Don't Turn Back (Coming Home Book 1) (19 page)

BOOK: Don't Turn Back (Coming Home Book 1)
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I really enjoy having lunch with Brian. With all of the time I’ve been able to spend with him, he’s really starting to grow on me, more and more. I’m still not fond of our opposite schedules, but hopefully it will make our relationship stronger in the end.

I decide to take a nap instead of studying when I get back to the apartment.

I hadn’t planned on sleeping very long, but I wake up when Brian opens the door, coming home from work. “Hey baby, you okay?” He leans over, a worried look on his face.

“Yeah, I guess I was more tired than I thought. I’ve been asleep all afternoon.”

I sit up and stretch. I feel better after my nap, but dang it, I’ve only got a few hours before I have to go in to work. Instead of fixing any supper, I suggest we order pizza. Not only will this be quicker, but it saves time from dirtying up the kitchen as well. Brian agrees, so I settle back down on the couch again. He changes out of his work clothes and joins me.

“I missed you today.” Brian leans over and pulls me to him for a big hug. 

“I missed you more.” 

I feel the sudden urge to give him a deep, passionate kiss. We start making out, pretty hot and heavy, only to be interrupted by a knock on the door. I grab my purse and take care of the pizza delivery guy.

The rest of the night goes by quickly, and before I know it, I’m walking out the door to go to work.

Thanksgiving morning comes, and my parents call to check on me. I tell them about my plans to have a nice dinner with Brian instead of spending the day with Rebecca and her family. While my father is happy to know I have someone to spend my time with, I get the feeling my mom is not too sure of this sudden relationship. She seems suspicious of Brian’s intentions. 

I take my time getting ready for our Thanksgiving dinner date. Brian dresses in one of his new outfits and looks so happy with himself. I allow him to take care of everything at the restaurant, giving him a feeling of self-worth, and an ego boost. The meal is exceptional, and I tell him he did a great job in selecting the restaurant. 

I am so full by the time we return to the apartment, but miserable, because I’ve only got a little bit of time before I need to change and go to work.

Brian walks up behind me in the bathroom, and I look up to see our reflection in the mirror. We both looked very nice tonight. I never expected to see myself with someone as attractive as Brian. I start to wonder,
if we had met a few years ago would things have turned out differently for him?

I turn around to face him, and he meets my mouth with a breathtaking kiss. I pull away after a few moments, needing a minute to slow down my racing heart.

“Wow! Where did that come from?” I manage to get the words out while I’m still trying to even out my breathing. 

“You have no idea how bad I want you right now, baby.” I see the intense desire in his eyes.

Not wanting to waste any time, I return my lips to his and challenge his kiss with one of my own. Brian picks me up and sits me on the bathroom counter. I break the kiss long enough to take a few breaths, then run my fingers through his hair as I bring his face closer to mine. 

I wrap my legs around his waist, and he places his hands underneath me, pulling me closer to him. He manages to walk backwards towards the bedroom holding on to me tightly. As he sits me on the edge of the bed, I lift my arms, and he pulls my sweater up and over my head. I’m not used to being this nearly naked around anyone, so I pull my arms in front of me as if to cover myself. 

Brian senses my slight uneasiness. He lightly plants kisses beginning at my forehead, edging down the side of my neck, and stopping just above my breasts. He unhooks my bra and takes his time teasing each nipple, first with his fingers, then with his tongue. I am on fire.

I’m also not sure what to do at the moment. 

I listen to the sucking noises he makes as he spends time torturing each breast. I’m unable to speak. Slowly, he kisses a trail down towards my stomach stopping just above the waistline of my pants. He unhooks the button, and I lift up just enough to allow him to push them down and completely off of me. He takes his fingers and traces the lace of my panties, which are now completely soaked between my legs.

I’m unsure if I should be embarrassed by my being this turned on. Sliding my panties over to the side, he inserts two fingers inside me, and I let out a soft moan. At the rate we’re going, I’m going to explode long before I can even get his clothes off.

I am just about to come when he removes his fingers. Brian crawls up on the bed, on top of me, and I don’t waste any time pulling him to me. He is hard as a rock. 

I reach down between us and rub his dick up and down. He is so big and firm, and I wonder how he even fits inside me. 

“Hang on a minute.” He whispers and eases off the bed. I watch him walk to the bathroom and open the drawer where we left the box of condoms. He struggles to tear the foil wrapper; I’m loving the view of his ass. 

He walks back to the bed, and I use my hand to feel that the condom is already in place. He is ready for me. Slowly, he runs his fingers back and forth, spreading my own moisture and heat all around. I love the feel of his fingers massaging me, but I am even more eager to feel him inside of me.

He places the tip of his dick at my entrance and barely enters.
Ahhh, I love the way he is teasing me
. All at once, he pushes inside. At first, I hold my breath, but then exhale slowly as I relax around him. Once he feels me relax, he begins to slide in and out again, slowly, then increasing to a pace that leaves us both panting. He feels amazing inside of me.

All at once, Brian slows down. “Baby, I’m about to come.”

Using my hands, I grab ahold of his ass. I pull him to me, forcing him to go deeper and deeper. I feel the muscles in his butt tighten and relax with each thrust. 

The sensation is building in me, and I‘m ready to go with him. 

…” I manage to say before I’m forcefully grabbing him, pushing him further inside. I’m lifting my hips from the bed trying to get as much of him inside as I can. 

“That’s it baby. Let go.”

“You… feel…so good. Don’t…stop yet!” I am barely getting the words out between each pant.

All at once, he collapses, unable to stay on top of me. We are both silent. Moments later, he reaches for my hand and entwines his fingers with mine. We lay side by side, holding hands. I hear his breathing return to normal, and we both drift off to a satisfied sleep. 

My phone rings in the distance, and I am startled awake. I ease out from underneath his arm that is still draped over my stomach. I run to the kitchen and answer before the phone cuts off.

“Hello?” I say into the phone, still sounding half asleep.

“Jenn, are you okay?” I realize its Rebecca on the other end, and why she must be calling me.

“Shit. Oh my goodness. I am so freaking sorry. I must have fallen asleep.” I have never been late for work. Ever.

“Hey, take your time. I’ll cover for you ‘til you get here. It’s no big deal. I’m just glad you’re ok.” 

“Thanks, I’ll be right there.”
How did I manage to fall asleep, knowing I had to be at work?
I run to the bathroom to get cleaned up. 

I am so mad at myself, but as I glance into my bedroom, the light shining from the bathroom casts a faint glow over Brian’s naked body, sound asleep in my bed. I smile, and my heart feels such an intensely emotional pull for him.






I wake up in the middle of the night to an empty bed. I sit up and look around, but the apartment is dead silent. Once my eyes completely focus, I notice the nightlight shining in the kitchen. The first night I stayed with Jennifer, she told me she felt more comfortable leaving a night light or a lamp on at night while she was away at work. Even though she’s not scared to stay here alone at night on her nights off, she just prefers to have the light on for comfort.

I walk in to the kitchen and flip on the main light. I look around and see a note left on the table.

“Sorry babe. I overslept for work tonight. See you in the morning.”

Jared had given me the next couple of days off, figuring that business would be a little slower with everyone out doing their Black Friday shopping or spending time with family. Clint, having seniority over me, was still going to work a few hours each day, even though I really could have used the money myself.

I let out a sigh when I realize Jennifer is at work. I had completely forgotten about it. I’m wide awake now, as thoughts of our lovemaking replay in my head.

She and I are really starting to feel like an actual couple. Yes, I am physically drawn to her, but there is an emotional bond that also connects her to me in my heart. I just need to keep my shit together and take care of her as best I know how. 

I find a couple of late night shows playing on television, and I settle down on the couch to watch them. I start to get sleepy, and am finally able to drift off to sleep again. I don’t wake up until I hear Jennifer coming in the door from work the next morning.

BOOK: Don't Turn Back (Coming Home Book 1)
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