Erotic Flash: A Vampire's Seduction (2 page)

BOOK: Erotic Flash: A Vampire's Seduction
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"Sabrina," she managed to sigh.

"Sabrina. Such a beautiful name. I will see you next Tuesday at nine then sweet Sabrina."

Her cheeks grew hotter. "Thank you."

She hung the phone up before he could say anything more. Even though her insides felt knotted up, she still felt good about the appointment. The brief conversation with him, for some odd reason made her feel sexy, desirable. It was unnerving, but at the same time enticing. Yes, the appointment was a very good idea.


Victor could not seem to get the telephone call from earlier that evening out of his head. There was nothing unique about the call, but the woman on the other end seemed, so... sad, defeated even. He couldn't quite put his finger on it but something about her drew him to her. His mind kept dwelling on her words and the sound of her voice on the other end of the telephone.

His client breezed past him, clearly disappointed he did not make a pass at her during the photo shoot. She was an attractive woman probably in her mid-twenties. She had beautiful, silky blonde hair and her breasts were like two gorgeous peaks pressing against the sheer fabric of her blouse.

Although the woman leaving his studio was strikingly gorgeous, his thoughts were consumed with desire to see the mysterious woman he had spoken to on the phone earlier. Sabrina. He longed to meet her, feel her, and take away all her pain.

His cock jerked alive in his pants and his whole body tensed. He growled at himself.

Who was she, and why did she have such an effect on him?

The client who had just left was the last appointment of the evening so he escorted her out and locked up after her.

He strolled around the large black marble front counter and into his office.

The office contained a bar fridge where he had bottles of blood stored away. Striding over to it he bent and pulled one from it.

He had to get to know the caller and he simply couldn't wait until her appointment. He wasn't known for his patience. In all of his two hundred and some odd years on earth, he had never had a pull or desire to know someone like the pull he had for her. One brief conversation, less than two minutes in length, and he and enthralled with her.

One of the greatest benefits to being a vampire was the special power that many obtained upon turning. In most cases, the ability was linked to a skill they may have had prior to being turned.

Not long after he was turned he discovered he had the ability to dreamwalk into a humans dreams. Lately, however, he was also able to read the minds of humans he had physical contact with, if he chose to. Generally, he chose not to. It seemed like such a violation which it was. But sometimes the temptation was just too great.

Got to get to know her,
his mind wouldn't let up on him on the issue, harping at him as if on a sound loop.

He walked over to the black leather sofa in the back of the room. He finished off the bottle of blood then lay down on the sofa. Closing his eyes, he focused on her voice as he drifted off to sleep.

Chapter 2

Sabrina found herself in a wooded clearing. She was alone. Looking down at herself, she noticed she was wearing an elegant robe made of fine white lace. The breeze was strong enough that the flimsy lace was no protection from the wind as it blew against her causing the nipples of her small pert breasts to turn into hard little buds. Her long auburn hair blew out wildly around her. To a person who may have happened to come across her, she may have appeared to be an erotic angel.

The sun was starting to go down, beginning to dip down below the mountain range leaving trails of red, purple and orange across the horizon. Wildflowers of all varieties surrounded her. Their fresh, aroma scent filled her nostrils, but there was also something else. A deep, masculine smell drifted towards her. The smell alone, of him, whomever it was caused a stirring in her stomach and an ache between her legs. She whipped her head around, scanning all directions, attempting to peer into the darkness of the surrounding woods. She saw no one.

"Sabrina?" a soft, sexy male voice whispered into the wind. She whirled around once more, turning in a complete 360 degree circle. Nothing. Once again, there was no one to be seen. Disappointment and anxiety filled her, as she was now anxious to see that man behind the voice.

"Sabrina," the voice sounded a second time. Louder. Closer. Her body trembled and goosebumps formed on her arms.

"Where are you?" she yelled into the wind, as her emerald green eyes scoured her environment.

Suddenly, and out of nowhere large, masculine hands appeared from behind her. Her breath hitched and she became frozen in the spot as the hands grasped her upper arms, stroking them, starting at her shoulders moving slowly down to her elbows and back up again. Moments later, she felt the bare skin of a very massive, toned male body pressing against her back.

"Who are you?"

"It's a pleasure to meet you Sabrina. I am Victor," his head dipped to her collarbone as he spoke, his voice low, hypnotic. His breath teased the sensitive flesh of her neck as he spoke.

In any other instance she would have fled in terror, but here it seemed right. Being with him seemed to be what she had been waiting for, and why she was in the field dressed as she was. She was meant to be his.

This is a dream
. It had to be, she reasoned with herself. A wildly erotic dream. At the realization that she was dreaming her body relaxed and she melted back into his arms.

Closing her eyes, she allowed her head to fall back against his naked muscular chest as she basked in his embrace.

Victor's hands left her shoulders; one slipped its way around her waist, pulling her ass hard against his growing cock. His other hand cupped her left breast over the thin material. He kneaded and played with her firm breast, his fingers toying with the hard tips, pinching and stroking them.

"Mmm," she moaned as short jolts of pleasure rushed through her. She stretched against him, snaking her hands behind his head. His shaft stiffened as she began to grind her backside against it. He felt so good. So right. She had yet to glimpse his face, but it didn't matter. All that mattered was how much she wanted him.

His hand left her breast traveling over her collarbone, fingertips tracing up the side of her neck and grasping her chin in his hand tilting her head back so her lips could meet his. His lips were so soft. She caught his lower lip between her teeth playfully.

He laughed softly as he pulled back. Victor's hunger filled black eyes met her green ones for the first time and another jolt of electricity rushed through her. He was ruggedly handsome with a strong jaw line and his shoulder length dark hair tied tightly back.

He had a dangerous look, in fact, he seemed like the type of man who mothers warned their daughters about but she did not care. All she cared about was the way he made her body hum and yearn for him just by standing behind her.

Her heart skipped a beat when his mouth came crashing down on hers, this time not sweet and gentle, but hard and demanding. Exhilarating. His tongue duelling with hers for dominance, demanding her submission. The hand on her waist tugged at the drawstring holding her robe together. The tie gave way and her robe opened slightly. She shivered as the breeze picked up blowing the robe open fully. His hands moved back up to her shoulders gently sliding the garment down and off allowing it to fall in a puddle at their feet.

"So exquisite, he was such a fool to not appreciate you," his hand brushed the hair from one side of her neck as he began running soft, moist kisses, along her bare shoulder.

Sabrina moaned softly, her body taking over her minds protests and moving back against him, taunting his rock hard cock. She knew she should be questioning him on how he knew of Oliver. How did he know of the situation that had transpired between them? She did not know, but then again, she simply did not care right now. This was a dream, just a dream. So none of that mattered.

She reached behind her and grasped his cock. She heard his sharp intake of breath caused by her touch and felt empowered by it. Her thumb stroked its head. As her thumb circled the head, a dab of pre-cum seeped from the tip.

"My God, you're massive," she stated breathlessly.

He laughed before answering with a simple, "thank you."

As she stroked him, his fingers made their way over her bare breasts, down her stomach and to the apex between her legs. She groaned in anticipation of his fingers exploration. Her pussy was burning for his touch, and she bucked against his hand, begging for his fingers to enter her.

He obliged. His middle and index fingers parted her soft folds and made their way into the depths of her moist heat. His fingers slowly worked their way in and out while his thumb caressed her clit. She moaned with pleasure, begging him for more.

"So fucking wet. So beautiful. You're amazing Sabrina."

She protested, when he removed his fingers from inside her. Bringing them to his lips, he seductively sucked her juices that were covering them.

She thought she was going to explode she wanted his cock filling her so badly. Her pussy was on fire, her stomach in knots, desperately needing to be satisfied.

His fingers traveled back to her pussy and dove back into her. "Fuck my fingers love,"

he commanded as she began bucking and grinding against his hand. It wasn't quite what she was hoping for, but she would take anything he had to offer at this point.

Waves of pleasure began crashing through her, pulsating down her back and exploding between her legs. She continued to stroke him as she bucked against his hand. her hand stroking him in-sync, with his in her. Faster and harder they stroked each other, as he took her higher and higher, ascending the summit. His balls were slapping against her ass with each one of her upward strokes.

Then, finally, the sweet explosion. His efforts were rewarded with her a surge of her warm juices seeping over his hand and wrist. As the final wave of her orgasm rocked through her, she heard him groan, low and deep and then felt the hot release of cum as he came over her back.

Victor grabbed her shoulders and spun her around to face him. When she did, he pulled her into his embrace and his mouth claimed hers in a final kiss. Her knees went weak, but he held her tight against him, steadying her, her breasts crushed tightly against his chest.

When he finally pulled away from the kiss he only said, "I will see you soon love."

Then he was gone.

He had vanished into thin air, as quickly and quietly as he arrived, leaving her standing there weak-kneed, short of breath and trembling in the middle of the field.


Sabrina awoke up with a start, panting hard. Her body was still humming from the dream. She discovered that her cotton panties were wet from the excitement and it occurred to her that she had actually had an orgasm from the dream. She attempted to sit up but she strangely found herself too tired and flopped back against the pillow with a sigh. Damn it! Closing her eyes she drifted back off to a dreamless sleep.

She had several more vividly erotic dreams of that same man over the next few nights.

She was actually starting to get in the habit of going to bed early just so she could dream of him. He was beginning to haunt her both in her dreams as her thoughts during the day as she worked. What was wrong with her? Who was he? Why him?

In all the dreams, he would assure her that Oliver had been a fool to betray such a fine sensual, sexy woman like herself. Once he finished reassuring her he would proceed to sexually gratify her, but for some reason unknown to her refused to use his dick to penetrate her desire-filled pussy. No matter how much she begged and pleaded him to fuck her, he refused. And she begged a lot.

Instead, he would touch her, hold her, kiss her and even bring her to earth shattering climaxes, all without actually entering her. Each time she would request to feel his massive shaft thrusting deep into her, but each time he would answer in the same way.

"Soon, my love," he would say, but soon never seemed to come.

Once she awoke from each of the dreams she would try to remember his face, but it always seemed to fade into her sub-consciousness. All that she seemed to be able to remember was the soft, seductive sound of his voice and the feel of his touch on her skin.

Just the thought of his hands caressing her body would send shivers of anticipation down her spine. She was captivated, obsessed even, by the faceless man of her dreams.


Victor found himself becoming infatuated with the woman he shared dreams with each night. He intended to see her only the once, in the field, that first night. But, she had looked so angelic, so beautiful, and so lost.

She quickly became a drug to him and he needed to know more about her.

When he touched her in the dreams, she blossomed right in front of his eyes. As desire and need overtook her, he could see the insecurity and sadness lift from her expression, and in her eyes.

She lit his dark heart with each smile, with each coy glance. Just the sound of her voice calling his name in ecstasy was nearly enough to take him over the edge of his own desires.

Not being able to resist seeing her in person a moment longer, he had looked her address up from her phone number and drove to her place. As he sat in his car across the street from her home, his eyes caught sight of her working in her flower garden out in front of the house. She looked so at peace, there was not even a hint of the sad and insecure woman who had called him for an appointment a number of days ago. A small part of him wanted to take credit for her tranquility.

He longed to go and introduce himself, but he knew that may not be the best idea. Not yet anyhow. And if he were to introduce himself, what would be say? He couldn't very well tell her he was the man from her dreams and if she invited him in he would love to satisfy her fully like she'd been begging him to. So, he continued to watch until she was done in the garden and made her way back to her front door, closing it behind her. He fought with himself trying to decide if he should wait around for her to exit her front door again or just go home. After a half hour of internal debate he decided to go home.

BOOK: Erotic Flash: A Vampire's Seduction
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