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Authors: Cecile Tellier

Duplicity (5 page)

BOOK: Duplicity
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Chapter Twelve


Zowie had clearly lost her mind. She’d snapped. The train must have left the proverbial station. That was all she could think when she watched Maxx disappear and a huge wolf take his place when she sat up. The wolf then killed two men (who admittedly were attacking them) with his bare teeth before changing back into naked Maxx right in front of her.

All of a sudden, the vacuum of air and lack of sound she had been bogged down in while watching the huge wolf take out the two men subsided, and she was left with anger. “Are you kidding? Not normal? You consider being a fucking werewolf the same as just being “not normal”?”

Maxx looked relieved, which only made her angrier. “I’m glad you’re feeling better, but before we can really talk more we have to get out of here. Can you walk?”

Zowie frowned and stood up, unsteady initially, but after a moment the feeling of sea legs gave way. “I can walk.”

“Good. Let’s go.” Maxx took her arm gently and led her through the woods. After about five miles of nonstop walking on her already aching and sore feet they finally came to a clearing. Grabbing a cell phone out of his pocket, Maxx dialed and curtly gave someone directions to where they were.

“Are you sure that’s a good idea? What if your friends are on the wrong side?” She was leaned over, wheezing from exertion. While walking that distance normally wouldn’t faze her, the number of things going against her today was in the multitudes.

“I didn’t call friends. I called family, and there is no one I trust more with my life, or yours for that matter.” Maxx’s cryptic response did nothing to reassure her.

“Oh well in that case…” The implied eye roll that came with her tone was all she could manage at the moment.

Before too long a large Humvee with tinted windows pulled up to them. Maxx opened the back door and helped her get in. He buckled her before getting into the front passenger seat. Zowie looked at the other person in the backseat. He was a very large man identical to Maxx but with a buzz cut. The man in the driver’s seat was wearing sunglasses but was also a giant compared to her.

Maxx reached over the seat to clap the man in the back on the shoulder. “Hey, man, thanks for coming out. Sorry the reunion’s like this.”

Zowie finally hit her limit of sensory overload. “Can someone please tell me what the fuck is happening?”

The man next to her returned Maxx’s shoulder slap and then looked at her before busting out laughing. “Wow … she’s feisty.”

Maxx looked at her and shook his head with a chuckle. “You have no idea. Zowie, this is my brother Ren and my father Edward. They are like me and are going to help.”

Zowie made a sound she didn’t recognize as it left her mouth. “What exactly

Maxx took a bottle of water out of a cooler in the front and handed it back to her. “I’m exactly what you said, Zowie. You aren’t crazy. I know it’s a lot to process, but for the sake of time and safety I need you to at least get to the acceptance piece quickly. I promise you’re in no danger from us.”

“I’m not scared of
, jackass. I’m dealing with shit I’ve grown up thinking for years were just in movies. Particularly bad movies!” Zowie chugged half the bottle of water. She hadn’t realized how thirsty she’d been.

Ren whistled and laughed. “Oh boy, you’re in for it.”

Zowie just gave him a look, and his laugh soon stopped as he pretended to be very interested in something outside the window.

They pulled up to a large house with a fence and what looked like security. Maxx growled and Zowie jumped in her seat. “What exactly are we doing?”

Maxx turned and looked at her. “You’re staying right here with Ren. My dad and I are going to go meet the asshole causing the commotion. You’re not to get out of this car. Ren, so help me if she gets out you’d better be buried somewhere by her first.”

Zowie snorted in disbelief but was cut off by Maxx’s brother.

Ren glowered at her. “You’re sticking with me. Here. If he has to worry about you he’ll get killed, so let’s not have that be an issue.”

Maxx and his father didn’t give her a chance to argue. They got out quickly and left them there. Ren got out and into the driver’s seat. Suddenly, he had all the doors locked so she couldn’t open them. “Child proof locks? Are you serious right now?”

Ren glared at her over his shoulder. “Maxx warned me what a penchant for disobedience and trouble you have. I’m not messing with him. The last thing I need is for my brother’s girl to end up hurt because I dropped the proverbial ball.”

Folding her arms, Zowie grumbled in the backseat. “Look, you have more to fear from me if you don’t let me out than him anyway. He’s your brother. He won’t hurt you. I have no reason to spare you.”

Shaking his head, he turned on the radio and continued watching the building. “I am not budging on this. Be a good little human and just sit quietly, will you?”

A loud noise and bright flash rocked the first floor and was visible through the windows. Zowie had enough with waiting around now.

Ren turned to look at her. “I will go help him. I need you to stay here and promise you won’t get into—”

The crash of her feet smashing out the window in the back seat interrupted his demands. Hauling herself through the window took even less time. She grunted as she cut her hands while navigating the window and flipping to the ground.

“Jesus! You’re crazy and it would serve you both right if I let you go alone!” Ren scooped her up and ran toward the house.

“Shut up and save him, Neanderthal. I’m not your damn fanny pack!” Zowie grunted as he adjusted her and put her down to instead pull her while they ran.

Cursing under his breath, Ren ran the rest of the way, half pulling her until they were at the back door. Pulling a gun out of his waistband, he kicked the door in and motioned for her to wait. “Maxx! Get your ass out of there, man!”

Ren immediately dove back out of the doorway and pulled her with him as what looked like a grenade was lobbed at them. Faster than humanly possible, Ren grabbed the grenade and threw it into the back area behind them, away from the vehicles and their immediate direction. “For fucks sake! What did you get involved with exactly?”

“Why does everyone think this is my fault?” Zowie growled as she was dragged once more through the back door where Ren shifted midway and punched the first person he found in the kitchen area.

“Have you heard you don’t bring a knife to a gun party? You don’t bring a grenade to a werewolf party, motherfucker!” Ren kicked the man once for good measure.

Zowie ran up the stairs toward the sounds of fighting. The flash they had seen in the windows appeared to be out now. “I don’t know what that damn noise was!”

Ren was right behind her. “It’s not a fire. He probably set off a trap or something. If you weren’t so impulsive we might be able to find out!”

As they made it to a large set of double doors at the top of the landing, Ren held his gun and motioned for Zowie to follow behind him.

Zowie wasn’t sure what she was expecting to find when he kicked open the door, but the sight of Maxx naked, covered in blood, and growling at two men who were kneeling at his feet was not exactly what she had in mind. Without meaning to, she gasped and grabbed her throat. Maxx looked up at their intrusion and the expression on his face was not completely human.

Chapter Thirteen


Maxx looked at Zowie and Ren in the doorway of the large office he and his father had cornered the men responsible for all of this grief in. Zowie looked like she was alternately pissed off and ready to vomit at the sight of him.

“Everything is fine. Go with my brother back outside, Zowie.” He knew his voice was a grumble of mixed human and wolf. He really wished he could have had time to get dressed and calm down, but as usual Zowie had a habit of showing up where she shouldn’t.

“Like hell I will. What exactly are you about to do, Maxx?” Zowie’s voice was forced bravery, but he knew she was trying to spare these two scumbags their lives.

“Don’t worry about it, Zowie. Go with my brother damnit. I told you to keep her in the truck for fuck’s sake, Ren!” His temper was on a thin line to begin with, and arguing with Zowie when he really wanted to take her against the wall despite the witnesses made things more difficult.

“You deserve her. She’s impossible. You’re also paying for a new back passenger window!” Ren kept his gun trained on the two men on the floor. “Where’s Dad?”

“I’m right here. You both need to relax. Maxx, you need to calm down. We have to let them go with authorities. You can’t risk drawing attention to us this way, and you’ve had too much following you already. Listen to your girl.” Maxx’s dad was equally bloody but had all of his clothing on.  

Ren kept his gun on the two in question while Maxx put on some clothing his father had found in the mansion. While they were tight on him, the jeans and t-shirt did nothing to improve his mood. He really did not want to trust a mafia figurehead to law enforcement. He knew how deep the corruption could go in that world.

“You both can thank whoever you pray to for your lives tonight. If you get out, if you try to come after Zowie or myself after this in any way, I will finish what I started. Only I will do it as my wolf and I will eat the evidence so there will be nothing of you to find.” Maxx growled at the men at his feet once again. The younger of the two of them was visibly shaken, while Rick glared at him.

“Do what you want. None of this would have happened if you listened to reason. I’m a very powerful ally to have, or enemy. It’s up to you.” The old man spat at his feet.

Smirking, Maxx shook his head. “You don’t seem to get it. I made my club from my own blood, sweat, and tears. I’m not giving you shit. Leave me and mine alone, or die. Those are your options. No veiled threats, you coward. You notice I had no problem coming right to you when you sent those incompetent fools to my club, and then my home, twice?”

The sound of sirens and feet rushing up the stairs was the announcement that Zowie had been allowed to call the police. Rolling his eyes, he took her hand and went to walk down the stairs with her. He heard a scuffle from behind him.

“I’ll show you a coward!”

Turning, he saw that Rick had pulled a gun out and was aiming at him. Cursing that he wouldn’t be able to shift to absorb the damage or throw Zowie out of the way, he grabbed his brother’s gun and shot with lightning speed. The old man got a shot off, but it went wild as he was hit at the same time he pulled the trigger. A muffled curse was the only warning he had that the wild shot had somehow hit Zowie. The police tackled him and took the gun away. The shot had hit Rick in his arm.

Turning wild eyes on Zowie, he noticed she was pale and cradling her own arm. There was blood up by her shoulder.

“I think it just zinged me … I think I’m okay.”

Not bothering to wait, he scooped her up and carried her down the stairs to the waiting ambulance that had come with the police. Sitting her down in the back, he grumbled, “Check her out first. I don’t care what the cops say about the guy who shot her. I want her okayed first. If it means that prick bleeds out I’m fine with that.”

The paramedics shook their heads at his words but did as he requested.

Zowie was right when she said she was just grazed. It was a deep enough wound to need cleaning and some stitches however. Holding Zowie’s hand while she cursed as they worked on her made him feel both helpless and angry. It was lucky for the bastards responsible that they were being loaded into the police cars or he’d go back up and make Swiss cheese out of that old bastard.

Ren’s voice broke him out of his anger. “You did not warn me she was crazy enough to break a fucking window in my vehicle and climb out. You better pay for repairs.”

Zowie looked over Maxx’s shoulder at his brother. “Go fuck yourself. If you hadn’t child-locked me into the car that wouldn’t have happened.” She smiled after saying it, which took the sting out of her words.

Maxx shook his head and hugged his brother quickly. “I know. I can’t predict what she’s going to do before she does it either. I know one thing. Zowie, you’re going home with me after this to my house in the city, until you’re healed at least. I don’t trust you to take care of yourself and recover damnit.”

Zowie frowned at him. “Who died and made you king? Have you ever tried asking and not telling, your highness?”

Maxx had the decency to feel mildly ashamed at being so domineering, but he knew he had her best interests in mind and that she was not the most self-preserving person he’d ever met. “Fine. Will you come stay with me until you’re well enough to be on your own again?”

“Fine. But no handcuffs and when I say I want to go, I’m going. Understood?” Zowie’s tone brooked no argument, though he still felt compelled to give one.

“No handcuffs unless you agree to them ... understood.” Maxx grinned when she turned red under his brother’s scrutiny.

Ren grinned and shook his head before walking back to his much-abused vehicle. “You two deserve each other.”


Chapter Fourteen


After two weeks of staying with Maxx at his home in Vegas and not actively talking, Zowie was ready to scream. She had nowhere to go and no cell phone. Maxx continued to say it wasn’t safe because not all of the Mafia members had been caught yet despite the warrants. A nurse continued to come and check on her, after apologizing profusely for being caught off guard by Alec, who had essentially locked her in the bathroom. Thankfully she’d had her cell phone, so the police had come there and let her out as well as taking her statement.

Staring out the bedroom window, she sighed as she noticed Maxx pull up in his car. As he got out, she walked back out of the bedroom and into the living area before sitting on the couch. When he opened the door, she said, “I need to go home.”

Maxx closed the door and put down the box he was carrying. “Why, hello, yes I’ve had a nice day. How was yours?”

“Very funny. I can’t just stay here forever,” she muttered grumpily and eyed the box.

“The nurse says you’ve fully recovered, and the doctor gave you a clean bill of health.” Maxx commented as though she’d not spoken.

“Yes, not that it’s your business.” Zowie would cover her mouth if she could, but she didn’t dare to admit she’d been meaner than she had intended.

Walking over to the couch, Maxx gently gathered both her wrists in his hands. “I know what this is about.”

 “You do?” Zowie wished he’d tell her, because she was clueless why she was so agitated. She just knew she couldn’t stand the status quo they’d had.

“Mmhmm.” Turning her wrists over and inspecting the healed marks before kissing each of them and then gathering them in one hand to hold over her head, he leaned down and used his free hand to pull her ponytail back and kiss her hard.

She didn’t have time to expect it but immediately was arching into his kiss. The forceful nature of his hold served a purpose to hold her still but did not hurt. There were times when Zowie could feel his animal wildness coming through even when he was in full man mode as she referred to his normal state. Zowie moaned into his mouth as he licked his way inside her lips, and she returned the kiss with fervor.

Releasing her mouth, he leaned back and smiled. “I haven’t ignored you. I’ve just been waiting for you to be in top health. Your body has to be able to handle what I’m about to do to it. I’ve had a while to make plans.”

Zowie let out a shuddering breath and smiled shakily. “What makes you think I’m going to let you?”

Maxx just smiled and kissed her again, deeper this time. Murmuring against her mouth, he took turns licking her lips, then her ear. “Does that mean you don’t want to be mine after all? That was not the impression I’ve gotten from you since we met, or what I scent on you now.”

Nibbling his jaw, she smiled and then let out a soft cry. “I do … I just wanted to be more of a challenge than that, I guess.”

Maxx laughed against her neck and bit down on her skin quickly before commenting against her skin. “You have been nothing but challenging since the day I met you, Zowie. My brother would agree now that I’ve fixed his truck window. It’s your interminable spirit and your absolute fearlessness that make me love you.”

Zowie’s eyes snapped open and she looked up at him. “Wait … say that again.”

Maxx barked out a laugh and picked her up in his arms and carried her into the bedroom. “You would hear only that. I love you, crazy woman. I have to keep you with me, because I have known since the moment I met you that you would be the death of me. I’d prefer you be the life of me, though I will take my chances.”

Zowie’s eyes watered, and she grabbed his face and kissed him as he put her down on the bed. “You stubborn man, I love you, too. I will not be the death of you. None of those near death experiences were my fault. I was a victim of circumstances. Those circumstances were named Maxx.”

Maxx stood up long enough to toe off his shoes and socks, before sliding his pants down. He snagged his shirt and pulled it over his head. Zowie couldn’t hold back her gasp of appreciation. He pulled his hair out of the ponytail and it fell to his waist.

She sat up and took her sundress off as fast as she could. When she was about to take her bra and panties off, Maxx climbed onto the bed and grinned. “Does this mean yes, by the way?” Unsnapping her bra from behind, he trailed his lips up her shoulders to her neck, leaving stinging kisses as he went.

Zowie shivered and ran her fingers down his chest before answering. “Yes, yes, and yes.”

Maxx grinned and trailed his fingers down her chest, removing her bra and replacing the cups with his hands. Squeezing her breasts gently, he lightly stroked his fingers over their tips and followed the path his fingers took with his lips. The shaking that incited in her body reminded Zowie that he looked at everything like a hunt, or a conquest. She knew he was thinking of her more as the latter at this moment, though his eyes were somewhat wolfy in their abnormal light.

Zowie wrapped her legs around his hips and smiled when he looked up at her from where he was hovering over her panties. He hooked his fingers in the waistband and pulled them off of her carefully before throwing them on the floor with the other discarded clothing. She let out a surprised squeak when he pulled her legs farther apart and without warning kissed around her core with the same skill he used with her mouth.

Pressing up into his tongue, she dragged her hands through his hair and squeezed her legs against his back. He looked up at her and smiled devilishly while adjusting on the bed and reaching behind him. Before she knew what was happening she found he had cuffed her ankle to his bed. Again.

His voice was dark and silky, just the way she had come to crave it. “I thought we could reminisce. I like having your body firmly at my mercy you know.”

Zowie shivered with both excitement and a small bit of fear she couldn’t help but feel at any sort of confinement, but she had learned quickly that Maxx was to be trusted.

“Is it too much, Zowie?” His question held concern but also a challenge she of course couldn’t resist.

“Hah, bring it on, big man.” She groaned low and loud when his reward for her bravery was his leaning up and kissing her deeply while pressing his hardness against her. He teased her this way for so long that her bravery soon turned to pleading whimpers against his neck.

“Stop teasing me... Maxx, I’ve been waiting long enough…” Reaching down, she stroked his erection in a fluid motion that had him bucking against her reflexively and breathing faster.

“I should have handcuffed your hands apparently. Christ, woman … don’t be so impatient. I’m trying to make an impression here,” Maxx murmured against her lips before reaching for the bedside table and picking up a condom.

Zowie didn’t wait for an invitation and sheathed him in record time. When she opened her legs in anticipation of being thoroughly taken, Maxx continued to tease her by slowly sliding inch after inch inside of her. When she began to shake, he thrust hard until he was seated all of the way and she let out a loud cry.

Maxx leaned up and caged his arms around her face while he put his weight on his elbows and forearms. Zowie admired his strength and the sinuous movements of his body as he started a slow but powerful push and retreat. She hadn’t thought a man with muscles could move with such grace, but even with the strength she could feel a definite smoothness.

Unable to bring both of her feet up, she wrapped her free foot around his hips and arched against him. Maxx’s shudder in response to her foot pressing into the dip of his spine bolstered her confidence, and she reached up and brought his face down to kiss him with a moan.

The kiss was long and deep. Maxx pulled back and looked into her eyes with a rare serious expression. “Zowie…” He closed his eyes as some unnamed emotion came across his face. He pressed his forehead against hers and began to push in a much slower and gentler roll into her.

Zowie was close enough already and when he reached down with a free hand and slid his thumb around her clit, she saw sparks behind her eyelids. Her body stiffened and she moaned before leaning forward and biting Maxx’s shoulder while shaking.

A gruff curse came from his mouth and then he began moving with frenzy. Sitting back, he arranged her so that she was sitting on top of him with her legs straight out. He then lifted her up and down on his hardness with ferocious strokes. Her aftershocks were so strong she couldn’t tell when they stopped or started. Instead, it was an almost continuous spiral of pleasure. Somewhere during that shock to her nerves, she heard Maxx give a guttural shout and still inside her as he too found his release.

Maxx hugged her against his chest while he recovered before pulling back and looking into her eyes. “You’re not leaving me. I mean it. I expect you with me as long as I live.”

Blinking away tears, she smiled and bit his chin. “Whatever you say. You’re the boss.”

Maxx grinned and murmured against her neck. “Don’t you forget it.”

Zowie could only imagine that she had the potential to be the death of him. She only hoped that meant in old age, as she would definitely prefer to be the life of him.


The End








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