Read Dune Road Online

Authors: Dani-Lyn Alexander

Tags: #Suspense, #Contemporary

Dune Road (2 page)

BOOK: Dune Road
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She couldn’t tell if he was insulted because he gave no outward sign. No matter, she wouldn’t risk losing this job for stealing a bottle of water. Distracted and in a rush, she knocked over the glass cleaner, and watched it tumble to the floor.

“I’ll get it.”

He grabbed the bottle before she stepped off the stool. When she reached to take it from him, he held tight. She met his stare and was instantly sucked into the depths of twin blue pools. She waited, thinking for just an instant he might lean close and…

“Would you like to get something to eat when you’re done here?”

She shook off the fantasy image in her head. What had he said? Oh, right, dinner. “I’m sorry, I can’t.” The disappointment flooding her system surprised her. “I have another job when I’m done here, and I’m already running late.”

“Where’s your next job?”

“I tend bar at the Sandcastle.” She tried and failed to gauge his reaction, as a familiar heat burned across her cheeks. The blush that crept over her cheeks and down her neck was the curse of having blonde hair and a fair complexion.

“What time do you get off?”

“Not until two.” Strangely tempted to reach up and run her fingers through his thick, dark hair, she turned away quickly. What was wrong with her? She never had this kind of reaction to a man. Grateful that he released the bottle of glass cleaner, she continued to clean the mirror behind the bar.

“How about having a drink then?”

Ashleigh made the mistake of looking in the mirror, and her gaze was instantly drawn to his. He was, without a doubt, a handsome man with strong features and an athletic build, definitely the kind of man who turned heads, and definitely the type she usually avoided at all costs.

Images of Savannah filled her mind. By the time she got home, Savannah would probably have been up two or three times already. Ashleigh’s mother never complained about watching her only granddaughter, but Savannah’s abrupt screams throughout the night could be exhausting.

“I’m sorry, I can’t. I have to work early in the morning, and I’ll only get a few hours of sleep as it is.” There was no way she could finish cleaning the cabana right now. She’d have to come back in the morning. With any luck at all, Savannah wouldn’t be plagued by the night terrors that tormented her lately, but Ashleigh didn’t count on getting too much sleep.

“Do you have a day off?”

Ashleigh turned, intent on letting him down gently. She didn’t have anything against him. He seemed nice enough, just wasn’t her type. Her sister dated men like him for years, and Ashleigh was not interested in that kind of heartbreak. She could spot a player from a mile away and with his carefree attitude, and easy going smile, Cole was definitely a player.

“Look, Cole, you seem like a really nice guy, and it’s nothing personal, but I don’t date much. I don’t have time. I work a lot during the summer, plus I have responsibilities at home. Thank you for asking, but I’m afraid I have to say no.”

His already full lips appeared even fuller as he pouted, momentarily cloaking him in the illusion of vulnerability. Ashleigh was surprised to be second guessing her decision. Men like him weren’t vulnerable, but they preyed on women who were, and she wanted no part of that. One night stands held no interest for her, nor did summer flings. Why waste time dating someone there would be no future with?

This was no good. She couldn’t possibly finish this job before her shift at the bar. Ashleigh shook her head, and then gathered her supplies. “I’ll have to finish cleaning in the morning. If I don’t go now, I’m going to be late. Do you know what time the Bronsons arrive tomorrow?”

He shrugged. “I’m sure whatever time you return will be fine. The main house is clean, that’s probably all that matters anyway.”


Cole never chased women, he didn’t need to. Women were always drawn to him. He was kind, gentle, fun, and treated his girlfriends extremely well, but he made his intentions very clear up front. He wasn’t interested in a serious relationship. Casual relationships were great. He had no desire to settle down and only dated women who felt the same way.

Ashleigh was different from the regular woman he dated. She
beautiful, with a killer body, but too serious for him. That underlying sadness she possessed should have pushed him away, yet it surprisingly had the opposite effect. Instead of craving the playful, flirtatious interaction that usually preceded a night, or even a week or two, of fun, Cole wanted to know more about her. He wanted to know
about her. So, instead of being smart and running in the opposite direction, he dwelled on how to entice her to go out with him. Maybe it was the challenge or he just couldn’t handle rejection. Yeah right, and if he told himself that often enough, he might even start to believe it.

“It was nice meeting you.” The casual dismissal stung enough to pull him from his musings.

“See you around,” he answered, distracted by the unexpected tug of emotions.

She waved and walked out the door.

His gaze lingered, following the sway of her hips as she crossed the deck. Cole would make certain to see Ashleigh again. What was it about her he found so attractive? Well, aside from the obvious, that is.

He followed her out and, feeling like a stalker, he headed for the house instead.

“Hey, Boss.” Bob greeted Cole as he entered through the back door entry.

“We’re going out, Bob.” Cole grabbed a jacket from the closet.

Bob raised an eyebrow. “No, we’re not going anywhere.” At Cole’s glare, Bob continued. “With all due respect.”

“Yeah right, since when do you show any respect?”

Bob grinned and Cole shot him a dirty look, which made Bob laugh, a deep, contagious laugh that Cole joined.

“What happened, Boss? She blow you off?”

“Ha, ha. Just do whatever it is you have to do. Call whoever you need to call, because we are going out tonight.”

“I don’t think that’s a good idea, do you?”

Actually, Cole knew it was a really stupid idea, but he was going to do it anyway. He pinned his longtime friend, and bodyguard, with a scowl.

Bob backed off. “Fine, I’ll call in some extra help, but it will take a few hours to get them out here.”

“No problem, just plan on leaving around ten o’clock. We’ll be going to the Sandcastle.” He didn’t have to wait long for the expected explosion.

“A club! Are you out of your freakin’ mind?”

Bob was usually an easy going guy. It was very unusual for him to lose his temper, especially with Cole, but this time Cole knew he was pushing Bob too far. It would be next to impossible for Bob to keep Cole safe inside a crowded beach club, not to mention out on any of the many decks, or the beach itself. There was any number of dark shadowed areas large enough to conceal a sniper, and no way to shield him from a physical attack amidst the crowd of partygoers. Bob was right to be angry, but Cole had no doubt the man would do as he asked.

“You have until ten, Bob, and then I am going out. So, go do your magic and make sure I stay safe.”

“You know, sometimes I think you have a death wish.” Bob shook his head as he pulled a phone from his pocket. Cole listened only long enough to be sure Bob would do as Cole asked, and then turned his thoughts back to Ashleigh.

What was it about her he couldn’t resist? If only he knew, then he could break the spell she’d cast over him. He conjured a picture in his mind of her standing by the rail of the deck, gazing out to the ocean. Damn, he was in too deep.

Chapter Three

Ashleigh pulled into her driveway, slammed the shifter into park, jumped out of the car, and ran toward the front door. She would never make it. Why had she wasted so much time talking to Cole? What was wrong with her? Wasn’t it enough for her to have watched her sister be hurt by men like him over and over again? Melissa loved men, almost as much as she loved to have fun, but where had it gotten her?

“Mommy!” Savannah was in Ashleigh’s arms before she made it halfway through the door. “I missed you, Mommy.” She put a kiss right on Ashleigh’s cheek, which would have been perfect if Savannah’s face wasn’t covered in chocolate.

Ashleigh laughed. Her heart stuttered and filled with joy. What did it matter if she ended up covered in chocolate? The feel of Savannah’s little arms wrapped around her neck was worth it.

“Me and Granny made chocolate cake, and I licked the bowl. Do you want some?”

“I’m sorry, baby. I have to go back to work. I’ll have a piece tomorrow, I promise.”

Disappointment filled Savannah’s eyes, and Ashleigh’s heart broke for having put such sadness there. She loved spending time with Savannah and hated to disappoint her, but Ashleigh had to work as much as possible in the summer. Still, she couldn’t run out without giving Savannah something to look forward to.

“I’ll tell you what. How about we go to the beach tomorrow and have a picnic?”

“Yay!” Savannah ran down the short hallway toward the kitchen at the back of the house. “Granny, we’re going to have a picnic tomorrow.”

Satisfied that Savannah was happy, and hoping the excitement would be enough to chase away the nightmares for the night, Ashleigh ran upstairs to get dressed for work.


She walked into the club, only five minutes late, breathed a sigh of relief and took her place behind the bar. “Hi, Lindsay. Hey, Kyle.” She called to the other two bartenders. “Sorry I’m late. I worked all day.”

“No problem.” Kyle tossed her an apron and continued on his way to the other side of the bar. “You need to take it easy, girl, you work too hard.”

Kyle could never be accused of working too hard. He was too laid back. His days were spent hanging out on the beach with the same crowd who filled the bar each night. He was extremely well liked. He chatted with the patrons, remembered what each of them drank as the night wore on, and was very attentive, but he never rushed. He moved at his own pace no matter how crowded or hectic the pace became. Most people couldn’t pull it off, but it worked for him.

“Don’t worry, I’m off tomorrow. Savannah and I are going to have a day of fun with a picnic on the beach.”

“Where are you going?” Lindsay piped in. “Maybe I’ll bring the boys and we can hang out.” Lindsay had twin boys the same age as Savannah, and the three children were close friends.

“I’m gonna set up on the bay side.” Dune Road ran down the middle of a narrow strip of barrier island that separated the Atlantic Ocean from the Great South Bay. Ashleigh preferred to sit on the bay side of the island when Savannah was with her. The calmer water allowed the children to play in the sand at the water’s edge without the worry of any big waves coming in from the rough surf like the other side had.

“Great, I’ll bring the boogie boards and meet you around ten.”

“Hey, I want to come.” Somehow Kyle heard their conversation from the other side of the bar, despite the high volume of music, and the noise of the already crowded club. The bar was set up as an oval, with one side facing the club, and the other facing one of the many levels of decking surrounding the club. Kyle was working outside tonight, while Ashleigh worked inside. Lindsay would float back and forth depending on where the majority of the crowd hung out.

Ashleigh laughed. “Sure you can come.”

“Can I bring a few friends?” Kyle charmed Ashleigh with a wicked grin. Everyone knew he traveled with a pack of friends, never less than about eight to ten young men and women surrounded him at any given time.

“Don’t look now, honey, but you seem to have an admirer.” Lindsay tilted her head toward the far end of the bar.

Naturally, the first thing Ashleigh did was look over her shoulder. Cole stood at the end of the bar, staring intently at her. He smiled when she met his gaze, and her knees went weak. What was it about him that twisted her insides to mush? The man was too charming for his own good.

“Mmm…mmm.” Lindsay came up behind Ashleigh, obviously having sized-up Cole as a playboy, a man looking for nothing more than a good time. “Why don’t you go for it?” Lindsay winked. “Have some fun for a change?”

Ashleigh’s cheeks heated, undoubtedly turning beet red. She glanced around to be sure no one had heard Lindsay’s hushed statement. “I can’t, Lindsay. You know I don’t do casual flings.”

“I’m not saying go home with him, just have some fun. Maybe go out a few times, flirt a little. You need to do something for yourself now and then, Ashleigh.”

Ashleigh and Lindsay had grown up together, friends since kindergarten, and Lindsay only wanted the best for Ashleigh. Lindsay knew all Ashleigh’s deep, dark secrets. Actually, everyone pretty much knew her situation. The curse of growing up in a small town, everyone knew everything that went on in her life, sometimes even before she did.

Ashleigh shrugged. “You know the deal, Lindsay.”

“Well, if you aren’t interested, I just might have to check him out.”

Lindsay had been very happily married to her high school sweetheart for five years, so if her teasing threat was harmless, why did Ashleigh’s stomach twist with jealousy? She glanced at Cole again, and the familiar rush of warmth flowed through her body. Every time he stared at her with those smoldering eyes heat consumed her. Hell, he was gorgeous. Lindsay was right—Ashleigh didn’t have to go home with him. What would it hurt to have a little fun? She approached Cole, exaggerating the sway of her hips a bit, and peered at him from beneath her lashes.


When she smiled, Cole’s heart skipped a beat. Oh man, he really had it bad. What was he doing here? He was risking his life to see a woman he barely knew and had only met today.

“Hi, stranger, long time no see.” The smile lit her eyes, making them sparkle. He’d never met anyone with such expressive eyes. Every feeling, every emotion, was displayed to the world through her gorgeous eyes. Awareness punched him in the gut.

He noted slight hesitation and a little wariness in her flirtatious walk, but her eyes seemed to say
let’s play
…and Cole definitely wanted to play. “I couldn’t help myself. I missed you.”

BOOK: Dune Road
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