Don't Read in the Closet: Volume Four (50 page)

Read Don't Read in the Closet: Volume Four Online

Authors: Various Authors

Tags: #Don't Read in the Closet, #mm romance, #gay

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against my shoulder where his head lay. He mumbled “Good

morning” as he began to lazily run his hand across my torso,

occasionally encountering a nipple or grazing the top of my erection,

which was quickly turning from morning wood into full out hard on.

No matter how much my body was saying don’t stop, my heart

beat a hundred miles a minute and I knew I needed to pause him at

least for a second to explain. I grabbed his wrist and he looked up at

me with a heated gaze I could get lost in. He raised his eyebrow in

question. I looked away and looked back, unsure how to get this out.

“I’ve never done this before.”


“After Aaron, I thought I was dead down there. I’ve never wanted

to with an actual person before.” That was a lot harder to say than it

might seem. I looked away again, hoping Chaz would get it and not

kick me out of bed.

“It’s okay, Job. We’ll take it slow.” He whispered in my ear as his

tongue traced the outside of my earlobe. Who knew my earlobe was

directly connected with my cock. Apparently Chaz did.

He swung his leg over me, so he was straddling my hips. I was

still naked from the night before and somewhere along the line,

without my noticing, he had gotten rid of his boxers. His balls covered

the tip of my cock as his crack settled over my shaft. As he leaned

Don’t Read in the Closet – volume four 291

down to kiss me, his balls rasped over my shaft until our cocks were

lined up next to each other between our stomachs.

Then our lips met and the sensations were just so much I couldn’t

think anymore. It felt like the rest of my wall was blasted to bits but,

at the same time, something from Chaz wrapped around my heart and

protected better than any wall ever could have.

I began to flex my hips just so I could feel our skin and our cocks

move against each other. It was torture but it was wonderful. Chaz

broke off from my mouth and kissed his way down my throat until he

was able to flick one of nipples with his tongue. He lapped and laved

and bit until it felt like my nipple was on fire and then he moved to the

other one.

It was hard to breath. I needed … something. “Please, Chaz.” I


“I’ve got you, Job,” he rasped as he slid further down me, making

sure not to bump my cast. I knew where this was going but I was

utterly unprepared for the feeling of his wet hot mouth around my

cock. My hips snapped towards him and I scrabbled to get a hold of

something to ground myself. Finally, I reached my hands out and

tangled them into his hair.

He was bobbing up and down, running his tongue all around me

and fondling my balls and it was the best thing I had ever experienced.

I felt my balls start to draw up and I could feel my orgasm starting

like a starburst from the bottom of my spine. I held my breath as I

waited to fall over the edge.

But Chaz grabbed my balls and pulled, wrapping his hand around

them to keep me from coming. My erection strained in front of me,

begging, needing release, dripping all over my stomach. My brain

barely had enough blood to register what was going on. “Chaz, wha…

don’t stop…need to come…”

Don’t Read in the Closet – volume four 292

“Wait. Don’t want you to come til you’re in me,” he breathed in

my ear. If he thought that was going help, he was wildly mistaken. I

almost fainted.

He reached into the drawer beside his bed and pulled out a bottle

of lube then leaned back so he was sitting on my thighs, but careful

not to put too much weight on my broken leg.

Then he spread the lube on my cock. All the sparks that had been

shooting throughout my body coalesced in a heated pool based in my

groin. It felt like my skin was suddenly too tight and too thin. Any

movement would cause it to tear and for all of me to be turned inside

out and revealed. It was wonderful and frightening.

Finally, he knelt up, placed me at his entrance and sank down on

me. I don’t know how I didn’t come right then. I felt his tight ring of

muscle slide like a vice grip down my cock until all of me was

surrounded by his amazing heat. All of the sudden, it didn’t matter if I

was turned inside out and revealed, because he was there to contain

me. I would be safe with him, safe in him.

I strained towards that heat, that safe place. Chaz ground his hips

in a circle, not letting any of me leave him but still giving us friction. I

grabbed his cock and gave him that same friction he was giving me.

My hand slipped through his precome, up and down his shaft.

I looked up and met his eyes and, in that moment, he screamed out

my name and came. I could feel his muscle squeeze around me as

spurts of his come covered my chest. It was too much. Still looking at

his face, locked in pleasure, I came undone in him.

Jolt after jolt of pure pleasure washed through me as everything I

was came open before Chaz. I flailed my arms trying to find him, to

grab him, to anchor myself. I made contact with his shoulders and

pulled him to me so we could kiss as the aftershocks of our orgasms

played through our bodies.

Don’t Read in the Closet – volume four 293

His kisses brought me back and settled me in my own body again.

And in that moment, I knew that, even though I had been broken, I

was strong enough to love again someday.

6 months later

Job came into the shop dragging our two new puppies on their

leashes in one hand and carrying the jumbo sized cat carrier with the

kittens in the other. It really was quite a comical picture, my badass

tattooed boyfriend barely keeping his balance as he is almost overrun

by small furry animals. I smiled and thanked God or Danny or

whoever that I had this man in my life.

“A little help here, Chaz.”

“Stop calling me Chaz,” I grumbled and then I laughed a little,

knowing he was never going to stop, and went over to take Danny and

Aaron’s leashes from him as he sat the cat carrier down. It was the

shop’s monthly Pet Play Day and the back area was going to be filled

with local pets and their parents in just under an hour.

After we let our passel out, Job turned around to give me a proper

greeting. Then he nipped my ear and grumbled, “You know you love

it. Besides, what else am I gonna call you. Charles is way too stuffy

and Charlie is the kitten. So you have to be Chaz.”

“Fine,” I pouted, just a little bit. Then he kissed me and I stopped

caring what he called me. Finally, I had to push him away or I was

never going to be ready to open on time. “Go get the treats out.” He

turned to walk away but before I was out of hearing range he shot

back, “Love you, Chaz.”

Alright, I kinda like it when he calls me Chaz.


Author bio:
Kathleen Hayes has been reading since forever. I was

the kid who didn’t get grounded but got her books taken away when

she got in trouble. I spend my day job surrounded by death and grief

so when I read I want to see those happy endings. Recently I have

Don’t Read in the Closet – volume four 294

been convinced to try my hand at writing my own happy endings.

There might have been a dare involved.

Don’t Read in the Closet – volume four 295

Kayla Jameth – CONTROLLED FALL (Adventure/Nature)


Gay, Bisexual, Romance, Adventure,

Dear Author,

Back to Nature, New Zealand

I know I’m writing one of


the stories but I just found

this pic online and


DAYUMMM, I wanna

know why these two hunks

By Kayla Jameth AKA Kei-chan

are playing on the side of

He should have known nothing ever went

this waterfall.

exactly as planned, especially for one Scott

But my muse is suspiciously

Davis. Taking a back to nature vacation with his


secret college crush before they went their

Anyone out there wanna let

me know what these two are

separate ways seemed like the perfect chance to

up to?

get the whole tawdry mess off his chest. Either

[PHOTO: A black/white

Kevin would return his feelings, or they would

photo of a small waterfall

go to their new jobs in different cities and that

falling from a rock face. In

would be the end of his hopes and dreams.

front, visible from the neck

down, two naked men

Kevin loved the great outdoors and couldn’t

embrace. The man on the

stop talking about going canyoning after seeing

right stands between his

a Discovery Channel program about the wild

lover’s legs, grasping his

shoulders. The other has his

beauty of the New Zealand canyons. Even the

hands in the center of his

warning on the program about flash floods and

lover’s back, pulling him

earthquakes wasn’t enough to dampen his


enthusiasm. So when Scott announced he’d set


the trip up to celebrate their graduation, Kevin


had jumped at the only chance he would likely

get to go on that kind of expedition.

Scott’s father set the whole excursion up,

even getting them a private guide to an out of

the way location on the southern island so they

wouldn’t have to put up with tourists ruining

the experience for them. The native Maori who

met them at the little airstrip promised to take

them to a remote area that only his tribe knew

Don’t Read in the Closet – volume four 296

about. His old man’s connections worked like a charm right up until

their arrangements ran afoul of the guide.

Kauati—whether that was his name, his nickname or his title, they

never found out—drove them from Queenstown in a beat up old Jeep.

The kind of thing Scott expected had seen more owners than the latest

pirated music video. They rattled down an old dirt road, more of a

path really, until the track petered out.

“Come on blokes, grab your stuff and let’s get tramping!” The

man threw a pack over his shoulder and headed deeper into the bush.

“We’ll set up camp tonight and abseil into the canyon in the


Kevin just looked at Scott and hefted his gear. “Let’s get


Taking the opportunity to follow along behind, Scott admired the

smooth bunch and flex of muscles in his friend’s ass. The t-shirt

riding up over worn jeans hid very little from view.
Yeah, no doubt of

it, he’d be dreaming of that ass tonight.

Chirps and trills came in dazzling bursts over the ubiquitous drone

of insects. The bird song was soon accompanied by the birds

themselves, forward little creatures that didn’t seem unduly concerned

by their proximity. They hopped from branch to branch while

displaying tails that sported charcoal feathers flanked by twin fans of

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