Enchanting Eilagh (Dragon Warriors) (3 page)

BOOK: Enchanting Eilagh (Dragon Warriors)
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"Who are you
, and where are we?"

The big man smiled at her like he was proud of her.
How strange.

"I am Dimitri, Leader of the Dragon Warriors. You are in the clinic of our castle."

"Castle? And where exactly is this castle?" Eilagh’s gut tightened as a horrible feeling spread through her. She was nearly certain that they were no longer in the outback, or even on Earth.

"We live in The Land of Feury. The Great Wind brought you from your land to ours
… two days ago. Where are you from, little one? What are your names?"

"Two days? We've been out for two whole days…" Binda dropped her head in her hands and began to sob. Eilagh
stared hard at two of the warriors who had stepped forward.

"Don't you
come near her." Eilagh glared with murderous intent at the men. No way in hell would she let her friends be hurt if she could do something about it. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Becky wrap Binda up in a hug and begin to stroke her hair to calm her down.

Eilagh looked back at Dimitri
. He had that proud look on his face again, along with a hint of a grin. She frowned in confusion at him as his face cleared of expression before she remembered his question.

"We’re from Australia, from
… Earth." Her armband glowed green again.

"Hmm, I have never heard of either place. What are your names?"

"First, I want your intentions toward us, and what are these all about?" As she spoke, she held her arm out with the still glowing metal band.

"None of us will ever cause any of you harm
. We shall protect and guard all five of you. I am sorry about the Truth Bands, but the last time the Great Wind brought visitors, they lied, and we suffered a great loss because we believed them."

"Okay, that's understandable, I guess. My name is Eilagh, and this is Skye, Binda
, and Becky. Carina isn't awake yet."

"We'll have Baxter, our healer, look her over again shortly to see if anything is wrong. The last scan showed you were all doing well. She simply needs more rest to finish recovering."

Eilagh’s stomach picked that precise moment to declare itself empty and in need of filling. Dimitri frowned briefly before smiling again.

"Come with us
, and we’ll get you all some food. Your friend, Carina, will be safe here with Baxter."

"We're not going anywhere until we get our clothes back, buster
," Becky declared loudly.

Once fully clothed, the four of them were led down a wide long hallway and into a large room with stone walls and a very high ceiling.
Wow, it really is a castle.
There were long timber tables that where heavily laden with platters of roast beef and roasted vegetables that looked very fresh and steaming hot.

"How did they know we were coming?" It seemed to Eilagh like the food had only just been laid out, as if someone had known the exact moment they were going to arrive.

"I told them we were on our way. Dragons can talk to each other telepathically." Dimitri spoke right into Eilagh's ear causing her body to break out in goose bumps from the top of her head all the way to her toes. He pulled out a chair for her, and she sat heavily into it. He sat on one side, and another man, who looked exactly like Dimitri, sat on the other.

"What do you mean
? You look human." She ran her gaze over his entire muscular body. Damn the man was built.

"We are shifters,
so we have two forms. We can be either human or dragon."

"But dragons aren't real
, and shifters are just a myth."

Dimitri smiled sweetly at her and palmed her cheek. She gasped as his touch sent heat throughout her body
. Her nipples beaded, and her knickers dampened.

"We'll show you, to prove to you we’re speaking the truth. But not until after you’ve all eaten."

Dimitri's hand dropped from her face as she turned back to the table, trying to rein in her body's reactions to his touch. Her stomach growling loudly helped get her brain back on task, and she focused on all the delicious smells invading her nose.

It didn't take Eilagh long to eat her fill
. She sat back in her chair absolutely stuffed. All the food was so delicious that she ended up eating a lot more than she usually did. Now she was beginning to feel sleepy as her body began to process the massive amount of food she’d just thrown at it. She glanced around and noticed her friends all looked the same, satiated and content. She also noticed that, like her, they had one of the warriors sitting on each side fussing over them.
How fascinating.
Dimitri's deep voice pulled her attention to him.

"Now that you've all had your fill, allow us to prove that both dragons and shifters are indeed very real. Max, my twin, will shift to show you. Max? Would you be so kind?"

The man on her other side gave her a wink as he stood from his chair and moved with smooth, silent steps to the front of the room, where everyone could see. Eilagh glanced around quickly to see everyone’s eyes trained on Max. Dimitri laid his hand over hers and gave it a slight squeeze.

The room filled with a bright flash of light. After blinking her eyes clear, her mouth dropped open in both shock and awe. Where
before a man had been now stood a dragon, who had to be at least ten feet tall, with scales the same blood red color his hair had been. The skin down his front and the webbing of his wings were colored honey gold just like his eyes.

"Oh my—bloody hell, you really are dragons!" Eilagh heard Becky's voice ring out.

The dragon was looking straight at Eilagh, holding her transfixed with his honey golden gaze. Without thought she rose from her chair and walked toward him in a daze, like he was calling her to him. She vaguely heard female voices behind her, but nothing could stop her from reaching her destination. As she got closer, the dragon lowered himself down from standing on his hind legs to crouching so his head was level with hers. She didn't stop walking until she stood mere inches from his large head. Her hand automatically lifted, and she rested it on the bridge of his nose. His eyes closed, and a deep rumble of a purr filled the air. She slowly, carefully, stroked his smooth hard scales, up his snout, down his jaw. Then she ran both her hands down his chest. The honey golden skin felt like leather beneath her fingers. Unable to stop herself, she moved in closer to the dragon, pressing her body against his chest, the roughness of his skin arousing her nipples through her thin shirt and bra. She nuzzled her face into his leathery neck, inhaling his masculine scent deep into her lungs. She felt heat envelope her back moments before a deep voice whispered in her ear. "So you like our dragons, sweet Eilagh? You know, Max and I are identical, both as humans and dragons. You have us both to guard you, keep you safe … and … to pleasure you."

Eilagh shivered at Dimitri's seductive words. She heard a whoosh
, and the lights dimmed. She turned her head and saw that Max had wrapped his wings around them, shielding them from the others and creating a private space for them. Dimitri continued seducing her by sliding his hands around her waist, gripping each of her hips firmly as he began dropping small feather light kisses along her jaw line. As her body heated, she splayed her hands wide over the dragon's chest before her while she tilted her head for Dimitri, giving him better access to her neck.

She tensed momentarily when her mind hiccupped on her.
What the hell am I doing?
She was being seduced by a dragon and a man who both claimed to be shifters. This should be scary, and she should be running from the castle screaming … but she wasn't. Couldn't imagine leaving. It just felt right. She felt safe, content, and completely at ease. The last of her tension seeped out of her as Dimitri pulled her hips back so his long thick erection pressed against the cotton of her shorts and teased her ass. She opened her mouth to gulp in air. Her body had gotten wicked hot, and she feared she might well combust.

She groaned and wriggled against Dimitri’s cock as his hands smoothed up her ribs and over her breasts to the center of her shirt. He worked his way down, undoing the buttons until her shirt fell open. He ran his calloused palms over her shoulders, taking the shirt down over her biceps, not stopping until he'd forced her hands to leave the dragon's flesh as he pulled her arms behind her. Her body tensed
. He was taking her control away. She tried to pull her arms free, but it was no use against all his strength.

“Shh, Eilagh. You will come to no harm. I promise you’ll only feel pleasure.”

Using her shirt, he quickly tied her wrists behind her back. As he tugged on the knot securing her wrists, her nipples got harder, and a fresh gush of liquid dampened her knickers as her breath hitched.
Who would have thought bondage would get my motor running?
She’d never let anyone restrain her in any way, shape, or form. But by just binding her wrists Dimitri had her totally burning up.

Dimitri stepped into her body so his heavy erection pressed into her bound hands. She began to slowly stroke him up and down, enjoying the feel of his length through the leather of his pants. She smiled in glee as she heard his breath hitch when she found and undid the laces of his pants. She was rewarded with a low growl in her ear when his cock sprang free and straight into her hands. He was huge, much bigger than any guy she'd ever been with before
, and felt like satin covered steel against her fingers as she stroked him. She shuddered at the thought of how good it would feel to have his hard length sliding in and out of her wet heat.

Dimitri clasped his hands onto her shoulders. He hooked his thumbs beneath her bra straps and began to slowly slide them over her sensitive skin. Just as they slipped off her shoulders, the dragon opened his mouth
, and she watched as his long tongue came toward her. The gravelly purr he was making got louder, and with her eyes fixed on his tongue she noticed it was moving.
Bloody hell, his tongue is vibrating!
She didn't get a chance to question it as pulsing velvety smoothness slipped down her cleavage and curled around the underside of her right breast before lifting it out of the confines of her bra. Next that wickedly long tongue slid under her left breast, lifting that too out into the open. Then he laved her skin, pressing against her nipples as he purred louder. Vibrated faster. She let her head fall back against Dimitri's shoulder as her body melted under the onslaught.


Dimitri lowered his head to nip at her lobe before tracing his tongue around the shell of her ear, enjoying how she shivered in his arms and tightened her grip on his cock as she continued to stroke him. He'd never felt anything so sublime as her hands on his flesh. He needed her as hot as he was, as hot as he knew Max was. Max had been pushing his thoughts at him, begging him to allow him first taste. With an agreement that Dimitri would be the first to sink his cock into her, he agreed to let Max have the first taste of her sweet little pussy.

"Do you know what Max is telling me, sweetness? He's telling me how good you taste, how sensitive your skin is..." He trailed his hands down to her pants where he ripped open the buttons holding them up. "But he wants to know how your honey tastes." Her chest and shoulders flushed pink at his words. Her whole body shuddered as he dove into her pants and cupped her pussy in his hand, her heat nearly scalding his skin through her soaked lacy underwear. He firmly rubbed the heel of his hand over her clit and smiled as he felt more of her honey gush into his palm. He slid his hand out
, and after peeling her pants and underwear down her legs, he lifted each foot and removed them totally before returning to stand behind her. As he pressed himself into her back, she grabbed his cock in her hot little hands and began stroking him again.
Damn, she feels so good.

Stop teasing, Dimitri, I can smell her arousal. Pick her up with her legs spread wide for me. I have to taste her. Now.

Dimitri understood his brother's desire. He could smell her honey, too, and desperately wanted a taste himself. He removed her hands from his flesh and untied her wrists before raising her hands to behind her head and refastening them. He then lowered himself down, wrapped his arms under each of her thighs and picked her up, spreading her thighs wide for Max's enjoyment. She gasped as he'd picked her up before she wrapped her bound wrists behind his head—just like he wanted her to. She arched her back and tried to swivel her hips. Poor baby was horny as hell and searching for some relief.

Now, Max, she's going crazy with the need to come.

With a loud purr, Max dove into Eilagh's soft, wet pussy with his long dragon tongue. Eilagh's entire body arched again, and her head rolled back over Dimitri’s shoulder. Her breasts were thrust out, their dark mocha tips teasing him. Lowering his head, he nuzzled between her neck and shoulder, leaving wet open-mouthed kisses in his wake.

How does she taste
, Max? Is our Desired's honey as sweet as the rest of her?

She tastes of sugary-spice. All of her tastes so sweet, I'll never be able to get enough. And she's tight
, Dimitri, so damn tight and wet. She's gripping me like a vise. I can feel her rippling, she's so close. Do something, push her over, I want her to coat my tongue with her cum.

BOOK: Enchanting Eilagh (Dragon Warriors)
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