Don't Read in the Closet: Volume Four (106 page)

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Authors: Various Authors

Tags: #Don't Read in the Closet, #mm romance, #gay

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coming together, but Hisaki had never seemed so frantic and his team

was worried about him. Miguel and Pearson took mercy on Hisaki and

offered to finish up the paperwork for the raid and arrest.

Hisaki was extremely grateful to his team mates as he faded out to

Graven’s apartment. He faded in to the living area and looked around

for Graven, but he didn’t see him. Hisaki made his way back to

Graven’s bed room and found his elusive soon to be lover curled up

on his side sound asleep.

Hisaki studied Graven for a while, looking at each individual part

of his face. He’d never noticed how long Graven’s eyelashes were

until he saw them now fanned out along the pale skin of Graven’s

perfectly shaped upper cheekbone. Graven’s eyebrows slashed

delicately across his brow and his full lips were relaxed and parted in

sleep. Graven really wasn’t as average looking as he first appeared

and Hisaki wondered if he might be seeing Graven in a new light

because of his feelings for the man.

Well, it truly didn’t matter because he was in it deep with Graven

and not willing to let him go for any reason. Hisaki sighed and softly

kissed Graven’s forehead. He went to see what Graven had in his

kitchen to eat, maybe Hisaki could cook something for the two of

them to have later.

Don’t Read in the Closet – volume four 641

In less than an hour Hisaki had a small pot of beef stew simmering

on the cooktop. A pan of homemade yeast rolls was sitting on the

counter waiting to be put in the oven and baked to a golden brown.

Hisaki set the table for two and then headed to the bed room.

Graven was still sleeping deeply, so Hisaki stripped down to his

white briefs and crawled under the covers with him. Since Graven was

facing away from him, Hisaki scooted until he pressed as close as he

could get to Graven’s bare back. Hisaki wrapped his arms carefully

around Graven’s body and kissed his shoulder before slipping into a

light slumber.

Graven felt warmth engulfing him from behind, but he was still

too groggy to figure out where the heat was coming from just yet. It

felt too good to move, so he decided to just go with it for now. As

time passed Graven could feel the warmth of breathing on the back of

his neck, the rise and fall of a broad chest pressed up against his back,

he could even feel the soft scratch of cloth against his bottom.

Two strong bands surrounded his upper body and Graven felt

safer in that moment than he had ever felt in his life. Despite the

feeling of safety, or maybe even because of it, Graven panicked and

wrestled free of the arms holding him. He flew across the room and

hit the wall. Graven was panting as he pressed his back up against the

wall and stared out at the room in fear. It was too much; it was all just

too much for Graven to handle. One more sensory input and Graven

felt as if he would explode, but even so, he wanted it, he wanted to be

held and touched so badly he was almost trembling with the desire.

Graven looked to his right at the windows and said, “Lighten

windows 100%.” The room instantly became brighter as sunlight

spilled in through them. Graven closed his eyes and just soaked in the

warmth on his bare skin. When he opened them again Hisaki was

standing less than a foot away, his gaze open and caring.

“I’m sorry…I’m sorry I freaked. I don’t understand why I

panicked and I’m sorry Hisaki.” Graven bit his lower lip and turned

Don’t Read in the Closet – volume four 642

away, back towards the window. He thought Hisaki must think him a

basket case now.

Hisaki stepped closer closing the small distance between them and

cupped Graven’s face in his hands. “It’s okay Gray…I’m not going

anywhere, so no worries.”

Graven hesitantly reached up and laid his hand flat against

Hisaki’s sculpted abs. Hisaki felt like silk covering steel and Graven

wondered if he felt that way all over. Graven knew he wanted to find

out, hopefully without freaking out again. “I…I want to…be with you

Hisaki, but…”

“I understand Gray, we’ll go as slow as you need to feel

comfortable.” Hisaki leaned forward and kissed Graven. It started out

slow and soft, just a simple exploration of each other’s mouths. Hisaki

controlled the kiss keeping it nice and easy.

Graven pressed against Hisaki and ran his hands all over Hisaki’s

body, even going so far at one point as to slip his hand inside Hisaki’s

white briefs and cup his ass cheek. Hisaki moaned at the pressure and

pressed his rigid cock up against Graven’s naked and aroused cock.

They both moaned at the feeling whilst Graven pushed Hisaki’s briefs

down to his thighs so he could feel Hisaki’s skin against his own.

Hisaki continued kissing Graven, but he reached down and fisted

both cocks and began to stroke them slowly. Graven moaned into

Hisaki’s mouth and pumped his hips trying to get more friction.

Hisaki squeezed his fist a bit tighter and Graven shuddered. Hisaki

caught Graven’s shout of completion in his mouth and his seed in his


A few more strokes brought Hisaki to a shattering end and he

found himself holding up a boneless Graven in his arms. Hisaki

looked into Graven’s passion glazed eyes as he brought his semen

covered hand to his lips and tasted his lover for the first time. “Mmm,

spicy and sweet…it fits you.”

Don’t Read in the Closet – volume four 643

He carried Graven to the bed and laid him down before going to

the bathroom to clean up. Hisaki returned with a warm wet cloth and

cleaned his lover off. He kissed Graven once more, a quick peck on

his lips, and then told him dinner should be ready.

“All this and he cooks too.” Graven smiled, “I’m never letting you


Hisaki grinned, “I’m counting on it.”


Author bio:
Jen has been writing stories in her free time since

2002 and has completed 7 full length novels and over 15 short stories.

Before that she was an EMT in New York City for 8 years, was

permanently injured on the job and had to retire. Now she lives in

Roanoke, VA with her 17 year old son, Jacob, five year old daughter,

Kayley, and her two white German Shepherd dogs, Sakura and


Don’t Read in the Closet – volume four 644


(Sweet-No Sex, In-the-Closet)


sweet-no sex, in-the-closet, first-love,

Dear Author,


These young men have pure

heart and even pure love.


However, their respective

families stand on their


chance to be together.


Would you give them their

happily ever after they so

by KD Sarge


The second time Romeo Balducci met

[PHOTO: An iron balcony

Julian Areyas, it was just as embarrassing as the

rail, two dark-haired young

men, a tender moment. The

first time.

man above leans down to

The Vocelli house was an oddity, a small

extend his hand, smiling.

The white-shirted man

house at the very end of a narrow thread of big

below grasps the rail in one

summer homes. Romeo liked its age, liked that

fist and with the other

it had never been brought up to date, liked that

brings the back of his lover’s

hand to his mouth for a kiss,

it was highest in the village and butted right up

eyes closed.]

against the steep hillside and that the balcony


on the back was completely private because of


it. Another selling point was that it had been

empty for years, the Vocelli family too busy

elsewhere to come and relax in their pretty

little—in relation to the other homes on the

winding road—vacation home.

Topping it all, Romeo had found years ago

that if he followed the stream up the hill from

behind his own well-filled and noisy home, as

the flowing water grew narrower and louder,

the steep banks would rise enough to hide his

approach from every eye, letting him slip up to

the balcony in peace. Only the snow-melt or a

week of heavy rain would foil him once he was

in the creek-bed.

Don’t Read in the Closet – volume four 645

So it was that on the first truly warm day of the spring when his

mother would not let up about the baker’s curvy-hipped and single

daughter and his father was grumping around muttering imprecations

at the changes Romeo had suggested, he slipped out to the well-house

and from there to the stream, and made his way up the hill. He wasn’t

a hostler’s son for nothing—on his shoulder he had a big dinner, with

plenty for feeding to birds and whatever else caught his eye, and on

top, and hopefully not sloshing about being damaged, he’d packed half

a bottle of his grandfather’s best efforts.

With luck—he slipped his hand in his pocket to touch his St.

Sebastian medal—his mother would think he’d slipped off to woo the

approved girl of the week and he wouldn’t catch hell when he got

home. Even without luck, a day of quiet would be worth the scolding

later. Besides, it would be nice to be lectured for something he’d

actually done for once.

The creek was a bit high, but Romeo had worn his boots in case,

and he attained the balcony with the high-mud mark only as high as

his protected ankles.

The balcony was just as he’d remembered it. Two years of weather

hadn’t altered the wide stone blocks of house and deck, of course, and

the railings and metal furniture had held up as well. The stream ran

below, rushing and roaring. The long but narrow arc of sky above held

two fluffy white clouds, the contrast strengthening the blue of the rest

of the sky. Somewhere nearby birds sang, but that and the creek were

the only sounds. Romeo sighed, smiled, and took the bag off his

shoulder with a grunt.

Should have used the other arm. Should have remembered. Next

time he would, and be more careful climbing onto the balcony as well.

Now he carefully rolled his shoulder to loosen the muscles and wished

he’d packed his painkillers with his lunch. When would he learn?

Every time he got to feeling better, he forgot and hurt himself again.

The sunshine on his shoulders helped. Romeo kicked off his

boots, pulled the blanket from his bag and spread it on one of the

Don’t Read in the Closet – volume four 646

loungers, then pulled off his shirt and stretched out face-down to let

the heat soak into his injury and the peace soak into his soul.

When he woke the day was hotter but the sun had moved, so he

lay in the shade. He also was no longer alone, as he realized when he

turned his head and someone huffed soft annoyance. Romeo

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