Dipping Into Sin 2: Digging Deeper Into Sin (9 page)

BOOK: Dipping Into Sin 2: Digging Deeper Into Sin
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Chapter Twenty


            Dropping light kisses over her scar, her writhing
body became calm as her enticing heated scent filled my nostrils. Her flushed skin
wilted beneath my lips as I aimed to put us out of our misery.

            “I hate you,” she whimpered as she threaded her
fingers through my hair.

            “You don’t mean it,” I mumbled in between
dropping kisses all over her body. Inching lower and lower, her thick thighs
shook as I wedged them wider. Her scent caused my cock to jump as my mouth
watered the moment that I became face-to-face with her dampness. Dipping my
tongue to lap the dewy cream that oozed from her slit sent me into a frenzy as
I was finally…

            Her puffy lips wrapped around my tongue like a
coat as the
flatbed of my tongue became
marinated with her juice. “I love you, bella mia, always and forever,” I spoke
against her throbbing clit before wrapping my lips around the engorged nub and
sucking until it became tender and pinker. Pulsating against my lips, I made
love to her clit, sending a series of vibrations to the pointy round nub.

            “Unnhhh…Andriano. Fuccckkkk,” she moaned, as she
attempted to slide away from me. Grabbing her thighs, I slid her closer to me
as I buried my face further into her treasure of gold. Looking up at her
becoming undone under the possession of my tongue sent more signals to my
hardened length. I needed to be buried deep into her, reclaiming what was
rightfully mine. Reminding her that this will forever be my pussy. “Forever,” I
claimed as I sucked on her succulent puffy nether lips. Slipping my tongue into
her canal once more, I shoveled her wetness onto my tongue, determined to get
my fill of her sweet nectar.

            “I’m a—I’m about to…ohhhh fucckkk,” she groaned
as she shoved her greedy center into my mouth. I welcomed her hungry pussy,
feeding her every want and desire. Like a savage, my tongue stroked her
ripeness as my face became smeared with her essence.

Her thighs
trembled slightly beneath my fingertips, signaling her oncoming orgasm.
Sucking on
her bulbous knob again, I snaked my hand under her thigh and slid my middle
finger in and out of her molten hotness. Just as she was near her explosion, I
pulled my finger out and released my grip on her ripened clit.

The puckered nub glistened and extended as
cream oozed out of her center, adding moisture to her slick lips. An overflow
of cream traveled down towards her ass crack. Swiping my index finger to her
heated cunt, I dipped my finger into her nectar and scooped some of her
sweetness. Her eyes widened as she watched me lick her juices off of my index
finger. Her flavor was tantalizing and addictive as I savored the moment of
bliss that she brought to my tongue.

Sliding my index and middle fingers down her
slit again, I took a heartier scoop and licked heaven off of my fingers. Her
hand reached up to me, and she lifted her body up midway. Poking her tongue
out, Simone licked her lips before drawing my coated fingers into her mouth.
Her warm tongue slowly licked away the rest of her honeydew, as my fingers stroked
her pussy once more. The feel of her stickiness latching onto my fingers as I
pleasured her, hardened my own length. Rolling her eyes to the roof of her
head, Simone showered in a wave of ecstasy. This time, I intended to let her
cum easy. But, the next time she’s going to have to wait until I was ready to
let her cum. Coming off of her flight of euphoric bliss, I watched as the art
of seduction was captured in her hooded eyes.

Dropping light kisses down her back, I felt
her heated skin shiver under my lips. Reluctantly pulling away from her, I
stood up and swept her tender naked body into my arms. Walking up the stairs, I
stared into her eyes and became speechless at what I saw in the depths…she
still loves me.

Placing her onto the bed, I reluctantly
pulled away from her as I made my way back to my makeshift bed in the hallway.
Stroking my painful cock, I attempted to rub away the effect that her scent was
having on me. More than anything, my dick wanted to reclaim her body. But, she
wasn’t ready. So I stared at her door and continued to stroke away the urgency
until the swelling finally went down. Unable to cum, I shot back up and made my
way into the bathroom and allowed the cold water to shower away my erection.


Chapter Twenty-One



            The faint high-pitched voice bought a soothing
calmness to me. Hearing the little voice again followed by giggles, I blinked
rapidly as I snatched air into my lungs. Rising quickly into a sitting
position, I faced all three of my daughters.  Pulling the covers closer to
cover my exposed breast, I felt more refreshed and rejuvenated than I had in a
long time.
Did last night really happen?
Clearing his throat, I looked
over at Andriano, who stood at the foot of my bed with a tray of food in his
Those hands…those freaking marvelous hands tortured my body with a
blissful ecstasy.

            Last night was a complete mistake. But even as I
wanted to stop him, I couldn’t. On the surface, I knew that sleeping with this
married man was completely immoral, but deep down I wanted every inch of him
last night. I wanted to feel again. I wanted to make love to the only man that could
ignite my flame.  But, he stopped himself from going any further. To some
degree, I felt disappointed and would have much rather cum a few more times
last night.   

            “Good morning
bella mia
,” he said as my
eyes moved up from his strong chiseled jaw to his dangerous lips, to settle on
his steely eyes. Even as he held the tray in his hands, he was visibly still

            “Her name is ‘Mommy’,” said Jasmine as she
flipped her body to face him. “Why do you call Mommy bella? Is it like Belle
from Beauty and the Beast?”

Andriano’s eyes lit up with amusement as he
held back the smile that beckoned to sprout out. “I call your mommy ‘
’ because she is beautiful to me,” he answered almost immediately,
causing my mouth to clamp shut. “After last night, she knows that she’ll always
be my bella mia,” he mumbled under his breath as his eyes remained on me.

            “Why don’t you just say beautiful then?”

            A smile tugged at his lips as he looked down at
Jasmine’s inquisitive face. “Your mommy likes when I speak Italian to her.”

            Clearing my throat, I looked away from Andriano’s
heated stare. “Why are you girls up so early?” Looking at the clock on my
nightstand, I saw that it was 7:30 AM. 

            “I woke up earlier and went to the store to get a
few things that I needed to make Reed’s famous breakfast. By the time that I
got back, the girls were just getting up, and I asked them if they wanted to help
me make breakfast.” His rich voice sent shivers down my spine. I hated that his
voice alone transfixed my body to a state of lustful needs.

            “Oh, that’s nice. Did you guys say thank you to
Mr. Balducci?” I asked as I watched at Andriano’s face transform into three
different emotions. Anger. Sadness. Cold.

            Bringing his face back into a neutral setting,
Andriano said, “I checked on the girls in the middle of the night.”

            “Why would you do that?” I asked alarmed that he
was alone with my daughters. Even though I knew that he would protect our
daughters with every being in him and then some, I still had an unsettling
feeling in my stomach about his presence in their lives.

            “I just wanted to make sure that they were okay.”
He said tenderly as he placed the tray in front of me. His nearness set off a chain
of flutters inside the pit of my stomach. Turning towards me, his face a mere
inch away from me, his lustful transparent gaze settled on my lips for a few
seconds longer before backing away from me. 

            A deep gulp was the only sound that could be
heard in the silent room, as all eyes were resting on me.  Picking up the fork,
I put a hearty portion of the omelet into my mouth. Immediately a burst of
different flavors hit my palate as I looked down at the colorful fillings.

            “What kind of omelet is this?” I asked as I
forked off another piece of the fluffy hearty omelet.  

            “It’s called Den-den-den…what is it called
again?” Acelia looked up at Andriano for an answer.

            Smiling at her effort, Andriano looked down at
her with a glint of adoration in his eyes. “Denver Omelet.”

            “How do you like it Mommy?” asked Olivia.

            “Mmmmm, it is very delicious Livy,” I responded.

            Olivia’s face bloomed with happiness, as she
smiled proudly. “I got to crack the egg open.”

            “The girls practically did everything. We have a
bunch of chefs on our hands,” he said as he looked at each of our daughters. “They’re
truly amazing,” he boasted proudly.         

Dropping the fork down on my plate, I looked
up at Andriano who leaned against my dresser casually. “Girls did you make your
beds?” I asked.

“No Mommy,” each one said.

“You know the routine. Make your bed, brush
your teeth, and wash your face.” I reminded each of them. “You all did a
wonderful job. The omelet was amazing. How did Grandma like it?”

“Grandma said that it was the best omelet in
the world,” announced Jasmine.  

“I wish Nana was here to try it,” Olivia said
as her head hung low. “Can we leave her some?”

“Where is she?” asked Andriano, picking up
on Olivia’s sudden mood change. My heart ached for my daughters who witnessed
their great-grandmother in an unconscious position. I knew that eventually I
would have to address the situation proactively before that trauma caused
certain behaviors to develop. They were at this age where they understood

“Mommy said that she had to go away for a
little while. I miss her,” said Olivia as Andriano kneeled down beside her.

“Come,” he said as his hands stretched out
towards her. Leaning her body into his burly arms, Andriano picked Olivia up
and held her close before saying, “Whenever my nonna (grandmother) went away, I
would get a box and add everything that she liked into it. The box would be
filled with lots of candy, my drawing, letters, and the most important

A corky smile formed against Olivia’s lips

“Yup, pepperoni,” Andriano confirmed.
“Anytime I put the pepperoni inside of the box, she would smell it and rush
right back home. Would you like to make a box for your Nana? We can add
everything that she likes.”

Olivia nodded her head with excitement as
her gleaming eyes looked at Andriano.

“Can I make one too, please?” Jasmine asked
as she looked up at Olivia and Andriano.

“Of course you can,” Andriano said strongly.

“Maybe some other time. Mr. Balducci has to
leave today,” I interjected. I couldn’t allow my daughters to get comfortable
with the idea of Andriano being in their lives. Even though I did not know how
to get him to leave, I still had hope that a plan would fall through.

“Oh no, I don’t want him to leave Mommy. We
have to make the box for Nana,” whined Jasmine.

“I’m sure that he has to get back to his
family,” I simply said as I stared at him. 

“I already am,” Andriano asserted as his
challenging eyes bored into me.

Shifting my gaze, I focused on my daughters.
“Girls, go get ready for summer camp.”

After each of them left my bedroom, I
quickly put the tray to the side and shot up out of bed, only to halt all of my
movements as my legs nearly buckled beneath me. Feeling the ache from making
love to Andriano just hours before, I felt his sinewy arms enveloped my body in
a soft caress that heated my body.

“Andriano please,” I said helplessly as I
attempted to swaddle his hands away. Ignoring me, Andriano swept me off of my
feet and walked me over to the mattress. Dropping me down, he hovered over my
ultra-sensitive body before moving away from me.

“We need to talk,” he sat on the bed beside



“I know that there are some things that we
have to work through. And I’m willing to do whatever it takes, but just know
that my intentions are clear,” I professed.

A cynical snicker escaped her as she looked
up at me, “We’re never getting back together, and you will never be a part of
my children’s lives. You moved on with your life, and so have I. The man who
I’m dating is making me happy. He’s not keeping me a secret or living a double
life like you.”

Shaking her head, Simone said, “You will never
change. Even after all this time, you still want to be in control of everything.
But let's get something straight, last night was a mistake. I’ve moved on with
my life and met someone who deserves every part of me.”

“You let another man touch what’s mine?” I
asked, walking around the bedpost with intentions of showing her just how much
she belonged to me.

“What’s yours? Do you hear yourself? Who I
sleep with or don’t sleep with is none of your business. All you need to know
is that last night was a mistake that’ll never happen again,” she enunciated
her last few words before smiling at me.

Anger boiled my rage to a peak with no end,
“Who is he?” I demanded to know.

“Let’s get something straight, I’m not your
temporary escape whenever you decide that you need a break from your life. Go
home to your family and leave my family alone,” she spat out her frustration
with her chest heaving in and out.

            The humming sound of her cell phone vibrating on
the nightstand snapped us both out of our trance. Reaching for her cell phone,
Simone quickly answered. Based on what little I could gather from her
conversation, something was wrong.

“Shit,” said Simone as she leaped out of the
bed. Taking in her delectable body, my eyes fully roamed over each and every
inch of her body. Embedding her curves into my memory, I watched as Simone
quickly covered her body with a towel. Glancing in my direction, Simone’s
scowling eyes looked over at me as if she knew that I was checking her out.

“You need to leave,” she simply said as she
shuffled through her drawers anxiously.

“What’s wrong?” I asked as a shadow of overwhelming
frustration masked her face.

Shaking her head, Simone’s hand rested on
her hip before saying, “Andriano, I really don’t have time to deal with all of
this. I already have a lot on my plate, and I don’t need you adding to it.”

Standing up, I walked over to her, ignoring
her apprehensive hands reaching out to stop me. Leaning into her palms, I was
determined to make sure that Simone did not avoid my question. “Why did you keep
my daughters away from me?” I asked calmly.

“Did I have a choice? Last time, I checked, ‘abortion’
was the first thing that came out of your mouth. Now you want to stand here and
question my decision for keeping my daughters away from you. Let me keep it
simple…you never wanted them,” Simone chided as she attempted to shove me away
from her.

Her eyes narrowed, becoming thin slits, as her
attempts proved useless. Inching closer to her, I closed the distance between and
spoke against her lips. “I don’t give a fuck what I told you. I deserved to
know the truth. Instead, you kept our daughters a secret for the last five
fucking years.”

“The truth?” a sarcastic snicker escaped the
depth of her throat fluently. “The truth is, you don’t deserve shit from me or
my daughters. You don’t deserve them. The only good thing that came out of this
fucked up relationship was my daughters and keeping them was the best decision
that I could’ve made.” Her demureness caused her face to cringe with outrage.

            Feeling my face grow hot with anger, I attempted
to remain level headed with Simone. Exasperation must’ve been etched all over
my face, as Simone appeared to be uncomfortable by my lack of patience. “What
makes you think that I can easily walk away from them?”

            “Because you ‘easily’ walked away from me,” she
shot out as her hurtful eyes bored through me, finding my guilt hiding behind
my hope.  “You showed how much you cared when having an ‘abortion’ was the only
answer that you gave me. The worst part of that whole ordeal was when you came
to the clinic. For what? To make sure that I went through with it,” Unshed
tears glossed her eyes, as I watched her struggle to keep them at bay. I’d rather
give up all of my possession, get stabbed a thousand times, or walk through fire
than to experience the aching hurt that I feel.

“That morning, Victoria showed me the
invitation of you and your wife’s engagement party. Things started to make
sense. The distance. The abortion. Everything.” Unable to hold back any longer,
a single tear slid down her cheek, “And even as I had to deal with the
humiliation and the hurt, I had to remain strong for my daughters. It’s a
struggle that you’ll never know, but I survived. I worked my ass off to raise
my daughters and finish school, all the while holding down a full-time job. Choosing
to be a mother to my daughters meant that I had to give up my dream of being a
doctor. Still, nursing school was a far cry from easy. My daughters didn’t need
you back then, and they don’t need you now,” she finished as she wiped away the
remnants of her tear and blew out an air of exasperation.

“A nurse?” I asked unsure if I heard
correctly. “But, I thought that you were working towards becoming a doc—” The
words died as reality settled in at just how much Simone had to give up in
order to raise our daughters. Images of what happened five years ago came into
full swing, as my anger boiled over. She could have told me that day in the
parking lot that she did not go through with it. But, she lied. She kept my daughters
away from me. I missed the first five years of their lives. From their first
cry to their first step, I missed all of it. As much as I wanted to blame
Simone, I couldn’t. After all…
I chose to let her go
. I chose to honor my
duty and uphold my destiny.

BOOK: Dipping Into Sin 2: Digging Deeper Into Sin
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