Diversion 2 - Collusion (4 page)

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Authors: Eden Winters

BOOK: Diversion 2 - Collusion
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He stared at his nephews’ picture s, amazed at the high cheekbones and pointed chins no longer hidden by layers of puppy fat. If he weren’t careful, he’d wait too late, and they would be grown and gone, with lives of their own and no time for an errant uncle. He’d love for them to meet Bo

What? Where the hell did those thoughts come from?
Next thing you know you’ll be finding his stuff lying around your house like he lives here.

A vehicle turned in to the driveway, distracting Lucky, and he dashed outside to toss a match on the grill, pretend he hadn’t been glancing out the window every two minutes, anticipating Bo’s arrival, and stash the card in the tool shed.

“Hello, Mrs. Griggs,” Bo said to the cat lady, voice carrying from the front yard.
“Hey there, handsome. Come to see your fella?”
If Lucky ever decided to disappear again, he’d have to take out his landlady. She knew too damned much.
Noises emerged from the house—the tinkle of keys on the counter, footsteps down the hall, but Lucky stayed put, waiting for Bo to come to him. The sun began to slip behind the horizon, and yet the house lights didn’t come on to show anyone inside. The coals glowed, waiting for marinated mushrooms.
Lucky slammed the lid down on the grill. Surely that would get some reaction. Bo didn’t poke his head out the door to shout, “What the hell are you doing out there?” No help for it. Lucky gave in and climbed the back steps. He felt his way in the dark, warily creeping into each room in case Bo planned a little payback for the elevator ambush. Through the kitchen. No Bo. Living room. No Bo. Spare room. No Bo. Bathroom. No Bo.
Either the man had given up and went home without Lucky noticing or he waited in Lucky’s bedroom. Lucky’s cock rose. Bo naked. In bed.
He eased the door open. The gentle rhythm of steady breathing came from across the room. “You better not have gone to sleep on me,” Lucky warned.
“Took you long enough.” Bo switched on the bedside lamp and Lucky stopped in his tracks.
Bo lay sprawled on the bedspread, wearing nothing but a pair of leather chaps and a smile.
Happy fucking birthday to me!


Lucky’s chest tightened. As casually as possible, he adjusted his cock while swaggering over to the bed. Black leather framed Bo’s crotch, an impressive erection rising from a neatly trimmed brownthatch. When they first met, Bo’d kept his body shaved. After a few months together, and a few hints about “love your fingers running through my chest hair” he’d begun to favor a more natural look, though he’d never come over without doing some grooming first. That’s simply who he was, and Lucky didn’t doubt the man had driven back to his apartment to shower before coming over, like Lucky didn’t fully appreciate a man’s natural scent. Lucky inhaled a libido-amping mix of skin, shampoo, and the cologne he’d never noticed on anyone else.

And tonight added leather to the mix. Damn, did the man ever look good in those chaps. Lucky ran his finger across the tiny flaw that marked the garment as his gift to Bo and not the pair Bo already owned before their first stakeout. For some reason, it mattered which set he’d worn.

“Did you miss me?” Bo asked.
Come hither,
his husky tones beckoned.
Every single moment, of every single day.
“Nah, not a bit,” Lucky lied.
“Oh.” The smile fell from Bo’s face. “Well, in that case, I’ll be going.”
“Leave this room and die!” One moment Lucky stood by the bed, the next he lay on top of his lover, thrusting against a leathercovered thigh while his mouth sought Bo’s. He captured Bo’s wrists, pinning them against the bed. Bo gasped and Lucky let go. “I’m…I’m sorry…”
Bo and restraints didn’t mix. Lucky rolled to the side. “It’s okay,” Bo murmured. “It’s okay.” He reversed their positions, staring down at Lucky. His smile returned. “I don’t care if you missed me or not,” he declared, “I’ve missed you enough for the both of us.” He proved his point by thrusting his highly obvious homecoming gift against Lucky’s belly.
Lucky’s clothes didn’t stand a chance, and soon lay on the bedroom floor. Bo reached for the buckle of his chaps. Lucky stopped him. “Leave them on.”
They rolled face to face on their sides. Bo cupped Lucky’s head in the palm of his hand and moved closer, tongue and lips coaxing Lucky’s into a sensual tango. He pulled away and flipped Lucky onto his back. Gaze never wavering, he lowered his head and flattened his tongue to blaze a trail from Lucky’s navel to his shoulder. Fire burned in its wake.
Licks and tiny nips rained down on Lucky’s shoulders and neck. Bo ran caressing fingers up and down his torso, tweaking a nipple, giving his erection a teasing pull.
Lucky thrust up into Bo’s hand. Bo laughed and stilled. “My, someone’s impatient. I reckon you must’ve missed me after all.” A moan escaped when he shoved his length against Lucky’s thigh. “Damn, but I dreamed of this.”
Bo nibbled along the planes of Lucky’s belly, inching downward. Kneeling back on his haunches, he ran his hand up Lucky’s shaft before pausing to take the head into his mouth. When he moaned this time, Lucky moaned with him, rocking his hips and biting down ona plea of “More!” He tried his best not to use force, but damn it, Bo’s lips needed to squeeze tighter, and pick up the pace. A finger prodded his opening. Lucky spread his legs wider.
Bo teased without breaching. Damn it! What was taking the man so long?His warmth suddenly disappeared. “Get your ass back over here!” Lucky snarled.
“In a minute,” Bo replied. He stood beside the bed and rummaged through the nightstand. “Um…Lucky? We’re running low on supplies.”
Oh shit! How the hell had he forgotten to restock? “We got enough for now, right?”
I hope, I hope.
“Yeah. Barely.”
“Whew,” Lucky breathed out, tension flowing out with the words. “Now get on with it.”
Bo complied, dropping a bottle and square package on the bed. He slid over Lucky to seal their mouths together again. The silky smoothness his skin lit a fire wherever it touched Lucky’s own.
Lucky grasped Bo’s ass and tugged, rearing up to slide their erections together. Ah, the lovely slide of warm flesh against warm flesh, the slightly cooler leather and downright chill of the chaps’ buckle adding a sharp contrast. Hot, warm, cool and back again. Ah cold! Lucky jerked away from the iciness of lube against his hole as Bo worked his fingers through slickness to plunge at least two into Lucky’s body. “Ahh…” Lucky pushed back, blood roaring a pounding staccato in his ears. He gasped and opened his legs wider still to thrust back against Bo’s fingers. They withdrew.
What the fuck?
Bo broke the kiss, nestling his cock between Lucky’s cheeks and pantomiming penetration. “Yes!” Lucky demanded, ignoring the niggling voice warning of danger.
Now! Yes!
Once or twice Bo prodded his opening, and he shoved back hard, common sense overcome by unbridled lust. After several moments of teasing, Bo eased to the side, patting the covers to find the condom.
Lucky writhed on the bed. “Stop taking so damned long!”
Bo grinned. “If you insist.”
Lightning screamed through Lucky’s nerve endings, starting at his overstretched opening and flaring outward. “Ahhh…” His erection fizzled and Lucky panted, riding out jolt after jolt of electricity until the searing ebbed, leaving behind a pleasant fullness. He cried out and locked his legs around Bo’s thighs, using the leverage to take what he needed. God, he loved it rough.
Bo hissed through his teeth, “So fucking good!” He groaned when his cock glided fully inside. Slowly, slowly he withdrew, only to shove in again and again and again.
“You say that like it’s a bad thing,” Lucky replied, the words forced out between panted breaths. He’d have chafe marks from the leather come morning, and didn’t rightly give a damn. What was pleasure without a little pain?
Rap, rap, rap,
went the headboard against the wall, keeping time with their loving. Lucky breathed in short gasps, unintelligible noises escaping with each thrust. Pressure built in his groin. “I’m gonna come!” he warned.
“I’ll be right there with you.”
Lucky gripped Bo’s head and pulled. Their teeth clacked together. Fighting a battle of tongues, cock riding a sweat slick trail between their bodies, Lucky let go, pulses firing from deep within. “Oh God, oh God!” he mumbled against Bo’s mouth.
Bo snapped his hips in a frantic rhythm until he stilled, eyes closed and head thrown back. “Ahhhh…” He trembled, weight held up on his arms, before sinking down on top of Lucky. “Damn, that was good! A little too fast, but good.”
Yeah, better than good.
Was I actually about to let him bareback me?
Lucky’d never gone without protection with anyone, not even Victor during the years they’d lived together. Of course, he and Victor picked up extra-curricular amusements wherever available, whenever one or both of them were out of town alone.
Hmm… Although they’d never actually discussed the matter, he and Bo were exclusive, right?At least, Lucky hadn’t sought anyone else for his bed since the agreement to be temporary fuck buddies during an assignment didn’t end with the return to normal life. Maybe the deal worked like his lease, automatically renewed unless one party or the other renegotiated.
Something inside rebelled at the notion of anyone else in his bed. And yet…nothing stopped Bo from cruising. Did he? And even if he did, why should Lucky care? Sure they’d escalated from fuck buddies to the next level, only, what came after fuck buddy? Boyfriends? Lucky cringed, imagining two twinks making out in the back of the parental car. No way in hell were they boyfriends.
“Stop thinking,” Bo rumbled. He rolled to the side and propped on one arm to stare down at Lucky.
“What makes you think I’m thinking?”
“The scent of burning rubber and the smoke leaking from your ears?”
“Ha. Very funny.”
“Actually, you started twitching, and you get this wrinkle right here…” Bo tapped a fingertip between Lucky’s eyes, in the exact spot where Lucky’s father had a furrow deep enough to plant potatoes.
“I do not have wrinkles.”
“Yeah, you do. Right here”—Bo tapped the furrow again— “and here”—he ran his fingertip beside Lucky’s mouth—“and here.” A gentle touch caressed the crow’s feet Lucky worked hard to convince himself weren’t there.
Shit, a year older. Time to change the subject. Lucky bawled in a bad imitation of the Beatles, “Will you still do me, will you still screw me, when I’m a hundred and four?”
Bo’s eyes twinkled. “Yes,” he replied, dropping a kiss to Lucky’s nose.
What? Mushy moment alert!
Bo changed the sentiment with, “I’ll just have to make sure it’s your ass and not a wrinkle.”
Lucky flipped him off. “Fuck you!”
“You just did. Or is your memory’s starting to fade already.” His mouth lifted in a onesided smirk. “They say the memory is the first thing to go.” Lucky lunged, but Bo hopped off the bed, out of reach. He pulled his hands back to his shoulders and wriggled his fingers. “T-Rex!”
“My arms aren’t that short!” Not really. “And I’m not that old!” Not much. Lucky stifled a yawn to prevent comments about “Grandpa” and “bedtime.”
“Well, I’m ready for bed, how ’bout you?” Bo asked.
Without a word Lucky reached onto the floor and grabbed the first thing he touched to wipe them down while Bo wriggled out of his chaps.
“Night, Bo.”
“Night, Lucky.”
Lucky tossed and turned in a feeble play for independence before giving up and spooning against Bo’s back. Taking Bo’s “Ummm.…” as a sign of wakefulness, he ventured, “How’d your case go?”
“Good. I got my man. You?”
“Two men, one woman.”
Please don’t ask for details.
Telling bleeding-heart Bo about carting a single mom off to jail might mean sleeping alone.
“You always gotta one-up me, don’t you?”
“Actually, I two-upped ya.”
Bo got in the last words. “This time.”


The absence of a warm body next to him, the coffeepot burbling, a truck door slamming in the driveway. Lucky stared at the ceiling and blew out a sigh. So much for a few quiet moments before work, or an early morning do-over of the night before. Sitting across from Bo all day, pretending to barely tolerate him for the sake of keeping up appearances, got old.
Sometimes I wish I didn’t have an asshole reputation to maintain.
Lucky’d cultivated his reputation. It kept folks at bay.

Moist air curled in foggy drifts from the bathroom, laden with the scent of shampoo and cologne. Damn. He didn’t usually sleep so soundly, but what a reunion with Bo. Still, with morning came morning wood. What a shame to waste a perfectly good erection.

A glance at the clock showed seven thirty. Mornings sucked, no ifs, ands, or buts—a bit of sucking of another kind would help. A ding from the kitchen announced the coffeepot completing its job, making morning a whole lot more bearable even without a good morning blow job.

Lucky strolled into the kitchen, scratching his naked belly. His favorite mug sat by the automatic drip pot, a mound of white crystals in the bottom. Stevia. So like Bo to subtly dictate the way Lucky took his brew, by way of fixing his cup. At least Bo hadn’t insisted on one of those “pop a cup in, get one cup out” fancy machines like he had at home, complete with choices like chamomile tea and hot chocolate. The somewhat skunky aroma of fresh ground beans scented the air, and Lucky filled the mug, breathing in the steam. The odd glasses and silverware he’d left in the sink the night before were now out of sight, presumably in the dishwasher. He might as well hang a sign: “Bo was here.”

A quick peek inside the refrigerator solved the mystery of the missing mushrooms he’d laid out for cooking. His stomach rumbled. He’d missed dinner. A dessert of hot man more than made up for the lack.

He showered, grabbing Bo’s shampoo again since the bottle was closer, not because it smelled like his lover. No, only sentimental saps did shit like that. And it wasn’t to win Bo’s approval that he scraped the overnight growth off his face, no sirree Bob. A search of the closet and floor turned up two choices—a wrinkled pair of khakis or faded Levis. Keith’s ever- present sneer came to mind. Lucky tossed the khakis back to the floor and pulled on the Levis instead. Screw ’em if they didn’t like his fashion sense. Considering Bo’s likely reaction nearly made him change his mind, but he’d never worn a leash in his life and didn’t plan to now. Well, unless Walter held the other end, giving Lucky legal incentive to toe the line. He’d chewed the collar off last year, and it’d damn well better stay off.

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