Read Duty: A Secret Baby Romance Online

Authors: Lauren Landish

Duty: A Secret Baby Romance (7 page)

BOOK: Duty: A Secret Baby Romance
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Chapter 7

, sexy,” a familiar soft voice purrs behind me. “Looking for some action?”

I turn from the tree that I'm leaning against to see Lindsey walking up to our secret spot here by Round Pond, her fantastic ass swaying with each step. She's let her hair out, and it hangs long and free, just like I like, glimmering in the early spring sunset.

I’m a lucky man,
I think to myself,
lucky and cursed, but I can't help it
. My mouth waters just looking at her.

“God, you’re so fucking beautiful,” I breathe, pulling her into me. I’m immediately enveloped in her natural clean, heady fragrance that makes my cock stiffen in my pants. “I've been thinking of you all day.”

Lindsey grins up at me. “You’re just saying that.”

“Oh yeah?” I pull her in for a hard, lingering kiss. Since coming clean with each other, I can't get enough of her, and as I swirl my tongue around in her mouth, I press into her, letting her feel my throbbing cock in my pants. She gasps when I pull away, panting for breath. “Does that feel like I’m bullshitting you?”

Her hand pressed to her breasts, she gulps, shaking her head.

“Good. ’Cause there’s more where that came from,” I say lustfully. I know I shouldn’t. It's too early in the evening and there's too much of a chance of us being discovered, but I move in closer.

Lindsey places a hand on my chest, stopping me in my tracks. She casts a furtive glance back at Central Area, just a little over a half-mile away and visible down the hill. “You know we shouldn’t,” she murmurs, her voice heavy. “We're pushing our luck as it is. You're still in uniform.” 

She’s right. We shouldn’t be doing this. But it’s gotten addicting, the getting together on post. I can tell she wants this as much as I do. I don’t know if I can resist and wait until the next time I get to take leave, or even until this weekend, when I can sign out a bike and the two of us can ride away on a 'training ride' for an hour. I don't know if I can resist her, even if it gets me in trouble.

We know that what we’re doing is against all the rules. If we get caught, there will be hell to pay. But fuck, I can’t turn back now. I wouldn’t forgive myself for what would happen to Lindsey if we were caught, but I’m too invested now.

“Fuck the uniform. I can’t stop,” I growl, my body throbbing with need. “Besides, you can’t leave me hanging like this.”

She gives me a mischievous smile that makes my cock throb in my shorts. Damn, she’s being a real tease tonight. She must have really gotten worked up when we played phone date last night. “Who said I’m going to leave you hanging?” She nods toward the trees. “I just want to make you work for it. You know, triathlete and all.”

This is a challenge. A challenge I can’t refuse. A challenge I’m looking forward to.

“You know I like challenges,” I say eagerly.

She begins to move away. “Thirty second head start.”

I hold in my grin. This will be easy. There’s no way she’s getting away from me. She might give me a run for my money on our bikes, but not on foot. “You're on.”

She takes off running, bounding like a deer down the dirt trail that leads away from the pond and toward the hills. I wait thirty seconds before going after her. Up ahead, I see a blur of color as she weaves in and out of trees. Not for long. I pump my legs as fast as they will go, leaping a dead log to cut the distance some more.

It only takes a few more large strides of my legs until I can reach out and take her body in my arms. I fall to the ground with her in my embrace, and she squeals with the excitement of being caught as if we were teenagers. My shoulder slams onto the ground, but I’ve got her on my chest so that she won't be hurt at all. 

She looks down, pushing her body up and off me with both of her hands on my chest. Her breasts rise and fall with deep breaths, and she stares into my eyes, a small smile playing on her face. My arms are wrapped around her waist, and as I move a hand to cup her ass, her eyes widen. Lust clouds her eyes, and I let the beast that’s been clawing to get to her out. I crush my lips against hers and love the feeling as she moans into my mouth.

I roll over and pin her under me, caging her in, never breaking our kiss.

“We can’t,” she breathes into the hot air between us, but I’m not listening. I kiss along her jaw and then down her neck as my fingers work to unbutton her pants. I’ve wanted her for so long. “The sun's still up, Aaron.”

Don’t do it, man. You’ll regret it.
 I pause as the words run through my mind. I peer down into her eyes and guilt threatens to overcome my lust. Such sweet innocence. I really shouldn’t be doing this. If we get caught, I could ruin her. I could ruin myself. I should get up and leave.

But the look in her eyes says it all. She wants me. All of me. Right fucking now.

I groan. I can’t take it anymore. Sometimes, the best things come with risk. “I fucking want you, Lindsey.” I tear at her clothes until she’s bared to me. My breathing comes in shallow pants as I look down at her flushed skin and her beautiful, curvy body.

“I want you too,” she whispers. Her eyes are full of vulnerability.

This is forbidden. We’re not supposed to be doing this. We're not supposed to be seeing each other, we're not supposed to be having sex, and we sure as fuck aren't supposed to be feeling for each other the way I do right now.

But as I gaze into her eyes and see nothing but desire back, I’ve already made up my mind.

Her needs are not only mine to fulfill. They’re my duty.

* * *

he sweat is dripping
off my face, the spring warmth bouncing off the blacktop to suck the energy from my body. Why the hell did I sign up for a half-Ironman anyway?

Actually, that's not a fair question. All the work I've done on the bike since meeting Lindsey has more than paid off, and I've been flying on the bike for weeks now. And the day started off nice and cool.

But it was during the bike that the sun came out, and to be honest, I can't do anything about that. West Point is in the Hudson Highlands, where summers are certainly hot, but winter grabs hold in December and hangs on like a motherfucker until late March. When I left West Point, the average high was only seventy degrees during the day, and it was a dry seventy at that.

But this triathlon is in Virginia. The Army likes us to do it here because the team can stay on the nearby military base for housing the three days of the event. On the other hand, Virginia is at sea level, and it’s a hell of a lot hotter and more humid than New York. It wasn't too bad at the beginning. We started at seven in the morning, and the sky was a bit overcast, but now, the sun's out, and I'm struggling.

“You can do it!” some fan yells, and I glance over, seeing that it's a soldier. The military sponsors this event, and the winner of the pro group gets their ticket paid to the full Ironman qualifiers in California in September. So, a lot of the fans and the volunteers are military. In fact, I'm busting my ass right now to try and stay ahead of a guy from the Air Force Academy. I've already been passed by three people from Navy. They're on their home turf and know this course perfectly, but I'm not going to get passed by the goddamn Zoomie.

My feet are aching, and my knees feel like someone's shoving hot pokers into the backs of them with every step, but I still give the soldier a half-nod and a little wave and try to pick up the pace. With only a mile to go, I just have to suck it up for eight more minutes.

I round the curve at the bottom of the last hill, my lungs crying out. The air here is thick, heavy, wet soup, and I look up at the half-mile hill, my heart quivering in my chest. It looks like a heart attack waiting to happen, with my name written about every fifteen feet saying, 'die here.'

Suddenly, I hear a voice in the crowd, and I'm shocked. “Push, Aaron! Beat the Zoomie!”

Lindsey's here? How did she . . . it doesn't matter. Her smile and pumping fist drive me, and I find the energy deep within me to push harder into the pavement. I drive hard, lifting my knees as much as I can muster in the effort to accelerate. I hear the Zoomie trying to kick past me. He's a better runner than I am for sure, and it's been thirteen miles of him whittling away at the lead I had from the swim and the bike. That high-altitude training helps his lungs more than the heat is hurting us both.

But Lindsey's cheering pushes me, and I go hard. It's not a lot, but his rate of catching up slows. As I cross the line, I'm three steps ahead of him, and I stagger, dropping to the pavement and scraping my knees on the blacktop. Someone, I don't know who, helps me up, leading me over to the grass, where they've laid down a sheet. They make me stretch out, covering my body with cool, damp sheets. It takes me a while. The world is swimming, but when medic comes around, he says that I don't need an IV or anything like that.

“Nice run, Aaron,” Captain White, who's been helping everyone as they cross the finish line, says about fifteen minutes later when I can actually think, handing me a cup of lukewarm sports drink. Not all that refreshing, but I know if it had been cold, I'd probably have puked it out. “Sip. I didn't think you'd beat the guy. What happened?”

I nearly let my secret spill out, but I shake my head. “Just a fan cheering me on. She was cute.”

“Never underestimate the power of cadets to be motivated by their hormones,” our female tri-team member, Hayley, says with a laugh. She got hurt and had to pull out a week ago, but she's still here helping us all out. She's a trooper. “You put a girl in a thong on a motorcycle, and Simpson there sets a record on his bike. He was pretty close to doing it as it was.”

“Thanks,” I gasp, wiping my face with the wet towel and enjoying the coolness. “The focus paid off.”

“Yeah, I bet,” Hayley says before leaving to help one of our plebes who tried to push through today but dropped out at some point. He's done well on the shorter stuff this year, but he's not ready for this distance. Still, he gave it a good effort before falling apart on the run.

I lie down, looking around to see if Lindsey approaches the group, but she doesn't come any closer, staying just a face in the crowd across the rest area. I give her a smile when she waves a little, anonymous enough that nobody notices.

Since learning that she's an enlisted, our ranks have been the only clouds that have hung between us.

Still, it'd be nice to be able to not worry if someone sees us. That's why I'm looking forward to next month. After the firsties graduate and the Corps goes on summer break, I've got a week off before I start my summer training. Lindsey and I have already agreed to go to NYC together again. We're going to celebrate her promotion. She's getting bumped up to Specialist in June, and more importantly, I'm going to enjoy the fact that we can be ourselves.

I lean back and let my mind drift to the wonderful fantasy that is next month's trip to New York. I can stop being Cadet Aaron Simpson, but just Aaron, and I'll have Lindsey with me.

* * *

o you got
the summer assignments you wanted?” Lindsey asks as we roll down the Palisades Parkway. “Sure you're not going to miss the bike?”

“Yeah, that's going to suck. My tailbone's just begging to get pounded into submission some more,” I say with a laugh, sighing happily as I sink into the seat of her old Honda. Since the triathlon, I've enjoyed the luxury of being half lazy. I haven't set foot in a pool or run a single mile since then, only biking with Lindsey on casual, relaxed rides. We've slept together twice during those rides, always on a Saturday or Sunday ride when we can take hours, going five or six miles off post to a private spot in the woods and enjoying taking our time. “But Airborne School looks good. The wings are a nice little perk to have. And I'll get to do Beast Two, which puts me in line for a good position next year.”

“So you're really committed?” Lindsey asks, and I hear a bit of sadness in her voice. I wonder why, but then she smiles. “It's going to be lonely without you.”

I smile and reach over, putting my hand on her leg. “It's going to suck not having you around. I know it cost me a few tests, but I still pulled a solid B this semester. Not quite Dean's List, but close enough that I'm not worried. Besides, you give me something more important than some Honor Roll gold wreath on my class shirt. You give me purpose.”

BOOK: Duty: A Secret Baby Romance
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