Double Trouble (Dev Haskell - Private Investigator Book 10) (7 page)

BOOK: Double Trouble (Dev Haskell - Private Investigator Book 10)
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I put the coffee on, shaved, took a shower, got dressed, made some toast, gassed up my car, and picked up a couple of things at the grocery store on the way over to Andy’s. I was ushered into his office as soon as Cathy the receptionist saw me walking into the lobby.

“Andy said I was to show you right in, he’s waiting for you, Dev,” she said walking me rather quickly across the lobby and into Andy’s office.

“Dev,” Andy called as I stepped into his office. “Thanks for dropping everything and rushing over. Close the door on the way out, will you, Cathy. Grab a seat, Dev.”

I waited until Cathy closed the door behind her, then asked, “What is it, Andy?”

“I wasn’t sure at first, we had two go missing and I was hoping it was just a shipping issue. Unfortunately, this last incident is local and a one of a kind design to boot. Not good for business.”

“What are you missing?”

“Oh, sorry about that, I’m just so worked up over this. A coffin, three of them actually, as of this morning.”

“Coffins? Someone’s stealing coffins?”

“Yeah, afraid so, this last one was special order. Black walnut, hand carved with a family crest on the lid. It was supposed to be delivered yesterday, I heard from our client about five minutes before I called you. They’ve got the visitation scheduled for tomorrow. Christ on a bike, there’s no way my vendor can turn around another in that short amount of time.”

“Right off the top, a coffin doesn’t strike me as something that can just walk out of here.”

“True, but we ship quite a few on any given day.”

“Define quite a few.”

Andy clicked a couple of keys on his computer, waited a few seconds then said, “Yesterday we shipped twenty-three. The day before that, we shipped forty-seven. These go out anywhere from groups of five or ten to individual purchases loaded up in a hearse. We ship all over the country.”

“And you’re missing three.”

“That I know of, I’ve got accounting going back over our shipping receipts for the past two months. We wouldn’t have caught this latest one except that it was a special order, and we got that phone call from our customer wondering when he was going to see his order.”

“What are we talking dollar-wise here?”

“Start at fifteen hundred and head north. This latest one, special order, hand carved with that family crest, black walnut, you’re looking at about fifty-five-hundred.”

“That’s a lot of money to place in the ground.”

“It’s a very emotional decision for folks.”

“Any ideas?”

“In all honesty, no not really. But to tell the truth, I haven’t had much time to think about it. Like I said, until that phone call earlier this morning I didn’t have an inkling something like this was going on. Thus far, it looks like three units that we know of, in probably as many weeks.”

I was thinking Tommy Flaherty, again. But what would he do with a coffin, let alone three? “Any chance it was just shipped to the wrong place, got mixed in with one of your larger orders?”

“Anything’s possible, but that’s a pretty slim option. We ID these in our system with unique, specific reference numbers, they’re bar-coded and they aren’t showing up as having been shipped out anywhere.”

“Andy, I’m still trying to get my head around this. What would someone do with these? I mean, is there a black market for coffins?”

“A black market? No, not that I’m aware of, doesn’t mean one doesn’t exist, but I’m not aware of it. Maybe someone would think it’s funny, some sort of prank, use the thing for a dining room table or a guest bed, but not three of them.”

I had a tough time seeing someone using a coffin as a guest bed.

“It’s not like you could place one of these in the back of an SUV or something, they’re too big even for most pickups. I’ve got my warehouse manager going over our security tapes, but the cameras really just monitor the exterior of the building, front and back after hours. Security is activated when the last person leaves at night.”

“When is that?” I asked and immediately thought of Tommy Flaherty again, working late until eight every night.

“I think most nights the cleaning crew is out of here by ten, maybe ten-thirty. They’ve been with us for a lot of years, Dev, it’s a mother and two daughters. I would really be surprised if they were involved.”

I sat and thought for a moment. “What about the possibility of an employee here on the inside, just loading someone up and they drive off.”

“Possible, I suppose. I don’t like to think like that.”

“That’s what I get paid to do, think like that. It’s why I make the big bucks. Say someone with a hearse showed up, their inside contact loads them up, would something like that be possible?”

“We’re running three separate bays just for hearses, that doesn’t count the loading dock where the larger trucks pull in. I suppose it’s possible, hell, at this point anything is possible.”

“And you don’t have any security cameras on the inside?”

Andy shook his head.

“Those bays for the hearses, can you see from one to the other or are they segmented, you know with walls between them.”

“Actually, there are walls between them.”

“So, if a time was prearranged or someone asked for their favorite warehouse guy, conceivably they might be able to pull this off.”

“I suppose.”

“I think for starters, I’d put in place some sort of policy like nothing gets shipped out without two signature releases from your staff. The other thing, if you can identify these items, and you said that one was pretty specific, I’d maybe check out eBay.”

“Oh God,” Andy groaned.

“Yeah, just a thought. I remember a few years ago someone was stealing pacemakers from a hospital and attempted to sell the things on eBay. You mind if I go out there and just look around? You never know what might pop up.”

“Please be my guest, our warehouse manager is Milo. In fact, let me walk you back there and introduce you. As you might imagine, he’s just a little testy about all this right now.”



Chapter Sixteen


Milo Wasnik was in
his mid-fifties and didn’t look all that pleased to have me underfoot. Andy introduced me and then on his way out the door said, “Give Dev whatever he needs to get this figured out.”

That left the two of us, Milo and me staring at one another. I was leaning against the door frame of Milo’s small office. Milo was seated behind his desk viewing what looked like a stack of security tapes. Meanwhile, three forklifts were busy loading boxes and barrels of product into a large semitrailer and a small truck. Four or five individuals were rolling carts or two-wheeled dollies in and out of the warehouse aisles loaded with more product.

I had the feeling Milo didn’t get very many quiet moments even on a normal day and today was turning out to be anything but normal.

“Andy says you got some bad news?” I said.

“That’s the understatement. I’ve gone through a half-dozen security tapes, nothing but empty parking lots and the occasional kids parked in the far corner for a petting session. I’ve got nine, make that ten more of these damn tapes to go through.”

I explained my thoughts about some inside guy and a prearranged pick up.

“God, I suppose it’s possible, but we have a pretty cohesive group. Everyone has been here for at least a couple of years. I hope that’s not it.”

“You aware of anyone on your staff experiencing money problems? Maybe a divorce, sick kid, mortgage headache?”

Milo shook his head. “We’re all nothing if not dull. I’m not aware of anything like that, doesn’t mean it might not be happening, but I’d usually hear about it.”

“The people out there working, are they aware of this situation?”

“Yes and no. I had two guys running around trying to find that custom coffin for a good forty-five minutes this morning. That slowed us down while we looked for that damn thing. It’s why they’re all racing around out there right now, we’re trying to get caught up. As you might imagine, something that size, it’s not too easy to miss. I think we combed through the warehouse four separate times. It’s definitely not here.”

“So just two other guys know?”

“For now, but like I said it’s a pretty tight knit group. Give it another hour or two and the word will be out.”

“I’m not gonna bug your folks, but would you mind if I just looked around. Andy mentioned three bays for loading up vehicles, hearses. I’d like to look at them, maybe walk down a couple of aisles. Just get a feel for the place.”

“Do you need me to go with you?” It was an offer, but Milo gave the polite, distinct impression he would prefer not to waste anymore time with me.

“You know, thanks, but I’m just gonna stroll around, shouldn’t be more than maybe fifteen minutes. I’ll let you get back to looking at those security tapes. You come across anything let me know, here’s my card,” I said handing him one of my cards.

Milo examined the card then leaned it up against a large white coffee mug with black lettering that read “Resurrection Cemetery” sitting on the corner of his desk. “Watch out for those forklifts, they’re moving pretty fast.”

He wasn’t kidding. One of the forklifts zipped past me when I was no more than two steps out of his office. The driver gave me a dead pan nod, raced up a slight ramp and into a large semitrailer. Once he passed, I hurried out of the way then headed for the three small loading bays.

They were located at the far end of the warehouse and were just as Andy described; private stalls that someone could back into and pick up a coffin. Two of the bays had a hearse parked in them with the back door open. The coffins were shrink-wrapped and brought into the loading bay on a four-wheeled cart. From there they were simply rolled into the back of the hearse.

I watched as one of the warehouse guys scanned the barcode on the side of the coffin with a little handheld device. Then he adjusted the height of the cart to be level with the back door before he carefully pushed the coffin into the hearse. There were rollers imbedded just inside the rear door of the hearse and the guy made it look relatively effortless to roll the coffin inside. He closed the rear door on the hearse then handed the customer some sort of a receipt to sign. Once signed, he handed the guy a copy, waved good-bye and headed for Milo’s office. He gave me a nod as he passed and said, “How’s it going,” but didn’t stop to wait for a reply.

It seemed a pretty standard sort of shipping procedure. I watched the same process again in another bay. By the time I had finished watching, another hearse was backing into the bay. I’d check with Andy, but I guessed this was pretty much an all day sort of affair.

I wandered down a couple of aisles, everything from chemistry to holy cards was stacked on shelves going up probably ten feet high. In the far rear of the warehouse, the coffins were stacked on pallets and placed on shelves. A bald-headed driver was just lowering a coffin from about ten feet up with a forklift. He lowered the thing down to another guy with one of the four-wheeled carts and together they seemed to casually slide the coffin off the pallet and onto the cart. Then baldy drove off with the pallet still on the forks while the other guy wheeled the coffin back out to one of the bays.

“Dev? Hey, what are you doing out here?”

I turned and stared at Tommy Flaherty. He was dressed in casual slacks and a white golf shirt sporting a logo from the Copper Mountain Golf Course, Copper Mountain Colorado. Amazingly, I had a shirt just like that. I wondered what were the odds?

“Tommy, how’s everything going? I keep hearing good things from Andy, man.”

“Yeah, going pretty well. Course you know collections, it’s never done, there’s always at least one more account you’d like to help get back on track. What are you doing back here?”

“Oh, Andy wanted me to check some stuff.”

“Check some stuff?”

I wasn’t sure if I might have detected a hint of concern.

“Nothing major. I do some security system consulting. Andy was thinking of putting some cameras back here, but to tell you the truth, the area is so large, by the time it was wired and all set up, I don’t think it would be worth the trouble.”

“Is he missing inventory?”

“I don’t think so, God, who’d want to steal holy cards and crucifixes?”

“Yeah, there is that. Hey, I better get these things pulled, someone is waiting for them up at the receptionist’s desk,” he said and waved what looked like an invoice as confirmation.

“They got you working in the warehouse now?”

“No, just the occasional person that comes in the front door. I just like to help out, you know, make myself useful wherever I can.”

“Good for you, Tommy. I better head out, too. Nice to see you again.” I didn’t mention the golf shirt.



Chapter Seventeen


My phone rang just
as I was pulling into my driveway that evening.

“Let me speak to Dev?”

I almost melted when I heard the sexy tone of Ashley’s voice. I immediately envisioned a particular photo image of her, the one where the silk sheet was barely draped across her thighs and she sat in the middle of a queen-size bed sucking on her index finger and looking hopeful. I imagined her whispering in my ear, which since she was on the phone was kind of what she was kind of doing.

“Hello, hello, can you hear me?”

“Oh, hi, Ashley, Just getting off a conference call here.”

“Whatever. Hey, look, I’ve got an appointment tonight. At the Gresham. Tony always brings me then waits, but I was thinking if you wanted to do some of your surveillance or and stuff, you could maybe check things out and see if you can catch the guy who’s been doing this.”

“What time will you be at the Gresham?”

“My appointment is at eight, just for an hour.”

“Is that pretty standard?”

“The Gresham?”

“No, an hour appointment.”

“Yeah, at least to start, but a lot of the time they decide to go into extra innings, if you know what I mean.”

“Yeah, I’m following. I’ll be there. Do you go in the main door?”

“Yeah, how else would I get in there?”

“There’s a second floor entrance from the parking ramp.”

“Oh, no, I’ll go in the front door.”

“There’s a circular drive up to the front door. Have Tony drop you off right at the door. I’ll be in front checking things out then follow you inside. If you see me, don’t acknowledge me.”

“You sure this is gonna work, to tell you the truth its sounds more than a little sketchy.”

“No, I’m not sure it’s gonna work, but it’s a start. Let’s see what happens from there.”

“And Royal is paying you, right, you’re not thinking of charging me are you?”

“Royal will be paying me.”

“Okay, then that’s fine,” she said and hung up.

I climbed the steps to my porch, unlocked the front door and made a beeline for my closet. There was an empty hanger where my Copper Mountain golf shirt usually hung. As a matter of fact there were maybe a half dozen empty hangers. I couldn’t recall if they suggested missing shirts or nothing more than extra hangers, but I couldn’t worry about that right now.

I was at the Gresham a half hour early. The circular drive was made of red brick pavers and wrapped around a very nice garden filled with flowers and precisely pruned bushes. The entire area was boarded by a three-foot trimmed hedge of green, leafy plants with little black berries. A broad sidewalk ran right up the middle of the garden and in the exact center of the garden, two wooden park benches sat opposite one another.

I sat on one of the benches, a couple, apparently overserved, sat on the other bench discussing if they should get a room. From what I could pick up, they’d been attending a wedding in one of the ballrooms and now their intentions had progressed to the consummation part of the evening. I’d taken their photo for them with her cellphone maybe five minutes earlier.

I held a newspaper attempting to look like I might be reading, but I was scanning the area nonstop. Thus far, I had discovered absolutely nothing. I probably checked my watch every minute for twenty-five minutes, from about ten minutes before eight until eight-fifteen when Ashley finally arrived.

Idiot Tony was driving her in that sporty blue thing that had been in the blurry image posted online the other day. He stopped across the street from the hotel and I watched while they seemed to argue in the car. I couldn’t make out what was being said, but I could hear the tone from where I sat. More than one couple walking past gave a brief glance toward Tony’s car then sort of picked up their pace.

After a few minutes of dramatics, Ashley got out of the car, stuck her tongue out at Tony then slammed the car door. Tony speed off down the street causing one car to slam on the brakes and lean on his horn, so much for a subtle entry.

Ashley pranced up the sidewalk in an exaggerated manner, placing one foot directly in front of the other like some fashion model strutting down the runway. Once again all heads were turned, including the guy seated across from me, at least until his date hit his arm and whined, “Gary.”

Ashley paused in front of me, looked down and said, “Get anyone, yet?” which pretty much ended my efforts out in front of the hotel.

“No, not yet. Why don’t you go keep your appointment and I’ll follow you in, you’re already twenty minutes late.”

“It’s magic,” she scoffed. “Works like a charm every time, they’re so revved up by the time I knock on the door, they’re usually only good for about five minutes. Sometimes I don’t even have to get undressed.”

Charming, I thought, then folded my newspaper and followed a discrete distance behind her.

The mood seemed to have changed decidedly with the couple seated across from me. He appeared to be pleading and she had her arms crossed and continued to shake her head from side to side. A reaction to Ashley’s personal brand of magic, unfortunately I was very familiar with the body language.

We entered the hotel, past a fawning valet and concierge both of whom greeted Ashley with a “Good evening, enjoy your time at the Gresham, madam.” It made me wonder if perhaps they knew her on sight or at least were familiar with her particular line of work.

She waited for me to catch up with her at the bank of elevators then said, “I can take it from here. I’ll be down in about a half hour.”

“I thought you had an hour appointment?”

“Like I said, it’s magic.” The elevator door opened and she stepped in then looked past me, seemingly emotionless as the doors closed and the elevator rose up to the sixth floor.



Chapter Eighteen


Tony stepped in through
the revolving front door a moment later and made a beeline for the bar. I waited a couple of minutes looking for I don’t know what in the lobby then followed. On my way to the bar I glanced out the front door to the benches in the garden. The guy was still sitting there, talking to someone on his cellphone, and his date was nowhere to be seen.

Tony was seated at the far end of the bar, staring into a pint of beer. Not surprisingly, no one was seated around him. I figured anyone with any sense had gotten up and left the moment he’d arrived.

“Mind if I join you, Tony?”

“Not like I can stop you.”

I didn’t feel like it, but I pulled out a stool anyway.

“So, how’s it feel being a big movie star?”

“That’s pretty old news, Tony, where’d you ever hear about that.”

“I got my sources.”

“Sure you do.”

“You see anything, catch some guy taking pictures?” He asked in a tone suggesting there wasn’t a chance in hell I would have.

“Nope, sorry to disappoint, Tony, but so far the only guy I’ve seen taking pictures tonight was me, right out there in that front garden.”

He sort of smirked and then shook his head like he couldn’t believe how stupid I was. I’ve maybe done the same thing before too, and to tell the truth I was thinking about doing it now after dealing with him and Ashley.

“Hey, I thought you were going to pull into the circular drive tonight and drop Ashley off right at the front door.”

“Yeah, she was bitching about that, but what a pain in the ass. I didn’t feel like doing it.”

BOOK: Double Trouble (Dev Haskell - Private Investigator Book 10)
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