Elite Dragoons 1: New Recruits (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (9 page)

BOOK: Elite Dragoons 1: New Recruits (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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She stood and hurried down the steps toward the large corral and gripped the top rail of the fence tightly. Whit must have heard her or seen her moving because he looked up and pinned her with his heated gaze. If she knew it wouldn’t have given her away, Sara would have fanned her face as heat swept over her body. Squeezing her legs together to relieve the ache in throbbing clit didn’t help either. If she stayed any longer she would be in danger of giving in to his look, and she wasn’t sure she was ready to take on three men just yet, so she decided to visit the horses in the barn.

The dim interior was welcomed after being out in the heat of the day and it only took her a moment for her eyes to adjust to the lack of sunlight. A couple of the horses poked their heads out over the stall doors and Sara moved closer to give them a pat. How long she stood there she had no clue since she was lost in thought.

“Sara, are you all right?” Whit asked as he moved toward her with predatory grace.

“Yes, I just wanted to pat the horses.”

Whit stopped behind her and he was so close she could feel the heat emanating from his body. When his arms wrapped around her waist she sighed and leaned back against him and inhaled his scent, which was a mixture of sweat, cattle, and Whit’s own masculine essence. She wanted to turn around, place her nose against his skin and sniff to her heart’s content but she held still.

“Have come to any decisions yet, baby?”

“No,” she sighed and turned to face him. “I’m not sure I could handle three men, Whit.”

“What do you mean?”

“I’ve only ever had two relationships, if you could call them that, and I’m not very good at sex.”

“Who told you that?” Whit asked and he sounded angry.

“Both the men I was with.”

“Don’t believe them, Sara. If the sex was lacking then it was their fault, not yours.”

“Do you really believe that?”

“Yes.” Whit released her and then held his hand out to her. “Will you come with me and let me show you how good it could be?”

“It’s still daylight.”

“You prefer making love at night? Haven’t you ever had sex during the day, made love somewhere besides the bedroom?”

“No.” Sara wrapped her arms around her waist. “I can’t, Whit, I’m not ready.”

“Okay”—Whit pushed his hands into his pocket—“I’m sorry if you feel like I was pushing you. I don’t mean to. It’s just that I want you so damn much I ache with it.”

Before she could reply he turned on his heels and strode out of the barn.
Why am I holding back? I ache, too? Does he think I don’t want him, them? God, if only he knew how many times I nearly crept into his room each night.

Sara sighed and gave the horse one last pat and headed out. She needed to keep busy so she wouldn’t go crazy in mind or body. Her mind wouldn’t stop spinning and her body was one big mass of need, but she wasn’t ready to have her flames doused just yet.

The next morning Sara decided that she would saddle one of the horses and go for a ride. She was too restless to stay inside and she wanted to be alone. She’d had riding lessons as a child and even though it had been a few years since she ridden a horse, it was like anything. Once you knew how to do it, you never forgot. At least she hoped not.

The barn was empty so she didn’t have to worry about being polite to any of the ranch hands, and since the men were still inside talking over coffee and probably would be for a while they couldn’t stop her.

She quickly saddled a little paint mare and let her out of the barn. Glancing toward the house and glad to see no one outside yet or watching her, she mounted and nudged the horse forward around behind the barn and into open pasture. Using her legs she gripped the horse’s sides and urged her into a trot and then a canter and finally a gallop. The wind in her hair was a freeing feeling and she laughed as they flew across the ground, directing the animal toward the copse of trees ahead in the distance, where she knew there was a creek. Once there she would let the mare drink and then she would head back.

The trees were farther away than she realized but she wasn’t about to turn around yet. Finally when they were closer, Sara slowed the horse down to a walk and when she was beneath the shade, she dismounted, led the horse to the stream and after the horse was finished she tied the reins to a branch and quenched her own thirst.

Sara was just wiping her wet hands on the legs of her jeans when she heard a rumble. She looked up to see three horses and riders bearing down on her at a fast pace. Before she could see them she knew who it was. When they were close enough she could see anger on their faces and wondered what was going on. She mounted up just in case there was trouble and she had to hurry back to the house.

Whit brought his stallion to an abrupt halt causing his mount to rear with agitation. Dalt and Hay reined their horses in and looked at her but their faces were expressionless so she had no idea what they were thinking.

Whit dismounted and grabbed her horse’s bridle. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?”

“Why are you angry with me?” Sara countered. She had no idea where this anger was coming from and since she had done nothing to deserve his ire she wasn’t going to put up with his attitude.

“Do you have any idea how worried we were when we couldn’t find you? Fuck, Sara, how were we to know you hadn’t been kidnapped again?” Whit released the bridle and took the reins in his hands and led her horse close to Dalton. Dalton grasped the reins when Whit passed them over and then he pulled her from the saddle. One arm was around her waist and the other slid beneath her knees and he squeezed her in a tight hug. “The next time you want to go for a ride you take one of us with you. Anything could have happened to you and because we didn’t know where you were it could have been hours before we found you.”

Sara knew he was right and felt a little guilty for worrying him and his brothers but she had needed some time alone to think. There was always someone about and this had been the only thing she could think of to get some peace and quiet.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to worry you all. I just needed some time alone.”

“Just let one of us know next time, sugar,” Dalton said.

“Okay,” she sighed and looked up Whit. “You can put me down now.”

“In a minute.” Whit lowered his head and kissed her. Sara’s arousal had waned while riding and now it fired up as his lips met hers. She groaned when he shoved his tongue into her mouth and clutched at his shirt as he devoured her. Her pussy clenched and cream dripped out to wet her panties. By the time Whit lifted his head she was shaking with desire. He walked over to Hay and handed her up to his brother. “We aren’t going to wait much longer, baby.”

Sara closed her eyes and sighed knowing he was right. They couldn’t go on like this forever, but she needed more than just sexual attraction. She clutched Dalton’s arm when he nudged the horse back toward the house and hoped like hell he couldn’t smell her arousal. But judging from the large bulge poking her in the ass and lower back she knew that hope was futile.


* * * *


Another week had gone by and Sara still kept them at arm’s length. She was sitting on the sofa staring at the TV screen as the movie played but had no idea what she was watching. Dalt and Whit were across the other side of the room playing a game of chess and Hay was sitting next to her on the lounge. She had gotten to know the men a little better but there was still so much she didn’t know about them.

“What made you volunteer for the experiment?” she asked, turning toward Hay.

Hay lowered the volume on the TV and placed his arm behind her head along the back of the sofa. “We were one of the top teams in the Marines and were renowned for getting our missions completed quickly and without any injuries. The head of the military approached us and explained what they wanted us to do and then asked us if we would be willing to go through the program. We love being able to keep our country safe and know that we can make a difference.”

“You’re all very brave. You should be so proud of protecting our country and the people. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for risking your lives to keep us safe.”

“You don’t have to thank us, sugar. We like our jobs.”

“Yes, I do. If it weren’t for brave men like you, who knows what our country, our lives, would be like.”

Hay shrugged and turned back to the screen, but she could see she had made him uncomfortable. She placed her hand on his thigh and patted his leg. He reached down and took her hand in his and then brought it to his lips. Her breath hitched when his warm moist breath caressed her skin and then she whimpered when he ran his tongue over her sensitive palm.

Their eyes met and then Hay lifted her onto his lap, threaded his fingers into her hair and tilted her head back. “You are driving me fucking crazy, sugar. I want so much to make love with you.”

Sara reached up, grabbed his hair in her hands and pulled his head down. When their lips met electricity sparked between them and she was nearly lost. His mouth slanted over hers, again and again and Sara knew she wouldn’t ever be able to get enough. Not of him, or his brothers. Their tongues danced and swirled, sliding over each other in a prelude she knew she couldn’t complete. Hay’s hand slid up her ribs and she mewled when he cupped her breast, her cry was muffled when he flicked her nipple. She grabbed his wrist to halt his movement and turned her head to gasp in air.

“Sara,” Hay panted, “I know you care for us and want us as much as we want you. Why are you holding back, sugar?”

Sara pushed up off his lap and cringed inside when she caught Whit and Dalton watching her hungrily. “I’m sorry. I’m not trying to lead you on. I—I need more time.” She turned away and hurried down the hall to her bedroom and sobbed as she closed the door behind her. She couldn’t go on like this for much longer. Sara headed toward the bathroom intending to take another cold shower and hoped she would be able to get some sleep, although she doubted that very much.


* * * *


Sara had been living on the ranch for three weeks now and Dalton was going out of his mind with lust but it wasn’t just desire he felt for their woman. He and his brothers had gotten to know her, and the more he knew the more he liked. She was one of the most nurturing people he’d ever met. Her concern over Nicole and May’s well-being had not only endeared her to them but also to the women and the rest of the team. She got on well with everybody and was always willing to jump in to give a helping hand.

Just that very morning one of the ranch hands had cut their palm open and while he had being tending the wound Sara had slipped out to the barn and had mucked out all the stalls and laid out fresh hay. He’d been the one to find her as he’d intended to do the job himself after he’d finished patching the ranch hand up.

He hadn’t been able to resist the urge to kiss her, and when their lips had met, fireworks had erupted between them. Her body had melted into his and he could still remember the way her hard nipples had poked into his chest. The sweet taste of her mouth was still on his lips, and his dick was in a constant start of engorgement, and his balls were so sensitive and painful, he was worried one slight touch would have him shooting off and embarrassing himself. Jacking off every night was only a slight temporary relief.

With each day that passed Sara became more entrenched in his heart. The urge to make love with her and make her theirs was an ache he didn’t think he could put up with for much longer. Dalton and his brothers had each spent alone time with Sara. They had taken her horse riding, shown her around the ranch, and had even shown her how to brand cattle. Sara fit with them like no other woman ever had, and she was the love of his life. Now all they had to do was convince Sara that they were perfect for her.


* * * *


The hair on Sara’s nape stood on end as she walked along the dark street. She felt as if eyes were watching her and a shiver of fear coursed up her spine. When she saw the lights of a car in the distance heading toward her she relaxed and sighed with relief. As she hit the middle of the entrance to the alley a large sweaty hand clapped over her mouth and an arm wrapped around her waist lifting her from her feet. Sara inhaled through her nose and screamed as loud as she could. The sound was muffled against the hand and then she was being carried into the alley…


* * * *


Whit was out of bed with his gun in his hand before he even opened his eyes. He listened as he tried to work out what had woken him just as another scream rent the air.
With practiced ease he pulled his jeans on sans underwear then he slipped out of his bedroom, scanning for danger, and then he pushed open Sara’s bedroom door. His brothers were right behind him. Glancing around the room quickly, he saw there was no danger and moved further into the room. After placing his gun on the bedside table and flicking on the lamp he gently shook Sara’s shoulder. She came at him like a wild thing, punching and scratching, still entrenched in her nightmare. Whit slid onto the bed beside her and wrapped his arms around her chest and both of her arms so she couldn’t hurt herself.

“Sara, it’s okay. You’re safe, baby. Wake up, Sara.”

She stilled in his arms as she came out of her nightmare. When she lifted her face to his, he saw the fear and pain in her eyes. Whit pulled her into his body as she shuddered, and then she buried her face in his chest and cried. He held her and caressed her back until her tears finally abated.

Hay and Dalton were sitting on the bed, too, touching her arm and leg, offering her their reassurance.

“Are you okay, sugar?” Dalton asked.

“Yeah.” Sara sniffed, her voice muffled against his chest. “I’m fine. Sorry if I woke you all.”

Sara sat up and then froze. Whit was concerned she was afraid of him until he saw where she was looking. She was staring at his bare chest and where her hands were spread over his pecs. He held still, not wanting to scare her off, but there was nothing he could do about his unruly cock. It twitched and pulsed as it filled with blood, and Whit was glad that he had pulled his jeans on instead of just running out naked like he usually did. He’d been worried about getting up in the middle of the night to get a drink and encountering Sara in his travels, so he had trained himself to cover his lower half. The last thing he’d want to do was embarrass her.

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