Driven (4 page)

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Authors: Jayne Rylon

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Driven
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“I’d love to get to know you better.” His knuckles skimmed her cheekbone, sending a rush of anticipation through her. “Besides, it’s the only way you’re going to make it on time. I promise not to bite. Unless you ask nice.”

Before self-doubt sabotaged her instincts, she nuzzled his fingers then turned her face to nip one. “Let’s go then. Don’t want to miss our flight.”

She’d forgotten about their audience until the young man cleared his throat. “C-could I get your autograph?”

“Sure. What’s your name?” Sebastian worked a silver Sharpie and a glossy collector card from his back pocket.


Holy crap. He’d come prepared. She gawked at the image of him posing in a full-body racing suit. It shouldn’t be possible for one man to look that sexy.

Sebastian jotted a quick note then signed the thick stock. “Nice to meet you, Jim. Thanks for taking care of the luggage.”

“No problem. This rocks!” The two guys bumped fists, a trend she would never understand. Still, she didn’t linger on the generational difference between her and Sebastian. How could she when he made it effortless to stay near him?

They waved as they left the counter. She attempted to unburden Sebastian by reclaiming her carry-on but he refused to let her shoulder it, instead, stacking it on top of his own duffle. When she drifted near the rental car kiosks, he draped an arm around her waist then steered her toward the terminal exit instead.

“You got a car already?”

“I didn’t have any luck with the rentals either.” He frowned. “We’re going to have to let someone else drive.”

“What do you mean?” Her eyes narrowed a moment before they made their way outside. “Sebastian! You can’t hire a limo for a four-hour drive. It’s going to cost a fortune!”

“You want to make our flight, gorgeous?”

She sighed. “Let me pay for half.”

“No need.” When she would have objected, he silenced her by pressing his lips to hers, catching her off guard. Any possible argument evaporated from her brain as she soaked in the heat of his embrace. Her palms landed on his sculpted chest. His long fingers supported her neck while his lips sampled each of hers then traced the seam between them. She gasped at the sensation, parting for his gentle exploration. Instead of pressing his advantage though, he retreated.

Dazed, she didn’t understand him at first when he murmured, “This one’s on Driven Wild. They need me there for the time trials. Ride up to New York with me. I want to get to know you better.”

She wondered exactly what he had in mind when his palms skimmed over her shoulder then along the length of her back until he stopped a fraction of an inch short of her ass. The old Lynn would have waited to see what developed. The new Lynn didn’t have that kind of patience.

No more wasted time, remember?
“Does getting to know each other involve talking or making out?”

She bit her lip as she hoped he understood she couldn’t quite go for broke yet. What she really wanted to ask was, “Are we going to get it on in the limo?”

What would she do if he expected them to mess around? Would she run toward the waiting car or away from it? She couldn’t say for certain, but she knew which option her soaked pussy voted for.

“I’m yours for the ride, gorgeous. Whatever you like, I’m here to please. No pressure either way. No judgment and no hard feelings.”

The chauffer rounded the car then held the gleaming door open as they hashed out the details of their arrangement. Sebastian inched forward, nudging her toward the waiting vehicle. She’d never faced temptation so strong before. Not one reason to refuse him came to mind.

Lynn surrendered. Her forehead rested on his chest as she agreed, “Let’s go.”

“You won’t regret it.”


Lynn smiled across the intimate space at Sebastian as he described growing up in one of the most beautiful places on earth. Eyes closed, he tipped his head into the rest. His legs splayed on the supple leather bench seat. An empty flute held the remnants of the champagne they’d split. Though it hadn’t yet been an hour since they’d left Harrisburg, the steady clip of miles rolling by felt like sand pouring through an hourglass.

Their legs pressed together from knees to feet. They’d both kicked off their shoes once they’d settled into the plush limo. His socked toes rubbed against hers then up to her ankle idly as they talked, hopping from subject to subject.

Considering their age differences, they had an amazing amount in common.

“What’s your favorite food?”

She blinked while her mind caught up to what he’d asked. “I love spaghetti.”

“Me too,” he grinned. “It’s sort of required by my birthright.”

“White wine or red?” she countered.

“Red all the way.”

“I agree.” She smiled.

A horn blast jolted her from their exchange. Sebastian cursed then peered out the window as streams of traffic passed them on the left. The knuckles of his hand turned white where they rested on his knee.

“It really does bother you not to drive, doesn’t it?” Lynn covered his fingers with her own, loosening their grip. God, his hands were huge compared to hers. So strong.

“Stupid, right?” He shook his head in chagrin.

“No, not when you’re so highly trained. I can understand how it would make you anxious.” She massaged his ultra-tense thigh muscle until he relaxed a smidge.

“If I were up there, I could get us to New York in two hours flat.”

“But then we’d have less time for…this.”

He leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees until she couldn’t evade his piercing gaze. “Distract me?”

“How?” Lynn gulped.

“Come sit here while we talk.” He patted the seat beside his hip.

Tired of tiptoeing around the chemistry threatening to blow them both to smithereens, she did one better. She crawled onto his lap. He smiled as he reached for her. The bulk of his shoulders filled her arms when she wrapped them around him before letting him tug her the rest of the way over him. Soft fabric teased her thighs as her skirt rode higher. She settled, kneeling with one leg on either side of his trim hips.

Sebastian shifted forward to give her room to explore the broad expanse of his back with her greedy hands. His abdomen fit tight against her. The pressure of his hard-on imprinting on her belly had her sucking in a breath. The expansion of her chest melded her hard nipples to his solid pecs. She squirmed beneath the weight of her arousal, hoping to get it under control.

No such luck. She moaned aloud.

“You’re so responsive. That’s such a turn-on.” He stroked her hair, making her glad she’d taken the extra time to blow-dry and curl it with her fat, round brush before packing the last of her toiletries this morning. Somehow it had felt like a special occasion. “And so gorgeous.”

“And almost twice your age. Do you go for older women often?”

“Never before you. You’re everything I was looking for but didn’t know I wanted. It’s not a pick-up line or something. You’re so damn refined compared to the women I’ve dated. But not stuck-up or snobby. More like…graceful, elegant, mature and reserved.”

His genuine awe erased her self-consciousness.

No answer came to mind when his full lips mesmerized her. She swore the flavor of him from the airport lingered, mingling with the champagne they’d drunk. Delicious. She craved another taste.

The greenish-blue of his eyes reminded her of the Mediterranean waters he’d described with heartfelt sentiment, rivaling the greatest poetry she’d ever read. With the addition of the heat in them, she half expected them to steam up.

Unable to resist a moment longer, she buried her fingers in the unruly locks of his thick brown hair then captured his mouth. This kiss held no hint of the gentle coercion they’d shared earlier. No, this time she pillaged, taking what she wanted while he gave as good in return.

Euphoria washed over her, urging her to ride the wave. For the first time in her life, she understood what the word “lust” really meant. When she ground her pelvis into his, he met the motion with a thrust of his own, stroking her aching core with his denim-encased hard-on.

That’s when she heard the
of something ripping.

“Oh my God. Did I hurt you?” She would have scrambled off him but he still had one arm wrapped around her.

Instead of shrieking in pain, he laughed. And laughed. And laughed.

“What’s so funny?”

When he collapsed against the seat, leaving a wedge of space between their torsos, she saw it too. Lynn slid to the floor between his knees to get a better look at the split seam in the crotch of his jeans.

“Fucking sponsors. These damn things were about to castrate me.”

Afraid her eyes might bulge out of her skull, she couldn’t help herself. She traced the frayed edge of the hole—where his olive flesh peeked from beneath the confining packaging—with the tip of her index finger.

“You’re not wearing underwear either,” she whispered.

“Never do,” he growled behind clenched teeth. “I’m getting rid of these before the button gives way and puts your eye out. Safety first, gorgeous.”

“Let me.” She brushed his hands away from her target. When their fingers skimmed his erection, he hissed.


Lynn shoved his gray t-shirt up his six-pack abs to expose the waistband of his jeans. She wrestled the button at the top of his fly. It gave way, tearing the zipper open as well.

“Ahhh.” Sebastian groaned as she relieved the pressure on his straining cock.

He had her previous lovers beat by a solid three inches. Her mouth watered at the sight.

Together they peeled his jeans from his hips. He lifted to help her strip them off then sat, unashamed and primed, before her. She peeked up at his face from her place on the floor, her lashes lowered.

“Whatever you want,” he murmured.

“I want you.”

Chapter Four

Lynn licked a trail from Sebastian’s knee along his thigh. She nipped the ridge of muscle in his quad. While she slaked the urges drowning out every practical facet of her nature, she watched him shuck his shirt in her peripheral vision.

The man was in his prime, no doubt about that.

She reached up to trace the contours of his abdomen as it flexed in time with his uneven respiration. Still, he didn’t goad her or make any move to take control.

The freedom to explore, to do as she pleased, had her heart racing almost as much as the attraction rushing through her veins. A wicked impulse prodded her to tease him further before rewarding his patience.

Scant inches from his erection, she turned her head to let her breath wash over his balls. Then she rocked onto her haunches. Sebastian’s hands fisted on the seat beside his thighs. True to his word though, he didn’t pressure her to continue.

“Thank you,” she whispered.

Disappointment dulled the hunger in his eyes though he tried to hide it with a half-hearted smile. When she spun around, coming to her feet with her hands braced on the opposite seat, his stare blazed once more. Tapping a reservoir of brazen sensuality she hadn’t known she possessed, she rocked from side to side, causing her skirt to flash glimpses of her bare ass and pussy, if the cool breeze was any indication.

Even the chilly air didn’t stand a chance at tempering her arousal. The moisture coating her thighs probably glistened in the fancy halogen lighting of the cabin. Hopefully it didn’t highlight her flaws as well. If it did, Sebastian didn’t seem to mind. He groaned when she tucked her fingers into her stretchy waistband then shimmied until the fabric pooled around her bare toes.


She snuck a glance over her shoulder. His hand had migrated to his crotch where he alternated cupping his balls and stroking his magnificent erection, which seemed to have swollen to greater proportions. She licked her lips when she caught sight of the defined ridges of his veins. They’d feel amazing tunneling inside her.

The low, rock beat filling the car set the perfect rhythm for her striptease.

She spun around then sat, mirroring him on the opposite seat. Her spread legs presented him with her bare pussy.

“You shave,” he panted.


He scrunched his eyes closed for a moment as his hand hesitated in its circuit along his hard-on. A feline grin tugged one corner of her mouth upward. Power had her head spinning double-time. Her heavy breasts demanded to be freed from the confines of her bra.

Lynn flicked her fingers over the bottom button on her blouse, releasing it. Then she did the same for the top closure. She worked her way toward the middle, running her hands over her flaming skin to soothe some of her restless energy but only ended up escalating the frenzy of desire burning within her.

She continued until one single point held her shirt closed over her chest.

“You’re killing me.”

“Me too,” she rasped as she approached him once more. She bent over so his face nestled in her cleavage. The coarse stubble of his sparse shadow rasped the soft mounds of her breasts.

“Undo it,” she demanded. When his hands wandered up her sides toward his goal, she covered them with her own, squeezing gently. “No, with your teeth.”

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