Embracing the Fall (19 page)

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Authors: Lainey Reese

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BOOK: Embracing the Fall
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“You know what I meant.” More laughter as he tried for another kiss and she ducked
the other way. “You didn’t know I was going to be here, so why didn’t you get off
the elevator.” She was going to get whiplash if they kept this up much longer.

“I was going to have lunch with your cousin, but I found something that looks a lot
tastier right here. Now dammit, hold still and give me a bite.” His hands cupped her
face and his mouth descended. The kiss had just started, her lips barely parted, when
the elevator dinged to signal a stop.

She sprung away with a jolt and tugged at her jacket, even as she tried to remember
how to look professional. Three men piled into the car as she and Evan stood side-by-side
in the back of it. The new occupants paid no attention to the two of them, deep in
their own discussion about things Z didn’t care to hear about.

She marveled that they were oblivious to the sexual tension thrumming through the
air. There was a stillness, a predatory quietness to Evan that filled her with expectation.
It was exhilarating. All those months when she had been researching with Cami and
fascinated by what she was learning, she’d chalked it up to simple curiosity. Now,
after all that she’d learned about herself since Evan had come into their lives, Z
realized that it wasn’t just Cami who was a sub, but herself as well. Exhilarating
hardly described the giddy, hard to contain, joy she was feeling. Out of the corner
of her eye, Z saw a muscle flex along his cheek and jaw line, indicating the extent
of his arousal.

He looked as though the smallest nudge would snap his control. Ziporah’s bubbe had
a saying she was fond of that fit this moment perfectly. Never tug a tiger by its
tail. As a child she had always wondered what would happen if she did. Still looking
straight ahead, Z decided to try it and see, so she slipped out of her pumps.

Evan tensed so dramatically, Z was shocked that the men in the elevator continued
to be unaware. He pulled his cell phone from his pocket and began typing away with
his thumbs. If what she could make out from her glimpse was accurate, he’d just ordered
a car service. Message sent, Evan replaced his phone with one hand and the other he
casually slipped behind her. It was all she could do to keep her expression blank
when that big warm hand scooped over her ass and squeezed.

When the doors opened, the other men filed out without looking back and Evan rumbled,
“You may put your shoes on only till we reach the car.” Z’s whispered response was
barely audible as she stepped back into her shoes. Evan clasped her arm just above
her elbow and walked her off the elevator and out of the building without saying another

There was a town car, black and shiny, waiting right in front of the building and
as soon as the driver spotted them he jumped out to open the back door. Evan helped
her in and before she could slide across the bench seat, his hands cupped her armpits
and laid her back. The door had barely closed behind him when the car started moving.
Ziporah registered that there was privacy glass between them and the driver but she
was so turned on she didn’t think it would matter if it wasn’t there.

“Hands up, sugar,” Evan ordered in a growl. “I want those hands on your breasts.”
Z jolted in shock, sure he had been about to tell her to grasp the seat or the door,
but never herself. “Do as I say. Unbutton that blouse and let me see you touch those
pretty little things for me. That’s it,” he said as she shakily obeyed his bidding.
“There you go, that’s the way. Such a pretty little bra. Open it. Ah, so very lovely,
now play with them.”

Ziporah had never understood the appeal of doing this. Playing with herself, when
there was a man right here in front of her to do it for her. Why would any woman choose
that? For that matter, why would a man? If he had a willing woman right in front of
him, why wouldn’t he want his own hands on her?

Now she got it. There was something so incredibly sexy about watching him as he watched
while her fingers squeezed and plucked and tickled on her own small breasts. Evan
looked enthralled, and it made her feel powerful and enchanting.

“Don’t stop. Don’t you dare stop,” Evan demanded as his hands went to her dress slacks
and he yanked them from her body. His eyes never left her busy fingers as he lowered
his head and devoured her. She bucked and cried out at the suction and his talented
tongue brought her to a fast, hard climax in record time.

He wasn’t through, wasn’t through by a long shot from the looks of it. Those massive
shoulders bunched as his arms wrapped around her hips and he lifted her lower body
clear off the seat and growled, “Again,” without lifting his mouth from her still
pulsing clit. He sucked and lapped and gorged himself until a second, harder climax
poured across his lips. He had one foot braced on the floor and one knee on the seat,
while her legs were draped over his shoulders. As Ziporah jerked and gasped, the sight
of him and how he looked right then was a visual delight that only added to her mind-blowing
pleasure. And still he watched, so she continued to torment her nipples for him.

With one hand, Evan freed himself from his slacks, then gripped her hips with bruising
force and slammed into her. They both cried out at the impact and froze for one endless
moment where even the world seemed to hold its breath for them.

Finally, Evan could hold back no longer and he thundered into her with powerful lunges
of his hips that rocked her entire being. And Ziporah countered every hard thrust,
beat for beat. They went at each other like animals, and at a pace like that, it couldn’t
last. When she came with a scream that she muffled by biting the leather upholstery,
five earth-shattering thrusts later, Evan followed with a grunt and a shudder that
shook his entire body.

“Best damn lunch I ever had.” All Ziporah could do was nod, wide-eyed and panting,
in agreement.

In the weeks that followed, the three of them became inseparable. The flirting texts,
the stolen lunches, and evenings spent in wild, abandoned passion. The fall was holding
tight, with riotous colors and Halloween and Thanksgiving decorations everywhere,
but for the first time in seven years, Cami was not lost to the darkness. It cropped
up sometimes and brought a sadness to her that she tried to hide, but both Z and Cami
agreed that this was the easiest fall season she’d ever had.

Evan and Ziporah spent most nights at the Tavern with Cami. There was a comfortable
couch against the wall, away from most of the noise, which the two of them had commandeered
as their own. Evan with his laptop, would pound away at the keys, compiling pie charts
and comparison grids and things that were way beyond what either woman could comprehend.
Z was just as bad, with her case files and her briefcase, scribbling away as she jotted
down notes and muttered incessantly.

They loved it there, not only did being there allow them to be close to the third
of their triad, but Cami had made the place live up to its name. It truly was a haven
from the chaos of the outside world. Without fail, the music was never too loud and
always fit the mood. Most of the people that were drawn there were fun-loving, inviting
and all-around good company. The drinks were never watered down, and the food was
worth fighting over. Word had gotten out of Natacha’s cheesecake and even Evan was
addicted. The feisty cook had warmed to him eventually and started setting aside a
slice for him if she knew he was coming in.

Cami sang almost constantly. Her voice would ring out in perfect harmony from wherever
she was in the tavern. She could be behind the bar filling a drink order and a song
would catch her fancy, so she’d start singing along. Or cleaning the tables during
open mic night, when someone would fumble or their confidence would desert them and
she would join right in, adding her voice to theirs to bolster them up and help get
them through.

It did not escape Cami’s notice that every time she sang, Evan stopped what he was
doing and listened. It thrilled her that he liked her voice, and filled her with a
pleasure she had a hard time naming. That something she could do would stop a man
like him in his tracks was a heady thing.

The tavern was closed for the night and the three of them were alone as Cami was doing
inventory for tomorrow’s order while Evan and Z were still working away on their own
tasks. All three of them had important work to do; duties that responsible adults
knew had to be fulfilled. So, to Cami’s way of thinking, it was the perfect time to

With her clipboard in hand, she strolled along the inside of the bar seemingly taking
notes on which bottles were low and needed to be replaced. As though without even
noticing that she was doing it, Cami opened up her mouth and started singing.

It was intended to be an upbeat number but Cami sang slow and sultry; it was a song
about sex, and she made sure to put plenty of gravel in the low notes and breathe
in the high ones.

She tried to appear as though she wasn’t enticing him on purpose while she cooed about
what a bad girl she was, but Cami had never been one for subterfuge, so she was sure
she failed miserably. When she sang about liking the smell of sex, she thought if
she was any more turned on, she’d start glowing.

When she peeked to see what effect her song was having on Evan, she was smugly pleased
to see that, like always, he’d stopped what he was doing and was watching her. “Sticks
and stones may break my bones, but chains and whips excite me.”

He didn’t take his eyes off of her as he set his computer to the side, reached one
hand into his fly, and cupped Z by the back of the head with his other. Cami’s voice
almost faltered when he urged the other woman to her knees between his spread legs
and lowered her head. The lyrics for the next verse were beyond her comprehension
at that point so she sang a jumble of rumbly vocal riffs that sounded like sex put
to rhythm until she got to the chorus.”

All the while, that stare, that beautiful emerald stare never left Cami’s face as
she sang to him about sex and love and longing.

It was hard to keep her voice steady and remember what line was next as Cami watched
Z going down on him. She couldn’t see anything other than her friend’s silky brown
hair bobbing up and down, but she didn’t need to. It was hot and erotic and tantalizing.

The song was coming to an end when Evan lifted one hand to crook his finger at her,
while his other hand continued to hold Z in place. Cami started forward, careful not
to rush, she tried to look sensual and worldly instead of eager. She put sway in her
body that Evan noticed as his eyes coursed up and down as her steps drew her closer.
She timed it so the last note still hanging in the air by the time she made it to
his side.

“Remove your shoes.” Ah, that’s why Z had dropped to do his bidding without her usual
token resistance, Cami thought, she’d been barefoot already. Cami would’ve liked to
have been wearing high heels or stilettos so she could kick them off with a sexy flounce,
but as her luck would have it, she was in cowboy boots and they were a bitch.

She had to plop her bottom on the floor and yank and tug to get the stubborn things
off. Cami didn’t mind though, Z hadn’t stopped what she was doing and Evan had continued
to stare at her like she was Aphrodite, in spite of the fact that she was in a fight
with her footwear.

“Come here.” Evan reached a hand out to her and widened his legs as soon as the last
boot hit the floor. Cami crawled forward eagerly and Z made room for her. This was
new for them, going down on him at the same time. They had each done this for him
before over these last weeks, but never together.

Z tilted her head to the side and her lips slid down that long column of flesh, so
Cami leaned forward and wrapped hers around the bulbous head. The sound Evan made
was a deep guttural growl and it lit a fire inside of her. She sucked and swirled
her tongue as she braced one hand on Z’s shoulder and reached out the other to cup
and fondle his sack. When her friend came up, Cami turned her own head to the side
so Z could have a turn at nuzzling that fat crest and slid her lips down the shaft
this time.

They went back and forth like that for a long while, trading who got to pleasure the
shaft with who got to pleasure the head, while both of them ran their hands over him
constantly. Evan had excellent control, but everyone had a breaking point and he was
fast approaching his.

Cami trembled as he fisted a hand in each of their hair and he brought them both to
the sides of his cock so their noses were bumping and their lips were meshing together
around him. He held them there like that as he groaned and his hips started to thrust
between their sucking, drooling mouths. “Fuck! Oh girls, so fucking good. Christ Almighty,
so fucking good.” Then, with every muscle locked, his shouts rang out in the room
as Evan came in a rush of heat that splashed in white hot streams over them both.
Cami felt a hot trail coursing down her cheek and saw an identical one on Z’s; more
erupted from him as the two of them continued to lick and suck and moan.

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