Read Dirty Desire Online

Authors: M. Dauphin

Dirty Desire (8 page)

BOOK: Dirty Desire
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“Something every girl deserves to have. Just for you, Harp.”

I rip open the package and gasp.

“Oh daddy, it’s beautiful thank you!” I throw my arms around his body and he gives me one of his signature bear hugs.

“Watch,” he whispers, setting me down next to him.

In his hands he takes the box and slowly opens it to reveal a velvet lining and a tiny gold harp that starts spinning as the music starts to play.

“I love it daddy. Thank you.”


“No,” I whimper as I grab the final pieces of my jewelry box up. Shards of it are still stuck in the carpet, but all the major pieces are here in my hands…shattered.

As I watch the last physical memory of my father slip from my fingers and fall back to the floor, I slide down with them, letting the tears flow.

Who would do this? What good did it do to ruin something as precious as this?

I’m not sure how long I sit there crying before Knox’s arms come around me. That one, silent gesture is enough to throw me into complete meltdown mode.

And he lets me cry. Longer than he should have, but he doesn’t stop me until I’m done.

And when I am, I look up to him to see a storm brewing in his eyes.

“Thank you,” I whisper, pursing my lips together. “What the hell happened last night?”

“I don’t know,” he says. “I know we’ll be getting a better lock on that door, though.”

I nod silently, staring down at the broken wooden pieces.

“You ok?” He asks.

“I will be.” My eyes connect with his again and this time, rather than pure sadness, I’m filled with something else.


Without removing my eyes from his, I climb into his lap, straddling him, watching his reaction as I push myself down on him.

“What are you do—” I cut him off with my lips on his. Kissing him like my life depends on him accepting me as broken and weird as I can be. As if it depends on him kissing me back. He’s hesitant for some reason, but he’s not pushing me away. He’ll submit to his feelings soon, I can feel it.

When he finally does, his arms go around me and it’s like a switch is flipped. He went from sweet and soft to domineering and to the point in an instant, and I can’t say I hate it.

With one of his arms wrapped around me, the other swipes an area clean on my bed and lays me down. Slowly and meticulously he strips me of all my baggy layers, leaving me completely bare to him.

“Show me what you do at night.” The demand coming out of him is nowhere near the Knox I thought I knew, but it makes me instantly wet for him.

His eyes travel the length of my body and I notice his raging hard on straining to get free.

“Excuse me?”

“I’ve heard the moans, Harper, and I know you don’t just bring males over here and dispose with them before I’m up in the morning. I’ve heard you moan my name and use your own fingers to make you come undone, now let me see how it’s done.”

A stare off ensues, the intensity in the room is so thick I can barely breathe…that, or the fact that I’m about to masturbate right here, right in front of him while he’s fully clothed. It makes me feel bare in a way I’ve never felt before. Weak and vulnerable.

“NOW!” he snaps. I like this rougher side of him. A lot.

Narrowing my eyes at him, I let my hand trail its way down and over the peak of my breast, biting my lip as I pinch my nipple. The gaze in his eyes has clouded over with pure lust as he stands there, rubbing himself over his pants, watching me as I play with myself.

There’s something about being watched while I’m playing with myself that turns me on more than I ever thought possible.

I should be more worried about the state of the apartment, but right now all I can truly think about is making this time with him better than the first.

As I take my fingers and slide them through my wet core, I gasp and close my eyes, surprised at how hot and wet I am already and he hasn’t even touched me yet.

“That’s right. Open your eyes.” His demand is welcome, and when I snap my eyes back open something’s changed in me.

I feel stronger than I was. I feel sexier now than when I just let him takeover and lie back for the ride.

I feel completely and utterly in charge and I fucking love it.

Slowly, and barely breaking eye contact, Knox strips his shirt off and tosses it aside. As he leans down to push off his pants and boxers I get a glimpse of the shoulder blade tattoo I need to inspect closer, and instantly make note to explore him further for more hidden treasures.

When he stands back up, his eyes go straight to my pussy where I’m playing with myself; teasing, really. I couldn’t ever get off like this in front of him. I’m too selfish…I like the men to do the work.

I watch him as he kneels on the bed right in front of me and right before he dips his head lower he winks and grins at me. When his mouth comes in contact with my clit I buck up towards him.

“Fuck!” I writhe under him, one of his hands moves to my stomach keeping me still, the other fucking me as his tongue circles the one spot I need friction most.

“Fuck me, Knox,” I beg. “Hard,” I growl.

He chuckles and crawls up my body, his erection pressing into me just the slightest.

“You’re not making the rules today, Harper. I thought we already covered that.”

I narrow my eyes at him and try to buck up towards him to feel him deep inside me, but he grits his teeth and clamps his hands on my hips. Retreating his hips, one hand still firmly on me to keep me still, he pushes into me with ease.

“Shit,” he huffs once he’s all the way in. “You don’t even know how beautiful you are to watch come undone, do you?”

“Mmm,” is the only response I can find as he pumps into me, harder and harder. His thumb starts playing circles around my clit and the buildup to my release is insane.

Each time I try to buck up and find that sweet spot, he stops moving all together. Each time I try to reach down and give myself the release I want so badly he grabs my wrists and pins them to my side.

A growl erupts from me as he fucks me to oblivion. It’s hot as fuck, and frustrating as hell not being able to control any of it. Throwing my head back, I completely let him take over, trying my hardest to remember every delectable sensation.

It feels so fucking delicious, that the moment his finger pinches onto my clit I’m a goner.

“Holy fucking shit!” I gasp, my eyes wide as my pussy starts pumping around him. “Oooh fuck…fuck fuck fuck!” My hand grabs on to his wrist as he continues to fuck me while gently tapping on my clit. “Jesus fuck!” I yell as soon as my own release rips through me.

He pulls out as soon as my orgasm is over and climbs up my body.

“Open.” He demands, and who am I not to give a man what he wants? With my pussy still pulsing, I open my mouth and take him as far down as I can while Knox straddles my chest. My hands go to his muscular thighs, feeling every thrust and twitch as he releases into my mouth. Goddammit he tastes good. Is there nothing about this man I don’t find sexy?




With the moonlight streaming in through the window, I rest my hand gently on the curve of her back. We collapsed into a pile of exhaustion earlier, only to be greeted with a much needed nap mere moments later.

That was perfection

It’s scary as hell how perfect that was. She’s submissive by nature, and while I don’t need a sub, I do need someone who’s going to perform when the time comes.

Today was a test, of sorts. From watching the way she heated up to feeling how wet she was when I slid into her, I can tell she’s all for being watched. It turned her on. Fuck, it turned me on and I never get excited about that shit. That’s just another day in the business for me. Today, though, watching her perform and picturing her up on that stage with me…well…I came way too fucking quickly for my liking.

She stirs and pushes her body against mine. Being this close to another human being in this way feels so right with her.

I know I need to start distancing myself from her now that I know I have her trust, but I can’t fathom doing it quite yet. I’ve started to really enjoy this. I’m going to make it last as long as I can before it all comes tumbling down around her.

“Hey,” she mumbles, lifting her head and letting the blonde waves cascade to the side of her. “I’m hungry.”

“Yeah, and we should probably get to cleaning some of this shit up, too, huh?” Glancing around, I shake my head in disgust. The trash in this city keeps popping its ugly head. Something has to be done about it. I want to move her out…pay for her to live somewhere safer. That’s not my decision, though.

“Yeah,” she says, sighing heavily and sitting up. Her hand grabs the sheet around her breasts and she pulls it tight.

“Modest now, are we?” I grin at the look she’s giving me. “Don’t cover them up for me, I like them way too much for them to be hidden.” I rip the sheet away and reach for them but she bolts out of bed laughing.

“Later, Knox. I’m for real starving.”

She wraps the blanket around her and shuffles out of the room, leaving me to my own devices.

I’m not near as modest as her. I know what I have is a sight, and I’m not about to hide it.

I lie back on the bed, grinning like a damn fool, because for once I’m happy in life. I’m not angry with anyone. I’m not fighting a battle or stressed over work. For once, things are looking up.

My task is almost complete.

The way she was ready for me last night without even a single touch from me tells me that she’s going to be perfect in the circle. I may have to gag her—use a ball gag or something though—because holy fuck those lungs. I’ve been with my share of women, but there was something about Harper’s response to me that sent me over the edge. Her moans, her screams, her body’s response to being fucked senseless were all perfect for the bedroom. Not so much for the club.

She’s fucking perfect.

“You hungry?” She’s standing in the doorway wearing only one of my shirts, the moonlight casting a glow on her face as she holds up a plate with two sandwiches on it. “Some guy moved in and left food in my kitchen. I had to find it amongst the pots and pans and other shit, but food is food.” She shrugs and walks over to the bed, careful not to step on anything on the floor.

“Thanks,” I grab a sandwich and stuff it in my mouth. Good god I was hungry. Shit like going twelve hours without eating never happens at the mansion.

“Sorry about all this…” she trails off and shrugs. “I think bad shit just likes to follow me around.”

The look she’s giving me is of pure sadness and something inside my chest starts to warm for her in a way I didn’t ever want to happen.

There’s no room for feelings when it comes to Harper Stills.

“We’ll get it taken care of and I’ll personally make sure it never happens again.”

She nods silently and finishes her sandwich, then lets out a massive yawn. Stretching, I’m able to enjoy the curves of her body as they stretch and pull under my t-shirt.

“I like your shirt,” I mumble as she crawls back up to me.
Way better than the shirt you took from Leigh,
I want to say.

“Thanks. It’s mine now.” She curls into me and within a few minutes is snoring heavily and I don’t have the heart to wake her.

Tomorrow we’ll figure this mess out.



“John!” My voice echoes through the empty building.

Where are the workers? Why isn’t this place bustling with action?

“John?!” What the hell is going on? It’s opening night soon and I can’t afford people to not be on their game.

“Knox, hi.” He’s out of breath and looks like he hasn’t slept in weeks.

“Where is everyone?” I look around at an empty building and raise my eyebrows at John. Poor John. He gets paid to get the brunt of my attitude, which before today hasn’t been that bad.

“They aren’t here.” His voice is shaky and for good reason.

“What the fuck do you mean ‘they aren’t here?’ They need to be here.… HERE, John! This club can’t open without them!”

“Right. But um…well…here.” He shoves a wrinkled paper in my hands with the city header at the top.

“Mother fucker,” I growl.

The fucktard that was supposed to clear the club for opening got laid off last week and now we’re due for another inspection this month.

“Fuck!” My hand slams into the wall leaving a dent in the drywall. John cringes as he stares at it but he’s smart; he doesn’t say a word to me. I start pacing, trying to mentally prepare myself for this conversation with Kayla. I know she’s going to be pissed. Hell I’m pissed! This club is supposed to open next week and now everything is on hold until the city okays it to be a running, legal business.

“Take everything out of the back, John.” I growl, storming towards my office.


“Everything. If they’re coming in here to inspect, we want no traces of the back room.

The back room.

The magic happens in the back room, and only a handful of elite members are even allowed to know about it, let alone use it.

It’s the less legal side of things that we do here. If the city found the tools and equipment we’re holding back there they wouldn’t be thrilled and probably would tag us with prostitution or some dumb shit.


“Now, John!” I bark as he stands in my doorway and stares with me.

“Where should I put it? That’s a lot of shit to move without a place to put it out of the public’s eye.”

Up your fucking ass.

“Just…” shit. “Take it to the apartment. I’ll find a place for it later.” She’ll be pissed, what with the apartment still being in shambles, but I have no other option. He glares at me for a moment before nodding and turning to leave. Shit. “Hire a cleaning crew to fix the apartment, too, John!” I yell out the door as he walks away.

It’s bad enough that the one man on the city council that was willing to overlook certain aspects of the business to get us open got fired, but now we have to move shit out and keep this act up a little while longer this close to opening date.

Hell, at this rate we won’t be opening on time anyway.

I wait as long as I can before calling her. I hate picking up the phone to dial her number but it's almost the end of the day and I have to update her. She’s going to be pissed.

“Yes?” She purrs into the phone. That voice has gotten me into some sticky situations in the past, but it’s starting to do nothing for me anymore and that alone should be sending off warning bells that I’m in way over my head here.

“Hey. Heard the news?” I’m halfway hoping John told her…or someone did…just so I don’t have to be the bearer of bad news.

“Nope,” I hear her clicking on computer keys in the background and can only hope she’s not buying more shit to ‘revamp’ the club.

“Inspector Milton is out. He got fired and they have to do another inspection on the club. It’s going to set shit back.”

“How fucking long?” She’s no longer playful Kayla. She’s business Kayla that would rip someone’s balls off and feed it to them if they crossed her.

This is the woman I went into business with.

“Not too long hopefully. I have John moving everything out of the back room today so as soon as the inspection is over all we have to do is re set up and we’re good to go.”

“Pending you pass…”

“We will pass,” I grit out. “There’s no reason not to.”

“Knox, baby…I know you’re dead set on St. Louis being the next big hub city for Come, but what if it’s just not in the cards. Why don’t you just, ya know, finish the job and come back?”

“Finish the job?”

“You know exactly what I mean, Knox.” Her voice trails off and she’s met with silence from my end.

Finish the job.

Since when does Kayla tell me what to do? Since when does she think she runs this place?

“I don’t take orders from you.” I grit out.

“OH come on—” She starts to protest but I continue talking over her.

“Cut the shit, Kayla. You’re spoiled. You’ve been given all of this. And right as I’m fucking doing you the BIGGEST MOTHER FUCKING FAVOR EVER YOU TURN IN TO MEGA CUNT!” My voice bellows through the hallways but I have zero fucks who hears me. I’m fuming now. How dare she tell me what I should and shouldn’t do? I’m Knox fucking Gregory. I own this business and I run it flawlessly. How can she tell me I can’t complete one goddamned task?!

“Knox, I—”

“Secondly, you’re not in charge while I’m gone, Kayla,” I hiss her name like it’s poison on my tongue. Feeling this much anger towards one person isn’t new to me, but feeling it towards her is.

Yet another reason the alarms should be going off in my head right now, but they aren’t. All I hear is the white noise meeting me on the other end of the telephone.

“I’m sorry,” her weak voice finally comes along. “I’ll leave you be. Please contact me with any new developments.”

She ends the call before I can and I throw the phone against the wall.

Mother fucker.

Kayla. She’s had me wrapped around her finger for way too fucking long. I know better now than to play her games, but I still am, for some reason. She didn’t get in trouble for spending all that money on the club without consulting me. She’s getting what she wants in the grand scheme of things, but I shouldn’t be this pliant with her.

Shouldn’t, but sometimes we do crazy things for the ones we—

“Knox.” John’s voice booms through my thoughts, bringing my attention to him standing at the door, white faced. “Um, I’m sorry but she barged her way in. I couldn’t stop her.”

“Knox!” Harpers voice is full of rage, bringing a slight grin to my mouth. Kayla’s rage is annoying…Harper’s rage is so fucking cute.

“What the fuck are you putting in my house?!”

She’s wielding one of the canes John must have had the crew drop off. A brilliant deep mahogany wood, carved and crafted for the perfect experience behind closed doors. Just one of the many items we’ve had to remove from the back room today. I’m not certain how we’re going to pull off this license to operate, but somehow it has to be done. Milton was willing to look past some of the legality of the club issues and in turn he was rapidly becoming an elite member.

BOOK: Dirty Desire
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