Eden's Pleasure (Pulse Book 1) (6 page)

BOOK: Eden's Pleasure (Pulse Book 1)
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The waiter approached with a desert menu, but Eden passed. She’d had enough trouble finishing their scrumptious dinner and Chase also declined. "Did you want more wine?" he asked.

"Sure that would be nice." She was feeling no pain at this point, much more at ease. Chase filled their glasses. Eden took her glass, drinking back half of it while Chase watched. Amused at how this petite goddess before him was putting it away, he noted that she was not so uptight, far more approachable. Maybe a little too approachable. Taking her glass from her and setting it aside he said quietly, "I think we’ve both had enough."

“Now you’re my liquor control board?” Eden laughed, but had to agree, she definitely didn’t need anymore. The nice little buzz she had been enjoying was fast turning into full blown intoxication. The room spun and focusing was becoming a challenge.

"So, tell me, Eden, what do you do for fun?" He settled closer with his forearms crossed, resting on the table, studying her inquisitively.

She mirrored him, moving in closer, looking up in the air, then she began running her finger slowly across her lower lip, her tongue glistened just beyond. She was in deep thought. "Let me think."

"Whoa baby, you need to stop doing that!" he said.

"What, thinking?" She giggled.

"You couldn’t look sexier than you do right at this very moment, playing with that lip of yours.” He shifted in his seat uncomfortably. “Give a guy a break."

He plucked her hand way from her face, placed it gently in his hands, forcing her a bit closer. "You don't know what you do to me, do you Miss Fox?" His eyes were simmering.

Warmth came over her entire body and heat ran rapidly to her lower region; he was weakening her. With the combination of wine, of which she had far too much, his hot sweet breath on her face, and his touch, she was about to come undone.

"What time is it?" She looked for a clock, trying to distract herself.

"10:50 by my watch. Time flies," he said. "I have an early meeting, sorry for keeping you out so late...let me take you home?"

"What? I don't think so, Mr. Dean. No more sex, no matter how hot you make me!" She slurred slightly with a giggle, her inebriation quite obvious now. Chase laughed to himself at her remark, not quite sure she knew what she had said.

She stood and soon regretted the amount of alcohol that she had consumed. Her head spun around the room. Swaying, she staggered into Chase's waiting arms. He laughed at her intoxication and then kicked himself for not cutting her off sooner.

"No baby, I meant drive you home. I have a driver waiting, we will drop you off," he said still laughing, but feeling guilty and ashamed for letting her get drunk.

"Oh, ok then." She couldn't argue, especially in her current state.

She picked up her purse, and permitted him to help her down the stairs and out the door to a waiting limousine. His driver opened the door, and Chase quite literally poured her inside, scooting her over to join her.

"You know something Mr. Chase?" She leaned into him trying to focus, her eyelids heavy and a smirk on her face.

"Do tell, baby." He adjusted himself to wrap his arm around her shoulders.

She frowned and pointed her finger, waving it in the air haphazardly. "And stop calling me baby! It makes me tingle inside!" she said and then furrowed her brow in thought for a moment. "Oh, yeah, you don't know what you do to me either." Her eyes closed and she snuggled closer into his side.

“Yours or hers Mr. Dean?” Neil, Chase’s driver, asked with a smile.

“Hers, thanks.” Chase smiled back.




Bright light streaked across Eden's face, making her fully aware that it was morning. She stretched her arms over her head and rolled to her side. The clock said it wasn't yet time to rise and her head said the same.

I'll never drink again!
Eden told herself.

Pulling the comforter up to her chin, she molded herself deeper into the pillow, enjoying the warmth and the absence of sound except for her own breathing. Her eyes flew open when she came to the revelation that she was in her bed, and she had no idea when or how she got there.

Throwing back the comforter, her heart skipped a beat when she saw that she wore only her black lace bra and matching boy shorts. Why wasn't she in pj’s? Her dress was draped over the back of the chair across the room, her shoes tucked below. So not like her to not put everything neatly away.

Had she drank that much? Her head sure as hell felt like it. She was sure it would all come to her later after a shower, because she sure as hell needed one. She had a meeting this morning with the architects from Dean.

The shower was hot and welcoming. Steam filled the room, billowing across the ceiling and out the open door to her bedroom. She stood under the hot spray while her head pounded. She washed her hair and body quickly, then stood under the spray with her eyes closed, enjoying the moment for as long as she could.

As she dried off and got dressed, she replayed the previous night’s events in her mind, remembering dinner with Chase, but to her dismay, she couldn't come up with how the evening ended. There was dinner, it was yummy, and the wine flowed freely, perhaps too freely. She and Chase's conversation went well and then the rest was a blur.

Did I make a fool of myself? Oh My God, surely we didn't fuck again?




Chase sat at the dining table with his coffee and newspaper, but he didn't see a word on the pages.

Eden was running through his head, surging in his veins. He had it bad for this woman, real bad, and in such a short time.

The scene of him undressing her and her lying there in only her bra and panties was erotic. He replayed it deliciously over and over in his mind.

His hands warmed at the thought of her soft, delicate, milky skin. He could see her in his mind, running her finger across her bottom lip and he became hard, his arousal pushing painfully against his zipper. He adjusted himself and blew out a long breath.

Get a fucking grip man!




Eden sat alone in the board room, studying the papers that outlined today's agenda. This meeting was to discuss structural details, not really her area of expertise, but Hawthorn wanted her to be party to the entire project, and who was she to argue.

A rumble of footsteps coming down the hall led her to sit up awaiting their appearance. She smoothed out her blouse and rubbed her lips together in an attempt to freshen her lip gloss. The pounding in her head increased as they neared the room, and she felt more nauseous with each noisy footstep.

The arrival of the entourage brought her to her feet. In turn, she shook each person’s hand, trying her hardest to appear somewhat vigorous and alive. When everyone was seated she walked over to the door to close it just as Chase moved into the room. She startled, not realizing that he was attending this meeting. Then she remembered him saying something last night about an early morning meeting.

He nodded to the group of men seated at the table. "Good morning." Passing closely enough to brush against her arm, he looked directly into her eyes and with a look she could only describe as wicked. He spoke softly, for her ears only, "Good morning, baby."

With a slight gasp, she could feel her face light up and a heat rise below. She did not reply, but moved swiftly to her seat and thumbed through her paperwork, trying to hide the fact that he could turn her on with mere words.
Baby? What happened after dinner?
She felt ill, her stomach churned.

The meeting lasted all morning, yet she only took in a quarter of it. She was seriously distracted by Chase’s playful greeting. She watched his every word, but barely heard a thing. The pain in her head was starting to dissolve, the feeling that she could gladly throw up eased to almost non-existent.

She happily noted that Chase paid her no attention, glanced her way only when necessary, keeping to the business at hand. Chase seemed to be an almost different person when he was in serious business mode. He was in full charge of the meeting, keeping the group at his authority. She appreciated his attention to business matters.

"So, if that’s everything gentleman? Miss Fox?" He looked around. "Ok, then we agree on the necessary revisions. Go ahead and make the adjustments accordingly, and please courier them to me as soon as possible for approval. We’ll arrange to meet after that. Good day."

The entourage rose in unison, shaking hands and chattering as they journeyed into the hall towards the elevator. Eden remained in her seat as if glued down, so not ready to move.

Chase was at the door, prepared to retreat, when he saw that she was making no attempt to leave. Her head down, staring blankly as she doodled on some papers, it made him wonder if she was sick or unwell.

"You ok?" He came over and sat in the chair beside her.

"I'm alright, a headache that's all." Trying to look unaffected, she kept her eyes down and scribbled away at her papers.

Taking the pen from her, he laid it on the table and placed his hand over hers. "Are you sure that's all it is?"

"Honestly? I need you to clear up something regarding after dinner events, if you know what I am getting at," she whispered, looking to the empty hallway to keep their conversation theirs alone.

"Like what?" he asked.

"We didn't...have sex again did we?" she asked awkwardly.

"Have sex?” he asked with a slight grin and then realized she was distressed by the thought. "No, we didn't have sex. The idea of sleeping with me again makes you sick? You don't remember, do you?"

“No, the idea does not make me sick, and no, I obviously can’t remember.”

He ran his thumb across her cheek and down to her chin, lifting it to look at him. "You had too much to drink, baby. Sorry about that, totally my fault. I took you home, put you to bed, and I left."

"You undressed me," she said matter-of-factly and blushed. He smiled, releasing her chin.

"As hard as it was for me not to take you into my arms and have mad, passionate, hot sex with you, I would rather have sex with you sober and it be consensual," he assured her. "I'm not an animal baby…well, thinking about it, maybe…"

How did he do this to her with just a few words? She could barely breathe when he spoke. He was hot, sexy and she knew he was experienced in the art of love making.

"Thank you for taking care of me," she said with an appreciative smile.

"Believe me, it was my pleasure. Caring is my specialty." He winked. "I'll see you later." He rose and made his way out of the room, not looking back.

Eden could not believe that this man could unravel her the way he did. Then she smiled, thinking about how good his butt looked as he strode through the door.


Eden wiped away the beads of sweat that threatened to run into her eyes with a towel, never breaking stride as she jogged on the treadmill. This felt great, and was just what she needed. She had missed far too many workouts lately with extra nights spent at the office as her workload increased. It was only adding to her lack of energy.

A new frustration had been added to her load, called Chase, zapping her ability to reach a proper orgasm since their encounter. She needed to get a good sweat on, one way or another.

Her cell rang with a gong-like tone, indicating that it was Mikala calling.

"Mik, what's up?" she asked.

"What are you doing honey? Sounds like you’re getting it on!" She laughed into the phone.

"Jogging. I'm at the gym. Can I call you back?" she asked, wiping her face and decreasing her speed.

"No, just come to the club at eight tonight, ok? I'm short a bartender, and you owe me. Besides, it'll be a blast. See you then." She hung up before Eden could respond.

She thought about it and decided not to argue. Mikala was right, it would be a hoot. She looked forward to a little fun time. She had enjoyed working at the club. Besides, it would get her mind off of Chase for a while and the fact that, since being with him, she couldn’t get herself off. She swore it was some kind of spell he had cast on her
. Evil son-of-a-bitch,
she laughed.




"Good evening Miss Fox, you’re expected upstairs. Have a nice evening," Tony, the club’s bouncer, said as he opened the door for Eden. Tony was big and burly, a sexy, black, bald man, intimidating as hell to all that viewed him, except Eden. She knew him as a pushover that could be stroked like a kitten into doing just about anything she asked.

"Upstairs," she said, a bit shocked. "Thanks, Tony"

Eden walked into the social area, feeling like she was home.

It was a huge room that she had designed as one of her projects during her final semester of college. Eden had created it with tones of cream and gold to give it an air of elegance. No tables and dining chairs, this was an area for talking, meeting and privacy. Large, overstuffed chairs and sofas with small coffee tables were arranged in intimate groupings.

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