Read Dorthena Online

Authors: Sharon Barrett

Tags: #fiction, #erotica, #paranormal, #violence, #bad language

Dorthena (5 page)

BOOK: Dorthena
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Seeker smiled,
“any man or werewolf knows if you don’t make your lady happy a man
doesn’t get it to often. A man has to take the time to be sure his
woman comes. I intend to get it again and again from you, that
won’t happen if you’re not happy. Shape shifters can’t do that with
the binding ritual. A female can’t fake anything the male
automatically knows from reading the females mind. Females are not
that difficult to satisfy in truth, just takes a little time.
Myself I like to spend the time, making love for at least forty
five minutes to an hour lots of playing first! Seeker smiled at
Thena. “Come I’ll make you breakfast.”

Thena looked
at Seeker he was boasting where he should not be boasting, “you do
know that there can be nothing emotional between us. So don’t fall
in love with me, sex is sex but that is all it can be!”

Seeker looked
at Thena, “sure just good times love them and leave them with you,
just out for entertainment and self satisfaction for yourself

Thena detected
a tinge of anger in Seekers voice and realized this was not going
to work out at all. She would move herself into another room. The
last thing she needed was a new angry want a be alpha trying to
push her around because he doesn’t know that persuasion works
better then force. Thena could be persuaded but she could not be
pushed, not one inch. Her last boy friend discovered that when it
was far too late.

Rising slowly
off the bed she slipped into clean clothes from her suit case and
walked with Seeker down stairs. Thena was still weak, but she
refused to five in to it. Saturday was a day for working on the
house and Coal and Telme were working on a shelf in the kitchen.
Coal had a level and Telme was holding the shelf once it was level
Coal drove the shelf into place and nailed it up. Coal and Telme
turned and smiled at Thena and asked, “How does it look?”

Thena smiled,
“it looks just great nice piece of oak wood.”

“Thanks, Coal
said with a smile. “Now why don’t you just sit down right here, and
let me make you breakfast. This morning we are having French toast,
with butter and syrup, hazel nut coffee with sugar.”

“Sounds great
so when is this breakfast going to be made?” Thena said with a

“As soon as
Telme and Seeker sit down, and get out of my way it will be

Two chairs
were pulled out rapidly, and both Seeker and Telme sat down in a
flash with big smiles on their faces. Twenty minutes later
breakfast was finished. Seeker smiled, “let’s talk now. We have to
do something about someone trying to kill me. We cannot wait around
for another try at me. So what do you have in mind Thena?”

I put
electronic warnings along the drive way, we need to add more to the
surrounding area. I will work on that today. Coal I will show you
how to install electronic devices on all the windows first. Once
you see one done, you will know how to do the rest. I will also
give each of you the code to the alarm system, to set and reset it,
but I won’t give you to code to shut it off. Should it get damaged
it will send a signal out to the local law enforcement agency.

“You have
thought of everything,” Seeker said with a smile.

“No, not
really if I had I would not have gotten myself shot. The thing is
was it meant for me or was it meant for you Seeker? A question that
requires answered and soon. In the meantime stay away from the
windows. And do you have a bottom door small one to escape out of
in this house once you shift down?”

“No we never
thought of doing something like that,” Coal said with a frown.

“It would not
be that difficult to put one in but it needs to be put in a place
of concealment for example behind a bush close to the house!” Thena
said softly.

“There is a
rose bush on the south side of the house, and there is a snow ball
bush on the west side of the house, both are close to the tree line
if we had to leave in a rush we could make the trees and maybe not
be seen.” Telme said with a big grin.

Seeker smiled,
“and both would be easy spots to place a door. You realize that a
door large enough to permit a wolf to get out of would be large
enough for a man to get into so the door could only work one way
out and not in, how would we do that?”

“Is there a
way of placing pins that bend one way?” Thena said with a look of

Coal looked at
the other three and smiled, “how about welding something

Seeker looked
at Coal, “no that would not work, be to stiff and no one could get
out or in.”

“If anyone
thinks of a way of doing it then we will do it other wise we will
just have to take a chance! Keep the doors lock from the

The day was
filled with work by the time lunch came, and went Thena had all the
motion detectors in place, all were signalling fine. Motion cameras
were up and in place and hooked into a lap top Thena brought with
her. Coal and Telme put all the window movement detectors in. a
circuit is broken the alarm goes off. After lunch flood lights were
set up in trees and on the house all worked on batteries, and were
well out of the reach of the average person, but not for a large
cat. When one light went on they all went on if one light was
damaged they all came on, all done by signals. Several traps were
set and trip wires were set up.

Coal helped
Thena make dinner, a noodle salad, lasagna, and mashed potatoes,
and sweet baby string beans, ice cream for a treat with a hot apple
sauce. And hot apple cider to drink. Lights were kept down low for
the evening. When ten p.m. came Thena said she was going to

Thena went up
the stairs picked up her suit case out of Seekers room and moved
down to the room he had given her earlier. Walked to the bed
slipped off her clothes laid them in a chair and put on her pj’s to
sleep in. Thena was nearly a sleep when the door flew open and
Seeker walked in! “What the hell are you doing in here?”

“Simple I have
changed my mind, I don’t think you can handle love them and leave
them at least not with me Seeker! You know it and so do I.! Your
reaction was anger kept tight inside of you, and controlled when I
told you there could not be any emotional ties between us. This is
for the best Seeker.” Thena was dismayed at the anger Seeker was
showing on his face. His face was red, his lips were pressed
closed, and his eyes were slits, the nerves in his jaw twitched

“I know no
such thing! You’re coming back to my room, and it will be over when
I say it is over!” Seeker thought she would just obey his orders he
was the alpha of the house and she was staying in his house, and if
she refused punishment would come swift and hard.

Thena saw the
anger, she new exactly what he was thinking and it was not going to
work, not on her! “Listen to reason Seeker, we can never be
together, I don’t have the feelings for you that you think you feel
for me! I kill people for a living, my fee is one million dollars a
hit, and I am one of the world’s best! It would be to dangerous for
you to even being near me once this is over with, and you’re safe
and sound! It would be wise not to try any thing with me Seeker! I
won’t give up my job for you or anyone, at least not right

Seeker grinned
at Thena, and as fast as she could bat her eyes once he was on her.
He had her pinned down on the bed, he ripped her pj’s from her and
when she lay naked and he had her hands and arms pinned above her
head. Seeker smiled, “don’t try anything with you?” Seeker laughed,
“what do you intend to do now that I have you just where I want you
at my mercy Thena?”

expected her to fight and he looked forward to it. Instead he
watched her eyes fill with tears looked away from Seeker and
relaxed her body, she was not going to fight. “She whispered, “If
it makes you feel so almightily in control! The big strong alpha of
the house; go a head and rape me!” A true alpha male wouldn’t have
to resort to rape remember that Seeker. Tears ran down from her
eyes onto the sheet beneath Thena. Seeker licked at the tears, and
kissed her when she did not respond at all to his touch, to his
lips. Seeker touched her between the legs and began rubbing her
clitoris still she refused to respond. It was then he realized a
woman had to want it to respond. Seeker undid his pants and pulled
his shaft from inside and tried to push his shaft inside Thena and
still she refused. Seeker new he was defeated and she didn’t even
have to fight him off to win.

Seeker rose up
and off of Thena looked at her laying there totally defeated and he
placed his shaft back inside his pants turned and walked out the
bedroom door. Seeker walked to his room he felt his anger turn to
distaste for his actions. Seeker realized a true alpha male would
never have attempted rape of a female. If Thena didn’t leave he
would be surprised. Some how he knew she would leave. He had done
something beyond apologies. Just maybe he could convince her that
it would never happen again and that he would not touch her again
if she would only stay. Seeker would if he had to convince her to
stay one way or the other at least until he had enough of her or
who ever it is taking pot shots at them is captured or killed. Then
maybe he could convince her he loved her and she would want to
stay. It did not matter to him if she didn’t love him, she would
eventually break down and want to stay with him. His life would be

Thena waited
until she knew everyone in the house was sound a sleep, and then
she dressed leaving her torn pj’s on the bed she picked up her suit
case walked out of the room and never looked back. She shut down
the alarm system she had set up. She felt sick and weak figured it
was just from lost blood and then the chance of rape all were
wearing on her. Tears ran down her cheeks when she drove out of the
drive way when she had realized how close she had come to getting
raped she had to leave.

In the morning
Seeker dressed. He had made up his mind he would make sure Thena
remained for the time being. He walked towards the stair case
noticed Thena’s door was still closed; he walked down the steps to
the kitchen. Coal and Telme were sitting eating scrambled eggs and
toast with bacon. Coal looked up, “Thena still a sleep?”

Seeker looked
at Coal, “maybe one of you should go wake her she is in the room at
the top of the stair case.”

Telme smiled,
“I’ll go and get her up.”

Ten minutes
later Telme came down with a frown on his face. “She is gone, her
suit cases are gone, her torn pj’s were on the bed, her bed is made
with fresh sheets and I looked out side and her vehicle is also
gone.” Telme had his suspicions of what might have happened, but
said nothing. He was disappointed in Seeker. Telme realized the
time to take over was getting closer and closer by the second as he
watched Seeker failing at being a strong independent leader of a
pack. It might be why they had not gotten any calls on anyone
joining the pack.

Seeker bit
down on his lip, “Damn it all to hell! Reset the all the alarms
make sure they are all working.”




Thena lay in
bed at the motel in Little River. She had made a mistake she swore
she would never make the same mistake again, that was getting
involved with a client. Well if truth be known he really wasn’t a
client. You felt sorry for the guy, he did the right thing at the
right time, and now Melrodger wanted him dead for it. There is
always a price to pay for each action taken, or not taken.
Sometimes the price is just too high or not fair at all. And in
this case Seekers price was not fair and way to damn high. Then it
nearly cost her more then she was willing to pay; being raped was
far too high a price. She was lucky she got out of that one so
easy. Thena swore to herself never again, this time she meant it.
Men were now no part of her life.

She knew she
had to pull in a favor or two, and there was no time like the
present. Picking up the cell phone she dialled a number. When the
man answered she smiled, “Hi baby, I need a favor, and I am willing
to pay more then the normal fee lets say double. I want any and all
illegal information you can get me on Melrodger Courtoreille and I
need it like yesterday!”

The man on the
phone smiled, no problem at all for you Thena, I can leave tomorrow
morning and get back to you as soon as I have something to report.
I am not busy at the moment and some extra money for the pups would
be nice.”

smiled, “give Alexis and the pups my love will ya sweetie!”

“You know I
will Dorthena, and take care of yourself if you messing with
Courtoreille you messing with someone extremely dangerous. Bye

“Good bye Zand
remember be careful, yourself.”

Zand called
Alexis in his mind, “Pack me a suit case, leaving first thing in
the morning sweetheart, I love you, all during the afternoons and
evenings into the nights.” The smile she had on her face when she
walked into Zand’s office made his heart jump and his eyes sparkled
with desire.”

Thena decided
to get dressed first a quick shower and check out town see whose
vehicles are in the motel and hotel parking lots. Thena was still
not feeling one hundred percent. Her body had not replaced all the
blood she had lost. Thena decided to see what people are saying in
town. Before leaving the room she put on a brown wig, light blue
contacts, slipped in some false teeth to make her teeth appear
longer then normal and she padded her hips a little, put on make up
to cover her pale complexion, walked out the door with key and
purse in hand.

She moved
around the parking lot making mental notes of any vehicle she
thought didn’t fit into the area. Then she walked down the street
checking out the stores even went into the grocery store picked up
a bag of chips paid for them. Went into a store for clothes called
Millie’s picked up a t-shirt, the woman said it would not fit her,
she informed the lady it was a gift not for her. She purchased a
skirt as well, she liked it with a few adjustments she could change
it to suit her needs. There was a small sewing store in town and
she headed in there purchased some snaps, Velcro strips of black.
Then purchased half a meter of material to suit, then saw some
material she knew would be perfect and purchased three meters of
it. Then she went to a small restaurant had a bacon and lettuce
sandwich with tomatoes and mayo and a cup of coffee. It was Monday
and not too many people were in town. Which to, Thena made it nice
to snoop and talk to people. She found out that there was a couple
in town stuck to themselves, were not friendly at all seem to be
real nosey about the house out in the woods with the three men
living there. The three men were well thought of; most said they
were very kind, generous, and always helpful, worked hard, other
wise stayed to them selves except on Friday nights. Friday nights
were spent at the bar called Sammie’s where they usually drank and
watched sports or had dates with one of the local girls.

BOOK: Dorthena
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