Epiphany (19 page)

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Authors: Ashley Suzanne

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Coming of Age, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Epiphany
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“What the hell are you planning? Is this some kidnap a baby from the hospital nursery
type shit? Wait, don’t tell me. We’re not married yet and I don’t want to have to
testify against you.”

Pulling my feet from his lap, I sit straight, lips curled in a smirk. “One—nobody
is kidnapping anything. Two—you would never testify against me. You’d miss this,”
I rub my hands seductively over my breasts, “if I went to prison. Three—I think I
have the perfect way to help Mira and Skylar have a baby. I don’t know why I didn’t
think of it sooner.” Bouncing in my seat, I can’t wait to tell her. I’m impatiently
waiting for Jacoby to ask the details of my plan.

“Okay, spill it, Red.”
Jacoby grabs his glass of red from the end table, sipping and staring at me over
the rim suspiciously.

“This is going to be epic. I’ll go down in history as the greatest best friend of
all time. Okay, so, Mira can’t carry a baby and I can. She wants babies and I don’t.
Don’t you see? I’ll carry the baby for them.” Taking a drink of my own wine, I’m
proud of my thinking. Maybe it’s because I’ve been reading too many romance novels
lately, but this seems like it’s a win-win for everyone.

“You’re going to what?” Jacoby asks, choking on his drink.

“Keep up. I’m going to carry the baby for them.”

“The hell you are!” Jacoby yells. Glancing toward the stairs, I’m expecting Shelby
to run down the stairs. There’s no possible way she’s asleep already.

“Keep it down,” I whisper. After a few minutes, there’s no sign of Shelby. Feeling
like we’re in the clear of prying ears, I continue.
“Why not?
She’s my best friend. This is the kind of thing that you do for someone you love.”

“No, Kylee, it’s not. If you love someone, you buy them
a Christmas gift … offer
to housesit while they’re on vacation … take them to the dealership when their car
breaks down. Not have children for them. Not to mention, before you go making decisions
like this, you probably should have a conversation with your fiancé.”

“Exactly what is there to discuss, Jacoby?”

“How are we going to explain to our children about this? I can’t imagine how you’ll
tell them that there’s another part of them walking around. Better yet, a child that
will be a part of their life growing up. And if you think for one second that I’m
letting you fuck Skylar, you’ve lost your damn mind.”

“I think Shelby will take it just fine. I know she’s only five, but she’s smart.
As for the sleeping with Skylar—for being such an intelligent man, you can be so stupid
sometimes. It’s called in vitro or something like that. There’s nothing wrong with
Mira’s eggs, and I assume since she was just pregnant a month ago, Skylar’s sperm
works just fine. I’m just the incubator.
Out. My.
I’m trying
everything I
can to calm down—counting to ten, playing with the hem of my shirt, thinking of happy
memories—it’s getting me nowhere.

“I’m not talking about just Shelby. What about our kids we’ll have in the future?”
Color me shocked. I wasn’t aware we’d be having children together.

“I don’t want any more children.”

“What?” Jacoby gasps, a painful look written all over his face.

“What do you mean
? We have Shelby. That’s more than enough for me,” I answer honestly.

“I wasn’t aware that
decided for
that we weren’t having children.” Fuming is too kind of a word to describe Jacoby
in this instant. Standing from the couch, he walks into the kitchen, pouring an extra
tall glass of whiskey. Usually, it’s me running for the liquor cabinet, not him.

“Listen,” I say, following him, trying to defuse the situation. “I love Shelby.
She’s more than enough for me. Think about what
having a baby will do to her.” Gently touching his arm, he pulls back and walking
to the other side of the island. Taking a large gulp, he slams the glass down on
the countertop.

“Why don’t you enlighten me, Kylee? What is giving her a brother or sister going
to do to her? I can’t wait to hear this,” he mocks, sitting on the bar stool, staring
at me, ready to boil over.

“You don’t have to be so damn condescending,” I say softly. “If we have a
baby, that
would be wonderful. At first she would love him or her. Then as time goes on, she’d
resent our child. She doesn’t live here full time; our baby would. She can’t see
you whenever she wants; our baby would.” Jacoby rolls his eyes, either not understanding
or not wanting to understand what I’m saying.

“Seriously, Jacoby, a little girl’s first love is her daddy. Every relationship she’s
ever going to have will be based off that bond—between father and daughter. I won’t
put her in a situation where she feels less than or not as loved.”

“Even if what you’re saying is true, shouldn’t it be
decision? It’s taking a lot out of me to not throw this glass across the room.
If we don’t have kids, that doesn’t mean you go around lending out your uterus. It’s
just now how things are done.” The effects of Jacoby’s upbringing are shining through—he’s
not sounding like the man I fell in love with. I’m starting to wonder if this is
more about appearances than anything else. He would actually have to explain why
his fiancée was pregnant, yet there’s no baby.

Showing that I’m onto him, it’s me that explodes, “I don’t care what people think.
It doesn’t bother me one bit what they’ll talk about. Here are the facts: This is
body and whatever
choose to do with it is up to
, Shelby is my number one priority even if I’m only her step mother, and how the fuck
you tell me that I can’t help my best friend when she’s hurting? Don’t make me choose
between you.” To drive my point home, I’m the one that takes his glass, chucking
it across the room, shattering it into tiny pieces, but only after I finish the rest
of the whiskey inside.

“It’s not about choosing, Kylee. It’s about realizing that we’re engaged, which means
that we’re going to be married soon. You can’t make decisions like that without talking
to me. Who knows, if we would have had a conversation about this, it might change
my opinion, but we didn’t. I don’t want you to do this.” Tears threaten to spill.
How doesn’t he see how much I want to do this?

“I’m sorry, Jacoby, but I’m doing this. Mira’s as close to a sister as I’m ever going
to have. She’s my person and if she needs me, then she has me, without having to
ask. I’m offering this to her, and if she accepts, you’re going to have to get over
it or get over me.” I don’t want to do this, but it’s the truth.

Some people think that a soul mate is the person you marry. That’s not the case for
Mira and me, though. She’s my other half, my better half. When everything else fails—boys,
parents, kids—we have each other forever.

“Let me just try to comprehend this for a second. You’re telling me that no matter
what my opinion on the matter is, you’re going to do it—carry a child for Mira?”

“Yes,” I whisper, wishing it didn’t have to be this way. He’s never going to get

Without saying another word, Jacoby walks out of the kitchen, grabs his keys from
the hook at the front door and leaves.

I go as far as waiting up for him, until after one, only he doesn’t come home. With
a few calls and text messages that have gone unanswered, I pull the throw blanket
from the back of the couch and fall asleep. Sometime around four, Shelby comes downstairs
and climbs into my arms. When she falls back asleep, I peek in the garage, checking
if Jacoby’s home yet.

No car. No keys. No returned calls or texts.

Lying back on the couch, I try fall back to sleep with my little lady. A few moments
later, panic starts to churn deep within. What if I’ve screwed everything up so badly
that Jacoby leaves and I won’t get any more cuddles with Shelby?

Silent tears start to fall as I cry myself to sleep, praying and hoping that I haven’t
bitten off more than I can chew.



Today’s the first day in a month that I’ve felt closer to being myself
again. Attempting to get back on my usual schedule, I actually pulled myself out
of bed when the alarm sounded. It’s a small thing, but it’s a step in the right direction.

Keeping the momentum going, I apply some makeup and iron out my hair. Taking a second
glance at myself in the mirror before walking out of the bathroom, I must say, I look
pretty damn good. Much better than I could have hoped for someone who hasn’t left
the house in a while.

“And where do you think you’re off to looking that good?” Skylar asks, whistling as
I choose an outfit from the closet.

“I’m headed out with Kylee for a bit. She found a bakery for her wedding she wants
to try out. She said something about chocolate and champagne, so you know I’m in,”
I tease, putting on a pair of actual pants instead of the sweats I’ve been living

“I’m not gonna lie. I’m a little jealous that she gets to spend time with you while
you’re looking that damn good.” Pulling a tight fitted tee shirt over my head, that’s
cut a little lower than I would typically wear, Skylar’s eyes cloud with lust, looking
at me like I’m a meal and he’s starved.

It’s been weeks since we’ve been intimate and I can’t ignore the throbbing between
my thighs. Walking to the edge of the bed and crawling up to where Skylar’s propped
up against the headboard, I lean over him and whisper in his ear, “I’m only going
to be gone a few hours. Maybe you should be home when I get back.”

As I begin backing up, Skylar grabs my arms, holding me in place. He presses his
lips to mine, waiting for my reciprocation. When he gets the green light he’s searching
for, Skylar takes my mouth and senses by storm. Surrendering all control, I allow
him to position my head and take what he’s been missing. And mother of all things
holy does he take.

“I’ve missed you,” he says between kisses.

Just that small statement alone drills home that I’ve been absent. I’ve not been
present for anything, let alone any concern for his needs and wants. Through everything,
he was patient and compassionate, loving me unconditionally and waiting for me to
get back to where I finally am now.

Detaching from our kiss, I start slowly pressing soft kisses to his jaw and down his
neck. Not detouring from my path, I continue down until I’m at his lower abdominals,
clenching my thighs together as I run my tongue alone the perfectly etched ‘V’ that
points to my final destination.

“Fuck, Mira,” he hisses, lifting his hips.

“Thank you,” I say, moving lower to the cotton band of his boxers.
“For loving me.”
With my teeth, I pull at the waist. He takes my cue, pushing them down.
“Always, loving me.”
Kissing the insides of his muscular thighs.
“No matter what.”
I swipe my tongue up his shaft, letting my lips rest just above the head of his
Just enough where he can feel my breath, but nothing else.
“For loving me unconditionally.”

In one fell swoop, I lick my lips then take him in my mouth as far as I possibly can.
Skylar’s fingers find my hair on their own accord, working together to hold my hair
away. Bringing my hand up to join the party, I gently massage his boys, making sure
they get a full work out as well.

“You’re welcome, even though it’s not needed, it’s greatly appreciated,” Skylar pants.
Having not been intimate in so long, I’m not expecting this to last long.

As my head bobs with the rhythm of his hips, Skylar’s growls grow closer together.
When his balls pull tight, I let them go, knowing his release is only moments away.
Becoming braver, I force myself to take him down further than he’s been before. Thankfully,
the warm, salty fluid hits the back of my throat before my gag reflex gets to work.

With one final grunt, Skylar stills, his body going rigid as the last of his come
shoots out in small bursts. Being a champ, and never a quitter, I take everything
he’s giving to me with pride.

Sitting back on my calves, I wipe the corners of my mouth and smile devilishly.
“No, babe.
You’re welcome

“Touché,” he chuckles, pulling his boxers up and walking into the bathroom.

Running a comb through my hair and reapplying some lip gloss, it’s only minutes before
Kylee’s ringtone plays from my nightstand.

“Hey. Are you on your way?” I ask, going back to the closet and searching for the
match of the one sneaker I’ve managed to find.

“Will be soon.
Rough night.
I wanted to make sure you were still up for today,” she says, kind of sounding like
she was waiting for me to bail so she wouldn’t have to.

“Nope, I’m good.
Just finished getting ready and handling some other business.
See you in thirty?” I ask, not letting her off the hook. Part of being back to
means that Kylee doesn’t get away with shit. I bet she’s kicking herself in the
ass right about now.

“Oh. Okay. Thirty.” Her end of the line disconnects before I can even pull the
phone away from my ear.

Skylar asks, coming out of the bathroom, wrapped in nothing but a towel. If my
hair wasn’t looking absolutely amazing, I would so climb into that shower with him
and get a little reciprocation myself.

She’ll be here in a half hour.” The smirk on his face is nothing more than a clear
indication that he’s thinking the same raunchy thoughts as me.
No you don’t, pal. I’m looking great today.

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