Edge of Love (11 page)

Read Edge of Love Online

Authors: E. L. Todd

Tags: #romance, #chick lit, #new adult, #new adult romance, #contemopary, #na romance, #contemopary womens fiction

BOOK: Edge of Love
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I leaned toward his ear. “Your parents
are watching us.”

I couldn’t care less,
Scar.” He kissed me on the forehead then looked at the television.
The game was still playing on the screen.

Diane walked over to us. “Are you
feeling better, dear?”

Yes, thank you.” I was
feeling a lot better, actually. I felt my cheeks blush as she
looked at me. It was like she knew her son just ate out my pussy
then fucked my brains out. I felt more embarrassed with every
passing minute.

Dinner will be ready in a
few moments,” she said cheerfully. “And the neighbors will be
joining us. We took a rain check last week and we couldn’t cancel
on them again. Do you mind?

Sean shook his head. “Not in the

I was excited they were coming. The
attention wouldn’t be on me and Sean the whole time. This was the
break I’d been waiting for.

Great,” she said as she
clapped her hands together.

Andrew yelled at the television. “Come
on, Smith! What the hell is that?”

Mike shook his head as he drank from
his beer.

Sean smiled at me. “Dad pretends to
understand the game but he has no idea what’s going on.”

Andrew turned to him. “What was

I laughed at the attempted hostility
on his father’s face. Somehow he was always cute without even

Can you even see the
screen, old man?” Sean teased.

I can still spank you,
you know.”

He tightened his arm around my waist.
“Scarlet will protect me.”

I shook my head dramatically. “Andrew,
he’s all yours.”

Sean stared at me. “What the hell,

Andrew nodded. “Scarlet is on my team.
And if I don’t understand the game, which I do, I can just ask her
for guidance.” He looked at me. “Right, dear?”

I smiled. “Of course.”

Sean looked at me. “Babe? You’re
leaving me for my old man?”

Well, you did start

He shook his head. “You’re just doing
this because you think he’s cute.”

What?” Andrew said. “You
think I’m a stud?”

I shrugged. “You caught

His smile widened. “Well, I am pretty
good looking.”

And that’s a valid
point,” I said.

Andrew nodded toward the kitchen.
“Just don’t tell my wife. She’ll get jealous.”

Sean laughed. “I doubt

The doorbell rang and halted their
conversation. Andrew stood. “It’s about time. I’m

Sean and I stayed on the chair while
his parents walked to the other side of the house to answer the
door. Mike still sat on the couch and he glanced at us every few
seconds. When Sean caught the look, he moved his hand under my
dress and felt the skin of my thigh. Then he kissed my neck gently,
making me hot immediately. I knew he was just doing it to piss off
his brother, but I enjoyed it nonetheless.

Mike glared at us. “Why don’t you get
a room?”

Sean continued to kiss me. “You’re
just going to jerk off to this later.”

He took a drink of his beer. “Maybe to

Sean tore his lips away and glared at
his brother. I had a feeling round two was coming. I grabbed Sean’s
face and forced his gaze on me. “Let it go.”

He sighed. “Fine.” He kissed me

Footsteps announced the presence of
his parents and their guests. When I looked toward the entrance, I
felt my heart fall.

Diane was smiling. “These are our new
neighbors, Tom and Sue.” She pointed at Mike. “This is our older
son, Mike, and over there is Sean and his fiancé,

I rose from the chair quickly and
fixed my dress. Sean stood up then walked toward the couple. He
froze when he recognized the woman.

So you aren’t married?”
the old woman said.

It was the same lady who sat across
from us on the plane. The same one I yelled at and said Sean and I
screwed in the bathroom. Seriously, what’s the likelihood of this
happening? Only shit like this happened to me. She glared at both
of us with her disapproving glare. I had a feeling this dinner
wasn’t going to go well.

I tried to control my anger. “Well,
Diane just said I was his fiancé. So no, we aren’t married.” My
voice came out harsher than I meant, but I couldn’t help it. Her
disapproving look behind those spectacles irritated me. Sean shook
hands with her husband then reached his hand out to her. She stared
at it with disdain then looked away. She didn’t return the

Diane watched the event with a look of
shock. “Do you know each other?”

The woman looked like she was about to
spit on me. “No.”

She walked away then headed toward the
dining room.

Diane glared at both of us. “What did
you do?”

Nothing,” I

Sean wrapped his arm around my waist.
“Just ignore them. Let’s just get through dinner.”

I sighed. “Fine.”

Diane listened to our exchange. “What

Sean pulled me away.

We walked into the kitchen and took
our seats around the table. Sean sat next to me, but the old couple
sat directly across from us. This couldn’t be more awkward. His
mother served the steak and potatoes and we ate quietly. Diane
tried to make small talk with Sue.

How was your

Sue stared at me for a moment before
she looked away. “It was fine.”

How was the flight?”
Diane asked.

Horrible,” the old woman

I had a feeling the news of our plane
fucking was going to come out. I tried to brace for the impact.
Obviously, Sean’s parents knew we were having sex if we lived
together. Sean lost his virginity when he was just fifteen years
old. They weren’t stupid. But I doubt they would approve of our
public display of affection.

What happened?” Diane
asked. “Did your plane get delayed?”

Andrew wiped his mouth with a napkin.
“I hate flying.”

Sue glanced at me again.

I didn’t understand why I was taking
all the heat for this. Sean was the person who was fucking me. I
was the one who yelled at her, but she still pinned everything on
me. It took two to tango.

It was awkward for a moment. Only the
sound of our forks and knives clattering against the plates could
be heard.

Diane cleared her throat. “Well, we’re
excited to host a wedding here next summer. Of course, you two are

The woman practically threw her nose
in the air. “No thank you.”

Diane raised an eyebrow. Andrew shook
his head, silently asking his wife to drop the conversation, but
his wife didn’t take his advice.

Sue, did my son do
something to offend you?”

Why did she have to ask that? I knew
the shit was going to hit the fan.

No,” she said calmly. “It
was mainly this tramp.”

I felt my heart jump into
my throat. Did this woman really just call me a
? I felt Sean stiffen next to
me. Andrew coughed on the food lodged in his throat. Mike started

Diane’s face was stuck in the same
shocked expression. She didn’t say anything for a long time.
“Excuse me?”

Sue pushed her plate away. “Your
almost daughter-in-law is a whore.”

Only Sean called me that, and he only
meant it in a good way. He clenched his fist on the table and I
knew he was about to explode. I laid my hand on top of his. “Let it

Sean ignored me. “I suggest you shut
your mouth, you hag.”

His mother gasped. “Sean!”

Sean continued. “If you keep talking
about my fiancé like that, you’ll regret it.”

Tom glared at Sean. “Are you
threatening my wife?”

Hell yeah I am. I suggest
you train her to shut her mouth,” Sean said.

I grabbed Sean’s hand. “Stop talking

Andrew’s face became red. “Don’t talk
about my daughter like that. Whatever offense she has caused, I can
assure you that it was entirely accidental.”

I smiled at Andrew. He was always the
sweetest guy.

Sue shook her head. “No, I’m pretty
sure it was intentional.”

Mike smiled then leaned forward. He
was practically bouncing with glee. “What did she do? I have to
hear this.”

Sue pointed her finger at me. “This
woman took him,” she pointed at Sean, “into the bathroom and they
proceeded to—have intimate relations—very loudly. The entire plane
heard. Then when this tramp walked out of the bathroom she yelled
at me in front of all the passengers for no reason whatsoever. She
was completely disrespectful and inappropriate.”

I felt my anger rise. “For no reason?
You were glaring at me the whole time like a pretentious

Her eyes widened. “How dare

Diane covered her face with her hand,
clearly ashamed of me and Sean. Mike was heaving with laughter from
his side of the table. Andrew placed his hand over his mouth,
trying to hide his smile.

I leaned toward her. “Yes, Sean and I
had sex on a plane. What’s the big deal? Why don’t you mind your
own business and just get over it already?”

Diane glared at me.

Mike kept laughing.

Andrew removed the grin off his face
then looked at Sue. “Let me apologize on behalf of my son and
daughter. They didn’t mean to offend you. It was an accident. And
Scarlet, let me apologize on behalf of Sue for the rude comment.”
He paused as he looked at everyone. “Now let’s share a meal
together and forget about the entire episode.”

I nodded, grateful that Andrew had
fixed the problem.

Sue looked at Andrew. “And you approve
of this behavior?”

Andrew shook his head. “I didn’t say
that. Let’s just move forward. The past is the past.”

Sue didn’t stop her assault. “They
aren’t even married and you approve of their actions? Will you do

I could tell Andrew was starting to
get upset. His face started to turn a shade of red. “Are you trying
to tell me how to raise my son?”

Sue said nothing.

Andrew stared at her. “Sean and
Scarlet are both adults. They both have their degrees and Sean has
his master’s degree. They have their own jobs, pay their own bills,
and have their own lives. I have no control over what they do. I
respect their decisions.”

The old woman shook her head. “You
respect their decision to have intimate relations on a plane?”
Sue’s eyes were even wider. “That’s unacceptable.”

Andrew glared at her. His voice became
more menacing. “I will not tell my son and daughter what to do.
Their decisions are their own.”

She shook her head, clearly displeased
by his answer.

Andrew leaned back in his chair. “And
I think their actions were smart.”

I stared at Andrew, unsure what he

What else is there to do
on a plane?” he said. “At least they were occupied.”

Tom shook his head. “You approve of
them having sex out of wedlock?”

Andrew looked at his wife. “Diane and
I had sex before we got married.”

Diane covered her face.

He ignored his wife. “And I had sex
with tons of other women before I even met my wife. I didn’t have
sex on a plane, but I can assure you, I would have done it at the
first opportunity.”

Sean chuckled beside me and I started
laughing as well. His father was the coolest guy ever.

Diane glared at her husband. “Shut

Sue looked at Andrew. “So this is the
type of lifestyle you approve of?”

Andrew nodded. “Yeah. Diane and I will
have sex next time we travel.”

I laughed harder. I couldn’t believe
he just said that.

Sue threw her napkin on the table. “We
should get going.”

Yes, you should,” Andrew

They rose from their chairs and left
the room. Diane rose from her chair and followed them, apologizing
the entire way to the door. Andrew picked up his fork and started
eating like nothing ever happened.

Sean smiled at his father. “Thanks,

Yeah,” I said. “Thank

Andrew chewed his food. “She’s a

Mike started laughing again and he
leaned his head back. None of us had ever heard Andrew curse
before. It was hilarious.

Diane returned to the room and glared
at her husband. “How dare you embarrass me like that!”

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