Read Double Pleasure: Alpha Male Taboo Forbidden Romance Online

Authors: Heidi Hunter

Tags: #Alpha Male Taboo Forbidden Romance

Double Pleasure: Alpha Male Taboo Forbidden Romance (3 page)

BOOK: Double Pleasure: Alpha Male Taboo Forbidden Romance
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“That's the strange thing, Sarah. I think I'm turned on even more.”


“Yeah. Is that bad?” I liked how she never judged me.

“Well, I dunno. You're not really related. And you're always saying your mom and him aren't really in love.”

“I know, but still...” I wished I could more easily share with her some of the the thoughts that had been going through my mind.

“Anyway. Wanna see mine? I was actually using it before you came over.”

“That's why you took so long!”

She leaned over the edge of the bed and pulled out a plastic container with a lid. When she opened it, I saw that she really did have a dildo based on my step-dad's cock. Seeing it again and knowing it wasn't mine was a little bit of a turn-on. Looking at Sarah and seeing her small, firm breasts and her amazing smile, I wondered why we'd never fooled around before.

“I wish I would've went to college sometimes,” I said.

“I thought you like the writing thing. At least you're making money and not going into debt.”

“I know, but I feel like I'm missing out on some things by not being here with you taking classes.”

We were both looking at the thick, veined cock sitting in the plastic tub on her bed between us. Unable to resist any longer, I reached in and grabbed it. Sarah's eyes opened wide. She giggled a little but didn't say anything. I touched her cheek with it softly, shocking her even more.

“Do you want me to put it in you?” I asked.

She nodded, standing up and undressing. When her clothes were on the floor, she got back on the bed with her legs spread wide open. I set the large cock down as I got undressed myself. Joining her on the bed, I picked the dong based on my step-dad back up and placed it between her breasts. She sighed and pressed them together, trying to capture it. I pulled it down her stomach and then over her pussy.

“Fuck me,” she said, barely above a whisper.

I leaned down and licked her once or twice first, watching her begin to open up a little as she got excited. When I started running the huge mushroom head of the dildo up and down slowly and gently, I hear her moan some more, letting me know I was headed in the right direction. I couldn't stop staring as I pushed the head into her wet pussy.

“You like my step-dad's cock, don't you,” I said as I pushed it in further.

“Yes.” Her moaning increased as I started pulling it out.

With my cheek resting against her thigh, I began fucking her with the large fake cock. Her hips were soon bucking forward as she tried to get more of it inside her tight pussy. I twirled it around a little as I moved it in and out of her faster and faster. Her breathing increased as I fucked her like I wanted to be fucked. The fact that it was a cock that was shaped like my step-father's penis just made the whole scene even hotter.

She screamed so loud when she came I thought her roommates or even the neighbors might complain. When her breathing returned to normal, she took the dildo from me with a smile on her face. I tried to relax as I thought about what it would feel like to have Sarah fuck me with it. I didn't have to wait long. She slid it in my tight slit, causing me to gasp. The pleasure was almost unbearable as she moved it in and out of me – slowly at first then faster.

I looked across the bed at my best friend and couldn't believe she was fucking me with a replica of my step-dad's cock. She was intently watching it penetrate me. I closed my eyes and imaged what it would be like to actually be fucked by my step-father. I was sure he wasn't in love with Mom, so was it wrong for me to want to be with him? I'd always considered him a good guy, but now that I knew what he had underneath his pants, I wanted to get to know him better.

All my other thoughts flew away. The only thing I could concentrate on was that soft plastic cock moving in and out of my tight, wet pussy. I wanted the good feelings to last forever, but I knew they had to end eventually – and that they would end with a bang. I felt an orgasm building inside me, bigger than any I'd had in at least a year. I opened my eyes just as it hit me and saw a smile on Sarah's face as I moaned in pleasure.

After she pulled it out, we cuddled on her bed a bit, not really talking. We were such good friends we already knew what the other was most likely thinking. I loved the way her soft skin felt next to mine as our naked bodies touched. The silence was nice, but I wanted to make sure we were on the same page with what had just happened.

“So this is what college experimentation is like?” I asked.

She giggled. “Yeah, I guess you could say that.” She kissed me lightly on the lips then got off the bed.

I joined her, and we both began to get dressed. We decided to head to my house for a bit to hang out. I noticed her slip the huge dong in her overnight bag with a fresh set of clothes, but I didn't say anything. I was happy that we'd taken some new step in our relationship. Normally I would have fretted about this, that or the other, but I wanted to concentrate on the feeling of happiness that was coursing through my body.

When we got to my house, Jerry was in the driveway shooting hoops. I wanted to go inside right away, but Sarah pulled me with her as she walked over near the garage. He was sweaty and shooting baskets, not really paying us any attention as we watched and giggled. I could make out the outline of his huge cock because of the baggy sports shorts he was wearing. When I pointed it out to Sarah discreetly, she couldn't take her eyes off of it.

“You girls wanna play?” he asked suddenly then took another shot.

We giggled and turned to run inside. I took Sarah to my bedroom downstairs and locked the door behind us. The thought of being in the basement with Sarah while people were upstairs was turning me on. I knew we'd already fooled around just a little while earlier, but after having almost seen the real thing in the driveway, I wanted to feel it inside me again. When I turned to Sarah to try to ask her, I noticed she already had hers out of her bag.

I grabbed mine out of the closet and stuck the suction cup to the headboard again. Sarah did the same. We watched each other as we slipped out of our clothes again. The sound of the basketball hitting the cement outside could be heard through the basement window, reminding me of an irregular heartbeat. I couldn't resist reaching out and grabbing Sarah's right breast, which was full but still firm. The palm of my hand brushed over her nipple, and I felt it getting harder.

Unable to resist any longer, I bent my head down and started licking it with my tongue. She grabbed the back of my head lightly and pulled me closer to her. I continued playing with her nipples, moving from one to the other. Then I gradually made my way to her neck, her cheek, her lips. When our tongues found each other, I couldn't believe I'd never kissed her before. Her kiss was so much different than all the men I'd been with my entire life.

Her kiss was soft yet passionate at the same time. When we finally broke away, I looked into her eyes and we both smiled, realizing our lives were about to get a whole lot better. We crawled on my bed and knelt with our asses in the air. I reached out and held her hand in mine as I backed up, feeling the replica of my step-dad's cock start to poke me. When it finally found its way inside me, I sighed as it penetrated my tight pussy.

Glancing at Sarah, I could tell that she was feeling good as well. Both of us were soon happily impaling ourselves on the huge dongs. My thoughts kept returning to the sound of the basketball hitting the pavement outside. I wondered what it would be like to have my step-dad's real cock inside me. Would it feel even better? The thoughts were so dirty, but I felt so good as I moved backward and felt the large dildo pierce me, filling me completely.

Somehow Sarah and I managed to come at the same time. I think I beat her by a few seconds, but my moans brought her over the edge and she started gasping as well. I hoped she didn't yell loud. I didn't want Jerry racing downstairs and banging on the door to make sure everything was okay. Well, part of me didn't want that to happen. Another part of me – buried deep down – wanted him to burst in the room and take care of me properly with that award winning porn star cock of his.

After cleaning up in the shower together, Sarah and I got dressed and spent the rest of the evening watching videos in bed. We fell asleep nestled against each other. The sound of the basketball outside had stopped, but with my head resting on her chest, I could hear her heartbeat and it calmed me considerably. I suddenly felt that my entire life was about to get a whole lot better. From moving out of Mom's house and getting a place of my own to exploring my new relationship with Sarah to daydreaming about my step-father's huge cock, I had a lot of good things happening in my life.




The next morning, we woke up, showered together, then headed upstairs. Mom was surprised to see that Sarah had spent the night, but she didn't say anything. She knew we were good friends even if she didn't know how close we'd become in the last twenty-four hours all thanks to the realistic dildo based on my step-dad's huge cock. What an awkward breakfast!

Jerry was quieter than normal, which I found odd.
Does he somehow know what I had bought? Or maybe he heard me and Sarah going at it yesterday afternoon?
I had more questions than answers, but I tried to act as normal as possible. Mom did ask why Sarah had spent the night, and I came up with something about college, not ready to tell her that I might be in a serious relationship with her. I had enough to deal with without adding that to the mix.

After breakfast, Sarah and I stayed in the kitchen to clean up. We were just finishing up with the dishes when Jerry walked back in. His face was contorted a little, as if he had a lot on his mind. At the same time, he didn't appear to know how to put the thoughts into words. Strangely, I knew exactly what that felt like as I'd been dealing with it myself. Sarah seem unfazed, of course, turning and smiling at him in a flirty manner.

“Hey, girls,” he said, finally, then corrected himself. “I mean ladies.”

“We're young women not necessarily young ladies.” Sarah continued smiling.

Does she realize how fake she seems?
I tilted my head to the side a little. “Did you need something, Jerry? We were about to head back downstairs.”

“Actually, yeah.” He looked over his shoulder briefly. “Maybe we can head outside to the garage for a minute or two.”

“Sure,” Sarah said.

“I meant Heidi.”

“It's okay, she can hear whatever you have to tell me.” I tossed the hand towel I'd been holding to the counter.

The three of us walked outside and in the side door of the garage. After shutting it, Jerry turned to look at us, his brow still wrinkled.

“What's up?” I said, hoping he hadn't heard me and Sarah going at it.

“I don't know how to say this,” he said, then stopped a moment. “I got a call from my agent and he was giving me all sorts of crap.”

“About what?” I was a little relieved.

“Well, apparently someone ordered an, um, toy that's based on me and had it delivered to this house. Stephen thought it was for me and had quite a laugh about it.”

My eyes opened wide, as if I'd just been caught with my hand in the cookie jar – or a fake cock based on my step-dad's penis in my pussy.

“You know?” I felt my knees start to wobble a little. “What are you going to do?”

“What do you mean what am I going to do? There's nothing we can do. You've bought it and you know and now...” He frowned, searching our faces for the answer he wanted.

“And now what?” Sarah interrupted. Standing to my left, her arm wrapped under mine tightly.

“And now nothing,” he said, walking outside.

I turned to Sarah, wanting to talk about the whole situation, but she appeared upset that Jerry had left so suddenly. She said she was going back to her house and that I could call her later if I wanted. After she left, I stood in the garage by myself, still not entirely sure what had just happened. The elephant in the room had been discussed and everyone suddenly dispersed, unable to deal with the reality of the situation.

Eventually, I went back inside the house. Jerry and Mom were nowhere to be seen, so I headed to the basement and locked myself in my room. I sat down at my desk and started writing – not an article or review for a client. Instead, I wrote down my thoughts. By the time I'd hit three pages, I knew I was onto something. Without thinking it through all the way, I decided to create a Tumblr blog and anonymously post my thoughts on the situation.
Is it wrong to fuck myself with a fake version of my step-dad's cock?
I wanted to know what other people thought, so I asked them.




Over the next few weeks, traffic to my Tumblr blog really took off! I was amazed at all the people who were visiting – not to mention everyone who was leaving comments. Some people thought I was crazy while others were urging me on to take it further. When I saw a comment like that the first time, I sat back in my chair. Up until that point, I hadn't even really seriously considered taking it further. I'd thought about it (of course), but I never took it further than just an innocent daydream.

I was actually able to make a little money with my blog, which helped my “move out” fund become fat. After just a few months, I'd surpassed the goal of monthly income that I'd wanted before I could move out. Sarah was still living on campus, but the thought of having my own pad sounded great. And then I realized if I moved out I'd have less of a chance to see Jerry and that would lessen my chances of him deciding he wanted to put that marvelously large cock of his inside my tight pussy.

BOOK: Double Pleasure: Alpha Male Taboo Forbidden Romance
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