, if you really need to lose weight through development of some really great, impactful, natural weight loss habits – the first thing that you should do is –
alter your thinking process
. You need to develop and practice healthy habits through getting more control on the manner in which you think.

The weight loss mechanism highlighted in this book requires
to take action. It revolves around four major things that are directly within your control. These are:

  • The act of thinking
  • The act of deciding

Your actions will follow your thoughts and help you get phenomenal results. Having said that, your success with losing weight and keeping it off, will only be dependent on two factors:
your reasons for losing weight (we shall call this your motivation) and your commitment

Let us first think about why you want to lose weight: Are you getting married in a few months and therefore want to look your very best on your special day? Are you planning to go to a college reunion and are a little embarrassed about how people will look at you? Are you going to begin dating? Do you want to stay disease free and live longer? Do you want to fit into that little black dress?

The reasons could be many. You must define your personal reason to lose weight and remind yourself about it several times in a day. You should understand where your motivation lies and make sure of reminding yourself of that motivation whenever you feel like breaking a particular habit (I have deliberately not used the word ‘cheating’ here. Cheating feels like a crime, isn’t it? And you are only breaking a habit; you are a human and can err!)

Your commitment is a result of the manner in which you think and of course your motivation. So, whenever you decide to go off track, alter your thinking mechanism, visualize yourself fitting into that little black dress, impressing your date with your perfectly sculpted body or staying disease free forever. Do whatever it takes to bring you back to that habit.

The only person your success story depends on is YOU

You are responsible for cultivating these habits, practicing them and repeating them.

You must take conscious steps to act on cultivating these habits and ensure that you practice them with persistence.

Let us get started…




Here is a popular quote that tells us why planning ahead matters so much:

“Planning is bringing the future into the present so that you can do something about it now.”

Proper planning can help you in the act of execution, ensuring that you reach your weight loss goals and fulfill your dreams.

Here are some important weight loss habits that can help you plan ahead and stay on course:


It is always easy to stick to a plan and develop it into a habit if it has a definite goal attached to it. So, if you want to lose eight pounds, create a diet and exercise strategy around it and remind yourself of two things now – what you want to do (your goal) and why you want to do it (your motivation). Think about a number that makes you feel confident and great! And then, work towards it!

Always start small. It just helps in solidifying the habit. Imagine, if you were a sweet lover and adopted a diet plan that asked you to eliminate sweets from your life completely! Can you visualize the consequence? You would go ‘cold turkey’ and within two days experience those typical withdrawal symptoms. On the third day, you would rationalize within your brain if dieting was a good idea and win the battle. Day four – you will drool over your chocolate covered cake!

Begin with smaller ‘No’s’. Create weekly rules for yourself. Would you want to replace one dessert with fruits in week one? Would you then want to replace your white rice and pasta with brown rice and other whole foods in week two? At this moment, would you want to include more fruit into your diet? Perhaps some strawberries and grapes could satisfy your sweet tooth!

Always break your goals into smaller manageable chunks. If you want to lose twenty pounds over three months, look at smaller goals. How about five pounds in ten days?

Sometimes, bigger tasks are overwhelming. Breaking these down into smaller chunks can make the job look more achievable and enable you to review progress at every stage. You are then equipped to incorporate proper review mechanisms at every stage and catch yourself early, if you falter or deviate from your goal.


Your fridge can do two things: it can either turn your diet into a disaster or become your best weight loss tool. Fill some see through containers with chopped veggies and fruits so that they become an automatic choice for you to snack upon whenever you are hungry.

The most important rule as you decide to stock up your pantry is – ‘If it is not in the house, it cannot be eaten.’ This means that you should immediately ditch all junk from your fridge. That automatically takes care of excuses such as ‘guests came in’ or ‘the kids made me eat that.’

If possible, avoid all pre-packaged and processed food that is high in sugar and refined flour. Keep lean meats and complex carbohydrates handy. You may want to prepare some quinoa or brown rice over the weekend and store in your fridge. This can help as your prepare meals during the week, which is actually our healthy habit three. Lean meats such as tuna or skinless chicken breasts can come in handy as you prepare your dinner. 


Preparation is the key to healthy weight loss. You must look at preparing some basic things over the weekend so that you save yourself the stress of cooking during the week. You can prepare quinoa, rice and lentils well in advance. You may also prepare frozen bananas over the weekend and let them be there in your freezer, readily available as and when required. Smoothies and vegetables should be prepared when you want to consume them. This prevents oxidation. The reason to do all this preparation is to ensure that you always have something ready to eat in your kitchen. You don’t want to be dialing Dominos as you try to lose weight!


Hunger makes it extremely difficult for you to avoid those junk food choices that line the shelves of your favorite grocery store. The reason for this is that as you feel hungry, you become less thoughtful about the choices you make – your sole focus is on satisfying your hunger which makes you buy food that you don’t need or food that is extremely unhealthy. It is likely that you get enticed by the careful display and presentation of all the unhealthy junk food, leading to a compromise in your healthy diet plan.

Always prepare your grocery list before shopping and stick to that. This list should include all the ingredients that you will need in order to prepare healthy, nutritionally packed dishes at home. And when you shop, don’t forget to read the labels that can help you identify the ingredients and understand the nutritional value of a particular food.


A number of studies suggest that a vegetarian diet significantly helps in lowering body weight and body mass index. The reason for this is the fiber content in a vegetarian plant based diet. Fiber keeps you full for longer and ensures that you maintain healthy gut health too. The fullness naturally curbs overeating. Not only this, vegetarians demonstrate a longer life expectancy along with fewer diseases.

BOOK: Essential Oils: Essential Oils (The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Uncovering the Healing Benefits of Aromatherapy)
11.83Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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