Read Dragons' Bond Online

Authors: Berengaria Brown

Dragons' Bond (3 page)

BOOK: Dragons' Bond
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Mallory felt her heart beat harder at the thought of William sitting over her hips, his cock between her breasts. If she leaned forward, she’d be able to lick it as he thrust into her, and maybe slide her tongue inside the foreskin, something she’d read about, but never had the opportunity to do.

“Well, there’s one condom each, men, so let’s not waste time. Let’s get you out of that swimsuit, Mallory. I want to drive my fingers deep in your cunt. I bet you’re hot and wet already,” said Angus.

And suddenly she was. Her belly clenched, and she felt the cream dripping from her core at the thought of what was to come. Three incredibly hot, beautiful men. So what if they were dragon statues or if she was losing her mind. Right now all she wanted was to be held in their arms and feel them touching her, arousing her, fucking her. Oh yeah. A really good orgasm or two would be a fair exchange for a lost mind.

Mark sat down beside her and began sliding the straps of her swimsuit down her arms. It was still damp and inclined to cling to her skin, but he didn’t seem to notice, pulling gently, but firmly, so it slid down past her breasts, down her body, and then, with two hands, he tugged it over her hips, and suddenly, she was naked.

While Mark was dropping the swimsuit onto the floor, William was leaning over her, kissing her eyelids, her nose, her jawline. His lips were warm and soft, his touch featherlight but very arousing. He nuzzled her cheeks with his nose, making her smile, before he finally pressed gentle kisses to her lips.

Large, warm hands were now stroking her legs, her thighs. Mallory gave a full-body shiver of delight at the oh-so-very male touches. “That feels so good.”

“It’ll feel even better very soon,” said Angus. And hands began moving up her legs, closer and closer to her pussy. Her pussy felt so empty. Achingly empty, and needy, desperately wanting to be filled. It’d been so long since anything other than her own fingers had been inside her, and she longed for a cock—three cocks!—to fill her, stretch her, make her feel alive and a true woman once again.

Then, just as he’d promised, Angus sank his fingers into her cunt, stroking her walls and arousing her intensely. Her hips thrust up, accepting Angus’s fingers, demanding more.

“Ah, you like that. I knew you would.”

“A cock would be even better.”

There was movement all around her, but William had leaned in and was kissing her again, so she couldn’t see the other men. William licked along the seam of her lips, and she opened to him, licking him back and letting her tongue touch his lips in acceptance.

For a long moment, Mallory held her breath as William tasted her, his tongue flicking along the insides of her cheeks, running along her teeth, sliding over the roof of her mouth, before finally dancing with her own tongue. He was an excellent kisser, using the touch of his tongue to arouse her to higher and higher planes of excitement, yet still fulfilling her needs and responding to her actions as well. When William sucked her tongue deep into his mouth, cream flooded her cunt again, and that was when she realized Angus’s fingers had gone, but that there was a heavy weight settling across her lower limbs.

William lifted his mouth from hers, and after Mallory had taken a deep breath and opened her eyes, she tilted her head to see Angus and Mark. It was Angus who was sliding between her legs, his condom-covered cock leading the way. Mark was standing beside the bed, his cock in his hands, and he was rolling his foreskin up and down, up and down. “Let me do that for you,” she said.

“When Angus and William are in place, you can. I’d love you to suck me off.”

Mallory licked her lips.
Yeah, I’d like that, too.

The men moved around a little more, seeming to know exactly how to position themselves so they all shared her, yet each was where he needed to be. Angus moved the last few inches up to place his cock at her entry then slid inside. He waited with the head of his cock just inside her, until her walls stretched to accommodate him, and then he thrust deep, filling her to perfection. No man had ever stretched her in such a delicious way before. He was huge, but he fitted inside her delightfully.

When Angus was tucked up tight against her body, William straddled her, his back hard against Angus’s front. William rubbed a little of the lube in the valley between her breasts then leaned forward, cupping her globes around his cock, leaving the head just peeking out level with her mouth.

But if she was going to suck Mark, she wouldn’t be able to lick William as well. Now that was unfortunate. Oh well, maybe next time.

Angus and William began to move together, totally synchronized, leaning slightly back then thrusting forward, their cocks sliding in then out, the dual effect far more carnal than one man alone could ever be. Mark watched them for several moments then placed his cock so it was just touching her lips. She licked his cockhead then tried to slip the point of her tongue under his foreskin, but his hips were already moving in the same rhythm as the other two men, and her body was rocking to the beat, too.

Mallory reached out to grab hold of Mark and William, but there were so many bodies so closely packed that all she could do was touch the nearest pieces of male flesh and pat them gently.

“Here, hold your breasts for me. Make sure they grip my cock, and I’ll be able to arouse you better,” suggested William.

Mallory pushed the globes tightly together, and William thrust up between them, sighing with joy. She rather felt like sighing, too. It’d felt good before, but it was ten times better now. His cock was hot and hard, and watching the head reappear and disappear was almost mesmerizing.

But once again Mark placed his cock in the center of her vision. He held it at her mouth for her to suck then lifted it up so she could lick along the shaft and suck his balls into her mouth. Mark controlled every step of their action, thrusting deep, pulling out so just the head was within reach, or turning his cock so she could swipe the long vein pulsing with his life-force.

And still Angus and William matched their strokes precisely, always sliding in and out at exactly the same pace, a pace that was very slowly getting faster and, for Angus, harder and deeper as well. Mallory was in emotional overload. It’d been so long since she’d been in a relationship, and she’d never really seriously considered sex with more than one man at a time. Yet here she was, in bed with the three yummiest men she’d ever seen. Men she hadn’t met in real life until half an hour ago, and men who weren’t men at all but dragon statues. If she tried to think that one through logically, her brain would likely explode!

“Relax and enjoy,” came William’s soft voice, almost as if he knew what she was thinking.

“Our one aim is to give you the best orgasm you’ve ever had,” added Mark.

“We pride ourselves on the high quality of our work,” said Angus, rolling his hips so his cock hit her G-spot with deadly accuracy. Mallory gasped and dug her nails into her own breasts. At the last second she managed not to scrape her teeth along Mark’s cock then decided it could be quite sexy, so the next time he pressed deep into her mouth, she let her teeth drag very gently over the head of his cock and smiled at his reciprocal gasp.

All her nerve endings were hyperalert and tingling. It seemed as though every inch of her skin was being touched by hot male flesh, all of it taut, hard, and muscular. She felt totally surrounded, encompassed by the men, cared for and protected, her desires the focus of their oh-so-erotic endeavors. In many ways it was a dream come true, but in others she still could scarcely assimilate the concept. It had happened so fast, she hadn’t had time to adjust to the idea that there were three of them yet, much less that they were dragon statues come to life with no explanations.

But it was becoming far too difficult for her to think. She was so aroused she could scarcely focus on the myriad sensations racing through her body. The orgasm coiling and building in her core, the thick, hot cock in her mouth, William’s cock sliding between her breasts, the sweaty bodies pressing against her—legs and feet touching her lower limbs, arms and hands on her upper body.

Desperately she slid her tongue around Mark’s cock. She really wanted to taste and experience the softness of his cockhead hidden beneath his foreskin. Already she’d developed a fascination with the flavor of his essence. It was more spicy than tart, with an overlying saltiness. She sucked him into her mouth then gradually let him slide out, thrusting the point of her tongue under his foreskin and catching a bead of pre-cum as she did so.
Ahh delicious.

The three men were moving much faster now, drops of their sweat landing on her as they kept their rigorous, united pace. The orgasm deep inside her was building, building. Mark withdrew his cock a ways, and she moaned, “Oh yes, so close.”

“I think it’s time for you to come. Come now, Mallory,” ordered Angus, jack-hammering his cock into her with a mighty thrust.

William mimicked his movements with her breasts, and Mark drove his cock deep into her mouth. She sucked hard on Mark and tried to hold her breasts together for William. Then she lost all control as the climax ripped through her body like a tidal wave, exploding from deep inside her core and blasting out from her pussy, her arms and legs, her breasts, even through her head.

Through a daze of delight, her muscles still contracting hard, she felt a roar of heat in her pussy that told her Angus had come. This was followed almost immediately by jets of cum on her chest, from William, and into her mouth, from Mark. Her toes curled hard against her soles, her hands clenched into fists, and her mouth opened so wide the cum ran out of it, and still her body shuddered in the grip of the biggest orgasm she’d ever had in her life.

The men kept pumping in unison for a little longer, and then gradually they shifted to stroking her skin and soothing her. “You rest now, sweet Mallory, and let us clean up here,” said William’s gentle voice.

Mallory nodded, beyond speaking. She wanted to say they needed to explain what was happening, but the words wouldn’t form in her brain or her mouth.

Later, she told herself.

Chapter Three

Mallory dozed briefly, and woke to the heavy weight of male arms and legs across her body. She sat up quickly, her eyes still a little blurry, and shook her tangled, still-damp hair off her face. “I didn’t imagine it. It wasn’t a dream. You’re here.”

“You most definitely didn’t imagine it. And we’ve still got two condoms left if you want to go for a replay,” said Mark with a hint of laughter in his voice.

Mallory looked around her for the comforter, but it was well out of her reach, on the floor at the foot of the bed. Crossing her arms over her breasts, she said, “Pass me my bathrobe, please, and then start talking about how three stone statues could suddenly turn into men. Or whatever is going on here. Is this some kind of hoax?”

“Absolutely no hoax.”

“We are the statues. We’re shape-shifters.”

“Your bathrobe is still wet.”

Mallory focused on William’s remark first. “Yes, my hair is still wet, too, but I need explanations, and I’m not going to sit here naked while you give them to me.”

William disappeared into the bathroom and came back with two towels, which he handed her. She wrapped one around her body and the other around her hair, wondering if she’d ever yet the tangles out of it when she finally brushed it.

Mallory pointed a finger at Angus. “You’re shape-shifters. Seriously? You expect me to believe that?”

“Hey, we’re here, aren’t we? In the flesh.”

“If I were to go downstairs right now, what would I find where the life-size statues should be standing?”

“Nothing, because we’re here. But if you don’t believe us, we can go down there right now so you can see for yourself.”

Mallory jumped off the bed and marched toward the door. Suddenly, she paused and snagged her jeans off a chair. She dropped the two towels, dragged her jeans up over her hips and zipped them, then picked up the T-shirt she’d been wearing that day, grimacing at some dusty marks on the front of it. Mallory shrugged and pulled it on, then walked along the hallway, down the stairs, and onto the ground floor.

Leaving the lights off, as was her habit after dark, she stepped into the first room. Everything seemed to be as she’d left it. The second room was the one she was currently working on and had items pushed to the side and not arranged as neatly as in the first room. But the large space where Angus, Mark, and William had stood only a few hours ago was empty. Mallory kneeled down and looked at the floor. As far as she could tell in the grayish light from the windows, there were no scratch marks or indentations.

Then she headed across to the windows, which were securely barred and locked. Her next stop was at the main entry to the museum, which was also barred and locked, as she’d left it. Moving quickly, Mallory checked the windows in the other two downstairs rooms then the rear door at the end of the hallway. There were no signs that anything had been touched.

BOOK: Dragons' Bond
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