Erotica- Forever His/ Spanking (7 page)

BOOK: Erotica- Forever His/ Spanking
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He forced the heated thoughts aside. “Why do you push me? I already plan to--”

“Yes, I know,” she interrupted. “You plan to turn me over your knee and warm my bottom. Yada, yada, yada. I will get over that unpleasantness.”

“Yada, yada, yada?” He couldn’t keep the amusement from crashing through his irritation. “You dare much, little one. I can make that unpleasantness very unpleasant. ”

Annoyance flashed in her eyes and she straightened. “I’m sure you can. But do not think you can truly intimidate me. I submit to your dominance because I choose to. Remember that.”

He studied her for a second, thought about what she’d said. “You had never been spanked before, correct? Yet you didn’t fight going over my knee. It hurt. Yet you don’t fear feeling the flat of my hand again.”

“This is what you want to talk about, instead of what is troubling you?” She cocked her head and seemed to study him back. A standoff of sorts.

“Yes. Explain yourself.” He felt less edgy now, more curious, intrigued.

“No, I had never been spanked before. Never really punished in any manner. The experience was…odd. Painful, but not for long. More embarrassing than painful, really.”

He liked the way she faced him, talked to him honestly. “Yes, being bent over someone’s lap, having your bottom bared was probably embarrassing.” He’d never actually thought about it. His focus had always been on delivering the needed discipline.

“No ‘probably’ to it. The experience is embarrassing. Knowing you saw my bare bottom spread over your lap. Knowing you could see…well, my private place. Yes, embarrassing.” Her pretty cheeks had turned pink, which made him think of her pert bottom in exactly the position she described. His cock pushed at his jeans again and he longed to turn that sweet butt red, then he would shove between those hot cheeks and….

“I can tell where your thoughts have strayed, cowboy. Along a very naughty path.” She moved in front of him, letting him sense her desire as well. “We need to do this. Today. It’s time.”

Seth swallowed hard. His wolf wanted desperately to come out, wanted to take control. His voice had a low growl to it as he said, “This could be dangerous.”

He shouldn’t do this, any of it. He should go back to the line shack for a few more days until the strength of his desire cooled some. Maybe then he could be around her again without wanting to go all alpha on her.

Her eyes widened for a second, but then she smiled. “I’m not afraid of you.”

“Darlin’, you should be.” He cupped her face, looked deep into her gaze. “You really should be.”

He felt her shudder and almost changed his mind. When she didn’t move away, he said in resignation, “Spanking first.”

She seemed pleased with his decision and went up on her toes. She kissed his beard-roughened cheek before walking out of the room. “I’ll be waiting for you,” she called over her shoulder.

It was his turn to shudder. They were going to cross a boundary line and he wasn’t sure that would be good. Hadn’t he earlier reminded himself that he wasn’t going to get involved with another woman for a good long while? If not, he’d meant to.

“I need to check in with Walker, and then I’ll find you.” If he managed to regain some sense when he left the house, he’d stay clear of her.


* * *


Should she do this? Or should she go back to her bedroom, lock the door, and pack her things? Yes, to the first. No, she wouldn’t to the latter. She’d lived a very long time and not because she’d always taken the easy way. Seth Stevenson was a difficult man, a contrary man, a sexy man. She missed having good raunchy sex. Was that how she thought it would be with him? Yes. Something about him warned her he would be a passionate lover, bordering on the wild side. None of her husbands had come close to that, a few of her lovers had. But it had been too long a time since she’d had a man really take charge, really light her fires.

Her body hummed in anticipation as she walked into his bedroom. Spanking first. Too bad about that, but she’d survive. Especially with her eye on the prize. She crawled onto his rumpled bed, inhaled his scent, and her clit pulsed. The feel of the cool sheets against her naked body fully brought her aroused senses to awareness. This is where he slept, only fifty or so feet from her bed. This is where he would warm her bottom…and then warm the rest of her.

Heavy steps sounded on the stairway. Without her sensitive hearing, she wouldn’t have noticed them. He hadn’t stayed away long, for which she was happy. She wanted all of the nonsense he intended to do over with so they could finally get to what both of them had needed almost from the first day they’d met. She crossed her arms in front of her and lay her head between them, waiting.

She heard him stop in the doorway to her room and then he drew closer. His breath caught when he strode into the room and spotted her. She was pretty sure he hadn’t expected to find her naked and submissively waiting on his bed.

“When I give discipline, I’m the one in charge. You need to learn that,” he said grimly.

Teri craned her head to look at him, noted the tension in his big body. He was breathing hard; his erection shoving at the front of his jeans. Yet aroused or not, he disliked not being in control. “I only wanted to--”

“Unman me even more.” His hands moved to unbuckle his belt.

She watched in fascination as he pulled it from the loops, as he doubled it and held the buckle in his hand. Her mouth watered. “I don’t understand. Unman?”

He tapped the belt against the side of his leg. “By making me want you even though I shouldn’t. By teasing me, tempting me nearly every minute of every day. Until all I can think about is fucking you. Hard.”

If he thought she’d be offended by his crudity, he was mistaken. It only made her hotter for him. She couldn’t take her gaze off the leather belt. “You’re going to punish me—for whatever reason—with that?”

He walked next to the bed and grabbed a pillow. “Lift your ass.” When she did, he slid the pillow beneath her stomach. “I only intended to spank you good for not being here when I got home.”

“But I didn’t leave you,” she protested. “I only went into town to see Maybelle and get groceries.”

“I was worried.” He decided a second pillow was needed. “Lift up again.”

When she settled once more on the pile of pillows, she felt thoroughly exposed with her bottom so high in the air. Yet the frustration in his tone at being worried about her and clearly not wanting to lessened some of her embarrassment. He cared about her. Okay, he was going to spank her—no, apply his belt—but she could sense how hard he was fighting his attraction to her.

“This is going to be worse than the spanking, isn’t it?” she asked warily. Even if she would heal quickly, she would feel pain for a short while. Pain wasn’t fun.

For a second he looked uncertain, as if he would change his mind and forget doing this. Then he thrust out his stubborn jaw. “Yes. But this will only be a short thrashing. Just enough so you’ll remember who is in charge when it comes to discipline.”

“It’s not really necessary. I get your message. You make these kinds of decisions, my job is to submit and accept.” She watched him hesitate again, but then he moved to stand where he could easily swing the belt. She clenched her buttocks and waited.

To her surprise, he smacked the middle of her bottom with his hand, sharply. “Unclench your butt. And lower your head to the mattress.”

She dropped her head between her arms once more and concentrated on relaxing her buttocks. Not easy to do when she knew he was about to strike them with something she was totally unfamiliar with.

The first lash landed on her left cheek. The next on her right one. Each one had her arching up at the small lines of fire left behind. “Yeeouch!”

“There will be ten more.”

“Is that negotiable? Five?” Even now the first strikes were fading, but she didn’t like the idea of ten more to come.

Two more landed briskly across both cheeks. “Who is in charge?”

“So the answer is ‘no.’ This isn’t negotiable.” Why was she questioning him? He clearly didn’t like it and she was certain to pay for it.

Another harder lash landed and she squirmed on the pillows. “You didn’t answer my question. Who is in charge of discipline?”

She hazarded a glance back at him and saw him holding the belt ready to lash down again. Oddly, it made her woman’s place pulse with desire. He looked so masculine, so commanding. Their gazes met and she saw the heat in his eyes. She swallowed hard, turned her head away, and said, “You are. You are in charge of discipline.”

“Seven more.” He sounded pleased with her answer and then proceeded to deliver the remaining lashes.  They fell quickly, all over her wriggling bottom, but they weren’t as hard as the first ones had been.

Teri had breathed a sigh of relief at the twelfth strike and slumped against the pillows. Her bottom felt as if someone had set it on fire.

Then another lash landed and she yelped, “Hey! That was thirteen!”

He set the belt within her line of vision on the bed and sat down next to her. He smoothed a hand over her poor bottom and said huskily, “A baker’s dozen.”

She grumbled, “Stupid bakers. They need to count better.”

He chuckled and she gaped at him. He seemed as surprised by what he’d done as she did. His hand stilled on her butt and his breathing became even harder. “I want you. Now.”

She wanted him, too. “Even if my ass hurts?” She really didn’t care, but she thought she should put up a small protest.

He stood, toed off his boots, and pulled off his clothes. Deliciously naked, he looked down at her while he stroked his long, hard shaft. “There’s nothing better than sliding between a woman’s pretty red, hot butt cheeks.”

“Maybe for you.” Her heart pounded as she watched him work his rod. Moisture was dripping between her legs. Her bottom still stung, but all she wanted was Seth to drive into her body.

He reached out and moved one hand along her vulva, pinched her clit. She trembled all over, giving a quick hiss of delight. “Enough talk,” he gritted out.

Before she could respond, he knelt on the bed behind her. He pushed her head down to the mattress again and then guided his cock into the place aching for his attention. He froze. “Shit. I forgot the condom.”

She refused to let him pull out and squeezed her inner muscles around him. “I can’t have children.” Okay, that wasn’t exactly true, but it was complicated. She didn’t want to get into--or even think about—that now. “Take me, Seth. Take me.”

He smacked the side of her bottom and held still inside her. “I’m in charge.”

Again with him being in charge? She didn’t care. “Fine, you’re in charge. I’m just bent over here with your cock inside me submitting.”

He began thrusting in and out, slowly, then faster. “You’re such a trial sometimes. Submissive, yet not.”

She panted, nearly mindless with need. He felt so good, filled her so well. “Being submissive is new to me.” She groaned as he rammed her again. “But I’m trying. Oh, ohhhhh, oh yes!”

“You…can…come…now,” he gritted out, rearing back and then shoving as deep as he could.

She’d never been told when she could orgasm before, but she was okay with it. Her fingers clutched the sheets and she cried out his name, “Seth! Oh Seth!”

She’d barely collapsed limply over the pillows when he clasped the sides of her hips and renewed the strength of his pounding into her. His body rubbed against her tender bottom. She winced a bit, but savored when he held still and growled out his own release. “Mine!”

As he draped over her for a second, she asked, “Mine?”

But he didn’t answer. In fact he’d become a heavy weight. With a glance back, she saw that he’d passed out. Well, that was new.





Chapter Five



Seth slowly stirred, realized he’d passed out on top of Teri. For a second he didn’t move, just enjoyed the soft woman beneath him who wasn’t complaining even though he had to be squishing her. He was too stunned to move. His mate. His true mate. The idea rocked his world, completely. He’d always heard and accepted that a wolf mated for life. He’d also been told that a wolf male could have such intense sex that he could pass out, but only with the female destined to be his forever soul mate. It hadn’t happened with his first wife. He’d never thought a lot about it, but he’d known they were meant to be together. And it certainly hadn’t happened with Sarah.

Now? It happens now?

He shifted awkwardly off Teri, heart pounding. How could this be? How could she be his one true mate? She wasn’t even a shifter of any sort, definitely not a wolf like him…like Catherine had been. He stretched out on his back and stared at the ceiling as if he would find answers there.

“Are you all right?” She turned to face him, drawing his attention. Her brow was pinched and her brown eyes held such concern for him.

“I’m…fine.” What else could he say? What did he do now? He needed to go somewhere alone and think about what had happened. Surely this had been something else. He’d been working too hard, exhaustion played a big part in it. But then he hadn’t been working the ranch lately. Stress. The stress of having this beautiful woman here and being attracted to her even when he didn’t want to be.

“You don’t look ‘fine.’” She cautiously touched his chest.

His stomach muscles tightened beneath her small hand and she pulled it away, watching him, worrying her bottom lip. He didn’t want her gentle touches, her concern. He wanted his normal life back. Really? “Yes, I do,” he bit out, and then realized he’d spoken the protest out loud.

“What?” She sat up and his gaze immediately landed on her breasts with their hardened nipples.

It was all he could do not to pull her to him and latch his mouth onto… Disgusted with himself and his fading lack of control, he frowned at her. Then he climbed off the bed. “I’ve got to go.”

“Go where?” She scrambled off the bed, too, and stepped next to him. “Did I do something wrong?”

“Yes. No.” He scooped up his clothes and headed for the bathroom. He didn’t like the flash of hurt he’d seen on her face when he looked up. This wasn’t her fault. “I have some thinking to do. Alone.”

BOOK: Erotica- Forever His/ Spanking
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