Double or Nothing (2 page)

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Authors: N.J. Walters

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Double or Nothing
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Remy reached between his legs and discreetly adjusted himself. Being so close to Cherry made his jeans feel a size too small.

“What are we going to do?” Wes’ quiet question pulled him out of his fantasy.

“Whatever we have to,” he replied.

Cherry had left years ago and neither of them had really recovered. Oh, they’d dated over the years, but there was no other woman who appealed to them as she had. Cherry was special. And there was no way he was going to let her simply walk away from him, not this time.

He and Wes shared a look, both of them determined. They were different from most men. They knew that and accepted it. They’d fought it for a few years, but had quickly realized that they both loved one woman—Cherry Edmonds. They’d shared women over the years, a night here, a fling there, but no woman had ever gotten under their skin as Cherry had. They’d both come to the conclusion she was the right woman for them.

Now all they had to do was convince her to give them a chance to prove that to her. And if tonight was any indication, that wasn’t going to be easy.

“She’ll be around for a few more weeks yet. Too much paperwork to handle at the ranch for her to just up and leave.” And Remy was counting on that to give them time to talk to her, to court her.

“I hope you’re right.” Wes rubbed the back of his neck. “She looked damn fragile at the funeral yesterday.”

She had. It had eaten at Remy not to be able to stand beside her and comfort her during her time of sorrow. She might not have come home to visit, but everyone knew she and her father were close. Jim Edmonds had talked about his daughter all the time, which had allowed both him and Wes to keep track of her. Remy had known where she was living and working and even when she was dating. The last had been pure torture.

He’d tried to live without her and so had Wes, but they’d both recently decided it was time to go after her. Before they could make their move, Jim had gotten sick. He’d gone downhill so fast it had shocked the entire community.

Then Cherry returned home, but neither one of them could exactly go courting with her father dying. Now Jim was gone and Cherry was alone in the world. But she wouldn’t be for long if he had his way.

“You want to get out of here?” Wes canted his head toward the door.

“Yeah.” They’d only come out to play some pool to get their minds off Cherry and the funeral. Watching her come in and perch on a barstool by herself had only deepened the yearning he had for her.

“See you, Chester,” Wes called as they left. The bartender called out his goodbye and the brothers stepped outside. An owl hooted in the distance. They didn’t speak as they walked to the truck. Remy slid behind the driver’s seat while Wes slid in on the passenger side.

The big engine rumbled to life and he put the truck in gear. He turned right and headed down the dark road. Tomorrow he and Wes would pay Cherry a visit. Or maybe he should go by himself so she didn’t feel so overwhelmed. Something to think about. He’d mull it over and talk to Wes when they got home. The silence between them was comfortable, both of them lost in their own thoughts of Cherry.

Wes eventually started to hum a Western ditty that was popular on the radio, and a few seconds later began to sing. His brother didn’t have a half-bad voice. But Remy would never tell him that. Wes suddenly stopped singing and leaned forward, peering out the windshield.

“What’s that up ahead?” Wes asked.

Remy took his foot off the gas when he saw the vehicle pulled off the road. “Looks like someone is having trouble.” He eased the truck onto the gravel shoulder and turned on his emergency blinkers before climbing out. He immediately recognized the beat-up pickup and swore under his breath.

The door to the disabled vehicle opened and Cherry climbed out of the driver’s seat.


Chapter Two


Cherry couldn’t believe her bad luck. Of all the people who could stop to help her it had to be the Smith brothers, the two men she just didn’t want to deal with right now. Still, better to get help from someone she knew rather than have some stranger stop. She might be home, but time had marched on and she no longer knew everyone who lived and worked in the area.

And maybe it was time to face down her past and deal with this strange attraction she had to both Wes and Remy. If she’d done so years ago maybe she’d have been around more. Maybe her dad wouldn’t have gotten sick.

She swallowed back the huge lump in her throat. The doctors had assured her that even if she’d been living at home the results would have been the same. That might be true, but she’d at least have had more time with her father. That was on her. She’d been too young at eighteen to deal with the turbulent emotions the two men stirred up inside her, too much of a coward.

Those days were over.

Cherry shoved the driver’s door open, ignoring the way it stuck for a moment before swinging wide. She stepped down onto the pavement and shaded her eyes against their headlights.


It was Wes who spoke. Remy just stood there silently staring at her. She could feel his gaze tracking over her body. Heat suffused her and was quickly followed by a flash of anger.

“The damn truck started sputtering and just stopped.” She had no idea what the problem was.

“You’ve got fuel?”

Remy’s deep voice gave her the shivers, which she did her best to ignore. “Yes, Einstein, I’ve got fuel.” She didn’t know for sure that the gas gauge worked, but it was reading a quarter of a tank.

Wes walked toward her and Cherry had to force herself not to take a step back. He held his hand out to her. “Everything will be okay, Cherry.”

The air around her grew thinner. His voice wasn’t as deep as his brother’s but it was just as mesmerizing. They made their money breeding and training horses. Word was they could tame the meanest horse simply by talking to it. She could well believe that tale. Just hearing Wes made her want to walk into his arms and stay there.

Cherry shook herself. “I need a lift home.”

Wes dropped his hand back by his side and stared at her until she began to feel uncomfortable. They’d stopped to help, were trying to be friendly and neighborly and she was being a first-class bitch.

They’d been childhood friends. Good friends. Leaving them behind had been like cutting off a limb and she’d felt the loss every single day she’d been away.

She dragged her fingers through her curly hair and dug deep for some patience and a semblance of manners. They were only trying to help. Her problem with them was just that—hers. They didn’t deserve her anger. “Sorry, it’s been a long day.”

Wes’ arm shot out and he cupped one large hand around the back of her neck, pulling her toward him. Before she knew it, her face was snuggled against his chest and his strong arms were around her.

God almighty. A knot of emotion threatened to choke Wes. After all these long years, Cherry was finally back in his arms. Maybe not quite the way he wanted her to be, but it was a start. Seeing the glaze of tears in her eyes, the frustration and anger, had almost brought him to his knees.

Wes was a strong man. Many would call him a tough son of a bitch. But in the face of Cherry’s obvious unhappiness, he felt powerless, unable to fix what was making her so sad. He couldn’t bring back her father, but he would do everything in his power to help her cope.

She fit in his arms as though she’d been made for them. Her face tucked right beneath his chin and her breasts snuggled nicely against his chest. He kept his hips pulled back slightly, not wanting her to realize just how aroused he was. Last thing she needed was his dick poking her stomach.

Or maybe that was exactly what she needed.

If she’d let him, he’d take her to bed and love her so long and hard she’d forget her troubles for a few hours.

Wes turned his head slightly, knowing Remy was watching them. He recognized the hunger burning in his brother’s eyes, knew he’d see the same if he was to look into a mirror right about now.

Ten long years. Lonely years. He’d had more than his share of women over the past decade, but none of them had filled the hole Cherry had left in his heart when she’d left so suddenly after graduation. He’d not only lost the woman he loved, he’d lost one of his best friends.

“Why?” he asked before he could think better of it. “Why did you leave and stay away all those years?” That question had haunted him for a long time.

Cherry pulled away and he reluctantly let her go. She squared her shoulders and tilted her proud chin slightly upward. He caught himself before he grinned. That would only ruffle her feathers, but he couldn’t help but be attracted to the self-assured woman she’d become.

“That’s really not your concern,” she began.

“I think it is.” Remy kept his voice low, but Cherry still flinched.

Wes frowned. Was she afraid of Remy? That didn’t seem right. “Cherry?”

She nibbled on her bottom lip for a moment and he barely bit back a groan. His dick was throbbing worse than his thumb had when he’d accidentally pounded it with the hammer last week. He shifted his stance slightly, but it didn’t do a thing to alleviate the growing pressure.

Only having Cherry naked with his cock powering in and out of her sweet pussy would help.

“Remy kissed me. The night you took me to the prom.” Cherry looked appalled at what she’d blurted out, but she pressed forward, determination stamped on her face. “Then you kissed me when you took me home. I liked it when you kissed me.” She paused. “When both of you kissed me.”

Wes shared a look with his brother. God almighty, they were responsible for her leaving. They’d frightened her away.

“You left because of us?” Wes wanted her to spell it out for them so there was no more confusion.

She wrapped her arms around herself and rubbed her hands over her upper arms as though she was cold, even though it was a warm evening. “I liked the way both of you kissed me. What kind of a woman does that make me? You’re brothers.”

Wes could barely believe what he was hearing. He glanced at Remy and his older brother appeared to be just as shocked as he was. Remy had mentioned he’d kissed Cherry, but neither of them had imagined that was what had made her flee their hometown soon after.

Why the hell had Remy kissed her that night? Prom night was supposed to have been his. They’d talked about the two of them taking turns dating her for a while before they even approached the idea of her dating the two of them at once.

Still, it was water under the bridge. No point in getting worked up about it now. Although, he might be tempted to beat the crap out of Remy at some later date.

“It makes you special.” Remy took a step closer to Cherry. She backed away until she hit the side of the truck.

“Cherry.” Wes waited until she gave him her attention. “Nothing has changed. We both still want you.” Better to lay their cards on the table and deal with any objections she might have.

Cherry wasn’t sure she was hearing correctly. They both still wanted her? Impossible. Or maybe not, considering the expressions on their faces. They were dead serious and she was in deep trouble.

She could still feel the heat from Wes’ big body, still smell the unique scent of sun and leather and man. It had felt so natural to have his strong arms around her, to nestle against his chest and lean on him for even a moment.

He’d tried to hide the fact he was aroused, but that was impossible. There was no denying the hard pulse of his cock against her stomach or the way his breathing had grown harsher.

It had awakened a deep yearning inside her, one she hadn’t felt in years, not since she’d left home.

Cherry had been very aware of Remy watching them, had felt his penetrating stare.

Both brothers wanted her.

She hadn’t meant to blurt out what happened all those years ago, but she was sick and tired of feeling as though she’d done something wrong. They were the ones who’d kissed her. Yes, she’d kissed them both back, but what was she supposed to do?

“I don’t understand.” Ten years later and the Smith brothers were still confusing the heck out of her. “How can you both want me?” No way was she becoming some contest, some bone of contention between the two. “I’m not some prize to be won.”

“Oh, you’re a prize all right.” Remy traced the side of her cheek with a calloused finger. Cherry did her best to suppress the thrill of pleasure that washed over her, the way her nipples stood at attention, and especially the way her pussy pulsed and ached.

It had been two long years since her last serious relationship. Two years of lonely nights and abstinence. Battery-operated toys helped take the edge of her needs, but there was nothing like hot, sweaty sex. Having a man over her, in her, driving his cock into her over and over.

Cherry felt a flush wash over her cheeks and knew they had to be red. Nothing she could do about it so she looked down, hoping the dim light would hide her discomfort. She should have known better. Nothing got by these two.

Remy caught her chin in his hand and tipped it up. He took it slow, giving her plenty of time to object as he moved closer. But she didn’t.

She tossed common sense to the wind and decided what the hell. For years, she’d wondered if the Smith brothers’ kisses were as good as she remembered or if they were nothing more than the product of her overactive teenage mind. Now was the time to find out.

His lips were warm and soft as they brushed hers. Then his tongue traced her bottom lip, gently, so gently, drawing a moan of pleasure. The second her lips parted, his tongue slid inside her mouth. Strong and sure, he explored. Remy tilted his head to deepen the connection.

Cherry moaned again, her tongue gliding against his, playfully and then more intently. He tasted like beer and hot male.

Strong hands slid down her back and she arched into them like a cat being petted. An alarm bell sounded in the back of her head but she ignored it. This was too good to stop. She was faintly aware that Wes was watching them, but couldn’t bring herself to care.

Remy’s hands cupped her butt and pulled her closer. His cock was hard and thick against her stomach. That jolted her back to reality like nothing else. She quickly pulled away and took stock of the situation.

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