Read Dracul's Revenge 01: Dracul's Blood Online

Authors: Carol Lynne,T. A. Chase

Tags: #Erotic Romance eBooks Erotica Total-E-Bound eBooks Books Romance

Dracul's Revenge 01: Dracul's Blood (10 page)

BOOK: Dracul's Revenge 01: Dracul's Blood
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“Mmmm.” Nik released the skin and gave Bobby’s body a slight push. “Let me on top, so I get at a spot I

Bobby sat back on his heels, and waited for Nik to move out from under him. Nik couldn’t help but to grope the front of Bobby’s tented underwear as they repositioned themselves.


Carol Lynne and T.A. Chase


With Bobby flat on the couch, Nik climbed aboard, straddling the bigger man’s hips.

He rested his ass against the hard ridge of Bobby’s cock and began to slowly move as he traced Bobby’s nipples with his fingertips.

“So…” Nik scraped his short fingernail across the pebbled nub. “Would this be an acceptable place for a bruise?”

Bobby gave him a lopsided grin. “For now.”

Nik bent down and ran the flat of his tongue over the light brown nipple, before taking the nub between his teeth. He didn’t bite down hard, just enough to elicit a moan from Bobby. He grinned to himself as he latched on to the sensitive skin.

Bobby pushed Nik’s underwear down enough to run a finger along his crease. Nik released the nipple in his mouth and stared down at the darkening red spot.
“Is there another acceptable location?”

“You’re sitting on it,” Bobby answered, pressing the pad of his finger against Nik’s hole.

“Hmmm, how do you feel about numbers?” Nik asked.


“Yes. The number sixty-nine to be exact.”

Bobby smacked Nik’s ass. “That’s my favourite number.”

Crawling off Bobby’s lap, Nik stood and pushed down his underwear. He gestured to Bobby’s briefs. “May I?”

Bobby nodded. His gaze zeroed in on Nik’s stiff dick and licked his lips. “Depends on how fast you can do it, because I’m feeling awfully hungry.”

Nik walked to the end of the couch and reached up to pull Bobby’s briefs down. As soon as he had them off, Bobby trapped Nik’s cock between his bare feet. Nik glanced down at the perfect feet jacking him off. “Kinky.”

Bobby chuckled and flicked Nik’s sac with his big toe. “Just playing with that beautiful cock of yours.”

Valuing his jewels, Nik pulled back and shook his finger. He walked around to the opposite end of the couch and crawled down Bobby’s body until his mouth was able to engulf the ruddy, mushroom-shaped head.

The taste of Bobby’s pre-cum exploded on Nik’s tongue.
God, kill me now.
He groaned as Bobby’s cell phone rang. “Do you have to answer it?”


Carol Lynne and T.A. Chase


Bobby released Nik’s testicle. “Unfortunately, it comes with the job.”

Since he was on top, Nik scrambled off the couch and grabbed Bobby’s jeans. “Here, catch.”

After performing his duty, Nik went back to Bobby’s cock, placing small licks along the heavily veined shaft. “This thing is truly a work of art.”

Chuckling, Bobby put his finger over his lips as he answered the phone. “Marks.”

Nik began to roll the lightly furred balls in his hand, half-listening to Bobby’s conversation.

“What?” Bobby sat straight up on the couch, dislodging Nik.


Nik could tell by Bobby’s expression that something bad had happened. He knelt on the floor beside Bobby, resting his head against his lover’s side.

“I’ll be right there.” Bobby’s voice was low and troubled. He hung up the phone and rested a hand on Nik’s head, idly plucking at Nik’s curls. “They found a woman in a high-rise downtown. She’s been drained of blood by a cut to her throat.”


Carol Lynne and T.A. Chase


Chapter Seven

Bobby stood, taking care not to knock Nik over. Leaning down, he held out a hand to his soon-to-be lover.

“I have to jump in the shower. Can you pick out a suit for me?”

Nik seemed surprised that Bobby would ask him that, but Bobby dragged him back to his bedroom and pointed to the closet.

“Whatever you think looks good is fine. I’m going to a murder scene, not the opera.”

He waited to see Nik nod before rushing into the bathroom. Shivering as he shut off the cold water, he determined he didn’t have enough time to shave.
Screw it.
It was his day off, so the lieutenant would just have to deal with it. Bobby and Jablonsky weren’t supposed to catch a case this weekend, but since it looked like the Thompson murders, the responding officers must have decided they needed to be there.

His teeth got a quick brush and he dried his short hair with a brisk rub of the towel.

Heading back into his bedroom, he spotted Nik sitting on the bed, dressed. Disappointment surged through Bobby. Damn. He was just going to get a piece of that sweet little ass and some psycho had to screw everything up.

Tugging out a clean pair of underwear and socks, he grinned at Nik. “The joys of dating a detective. Never know when you’ll be interrupted.”

“It’s all right.” Nik picked at his thumb, a habit Bobby had noticed the first day they met. “I just hope it doesn’t have anything to do with your case.”

Bobby reached out and covered Nik’s hand, stopping him from doing more damage to the wound. “So do I, because if it’s the same, that means it didn’t have anything to do with the wine, or there are more casks out there that we don’t know about.”

Nik looked about as happy as Bobby felt at that thought. After dressing, Bobby removed his gun from the nightstand and clipped it on his belt. His badge went on the other side and he twitched his jacket down over them.


Carol Lynne and T.A. Chase


He gestured for Nik to follow him as he wandered back into the living room, looking for his dress shoes. Where had he kicked them off yesterday? Ah, there they were. Picking them up, he turned and saw Nik slip his shoes on.

“Where are you going?”

“I thought I’d head home. No point in sticking around since I have no idea when you’ll be home.” Nik’s polite side must have been rearing its head.

Bobby sat, put his shoes on, and tied the laces while he studied Nik. Finally, he suggested, “Why don’t you just stay here? I have food in the refrigerator and stuff to drink.

You can watch movies, though all of mine are mostly black and whites from the thirties and forties.”

“Why would you want me to stay?” Nik slid his glasses off and started polishing them on the hem of his shirt.

Was that another nervous trait? Bobby wasn’t sure how he felt about making Nik nervous. He strolled up to the slender man, set his glasses back on his nose, and embraced him.

Nuzzling into the crook of Nik’s neck, he breathed deep of the fresh outdoorsy scent Nik’s skin held. Spending some of the day outside at the track—wandering the paddock area to look at the horses—lent Nik an intriguing smell mingled pleasantly with the scent of sweat and sex.

He licked a line up to the sensitive spot behind Nik’s ear and sucked, just a little, and he swallowed a chuckle as Nik moaned and went limp, his trust in Bobby’s strength implicit in his actions. His head tilted to give Bobby more access, Nik held tight to Bobby’s shoulders.

One more suck, a nibble to Nik’s earlobe, and Bobby set the other man away from him.

“I want you to stay, so we can pick up where we were so rudely interrupted when I get back.” He winked and leered at Nik.

A pretty blush coloured Nik’s cheeks and Bobby couldn’t resist swooping in for another fast, hard kiss.

“Will you stay?”

Nik glanced around the living room like he was searching for the answer to the question of life. Bobby cupped his face and smiled.

“If you don’t feel comfortable here, I’ll take you home. I’m not letting you ride the bus.

That’s not how my dad taught me to take care of my dates.”


Carol Lynne and T.A. Chase


Inhaling deeply, Nik straightened his shoulders and nodded. “I’ll stay.”


Bobby hugged him tight for a second before heading towards the door. “The remotes are on the end table closest to the TV. They’re really easy to figure out. You’re welcome to watch any of my movies you want.”

He grabbed his keys, phone, and wallet as he raced by the hallway table on his way out the door. Pausing, he turned around and said, “Keep the door locked. I’ll have my phone so call me if you need anything.”

Nik nodded, looking slightly bewildered, but Bobby didn’t have any more time to explain things to him. He slammed the door shut, checked to make sure it was locked, and ran down the back stairs to the door leading into the parking lot.

Shit, Jablonsky was going to kill him for not getting there sooner. Bobby shrugged as he pulled out of the lot and headed downtown. He dialled his partner’s cell phone.


“Hey, I’m on my way. Where am I going?”

“505 Central Park West. Apartment 8B.” Jablonsky didn’t sound happy.

Bobby whistled softly. “High society. Has the victim been identified yet?”

“Yeah, and you won’t believe this.”

Jablonsky muttered something to someone before getting back to Bobby.

“Who is it?” Bobby drummed his fingers on the steering wheel, wishing he had installed some sirens or lights in his car. Traffic wasn’t stalled, but it wasn’t moving at a fast clip either.

“Mavis Vanderlist.”

“Holy shit!” Bobby closed his eyes for a brief second as all the ramifications of this murder flooded his head. Even Bobby had heard of Mavis, and the elite crowd she ran with.

“Yeah, partner. Only daughter of Reinholt Vanderlist. Old New York money and one of society’s most popular celebrities.”

“We are so screwed on this one, especially if it follows the same M.O. as the Thompson murders.”

He pulled up to the apartment building with a barricade of marked police cars in front of it.

“I’m here. I’ll be up in a minute.”


Carol Lynne and T.A. Chase


After flipping his phone shut, he tucked it in his pocket and rested his forehead on the back of his hands, which were wrapped around the steering wheel. He took a few deep breaths. The media was going to be all over this and he had a feeling City Hall was going to start poking around as well. When someone like Mavis Vanderlist—who had rock star status in New York—was murdered, other people tended to take notice.

Do your job, Robert. That’s all you can do, and let the chips fall where they may when the time
His father’s voice echoed through his head, and Bobby nodded.

He slid from his car and held up his badge as he approached the two uniform cops guarding the entrance to the apartment building.

“Another fucking mess, Marks,” Hansen said as Bobby walked past him.

“How’d you get so lucky as to draw both cases, Hansen?”

The older man shrugged. “Someone up there must really love me.”

“Yeah, right. More like you pissed someone off, and now they’re getting back at you.”

Hansen’s chuckle followed him as he strolled through the lobby to the elevator. Unlike the one at his apartment, Bobby had no doubt this elevator was in prime working order.

When he stepped onto the eighth floor, he glanced down the hallway to where a crowd of cops and crime scene techs stood just outside the door of Apartment 8B. Jablonsky peered around the bodies and crooked his finger at Bobby.

“Marks, get your ass in here. I didn’t let the techies touch anything until you arrived.”

He pulled out a pair of nitrate gloves he kept in all his suit pockets and slid them on before taking a pair of booties from one of the lab guys. With no one getting inside, except the first responding uniforms, they couldn’t take the chance of contaminating the evidence, if there was any left.

Stepping into the apartment, the first smell that hit Bobby’s nose was the almost overwhelming metallic scent of blood. He glanced down and pointed at a trail of bloody footprints leading down the hallway from a back room.

“Rookie uniform. Stepped in the blood before he realised what it was. The head techie already chewed him out for not taking his shoes off immediately. I guess we should be lucky the guy held his lunch long enough to get out of the apartment.” Jablonsky jerked a thumb over his shoulder towards the corridor where the others waited. “The cleaning staff aren’t going to be happy about that.”


Carol Lynne and T.A. Chase


Bobby grunted, but didn’t comment. It wasn’t like he hadn’t vomited on his first violent and bloody murder. After a while, he got used to it, and so would the rookie, if he lasted on the force.

“Body’s in the back bedroom.”

Leading the way, he didn’t look around. He wanted to see the body and the room first, then let the CSI guys in there. He and Jablonsky halted in the doorway and Bobby exhaled softly.

“We’re not just screwed, partner. We’re completely fucked.”

He couldn’t disagree. Mavis Vanderlist lay crumpled on the floor next to the bed, her eyes staring up blankly at the ceiling. The CSI guys would have to determine what colour her dress was before she died, because now it was dark red, saturated with her life’s blood. She lay in a large dark pool of the stuff and it looked like she had to have bled out quickly.

“There’s no way to approach her without stepping in the blood,” he observed, needing to check the wound in her neck, but not wanting to disturb the scene.

“So we look around the rest of the apartment while the CSI rats take care of the evidence in here.” Jablonsky backed out and turned, gesturing for the techies to come in.

“Get everything bagged and tagged asap. We’ll need detailed photographs as well.”

“Yes, sir.” Libby saluted as she snuck past, camera in hand.

Jablonsky rolled his eyes, but let her go by before heading towards the living room.

Bobby stayed put, waving his hand to get Libby’s attention.

“I want a close up of the wound to the neck.”

Her gaze sharpened. “You think this might be related to the Thompson murders?”

“I can’t say anything at the moment, but the similarities are striking.” He spun around on his heel and followed Jablonsky.

BOOK: Dracul's Revenge 01: Dracul's Blood
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