Read Double Dare Online

Authors: Jeanne St. James

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Bdsm, #Romantic Erotica, #erotic, #Erotic Contemporary, #menage, #Multicultural

Double Dare (9 page)

BOOK: Double Dare
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By doing this, he had full access to her mound, the place where she and Ty were joined. He gave her small kisses and long strokes with this tongue over her lower belly. Quinn sucked in a breath as Logan placed his mouth over her clit and suckled. Ty continued to shift his hips, sheathing himself deep within her pussy, the stretching sensation a painful pleasure.

Logan's position gave her easy access to his cock, which brushed against her cheek. Turning her head, she licked along his length. Ty lifted his head and sucked Logan's balls into his mouth.

Logan tensed above her and blew a hard breath against her clit. “Shit.”

Ty continued to roll Logan's sac in his mouth while thrusting up against Quinn. She was slick but tight, and the tug of his cock within her, along with the motion of Logan's lips, made her squirm. She licked at Logan's cock more furiously, from the root to the head, before circling and working her way back down.

Quinn wanted to sit up, but she couldn't. She wanted to ride Ty long and hard. But their position kept her powerless. The lack of control drove her close to the edge.

Ty's hand found her breast, squeezing and kneading. His other hand slipped up and over Logan's ass.

Quinn could only guess what he was doing to Logan as Logan groaned against her pussy.

“Tyson.” Logan groaned as he jerked forward a bit, his cock throbbing even harder, if possible, in her mouth.

Logan rocked a bit above her, while Ty rocked his hips against her, burying his cock deep within her with each thrust.

“Ty, I'm gonna come,” Logan cried out and pulled away from Quinn's mouth. Ty released Logan's ass and grabbed Quinn's breasts, pressing them together. Logan shifted his weight enough to plunge his cock between her breasts, while Ty once again pinched her nipples. Logan surged against her, fucking her tits as he bore down against her clit with his mouth. Ty surged up, pushing his cock deep within her.

Quinn felt the clenching of her inner muscles begin. “Oh,
fuck me
.” Her orgasm pulsated from the center out, and she opened her mouth to scream. Nothing came out but a squeak.

Ty grunted from beneath her, pounding into her twice more before tensing. He stilled, gripping her breasts harder as Logan thrust a few more times. Then she felt the jerk of Logan's cock and the hot spurts of cum landing on her belly.

Logan rolled off them and collapsed bonelessly onto the rug. His chest rose and fell with his hard breathing, almost in time with Ty's breathing beneath Quinn.

Ty's hand drifted over her belly, drawing circles in the ejaculate covering Quinn's skin. He let out a large sigh, and she attempted to extract herself from him, but he held her close, his cock still within her, still twitching occasionally. He was probably doing it on purpose, she thought, and she couldn't help but laugh.

Logan rolled onto his side and propped his head in his hand, giving her a smile.

“Something funny?”

Ty flexed his penis again in her, and he joined in her laughter. If he kept doing that, she was going to come again. It wouldn't take much; she was oversensitized as it was. The vibrations of his laughter definitely didn't help.

Chapter Six


Ty stretched his muscles and, doing so, moved enough to dislodge Quinn. Logan climbed to his feet and helped her up.

“We need a shower,” Logan said, grinning at the mess on Quinn's stomach.

Ty definitely needed a shower. This had gone a lot better than he'd thought it would. It was amazing Quinn had adapted to the both of them so well, so quickly. Yes, they were taking it
, as Logan wanted. But Quinn seemed very open-minded and supersensual. He had no doubt she would be up to more.

But then, he didn't want to overwhelm her and scare her away either. This last week, he and Logan had been on eggshells wondering if she'd dare show up. She had. She seemed the perfect complement to the both of them. Although it was early yet.

And they didn't know her very well. Nor she them…

“Ty?” Logan's rough voice shook him from his thoughts. Quinn and Logan both stood staring at him, naked. Quinn still wore the evidence of their escapade.

They definitely needed a shower.

Without hesitation, Ty scooped Quinn up in his arms, causing her to yelp in surprise. But she laughed as they trooped down the hallway into the large master bathroom.

Logan turned on the shower jets, adjusting the temperature, as Ty let Quinn slide down his body.

“Are you okay?”

Quinn licked her bottom lip before saying, “Yes.”


She nodded her head and gave him a slight smile.

“No regrets?”

Her smile widened, bringing him a little relief. “None.”

Logan came behind her and laid a kiss on her shoulder. “Good, because that was only the beginning.”

Quinn snaked an arm back around Logan's neck and head, tilted her head back, and pulled him into a kiss.

A little bite of jealousy hit Ty before she reached out blindly for him. He stepped into her, her fingers curling on his chest.

Logan broke the kiss and said, “Shower.”

He snagged her hand, along with Ty's, and pulled them into the oversize shower stall. It was surrounded with frosted glass and had side jets as well as the wide showerhead. Ty loved this shower. Though he should; he had picked it. As well as the large Jacuzzi tub and the double sinks. Well, just about everything in the bathroom had been his idea.

Ty shut the glass door behind him and stepped in front of one of the jets, enjoying the pressure of the water shooting against him. The water was hot and stinging, but it felt good on his muscles.

Logan grabbed a loofah sponge and poured shower gel onto it, squishing it until it foamed. Ty was entranced by watching the warm water traveling down Logan's body. He had seen it plenty of times. They loved fucking in the shower, but tonight, for some reason, he seemed more sensitive to watching his lover. Maybe because he had to share.

Not that he minded.

He glanced at Quinn, who was brushing her hair, a dark gold now it was wet, out of her face. She was beautiful. Her skin was fair, her hair blonde, which was her real color. Water trickled over her golden curls at the apex of her thighs. Her legs were long enough and shapely. He was pretty picky when it came to women. During his pro football career, he had had plenty of opportunities, way too many groupies. But he had no bones to pick with Quinn.

Maybe that's why Logan had brought her home? Because he knew what Ty liked?

Maybe. But the attraction between Logan and Quinn was unmistakable, if not a little disturbing. He loved Logan. He didn't want anyone coming in between them.

Join them? Possibly. Split them apart? No.

Logan handed him the soapy loofah and grabbed a washcloth off the shower rack and soaped that up too. He started to scrub Quinn's back, and Ty took the hint. He swiped the loofah over her chest and stomach, gently washing away the remains of their sex. He dropped to his knees and soaped up her legs, while Logan did her arms and neck. Ty watched as Logan followed the flow of water over her skin with his lips, noticed his lover was already getting hard again.

Ty stood and stepped behind Logan, moving the loofah over Logan's skin. He reached around between Logan and Quinn and washed Logan's chest, making sure he tweaked Logan's nipple ring. Ty's cock twitched in anticipation. He smoothed a hand over Logan's wet ass and dipped between his ass cheeks.

Logan spun around and snagged Ty's arms, pinning them behind his back. He shoved Ty into the tile wall and buried a knee between Ty's thighs. Logan's expression looked fierce as he took Ty's mouth, ravishing Ty's lips with his own. Ty gasped into Logan's mouth, loving it. He loved when Logan took control, even though Logan was the smaller man.

Logan broke the kiss. He snagged Ty's earlobe between his teeth. “Jealous?”

Ty couldn't answer. Now extremely hard, his cock butted up against Logan's hip.

“If you don't like it, I will tie you up and make you watch me fuck her.”

His murmured threat in Ty's ear sent a shot of lightning down Ty's spine. Ty only nodded slightly, very aware of the grip Logan's teeth still had on his lobe.

Logan suddenly let him go, and Ty's pulse slowed a fraction.

His lover returned his attention to Quinn, who was concentrating on washing her hair. She had ignored the little show of male dominance, though Ty was sure she wasn't as comfortable about it as she appeared.

If there wasn't going to be any sex in the shower, he was getting out. Ty stepped out the shower and snagged a towel from the heated towel rack. Another feature he had insisted on in the bathroom.

He dried his hairless body, looking at himself in the mirror. He spent a lot of time keeping in shape, taking care of his personal grooming. He did it not only for himself but for the man who was in the shower right this minute with a woman. Another lover.

They had previously discussed bringing in a third person at great length. But now that it may become a reality, he didn't know if he could get used to the idea. He didn't know if he wanted to.

He liked Quinn so far. And except for not knowing anything about football, he hadn't found anything about her to dislike. But would his and Logan's relationship survive a third person?


He started and realized he'd been rubbing his cock, which wasn't as hard now as when Logan had him pinned against the wall, over and over with the towel. The mirror's reflection showed Logan peeking his head out of the shower. Sometime during his daydreaming, the water had been shut off.

“Hand me a towel, T.”

Ty did so, and Logan and Quinn stepped carefully out of the shower. He held open a towel for her, and Quinn stepped right into Ty's waiting arms. He wrapped it tightly around her, securing the corner by tucking it along the top.

She smiled up at him. “Thanks.”

Ty reminded himself again, it wasn't Quinn's idea to be there. It was Logan's. He loved Logan and had to respect his decisions. Quinn didn't seem to have any ulterior motives. At least that he could see.

Ty handed Quinn a smaller towel to dry her hair. And when her hair was only damp, he directed her into the bedroom, where Logan was waiting with a towel wrapped around his waist.

Ty hadn't even bothered to cover up; he was still naked, his cock more relaxed, his damp towel in his hand. A wicked thought crossed his mind, and he rolled up the towel. Logan wasn't paying attention; he was digging in one of the dresser drawers.

He snapped the towel, cracking it against Logan's ass.

Logan yelled and flinched, his own damp towel not much protection against the stinging lash. “You fucker.” With a laugh and a flick of his wrist, he pulled off his own towel and quickly rolled it up.

Ty scurried around to stand on the other side of the wide bed, hoping for some sort of protection with the distance between them. Logan lunged toward him, the crack of his towel catching Ty on his bare hip.


“Hurts, doesn't it?” Logan laughed and spread his legs into a fighter's stance. “C'mon, give it your best shot.”

Ty felt the laughter rolling up through his belly. He loved moments like this with Logan. Horseplay had been the norm in his team's locker room, but he enjoyed the horseplay he had with Logan better. It usually ended better too. With one of them deep within the other's—


Logan got him again. Ty rubbed his smarting skin. This time the target was his nipple, and Logan had hit a bull's-eye. He'd had it!

Ty lunged and tackled Logan to the bed, pinning him down onto the quilt. He snagged the smaller man's wrists, holding them to the mattress in a firm grasp, and straddled Logan's naked hips.

“I got you.”

Now they were both fully erect; their cocks smashed against each other. Ty shifted his hips and rubbed the length of his cock against Logan's. Logan's eyelids lowered, and a muscle twitched in his jaw as Ty did it again. And then once more.

A mix of a groan and a curse escaped Logan's parted lips. His breathing became shallow, and he let out a rush of air.

Ty leaned over to kiss him, their breaths mingling and then their tongues.

“God, I want to fuck you,” Ty murmured against his lips. With Logan's arms still captured, Ty moved down to Logan's chest, brushing his lips against the light golden skin. “You want me. You want me in you.” He snagged Logan's pierced nipple in his mouth and tugged the ring with his tongue.

Logan lifted his hips off the bed and, with a strength that always surprised Ty, twisted his body and suddenly had things reversed. Ty was now the bottom, and Logan was on top.

Ty knew he was the stronger man. He knew it. But Logan always seemed to get the upper hand.

He lay placid for a moment until Logan let up a bit. Then, just as quickly as Logan had done, Ty broke free and tackled Logan to the mattress, flipping him over and putting his weight on him to keep him in place. He automatically reached for the tube of lube that was on the nightstand, and gripping Logan's ass, he spread his cheeks.


The tone was low and authoritative. But Ty didn't care; he was enticed by the pucker of Logan's hole, and he wanted nothing more than to be buried deep within his lover at that moment. He popped the cap on the lube and squirted lube into the crease between Logan's cheeks and on his own cock.


Ty wrapped his fist around his cock, stroking it a couple of times to spread the lube, pressing it against Logan's tight rim.


Logan's tone this time stopped him cold. He gritted his teeth against the powerful urge to just drive it home in Logan's ass.

“Fuck! What?”

Logan's upper body was turned enough to let Ty see the mix of emotions on Logan's face.

Logan wanted him to fuck him. Logan wanted him to stop. But why?


Ty had forgotten all about Quinn. She was sitting on the edge of the bed, the towel still wrapped around her, and she had a look—

It wasn't disgust. She wasn't disgusted two men wanted to have sex with each other. No, Ty could only guess it was desire he saw in her eyes. Excitement. The draw of forbidden pleasures.

She sat at the edge of the bed, her hand gripping the towel around her, her blonde hair draped around her bare shoulders in long, damp waves. Free of any makeup, she was still beautiful. Natural. Ty liked that.

Ty put a hand on the small of Logan's back and pushed himself away slightly, but not breaking contact completely.

Quinn's breasts heaved under the fisted towel, her breathing more choppy than normal. She suddenly went from an innocent watcher—a simple bystander—to the target of their attention.

Her voice broke as she spoke. “Earlier you guys shared only me, you didn't share each other.”

Ty felt the vibration of Logan's voice beneath his palm. “Like I had said, we are going to take this slow. We didn't want to—”

“Shock me?”

“Shock's a bit dramatic.” Logan tilted his upper body to look at her more fully. He licked his lips before saying, “Quinn, have you ever seen two men together?”

BOOK: Double Dare
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