Read Embraced by Fire Online

Authors: Louise Delamore

Tags: #Vampires and Shapeshifters, #Dragons, #Suspense, #Paranormal, #Fantasy

Embraced by Fire (6 page)

BOOK: Embraced by Fire
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“Glad to have you on the team. I’ve heard good reports, both about your demo and the way you interacted with the kids today.” Victor settled back against the railing.

“Thank you. It didn’t take much, kids can’t resist fire. Heck, even adults are drawn to flames. Something about the danger talks to the basest part of our brains.” Ryu gave a wicked smile that told its own story about his fascination with danger.

Victor smiled a male-bonding-kind-of-smile in return. Two predators deciding they were on the same side for now, joined by a shared appreciation for the riskier side of life. Kait was left feeling the odd one out all of a sudden. Men!

Strong arms suddenly looped around her waist from behind making her squeak in surprise.

“Come on, Kait, dance with—” Johnny’s voice petered out when he realised she was talking to their boss. “Hi, Mr Strange. Great party.”

“I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself. Johnny, have you met Ryu MacKay?”

“Mac, please. Nice to meet you, Johnny.”

Johnny reached past Kait to shake Ryu’s hand. “I saw you at the party, great stuff. I was the guy jamming out the tunes.”

“I’m not sure Happy Birthday and accompanying songs count as ‘jamming out the tunes’.” Kait twisted out of Johnny’s embrace so she could see his face.

“It’s all in the mindset, babe, all in the mindset.” Johnny grinned.

“You worked for this outfit long?” Ryu asked.

She could see he was trying to work out her relationship with Johnny.

“Yeah, I’ve been here for like, years. How long, Kait?”

“Five or six years, you started before me.”

“There you go. I’m an old hand at this, any questions you can come to me.”

“I’ll do that.” Ryu smiled politely.

Johnny turned back to her. “Time to shake your booty on the dance floor, sweet-stuff.” He grabbed her arm. “You guys joining us?” He included Ryu and Victor in his invitation with a roll of his shoulder.

When they shook their heads, he threw a “Great to meet you, Mac,” over his shoulder, and towed her toward the impromptu, lawn dance floor.

She jammed in her heels before they hit the gyrating bodies. “Johnny, that was rude, I was talking to them.”

“I asked if they wanted to join us.”

“That’s not the point.” She glared at him.

He grinned unrepentantly. “Vic won’t mind. You told me he wanted you to have a better work-life balance. I’m making sure you do. Enjoy!” He pushed his way over to where Rachael was already dancing.

With an exasperated shrug, Kait joined them. Maybe it was the increased blood flow from dancing, maybe it was a job well done, maybe it was knowing Victor hadn’t hated Ryu on sight, but her headache started to ease and she began enjoying herself.

By the time she dragged her exhausted body off the dance floor the sun had set and someone had fired up the grill. The smell of sizzling meat juices wafted toward her. Her stomach cramped, reminding her she hadn’t eaten any lunch and pre-function nerves meant a small breakfast. Led by her nose, she headed for the food. After several stops to chat and catch-up she made it, paper plate in hand, to where Victor manned the grill.

“What can I get you?” Victor flipped a steak before turning to look at her.

“One of those sausages and a small steak.” Her mouth watered as he laid the meat next the pile of salad on her plate.

“You’re looking more relaxed, maybe I should do this more often.”

“I’m feeling better.” She smiled. “Thank you for hosting this tonight.”

He gave her a slight nod as she shuffled out of the way, making room for Deron who stood behind her in the queue. Not wanting to engage in anything as demanding as conversation, she left the well-lit deck and sat down to enjoy her dinner in a relatively out of the way spot. She’d been up early finalising arrangements, then dealing with the client and her team. Now she needed a few moments to catch her breath before she was drawn back into the thick of things.

The perfectly grilled steak hit her tongue with a rush of smoky, salty, peppery, meaty goodness and she almost groaned with pleasure. Settling down to eat her meal with focused gusto, she didn’t hear Ryu and Rachael approach until they were almost on top of her.

“…for the children, it was wonderful. Do you have any children of your own?” Rachael was clearly doing an availability and background check on Ryu.

Kait’s steak turned to wet cardboard in her mouth. Ryu’s reply was an indistinct rumble, too quiet to hear at this distance. As he spoke his head turned, scanning the darkness as if he sensed her presence. Instinctively she shrank further back into the shadows.

“That’s so true.” Rachael tossed her hair and laughed, lower and more sexy than her regular laugh.

Kait knew Rachael practiced that laugh. Once Kait teased her, saying she should record herself so she could get exactly the right intonation. For a moment had Rachael looked serious as if she might agree, before she lightly brushed the idea away.

Ryu turned to wait for Rachael who had fallen a step behind him. His quiet reply sent shivers along Kait’s skin. Even without hearing the words his voice had an alarming effect on her senses.

Rachael, usually so light on her feet, tripped as she hurried to draw alongside. Ryu sprang forward, catching her. His arms went around her, holding her in an apparently tender embrace.

“Oh.” Rachael’s voice was light and breathless. She ran her hands up his arms to his shoulders and, leaning back, gave Ryu a smile from beneath her lashes.

Kait clenched her jaw. That smile told her Rachael’s little stumble was no more than artifice to put her exactly where she wanted to be—in Ryu’s arms.

He must have asked Rachael if she was all right, because she nodded, her fingers sliding around the back of his neck and into his hair. “Yes, my hero. If I’d sprained my ankle I wouldn’t be able to work.”

To Kait’s surprise, instead of taking Rachael up on her all to obvious offer, Ryu gently extracted himself from her grasp. Subtly stepping away, he pointed up to the music, lights, and food smells pouring from the deck. Rachael nodded, clearly reluctant to end this opportunity to be alone with him, and together they headed back to the party.

As they walked away, Ryu turned and looked directly at Kait. Her eyes widened, he couldn’t have seen her in the darkness. She remembered the way his head titled as if scenting the breeze. Cripes, he couldn’t have smelt her from there surely. Tentatively, she bent and sniffed under her arms, no horrid BO hit her nose.

No, she must be mistaken. Either he actually saw or heard her, or he hadn’t been looking at her at all. Kait swallowed, and almost choked as the piece of steak she’d forgotten about went down the wrong way. Coughing and spluttering, her eyes watering like crazy, she shook her head. How could she have forgotten to swallow? Ryu’s effect on her was insane.

Her attraction to him was so visceral she struggled to react rationally around him. She’d never felt like this in her life. Sure, she’d been attracted, but never quite like this.

“Hey, what are you doing alone in the dark?” She jumped, Johnny’s question taking her by surprise.

“Cripes, Johnny, you surprised me.”

“Sorry, doll-face. You all right?” He looked at her in concern. “You look like you’ve been crying?”

“I have.”

Johnny crouched down next to her. “What’s up?”

“My steak tried to kill me.” She kept her voice deadpan.

“What?” He looked at her bewildered.

Kait chuckled, coughed, then chuckled again. Johnny always cheered her up, even when he didn’t mean to. “A piece of steak went down the wrong way. My eyes were watering from trying to hack it back into place.”

Johnny snorted a laugh. “That’s okay then. I saw Rachael and the new guy, Mac, come from here and I thought they might have said or done something to upset you.”

She shook her head. If only he knew. For a moment her heart contracted as she longed to share her uncertainty and mixed-up emotions with someone. Pushing the reaction away, she gave him an I’m-fine smile. Not understanding her feelings made it too difficult to talk about them. She trusted Johnny, he was an honest friend she could talk to if she needed, she just wasn’t ready.

“Why did you think Rachael and Ryu…Mac,” she corrected, “might have upset me?”

“She’s always doing something to upset you.”

“That’s not true, she’s my friend. For goodness’ sake, I’ve known her for years.”

Johnny shook his head. “Duration does not a good friend make. Stop being blind and look at the way she acts around you, the woman’s a viper.”

“You’re only saying that because she broke up with you.” She knew Rachael wasn’t always an easy friend but he was going too far.

“No, I’m not, she’s a capricious, malicious piece of work.”

“Then why did you go out with her?”

Johnny gave an exaggerated sigh. “Because sometimes I’m a very shallow man, Kait. I saw a chance for an easy lay and I took it. Successfully I might add, the woman knows exactly what her body is capable of, and it’s capable of a lot.”

“You’re disgusting.” But Kait couldn’t help smiling.

“Yes, yes I am.” He grinned back. “Come on back to the party.” Standing, he held out a hand to help her up.

Kait walked back with Johnny. Ryu was on the dance floor with Marielle, both of them laughing. Ryu’s eyes caught hers for a moment as she stepped into the light. She glanced over her shoulder longing for the safety and anonymity of the shadows. How was she going to cope working with a man who drove her insane?

Chapter 7

Ryu pulled his t-shirt over his head and dropped it over the towel rail. Running his fingers through his hair, he sighed. It had been a long night. First the kids’ show then the party, lots of new people to meet. Always having to be on his game, trying to see below the surface. Someone he partied with tonight was making deals with criminals. But who?

Pretty Marielle, friendly Johnny, sexy Rachel, the bossman or, God forbid, Kait. He sighed again. Instinct shouted it wasn’t Kait, but how much was because he was attracted to her?

He was too tired to go through everything tonight. Maybe his unconscious would pick up something his conscious mind missed. After a quick shower, he climbed thankfully into bed and pulled up the covers.

Sleep was soon a dark wash through his mind. His eyes flickered behind closed lids as memories played…

Curiosity had got the better of him, again.
A fleeting glimpse of activity on level three and he’d felt the itch to investigate. Now here he was, outside the last secure door debating the wisdom of going in. The debate was pointless. He stroked a hand over the metal panel, white paint chips catching on his calloused fingertips. What were they hiding?

Time to find out. Narrowing his eyes in concentration, he set to work on the lock. A tight smile tugged at his lips as danger sang like static against his skin. His fingers sensitive to the slightest vibration, he unerringly changed the angle of the lock picks. Silence hung heavy in the empty corridor as he made short work of the mechanism.

The click of the lock disengaging seemed overloud. He froze, nothing stirred. A steadying breath controlled his surging adrenaline. Life didn’t always turn out the way he wanted, but this,
made it all worthwhile.

Exhilaration, serving his country under the radar, knowing his actions made a difference. The lock picks vanished back into his pocket and he turned the handle. The door swung open on silent hinges. He frowned, disturbingly silent for a compound full of squeaky doors.

He slipped into the room. His eyes widened, horror turning his blood cold. In the centre of the bare concrete block room, sitting on a rough wooden table, were tubes of pale green chemicals surrounded by twisted wires. Bomb! The realisation exploded in his brain. The small red numbers on the timer attached to the front clicked over, 06:23. He had less than ten minutes to get the hell out.

” The word was more exhalation than speech.

No time to disable the bomb. Neither his training nor his inherent difference
would stop him dying if he was near that thing when it blew. His only option was to run as if the world were about to be blown apart at his feet. He turned and raced for the door.

Grabbing the doorframe, he spun himself around the corner. Three quick strides and he was across the landing and shoving open the door to the stairwell. As the door closed behind him, he heard it—rapid footsteps pounding up the stairs from below. The sound pushed his heart rate even higher. He ran up the stairs, praying he was quicker and quieter than the men below.

He slammed his way out of the final set of doors and found himself standing on the roof, five stories up with no external fire escape. He swore silently. Where was a helicopter when you needed one?

Standing in the shadows surrounding the exit, he debated his options. His jaw tightened, he hated being caught out like this. He glanced at the sky. The heavy globe of the moon illuminated the compound and the heavy jungle surrounding it. If he moved, he’d be a clear target.

Unfortunately, like the ticking bomb, time wasn’t on his side. A man’s coarse shout on the other side of the door made up this mind. He’d have to risk being seen. Gritting his teeth in annoyance, he sent his clothes, weapons, and camera into
and began running. He reached the edge of the roof—and jumped.

Air rushed past his face, burning his cheeks. Throwing his arms wide, he released the dragon. With an electric rush, he
His wings caught the wind and pulled him upwards. If he was lucky no one would look up and see a giant, copper dragon flying overhead. If he wasn’t… Well, he hoped they mistook him for a dream not an enemy aircraft.

He pushed through the air with powerful wing strokes.


The sound and heat of the explosion almost tumbled him out of the sky, only a jerk of his tail and a mighty wrench of his wings kept him airborne. He glanced over his shoulder to see the roof where he had been standing only moments before, shattered and engulfed in flames.
But he was free.

BOOK: Embraced by Fire
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