Doctor's Orders (3 page)

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Authors: Elena M. Reyes

BOOK: Doctor's Orders
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Doctor’s Orders…



My angry eyes snapped towards Anderson and narrowed. This was his fault.

Stubborn asshole was ignoring my law-given right to a phone call. The right to be heard without prejudice; I mean, how hard was it to call the professor and confirm all the details I’d shared? Verify, instead of deeming me guilty because of circumstantial bull crap.

I knew how it looked, but come on. Punch in a few numbers and things could be rectified, my night wouldn’t be completely ruined.

Pissed as hell, I pushed Reed in the chest causing him to grunt. Didn’t let me go, no, instead his arms tightened. Hurt, but at the same time it was a welcomed feeling.

His touch wasn’t one that held malice. No, this felt like a combination of reassurance mixed with need. My fingers dug in and the flesh beneath my fingertips tensed. Hard. Solid. Muscle.

“Oh, God.” At my gasp, his chest expanded and the small battle of strength I tried to ignite diminished.

Electricity flowed between us. A palpable yearning that I couldn’t deny the longer he held me.

“Stop fighting me, Nora.” Left him as a deep rumble; one that shook me and caused my clit to throb.

“Put me down.” All movement around us seized. No one said a word or breathed. As if all had been paused and were frozen in time; they stood back and watched while Dr. Reed put me down. Those strong hands that held me up fell from around my waist and his warmth was missed immediately.

“If you can make it to the door on your own two feet…” he trailed off. Not that his finishing was needed. We both knew that I couldn’t. The longer I was without care the worse it would get.

“She’s under my—”

“No, Officer Anderson. Nora is under mine.” Again he used that tone. Deep and masculine. One that both fucking thrilled and scared me. The confusion he caused within me wasn’t welcomed in the least and yet, I didn’t want to fight it. Part of me wanted more.

Pain radiated up my leg and hip, the sharp twinge made me grit my teeth. “Doesn’t anyone give a shit about what I want?”

Three resounding
rang through the now semi occupied waiting room.

With that answer, I made my own known. Turning around, I limped toward the hospital’s doors. Made it just a few steps closer to my freedom, when I was pulled back, and lifted off my feet once again by Reed. Felt his deep chuckle against the back of my head while he carried me across the room and through the entrance of the examination rooms. Felt the heat of his hard body against my own while he held me against his solid chest. Felt him.

Every single inch.

“How can I help?” Same nurse followed us through the back and so did Anderson. Both stood just outside the door while my doctor placed me on a gurney. Hypnotizing hazel eyes never left mine. There was a dark promise behind his smirk; both pain and pleasure. Something—a gut instinct had me light headed and caused a harsh shiver to race up my spine.

For every nerve ending in my body to freeze while he enjoyed. While the other occupants inside these four walls stood oblivious to the palpable threat that hung in the air. He was daring me to move again. To defy him.

“Check on those damn x-rays orders. I want her results in my hand within the next half hour.” Nothing else from him; he was quick and concise in his demands. With a nod, the nurse turned around and followed her instructions. She didn’t bother to ask me if I wanted her in the room for my examination.

“What about—”

“I need you to step outside, Officer. I’ll call you once I am done.”

“Are you sure you don’t want me to stay in case she gets out of hand?” Fuck did I look like? A child?

At this he chuckled; a deep sound that bubbled up his chest. “This slip of a girl won’t be a problem. Will you, sweetheart?”
Condescending jerk
“Answer me.”

Eyes narrowed, I pursed my lip. “I’m not a puppy you tell to behave. Don’t bark on demand.”

“And you want me to leave?” Anderson asked with a hint of humor in his tone.

Reed’s eyes left mine and snapped toward my temporary warden. “Yes, I do.” There was an underlining threat to his words. His movements were lithe. Like a predator exerting dominance over what he considered his.

“But she—”

“Will be fine. Now leave.” Rougher, his tenor now held annoyance. “Let me do my job without interruption…I don’t need a shadow.”

“Of course, Doctor. I’ll be out in the lobby.” Anderson looked at me and narrowed his eyes. With two fingers raised, he pointed between us in the universal hand gesture for

I’m watching you.”

Something I rolled my eyes at.

The door clicked closed.


Just the two of us.

It was followed by a lock being turned and the room lights being dimmed.

Sweat formed at the back of my neck; a single drop caressing down the base. Lower then; my body broke out in goosebumps. Flesh becoming sensitive to the minutest touch.

I took in a shallow breath.

All this and the man had yet to look back at me. Reed stood across from me, his face toward the door while his back expanded with each deep inhale he took in. Even beneath his scrubs and with the room being faintly lit, I could make out the ripple of muscles in his back.

Thick cords that stretched across his form and made both my mouth water and pussy dampen.

There was no denying that I was attracted, but nothing would come of it. Men like him were attracted to dumb bimbos and I was neither.

“Remove every stitch of clothing you have on, Nora.” Not a request, this was a goddammed command for compliance.

“No.” I was baiting him, couldn’t help myself in doing so when his reaction caused another rush of wetness to coat my lower lips.

Fist balled into a tight fist he banged it against the metal door. “Now,” a warning growl.

“Make me.” What was wrong with me? The entire night had become one giant ball of confusion. I was doing—saying things—that in a normal setting I wouldn’t. Reed unsettled me. Made a part of me, a hidden desire burst forth.

Not one for one night stands or random hook-ups, I sat atop the small hospital bed a wanton mess. Sexually frustrated and in need of a good, hard fuck. Not that I was a prude, but between school, and family obligations, I’ve lacked the companionship of a man for quite some time.

Snap the fuck out of it. Won’t happen with
man, Nora.

“Won’t ask you again, sweetheart.” Jesus Christ. A shiver, strong and uncontrollable rocked my frame. Thank every deity above for the fact he’d placed me on this uncomfortable bed so he couldn’t witness my demise.

At that very moment I’d let him do as he pleased with me. Not that I’d ever make it easy on him.

“Don’t think—” Before I could complete that sentence or begin to make sense of the insanity this all was, I was pinned to the bed with an angry Reed above me. Heady, his scent was delicious and a total drug to my senses. Corrupted me; caused me to become vulnerable and weak.

Unaware of my surroundings.



He shackled my wrist.
Since when did hospitals have beds with hand cuffs attached to them?


“What are you doing?”
nd yet, instead of fighting his hold, I focused on how good the cool of the metal felt against my heated skin. How his weight made me feel small and fragile beneath him.
“This isn’t necessary.”

“So you think, Nora, but you’ve proven more than once tonight that you’re a flight risk.” With both hands on the lowered railing, he held himself above my torso. Few inches apart, yet he was everywhere. Dominated the room—consumed me. Lowering his face, Reed paused over my lips and exhaled. Soft, pink tongue came out then and swiped over his bottom lip causing me to bite my own. So lost in thought was I, picturing their softness against my own, that I missed half of his speech. “…could barely stand on your own.”

“I’m fine.” Defiant as ever.

Nostrils flaring, he inched closer still; dear God, I could almost taste him on my tongue. “Your entire body radiated pain, and not the kind associated with pleasure.” I gasped and his lip curled up at the corner. “Can’t allow you to do that, sweetheart. It’s not in my nature.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Clothes off now. That’s what it means.”

“But what if—”

“Don’t make me rip them off you.” There was a long stretch of silence that encompassed the room. Heady, thick tension surrounded us. I couldn’t breathe with him so close let alone digest the rough words that had passed through his lips. “Your call.”

A small kitten-like whimper escaped my lips. “Move.” Couldn’t think with him near, not when he felt as good as he did.

“No.” There was a devilish tilt to that tone, one that sent harsh shivers down my spine. Hazel eyes left my own and settled on my lips. Not a word was exchanged while he watched—visually devoured every curve of my body. I wanted to protest, argue, but his finger over my lips silenced me. “Don’t make a sound,” he all but growled before continuing with his slow perusal.

Reed’s inspection made me hot. With a long and slender finger, he grazed down the column of my neck and edge of my tank. He skimmed just beneath the cotton—caused my flesh to break out into goosebumps.

“Please,” I begged. For what? I wasn’t sure, but I needed more than just his body heat over my own.

“Nora...” my eyes snapped to his “…a sweet, innocent, and full of defiance little girl. Has anyone told you just how beautiful you are?”

Brows scrunched in confusion, I shrugged. How was this relevant? “Yes.” No point in lying. Since the age of fifteen I’ve been turning heads. Blonde, blue eyed, and with a tight ass. Not many were immune.

“I’ve seen the way men look at you.” That finger dipped lower, under the bottom edge of my shirt. Stroked the skin there—a few sweeps, and then they encompassed the expanse. Nails dug in to almost the point of pain. “But you don’t. You have no clue do you? Or is it that you don’t care?”

“What is that supposed to mean?”

“That you’ve failed to see me the way I see you.”


Doctor’s Orders…



I gulped.

Felt the cool rush of juices as they coated my labia.

Endured the subtle tilt of his hips—one brush of his hardened cock against my thigh. That one touch nearly had me undone. So close and yet so far. I’d never wept for a dick before, but I was close to my demise.

And all that without moving a single inch.
I wanted to
Wanted to arch up against him and satisfy my urge for more.

To run my fingers through his hair and pull him down to me, press those juicy lips against my own. Take what he’d been taunting me with since he entered that waiting room. Yet, it was my fear of rejection that held me in place.

Instead, I laid there and waited.

Braved his eye-fuck with as much nonchalance as I could muster while every fiber of my being begged for me to ride his face. Make him kiss each one of my injuries and use his tongue as the salve needed to recuperate.

Lower, his hazel orbs swept across my abs and toward the one place that ached the most. They settled over my shorts. Tiny, they were the kind you wore to the beach on a hot day that left little to the imagination. Indecent, yet comfortable. It’d been the perfect outfit for a late night bonfire after a scorching day out.

That and they fit my ass like a glove with just the tiniest bit of my cheeks left out and exposed.

And yet, with the way his eyes narrowed and glared at the denim fabric, one would venture to believe I was wearing a Mumu.

Right there. Between my legs. He never wavered.

Didn’t make any apologies either; he was frustrated with me and I didn’t understand the why.

A shiver ran up my spine and I wiggled on the bed; he followed the movement with closed fists. Enjoyed the way the tips of my exposed cheeks moved while I tried to get comfortable. If the prominent bulge in his pants was anything to go by, I would be in a world of hurt. Kind of pleasurable pain that made me weak-kneed.

Testing my theory, I lowered my body a bit. Left more of myself teetering on the edge of the mattress and noted how he swallowed hard in return.

“Clothing off.” Another warning; his voice echoing off the all-white walls. One would think the man was being tortured by the pained expression on his face. “Now.”

“How can I when you have me handcuffed?”

“Fuck, you push me.” Reed clenched and unclenched his hands several times before standing to his full height. He took a few steps back. Took his body heat away from me and left me in a total state of confusion. Both his actions and now silence consumed the space; made the room appear smaller. His scent infiltrated my senses and made breathing hard.

He couldn’t leave me here like this.

Or was this part of some sick and twisted game used to fuck with my already cloudy head.

Being doubtful of my appeal wasn’t something I was accustomed to. Threw me for a loop, one I hated. Excitement and untimely doubt filled my body leaving me a jittery mess.

With his inappropriate stares and commanding presence, he pulled me in, held me there, at the edge, and then removed himself.

“I’m not a toy.” Weak and meek, I looked over his head at the small clock mounted on the wall. “Get someone else to check me.”

“Nora,” he spoke low; a sinful caress of my name while facing me. “I want you to listen and listen carefully. Understood?”


“Answer me with a nod.” Following his instruction, I nodded and he smiled. Walked the few steps between us and placed a hand over my calf. Just held it there. Hold firm. “Good girl.” Sweep of his fingers—a barely there touch that had me take in a deep breath. I held it in while he continued to stroke the skin there. Goosebumps arose and a hard shiver ran up my spine. Nipples tightened, hard buds that pushed against the soft cotton of my tank top. No bra. They were perky enough and the shirt called for it. “Goddamned beautiful,” he murmured to himself, yet I heard him loud and clear. “This is what’s going to happen, sweetheart. You’re to remain quiet for the remainder of my assessment. Not a word. No attitude or your ass will be tinged red by my hands.”

Blushing, I looked up at him from beneath my lashes. “You wouldn’t. Goes against hospital policy.” Someone had to hold onto a smidgen of sanity; the man could lose his medical license.

And I was beyond stupid for trying to stop this.
You want him.
God, I did.

“Try me. I’m dying for you to.” That hand on my calf skimmed higher, paused mid-thigh and squeezed. His thumb extended out—with the slightest of touches—fondled the edge of my shorts. Right there, at the small gap that covered my soaked pussy from his hungry eyes. Eyes that now seemed darker. “I will assess you from head to toe and every single inch of skin in between. Nothing left untouched. Pray sweetheart,
that your claim is true and that this is just a sprain.”

“And if it isn’t?” The question passed through my lips before I could stop it. Where the bravery had come from I had no clue.

“If you have a fracture…” trailing off, he smirked and the action made him intimidating. There it was. That hint of danger that made me both nervous and left me wanting to taste a bit of the risk he presented. We both knew I was at his mercy.

Fucked, and I wanted it to be in the literal sense.

“Not a fracture.”

“Not your call.” Nails dug in a bit and then he pulled back. Stood to his full height at the end of the standard bed and glared me down. “Remove every stitch of clothing and lay back. Spread those thighs, baby, and show me your sweet kitty. Let me make this neglected pussy better.”

“That’s not necessary…shit!” One harsh smack to my thigh had me hissing through clenched teeth. Stung, yes, but that wasn’t my biggest problem. No. It was the shocking thrum of pain it sent to my clit.



Hurt from the amounting need.

“Sweetheart, it’s of no use to fight me. You’ll be naked and under me before this session is through.” Opening my mouth, I went to protest when he shook his head. “Consider yourself lucky, Nora. Different place or time, and you’d find yourself over my knee with a very hot bottom. My handprint all over your delectable ass,” he growled at the end, the sound deep and raw; a barely contained animal sending out a warning.

“You…I…Jesus Christ!” Clenching my teeth, I sucked in a deep breath and tried to ignore the stinging of my thigh. His hand landed precisely across from where his first blow had landed. Jolts of pleasurable pain hit me and I tried to close my legs, something he wouldn’t permit.

No. Instead, he pushed them further apart.

“What part of quiet didn’t you understand? Silence.” Oh God, that voice of his alone could make me come. Like a rich dark chocolate being dripped over any decadent dessert. Sinful. Bad for you. My destruction. “Not a fucking peep, Nora. You’re pushing me.”

“I haven’t.”

“Learn something and fast, sweetheart. I do not condone that type of behavior from anyone, let alone, the woman I’ve chosen for myself.” My mouth opened and the hand on my thigh rose in a silent threat. My lips snapped shut. “Much better.”

Lifting his hand, he brought them up to his mouth and kissed the tips before bringing them down to my own. Reed pressed them there for a second or two, before lowering them to my tank’s edge, and skimming lower. Didn’t pause at the swell of my breast as I thought he would. No, he didn’t stop until he had the fabric in his hand balled up tight. Secured tight in his clenched fist, he tore the fabric from my body in one solid tug.

“What are you—”

“Shhhh…” Cotton in his hand, he brought the shirt up to his nose and inhaled. Took his time in savoring my scent before addressing me once more. “You’ll remain tied up for the rest of this visit. Until x-rays are done and I’ve satisfied my need to see that what belongs to me isn’t injured.”
How had I forgotten the fact that I was shackled to this bed?
“Can’t trust you as of yet. Comply and I will give you your freedom, deny me and…”

“You wouldn’t.”

“I’ve wanted you like this for so long, Nora. Waited too long.”

“I don’t understand any of this. We just met.”

“No.” Dropping the tattered remains of my shirt, Reed leaned over me and placed his lips to my neck. Placed a lingering kiss just beneath my ear before exhaling. “You’re just very unobservant when you want to be. While you were busy helping in the neo-natal, I was enthralled by your beauty. You’re a distraction, sweetheart. One I want to defile and tame. Make mine.”

I was speechless and creepily loving every confession that escaped those luscious lips.

Mouth agape, I lay there trying to dissect everything he’d just said. “Don’t know what to say.” That was the best I could come up with.

“Though I demanded silence, I’ll let that one slip,” Reed barked out a short laugh. “Don’t make a habit of it.”

“Of what?”

At my coy grin he grasped my hip and pressed me down into the mattress. “Fuck, I love that naughty mouth of yours. I’m going to have so much fun breaking you, sweetheart. You want me too…don’t you? It’s why you taunt and push.”

“Very sure of yourself.”

“I’ll have you crying out for me soon enough.”

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