Dreamscape (23 page)

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Authors: Rose Anderson

BOOK: Dreamscape
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“Fiddle-faddle, Cathy. Papa used to talk about his big toe
the time at the table. And besides, Jason is a
She turned back to Jason. “He had gout, you know. I remember this one time, the toe was so swollen, the nail had turned…”

More than able to ignore his sister’s yammering, Richard pretended to listen as he ate his buttered toast, his eyes drawn time and again to the high blush that colored Lanie’s fair cheeks. He spared Cathy a glance. She was a beauty, too, in her own right, despite the frown she wore in that moment. But Lanie was different. There was a quality to her that Cathy lacked. He found himself passing the hours by comparing the two women, and each time Cathy came up short. Last night when Cathy had come to his bed, he’d told her to keep silent because he didn’t want to risk discovery. In actuality it was because he imagined it was Lanie panting under him. The imagery had been necessary at the time, for admittedly he’d grown bored of his cousin. As a result, it was increasingly harder to rouse to her.

Cathy’s petulance and his sister’s continual jibs and jabs were starting to wear on him. He hadn’t realized just how tired of Cathy he’d grown until she married the Yankee and moved north. The initial plan was for her to marry then eliminate Jason. They’d sell his estate and buy Magnolia Hill back from the bank before another carpetbagger had a chance to purchase more of the surrounding land. They’d already lost four hundred acres for taxes, and two more were in escrow to fund Cathy’s trousseau and their expenses to come here. It rankled him that northerners lived so well while he and Bertha lived like beggars at the mercy of a northern-held bank. He couldn’t wait for this farce to end. Having come to Philadelphia though, he wasn’t sure their plan fit any longer. He liked it here. The north was prosperous, not beaten into submission like Atlanta and its constant reminders of loss. With the good doctor’s money, he could live the life he was meant to have.

There’d been several reasons it was fortunate that Jackson Bowen, a lesser breed of carpetbagger, bought his father’s mill. The first being he didn’t have money to pay the nigras, not even the young ones who used to run the shuttles and rethread the spools. He didn’t want to pay them anything, curse their black hides. Unfortunately, he didn’t have money for the Irish either. The other reason was Cathy had charmed the old man. Playing the Southern belle, she ingratiated herself and it didn’t take long before he introduced her to his eligible son. Of course to consolidate the Bowen wealth, they had to kill Jackson Bowen. He’d simply been in the way. His death also strengthened Jason’s desire to ease his grief in the arms of a wife. It had only taken two months to hook him.

Initially, the idea of Cathy marrying any Yankee didn’t sit well with him. But Bertha wasn’t going to land a man of wealth, not any man with two eyes anyway. The girl had unfortunately taken after their father with his long face and horsey smile. Cathy was their only hope. Then, too, there was just something appealing about making a cuckold of the good doctor. Cathy had cried on their wedding night. Trembling fearfully with his every advance, she asked Jason for more time to find her comfort and the fool gave it to her. She was a maiden after all. A small smile lit Richard’s eyes. He’d been fucking his distant cousin since he was fifteen and she twelve and there was something to be said for such familiar carnal knowledge. Jason thought his wife a virgin still. Smiling into his cup, he sipped his coffee.
There was no deed left between he and Cathy that had not already been done. But having been in the doctor’s company for a week like he had, he was sure the man would only wait so long for an unwilling wife.

He wondered if Lanie had become more than Jason’s business partner. It made perfect sense to him if Jason had taken the beauty as his mistress. He’d certainly have her. Feeling his cock stir with the thought, he caught Cathy’s eye and winked at her. Her smiling reply assured him they’d empty his balls sometime after breakfast. Too bad the sun was shining. He’d have to close his eyes. A thought took him then, once the good doctor was eliminated from the picture, Lanie would be distraught and need comforting. Of course he’d marry Cathy right away to secure the estate but that did mean he’d have to keep her. Anything might happen. He looked at Lanie again and smiled at the possibility.

Jason suddenly found himself in his surgery. Lanie’s dream had obviously taken a turn from Bertha’s exhaustive telling of her father’s gouty toe. Thank goodness. The last thing Jason was in the mood for was treating a bunion. He wondered why he was in here, but then recalled he’d offered the woman laudanum for her concussion.

Lanie had been mostly silent and looking uncomfortable during breakfast. They needed to talk. He assured her, “This will only take a moment.” With that he quickly filled a phial with the sweet-smelling opiate.

He was about to put the bottle back in the cabinet when the door swung wide. It was Cathy. “Jason, Bertha won’t be needing the laudanum. It will tire her out. Do you have anything milder?”

Gone from the house or drugged into silence, it didn’t matter to him which it was, as long as he no longer had to listen to Bertha’s expounding. He set the phial on the desk next to the bottle and took the powdered cocaine down from the cabinet. Portioning off a small amount, he asked, “Where are you off to, Cathy?”

“Bertha and I are dragging Richard to the haberdasher in Dunston today. They have excellent merino socks for men there, and there’s nothing like that back home since before the war.”

He handed her an envelope.

“What is this?”

“For Bertha, if her headache should return in full bloom. Stop midday for tea and allow this to steep five minutes before she drinks it.

She nodded. Turning to Lanie, she said, “I know you wouldn’t care to join us. That’s why I didn’t bother to ask you.”

“On the contrary, Lanie and I have business in Dunston. Perhaps we’ll ride with you.” Jason answered with little concern for her lapse in manners.

Lanie’s gaze went to his face. Her father had no dealings in Dunston.

Not expecting her husband to suggest such a thing, Cathy blinked. “But we’re leaving
Jason, and you’re obviously not ready and besides, it’s too hot and humid for five in the carriage. We’ll simply melt.” Then finding herself with nothing else to say, added, “Well, I suppose we could meet…”

Smiling, Jason turned to Lanie and asked, “It was Dunston, wasn’t it? Or was it Brookton?”

“Brookton,” she replied, still not quite knowing what this conversation was for.

Cathy said incredulously, “Why, that’s clear across the county, Jason…”

He nodded. “It is, and it’s far too late to go there now. It appears we must deny your entourage the pleasure of our company today, Cathy. I’m sure Richard will be most pleased with the selection there. Do enjoy yourselves. ”

The change in his wife was remarkable. She said happily, “Oh,
will. So long.”

He locked the door behind her. In an instant he pulled Lanie into his arms. “I’ve missed you,” he whispered at her ear. When she remained silent, Jason drew back and searched her face. She kept her eyes averted, forcing him to tip her chin with his finger. “What is it? Tell me, love.”

She’d cried after their lovemaking and couldn’t account for the profound sadness she felt after such incredible joy. Her eyes brimmed with tears. “I feel hopeless, Jason, and I’m not sure why.”

He understood her words. Lanie’s dream was influenced by her waking reality. After brushing away the tear that slowly fell from her lovely blue eyes, he held her face in his hands. “Don’t feel hopeless.” His eyes searched hers. He needed her to know. “I will love you through time. I will love you in your dreams and in the waking world. No matter what happens, no matter when.” His lips found hers, and he kissed her sweetly. Her arms circled his neck as she returned his kiss with desperate abandon.

Their kisses deepened and loving caresses took a turn. Thoughts and words evaporated as their hands and lips now ran wild. He needed her. He needed to lose himself in this moment, in this dream. Pressing her hard against the wall, his hands grasped her buttocks and pulled her to him. His hardness pressed through the flounces of her skirts and pinned her between his body and the wainscot. Desiring to feel her skin upon his, he opened her blouse and exposed the creamy mounds held high in her corset.

In short order his flying fingers unhooked her corset and uncovered nipples still rosy and tender from their lovemaking the night before. Drawn to suckle her again, Jason dipped his head.

Lanie drew a sharp breath as Jason’s lips went from nipple to tender nipple. Intense pleasure skittered over her nerves like so much lightning. Weaving her fingers into his mahogany hair, she followed him from one breast to the other. So immersed in the wonderful sensations, she hadn’t realized he’d lifted her skirts searching for the slit in her pantalets. When his warm hand slipped inside, she knew.

Finding the yards of fabric far too restrictive, Jason kissed her neck and whispered, “Bare yourself for me, love.”

Her fingers worked the buttons and hooks. Before long all that remained were stockings, shoes, and crumpled corset. It was enough.

In a flash he had her back up against the wall again. One hand wound in her hair while he kissed her sweet mouth. The other freed himself from the tight confines of his trousers. Steel-hard cock jutting forward, he cupped her buttocks in both hands and, lifting her up along the wall, sheathed himself in one smooth motion.

Lanie cried out at the marvelous filling, and locked her ankles around his hips, wanting more.

He breathed at her ear, “You want my cock. Tell me you do.” He thrust upward, feeling his heavy balls slap against her as her tightness stretched around him. “Tell me…”

“I want it, Jason, I want your…your…”

“Cock.” His thrusts came harder now. Shaken loose from its hook, a framed picture fell to the floor.

I want your cock,” she repeated with breathy need. The wondrously hard joining overwhelmed Lanie’s senses. The angle of his body riding into hers magnified the gathering that came from within. It was more than the night before. Her lust-filled response returned in full measure. One arm held his shoulders while the other sought the wall behind to steady herself against the delicious onslaught.

The sound of her sensual reply blazed into Jason’s veins. His every thrust rode her roughly against the wall. Each time he withdrew, gravity made sure she took all of him in when he filled her again.

Good God, she held him in an exquisite grip. Jason knew when the edge of her climax was met by the tremor seizing where his body joined hers. Redoubling his efforts, he rode her harder. Feeling his body contract in bliss, he groaned against her shoulder as the soft whimpering sigh of her release echoed in his ear. When her own contractions seized him, he helplessly fell from her precipice and spilled into her.

Amid their panting breaths and pounding hearts, Jason gently let her legs down, and her warm, slippery thighs closed around him. Helpless to do otherwise, he stayed trapped in the heat there until he softened. Holding her face between his hands again, he kissed her eyes closed. He kissed the tip of her nose, her cheeks, her chin, then settled on her lips. He wanted to tell her how he loved her, but he was afraid. Last night he expressed his feelings, and she woke in tears. His sad thoughts completely ridding him of his desire, he eased from her. Walking to his examination table, he pulled a towel from the bottom drawer then knelt before her and gently wiped the evidence of their lovemaking from her thighs.

Gazing down, Lanie watched his tender ministrations wondering how it was she had come to love this man so thoroughly, so quickly.

He said, “Thank you. I wanted to tell you last night.”

The intimate spell broken, she said, “I never thought it possible to feel anything so wonderful. Is it always that way?”

Jason helped her into her clothing before donning his own. He smoothed her hair and secured a pin that had come loose. “It is with you because I… That is to say we…” He almost said too much. He almost said love. At a loss for words, he simply smiled. “Between us it is.”

Buttoning her last button, she brushed the folds of her skirt. “We’re on intimate terms now.” She looked at him as if she needed to say more. She didn’t have to. He could hear her silent thoughts.
What happens next for us?
They were intimate, and he was a married man.

Suddenly the small doctor’s office with its faint scent of alcohol, sulfur, and laudanum felt too close and astringent for Jason. Not knowing how much time he had before her dream ended or the light came to take him, he thought it best to tell her the truth, as much as he dared to. He held out his hand. “Walk with me?”

His office was at the side of the house with its own outside door for patients to come and go. He led her out into the side yard. Patrick was seining the leaves from the fountain, so they couldn’t talk privately in the gazebo. Remembering the atrium had a secluded bench, he headed there.

A few steps from the atrium door, a frantic voice came from behind. He turned to find Mrs. Boatwright with her market basket clutched to her ample bosom. She’d been running by the look of her. The wheezing woman’s cheeks were as red as apples. “Oh, thank God. There you are, Doctor. You’re needed! There’s been a terrible accident on the town square, the whole front of a building collapsed! Oh, the carnage! Nearly a dozen people injured. And a little baby in his pram…his mother…his mother…” The woman began to sob, “Doctor,
you must go quickly!”

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