Read Divine Ecstasy (The Guardians of the Realms Book 8) Online

Authors: Setta Jay

Tags: #erotic paranormal romance

Divine Ecstasy (The Guardians of the Realms Book 8) (11 page)

BOOK: Divine Ecstasy (The Guardians of the Realms Book 8)
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He gazed down at her as she stepped on the patio of the roof garden. It was a crystal-clear evening, with the lights of the city glowing around them.

She wondered just how long he planned to fight the need, because she wasn’t sure she could last now that his scent was in her lungs, and the sight of his half-naked body was driving her wild.

He guided her to sit beside him on the bench while a muscle in his jaw twitched. When his brilliant blue eyes gazed down at her, she swallowed at the intensity, the hunger there. It was in their bond. In her. And she was wet with the thought of what they’d be doing very soon.

He hissed out a breath. “I know you can feel it.” His gaze bored into hers. “You know just how bad I want inside you. And I can feel your desire, too.” He groaned. “But first I have to know what I shouldn’t do.”

She eyed him. Hades might have been trying to seem less intimidating, but his eyes were nearly glowing with power that was getting wilder as the seconds ticked by.

He was asking about her triggers. And no matter how wild the arousal, he was still keeping his touch on her hand gentle. That caress felt like it was on her clit and she knew they were both too far gone to take this slower. His thumb was making circles as she considered his valid question. The problem was that she didn’t have a definitive answer.

She blew out a breath and made a decision for them both when she ported to straddle his lap, her knees sinking into the soft cushion at either side of his thighs. She knew he couldn’t take much more and she wasn’t sure she could either. His need was bleeding into hers, filling her with hot jolts of pleasure and anticipation. She answered through harsh intakes of air, “I won’t know until we start.” She squirmed in his lap. “I think I have a grasp on what happened before.” She leaned in and took his lips in a kiss because she couldn’t not. He was addictive, and when he took over to devour her mouth, his hands came up to grip her hips. She felt his arms shaking as their tongues tangled.

Desire pulsed through her in a blast that tore a groan from her. She broke the kiss; his desire was getting closer to pain at this point.

“Just let me lead the first time.” She gasped as she pulled at his fly, ripping material to get to his cock. Shivers of ecstasy were ignited with his hands as they roved under the shirt he’d wrapped her in. Hades’ palms slid over the bare skin of her thighs to grip her ass and grind her against his hard cock. His hot flesh against her wet pussy made them both moan.

When she gazed down, she saw just how heated and glowing his sapphire eyes were. His breathing sped with hers, and tremors racked his muscles as he glided her bare pussy along his shaft. She was slick and getting wetter by the second. He searched her eyes and she was caught by the sight of his throat. The tendons there were tight as he swallowed, and it was an incredibly sexy sight.

He leaned in to kiss her again and she gasped as sensation made her grind her pussy against his cock. Wild need and power swirled all around them, through them both until all the slight noise of the city below was completely drowned out by their rapid breathing and needy moans.

whispered through their mental link as he lifted from her lips and moved to taste and nip at her collarbone.
Nothing tastes this good.

Her ears were buzzing as she lifted up, but he stilled her, holding her hips gently as he took one last taste of her neck. He pulled her hips in and slowly slid them back so that she was just riding along his cock. She tilted and rolled against him, reveling in the pleasure. “Just like this to start. Get me wet and grind your little clit on me.” He said the words through clenched teeth, and she whimpered as he lightly directed her movements.

“Feel what you do to me. You’ll make me come with just the touch of your pussy.” He was completely seducing her.

And she was caught up in his words. She felt the fever between them. Felt the slow ride along her clit, and suddenly she was close. Anxiety rose in the back of her mind.

Could she come?

“Nothing more than touch,
thisavre mou
. Let it feel good.” One hand came up and caressed her cheek. “You have all the power here, Sacha.” His words were filled with heat and strength. Enough that she felt able to let go. He wasn’t just giving himself to her, he was hers. She felt it deep in her soul. In his.

She moaned, so caught up in the beauty and pleasure she couldn’t stop her climax from taking her over. With complete surrender she rolled her hips and leaned down to kiss his lips, crying out against his mouth in pure joy and relief. She leaned back while her hips were still jolting and watched his neck fling back as a pained roar split his lips.

He was beautiful and completely open to her as hot jets of come painted his stomach and chest. Some hit her breast and she realized that she’d never felt so connected and completely vulnerable with another being in her life. Yet somehow it felt safe and right.

When his eyes settled back on hers, he grinned, and it made him so incredibly gorgeous. He lifted a hand to her face and searched her eyes. “Are you okay,
thisavre mou

She hadn’t originally liked being called a treasure, but not now. Now she felt almost cherished, the way a mated female should feel in her male’s arms as she breathed out, “Yes.” Her first reaction was to deny it, but she could feel the truth of the feelings in the bond. They were connected on a level that didn’t allow for deception.

She felt his cock twitch between them and looked down at his come-covered stomach. She felt the tendrils of renewing desire and sucked in a breath.

He growled, “Are you ready for more, Sacha?”

It was just the beginning, and she was thankful that her past might not be the problem she’d feared.

“Yes,” she whispered as she leaned in to kiss him before teleporting them from the garden.

Chapter 11


Sacha’s Paris Home, Earth Realm


Sacha reformed with Hades in her bathroom and she allowed the shirt to fall away. His pants slipped to the ground and she tried to suppress her amusement as he stood in front of her sink with his pants around his ankles. He cocked a brow at her and toed off his shoes. The rest slipped away as he gazed down at her with a sexy grin. He was deadly with that look on his face. His grin only widened and she knew he’d interpreted her thoughts.

She breathed him in as she turned on the water and slipped a hand towel beneath it. Sacha found something so oddly sexy about the sight of his come running down the dips and valleys of his muscled chest and stomach. He’d hadn’t fought the need to spill all over himself; he’d let go completely and reveled in the pleasure. In her touch. He hadn’t held back or cared that he was a mess. She sucked in a breath at how well she felt she knew him in this short time.

He stilled her with a warm palm over her hand. When she looked up, that devilish grin was in place and a mischievous twinkle in his eye caught her. “This pleases you.” He lifted her hand to his mouth and kissed it before running a hand carelessly through the seed on his stomach. “Leave it,
thisavre mou
. I guarantee more will join it when I get my mouth on you.”

He leaned down and inhaled the soft sound that escaped her lips. Her body was a mass of aching need already. His gaze settled on her chest and heat flared in his eyes. “I think it looks better on you,” he growled as he set his thumb to the evidence still marking her chest. He trailed it over her tightened nipple and groaned. “Beautiful.”

She licked her lips and his attention fixed there as if mesmerized for a second before his thumb came up and caressed the lower one. When her tongue darted out for her first taste of him, he grunted his approval.

She didn’t stop there; she stepped closer so that her stomach and aching breasts were flush against him, his come marking them both until his skin was on fire and his muscles were twitching against her. He growled low and she felt the wild punch of desire that shot through him. His eyes held that same feverish glow he’d gotten before, and his cock pushed against her stomach.

Was fate forcing the issue of consummation? Because she felt a little wild and greedy when she wasn’t sure she should.

When he lifted her up and carried her to the bed, he didn’t stop staring into her eyes, and all the hunger she saw there fed her own. The fireplace flared to life and set the room aglow with flickers of warm light. Her cloud of blankets slid out of the way before he laid her down.

His chest rumbled with need as he followed her down. “My turn,
thisavre mou
.” He was watchful as he braced himself above her. “Is this going to be okay?” he hissed, and she knew he worried about being above her. She nodded, but his eyes hadn’t left hers. Once he was assured all she felt was arousal and the pleasure of his warmth cradled between her thighs, he leaned in for another kiss. His hot weight was over her, but it wasn’t enough, she squirmed beneath him. He moved to her ear and down her neck as gooseflesh rose over her skin. He was concerned for her, but she didn’t feel trapped beneath him and she had no experience with where he was going. No male had ever used his mouth on her.

“Never?” He lifted up, growling, and she felt a mix of emotion she hadn’t expected. He was happy and displeased all at once.

“No,” she confirmed as she caressed his skin and dug her fingers in his hair.

His eyes tracked over her flushed skin as if mapping her body, and then he growled, “I want to taste everything at once.”

She grabbed him by the neck to bring his lips down to hers, making his choice for him. She loved his mouth, he tasted so damned good, but it wasn’t just that. His kisses were consuming; he owned every bit of her, devouring, tempting, teasing… seducing her with a slow tangling of their tongues. Her back arched, meshing their hot flesh together, and it was a jolt to her already overstimulated nerves.

He broke the kiss and groaned as her fingers trailed over his shoulders and back. She couldn’t stop touching him.

His lips found her neck again and some sensitive spot behind her ear, making her cry out. She’d never felt pleasure, and it seemed each new touch was going to light her on fire. She couldn’t believe the noises he wrenched from her lips.

He seemed pleased with each and every one as he traced his tongue over an aching nipple. Her neck bowed as he nipped and then sucked her nipple as she cried out to the ceiling. She squirmed, grabbed his head and pulled him tighter. She felt like she might come from that alone. She wouldn’t wonder at how that was possible. He flicked his tongue over it and then nipped before moving to the other. Air slid over her wet aching breast as he rubbed his stubbled cheek against the other. “So fucking good.” He groaned and she felt how much hotter he’d gotten. When he teased her other nipple while caressing the one he’d abandoned, she nearly came off the bed.

She needed more.

He moved to her stomach and she couldn’t take any more. Having their combined desire pulsing inside her made waiting for his cock impossible.

In a flash she was above him, impaling herself on his cock. There was no sickening numbness, just intense blinding pleasure, and she breathed through it, relieved. It rocked them both.

He shouted, “Fuck,” as his hands went to her hips. His body was vibrating with need, so much that she felt it all the way through his cock. So hot. His skin was burning; both of them were feverish. She slid up and then slammed back down, taking every massive inch. It stretched her, filled her, made her crave more as the frenzy took them. She crashed down over and over as she watched him battle for control. His massive chest was rising and falling with each hard jolt of her hips. His hands went up her sides to her aching nipples as she circled and rode him hard. She could almost feel his heartbeat syncing with hers.

She leaned forward and his hands slid down, one holding her hips while the other trailed between them. The new angle hit a spot that made her dizzy. His neck arched back as he cursed, “Fuck. Harder, beautiful.”

She slammed back over and over until his hips were lifting her up every time she took him deeper.

He groaned and she felt the intensity in his next words. “Come, Sacha. Your pussy is clamping me so fucking tight… I’m going to fill you so fucking full.”

She shuddered as her orgasm hit. It kept going, wild and unfocused and never ending as she rode it out.

He gripped her hips, pulling her down tight as he roared his own completion. She looked down at him and felt the connection between their souls rise. She didn’t feel any flinch like she had that first time his soul glided over hers. Again, she felt intense relief.

She wasn’t disturbed by the connection of the souls, not when he was rubbing her back and holding her against his chest. “It’s just me,
thisavre mou
. Just another part of me wanting more of you. Wanting to make you feel good.”

She breathed out and felt something ease free of her. The second she felt the last of her anxiety melt away, her own soul curled against his. The caress pulled a deep groan from him and she felt a sense of true power and satisfaction in that.

Exhaustion set in as she rolled to lie at his side. He curled her so her head rested against his chest. It felt like a boulder had been lifted from her chest. She was able to have him.

Mere seconds passed when she felt his warm come between her aching thighs, and that was when it hit.

Memories latched onto her without any warning. Of being left naked with the evidence of having been used.

She ported to the bathroom, shaking in shock as she telekinetically tripped the water to hot so that she could beat the harsh cold and numbness away. She pushed the old thoughts back with force as she quickly stood beneath the water. She felt him behind her and closed her eyes at the fury and guilt he was forcing down. The same emotions she was experiencing, though hers had the addition of humiliation.

The water eased her, and she would have moved away if she hadn’t felt his helplessness.

BOOK: Divine Ecstasy (The Guardians of the Realms Book 8)
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