Read Drowning Ophelia (Immoral Dracula) Online

Authors: Eva Natsumi

Tags: #Paranormal Sci-Fi Fantasy Dark Erotica

Drowning Ophelia (Immoral Dracula) (6 page)

BOOK: Drowning Ophelia (Immoral Dracula)
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“I love you.”

“You’re a liar,” Ophelia said. Casimir sputtered. “You didn’t send everyone away.”

“Everyone in their rooms was sent away.” Ophelia bit the inside of her cheek. Nina was most certainly not in her room. “What if they weren’t in their room?”

“Why would a person not be in their room? Unless of course they were with me…” Casimir smiled, drawing her knees closer to him. He asked a great question. How was she to answer it? But he must have known Nina was with Ophelia. He did see everything, after all.

“You purposefully left her here,” Ophelia accused. Casimir’s eyes shadowed, dark and cruel. “I left no one. If they were in their room—“

“She wasn’t and you knew that! Send her home.” Ophelia snapped her head away, silvery hair flying in Casimir’s face. Casimir stood and walked toward the window. The night was pearly, illumined by stars. After some long, tenebrous minutes, Casimir spoke,

“It will take at least a day for another car to get here. I suspect you’ll want to be on it.”

“How will you survive?” Ophelia’s breath steadied, yet she still could not look him in the eyes. “If you sent your, your food away I mean.” Casimir did not answer. The silence in the room weighed like an anvil. “What if you came out?”

“As what? A murderer?” Casimir laughed. “I’m too far gone… And anyway, do you see a line of people waiting to have their blood drawn? There doesn’t exist that now for
diseases why would that suddenly exist if I came to be?”

Ophelia sighed. She stood and wrapped her arms around his waist.

“Then take me.”

Casimir stuttered. He pried her soft fingers off and stood ominous against the glass.

“I am the beast, but you are someone else’s beauty.”

“You’re a murderer.”

“I know.”

“You don’t have to be.”

“And die? Ophelia… sweet Ophelia… when faced with death I chose to live. I may be a coward but I am a living coward!”

“Take me.”


“I can be your everlasting supply.”

“You are not thinking… the sacrifice.” Ophelia forced herself between his body and the window. “What sacrifice? What novel do you want to write? You are sick, don’t shut yourself away for ever. You don’t know what that will do to you. What it has done to you.” She graced one palm across his cheek. “Why must we be doomed, to stay isolated in this tower like bats? We are only people with special circumstance….”

She moved closer to him, so that their bodies were only whispers apart. “We can travel…” She whispered, closing the distance. Their bodies touched. Their lips shared breaths. Their eyes locked. “We can be everything anyone can, and more. We have love.” There was a stop, a brief moment where they both beheld everything before them.

Casimir closed the gap. He clutched her waist and seized her neck, blood flowed so that they were one another. Ophelia gasped.


The gilded doors burst open. Nina stood in the midst of the bang.

“I knew it!” Nina pointed at Ophelia, clutched in Casimir’s red embrace.

“Nina, what are you doing?” Ophelia questioned.

“Remember how I said that he was a murderer and you said no and we got in a fight and had sex instead of talking about how he was a murderer? Well I know why it’s because you are having sex with him!”

“You don’t understand, Nina.”

“What don’t I understand? There is blood on you, dripping from your breasts like some obscene lubricant. I just found skeletons in the garden. Where you left me naked, by the way.” Casimir clenched his jaw. “I’m trying, desperately by the way, to ignore the fact that there is a murderer standing two feet away from me. We need to leave this place.” Nina reached for Ophelia. Ophelia lulled her head sweetly, uncertainly. “But…” The tip of Ophelia’s lip was effulgent where she stuttered with uncertain spit.

“She is mine.” Casimir stepped between them.

“She’s yours?” Nina looked around the room and grabbed a candelabra. “Move!” She thrust the gold figure at Casimir’s face. Casimir ducked and shoved Nina to the floor. He pounced on top of her. Nina struggled back, kicking and clawing at his legs and face.

“It doesn’t have to be like this!” Ophelia implored. Casimir and Nina were at throats, their eyes red with envy and malice. “Please!” Ophelia swayed. In her mind she could see the fireflies and fairies. Their sensual, yellow lights danced around her head. She smiled and started to sway with them.

She lowered a sleeve of her dress. She danced more, following the light of the fireflies. Inside her mind it was soft lights and even softer touches. A quiet music played, slow and melodic, like the dance of rattle snake.

Ophelia lowered another sleeve. The air kissed her bare breasts. Her nipples hardened like ripe cherries. Ophelia raised her arms above her head and twirled her hands in motion with her hips. She felt sensual. In her mind the fireflies danced and in her body the blood rushed. It rushed to the tips of her breasts. It rushed all around, pooling and throbbing, making her undulate even faster.

Her swaying bumped a section of cloth off her thin waist, another sway knocked it from her smooth hips, and with one last climactic pop, the dress fell completely off. She danced naked. Her skin buzzed as the fireflies and fairies kissed every inch. They kissed her earlobes, they kissed her mouth, they kissed the tips of her breasts, and they lightly kissed her cunt. She moaned and danced the much faster.

Her hands were still above her head. She danced harder, working herself in to a frenzy. She moaned and gasped. She smiled and laughed. She was reaching a climax. She bit her lip, twirling her hips as she felt the first crest come. She gasped. Her eyes were closed. Ophelia saw nothing save the lights in her mind. She danced the much faster, her hands still twirling above her head. The second crest was coming, it was bigger.

Something took her, soft and yearning hands. Another something took her, rough and aching. She waked in to Nina and Casimir.

Casimir and Nina took Ophelia where she stood, their delicate and calloused hands pulling her to the plush floor. Casimir turned Ophelia over so that she was on her knees. Nina lied down in front of Ophelia and spread her legs wide, glistening by her sweet juices. Casimir thrust deep inside her, hard and fast. Ophelia felt like she did in the garden, sparkling.

Casimir thrust and Ophelia kissed between Nina’s thighs. He thrust harder and faster and Ophelia’s tongue went deeper. Nina screamed, grabbing hold of the carpet, her voluptuous breasts bouncing. Ophelia’s eyes widened and she reached for the carpet. She was losing control. Casimir thrust harder and faster and grabbed hold of Ophelia’s thighs.

Ophelia pulled from Casimir, exhausted, and climbed on top of Nina. Their naked bodies pressed together, Ophelia embraced her. She traced her tongue over Nina’s lips.

Casimir lowered his head between Ophelia’s legs. He bit between her thighs and copper poured down her legs, in to his mouth. Ophelia gasped. He grabbed her thighs, holding her firm as she quivered. He traveled his tongue up her thighs and between. He nibbled gently on her lips. Casimir traveled his tongue right before her slit and bit, hard. Ophelia’s mind blackened in pleasure. Casimir had extinguished the lighthouse and she was rolling around in a dark sea. Tossed around by waves, suffocated, exhausted, and utterly ravished. He sucked. She screamed. He sucked harder, she screamed harder. When she came, blood and juices flowed like an ocean storm.

Casimir pulled Ophelia on him and thrust in her. “Oh!” She screamed, clutching his skin. He thrust again. Her eyes widened and she grasped his chest. Nina crawled across the plush carpeting and Casimir pulled her atop his face. Nina moaned as he traced his tongue between her thighs.
He thrust in to Ophelia. Ophelia reached for Nina, embracing her. Their bodies formed a triangle over his chest. They reach for one another’s smooth breasts, all the while gasping and howling in pleasure, their thighs clenching and bodies quivering. Nina fell from Casimir in satisfaction.

Casimir pulled Ophelia’s hair back and bit her in the neck, hard. Blood poured out of Ophelia, sheathing her and Nina in red.

“What in the—“ Nina scrambled back. Casimir growled, his teeth stained red. Ophelia sighed, unaware, stuck under his red spell. Casimir jumped towards and pinned down Nina. “Do you want this?” He growled in to her ear. “I…” Casimir throbbed between her thighs. “Do you?” Nina squirmed beneath him, yearning. “Yes.”

Casimir bit her neck viciously. The sanguine sweetness covered her neck and chest, gleaming. He sucked, pulling the juice from her. He throbbed ferociously inside her. She writhed dreamily beneath him, he pinned her harder. He sucked, drawing more from her. Blood poured on to his chin and down her chest. Her veins throbbed as he did between her. She moved more sleepily beneath him, her heartbeat slowed, and it seemed like with each drain the dreamland became a reality. Nina gave one last scream and fell motionless in to the bedsheets.

“No!” Ophelia waked to attention and saw that Casimir held Nina in his arms. She was no longer moving with him. She looked limp and lifeless. Casimir shook her. “God dammit, no!” Ophelia stared wide eyed.“What is it?”

Casimir shook his head. Blood spurted from Nina’s neck and on to Ophelia’s face. Ophelia screamed.

Casimir lied Nina on the floor. He placed his hands on Nina’s neck.

“What’s going on? What’s happening?” Ophelia questioned, her tone dead from shock. Blood dripped off her cheeks like melting rouge. Casimir shook his head. More blood spurted out from underneath his hands.

“Go get help.” He whispered.

“She has a son.” Ophelia’s mouth was permanently agape, her eyes wide enough to drop quarters in.

“Go get help.” Casimir repeated, hollow.


She was colorless. All the color had drained from her previously colorful skin. It was gone. The reds and pinks of her cheeks had drained like blood from a shot deer. Her olive skin was juiced and she was as pale as a specter.

Ophelia traced her hands over the wound that killed her. A crescent made from harsh teeth indented in her pale, lifeless skin; a mark shaped like her now moonly skin. “Lia…” Casimir placed his hand on top of hers. She jerked her hand away. Her eyes were wet like ice. “
,” Ophelia whispered, her words like wetted steel.

Nina’s blood had dried on her face and she looked a terrible beauty. The blood was a rouge against her snow white skin. She stood up, freezing her eyes in his direction. Her body became as cold as the corpse’s.

There were tears in Casimir’s eyes. “Ophelia…” He could not look Ophelia in the eye. His palms and wrists were stained red. The floor around him still wet with blood.

Ophelia’s footfalls were barely heard as she exited the room.

The grounds were cold and frozen. It was a bitter cold. The morning dew had frozen on the flora and they sparkled by the chilly, rising sun. Ophelia breathed in the cool, refreshing air. She wished she were dead. Who or what was the grim beast now? Ophelia laughed bitterly.

All around her the immenseness weighed. She had no where to go and no where to run. Miles stretched on either side and she wasn’t even sure where she was. She wasn’t even sure if she should run. It was an accident after all… wasn’t it? She walked around the side of the house, sure so that she couldn’t be seen by any windows, or any one.

He warned her, he did. She was running now that she saw the caveat come true. Why was she running, because she wasn’t so sure if she wanted death. It was simple to want it when all that meant was talking, but now that he had shown her its ugly face….

It wasn’t his fault. Ophelia felt the cold stone of the manor against her. Casimir was frantic inside, loathing himself for a tragic accident. He had asked her for help, for love, and she had ran to find cold feet. Nina was dead on the floor. She had a bad habit of running away when the people who loved her needed her most.

Ophelia straightened her shoulders. She was going to go find him and tell him that everything was going to be okay. That’s what people did for the ones they loved. They would figure it out together, like she had promised, and she would be stronger for him—

Ophelia stifled a scream. Cold, leathery hands covered her mouth and pulled her back. She struggled but the world turned fuzzy. She felt warm, like a fuzzy blanket was being wrapped around her toes and body and eyes. Her thoughts no longer made sense; they jumbled together and tumbled down one another like an amusement park roller coaster. The frozen flowers faded and blurred. Everything went black.

BOOK: Drowning Ophelia (Immoral Dracula)
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