Dimitri's Moon (10 page)

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Authors: Aliyah Burke

BOOK: Dimitri's Moon
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Taking her hand in his, Dimitri intertwined their fingers as they began to walk. Two blocks went by in silence and finally he asked,

“What’s the problem, Landi?”

“I’m just confused.” Her tone was hollow.

“What about?”

She stopped and looked at him. “What are we doing?” Landi shook her head and his heart sank. “What game is being played here?”

“I’m not playing a game, Ilanderae.”

“I can’t pretend I’m not still pissed and hurt over what happened between us. And a part of me is waiting for the other shoe to drop and for you to vanish without a word again.” She removed her hand from his. “I was so devastated when that happened. I can’t go through that again.”

I’m the worst person in the world for having caused you so much pain,
Ilanderae Rouge Nycks.
His heart clenched and he reached out to touch her arm. “I know words can’t ever make up for what I put you through, Landi. I wish I could change how that day played out, but I can’t. All I can do is give you my word it won’t happen again. Should you get to the point of trusting me again and are willing to marry me, I swear, I’ll be waiting. I tried to forget you, Landi, but I could never outrun your memory.” He kissed the palm of her hand. “I’m not running from you ever again. Or from the way you make me feel.”

Her eyes watched him, the setting sun making them glow. In them he could see her indecision, her uncertainty, and her internal struggle. Landi was such a strong person that she didn’t always remember it was okay to accept help from others.

Not that my past behavior has solidified her desire to trust me.

“Are you trying to charm me?” she demanded without a hint of coyness in her voice.

“No. Every word is from my heart. I love you, Ilanderae. I
another chance t to spend the rest of my life making you happy.”


Aliyah Burke

Dimitri knew better than to make light of her question, she wasn’t playing.

“You’re a slick talker, Dimitri Melonakos. You know what to say at the right moment.”

“Everything I say to you, Landi, I mean.”

“Slowly, Dimitri. We have to take this slow. It’s not that I don’t trust you. I’m just protecting myself.”

Dimitri knew what she meant; she trusted him to keep her safe, but not her heart. As painful as it was to realize that, he understood. He drew her into his embrace and kissed the top of her head. “So long as you’re willing to give me a chance.”

“I want to go to SeaWorld tomorrow.”

A wry grin crossed his face. Landi was good, very good at doing a complete one-eighty during conversations. It was her way of letting someone know she was done discussing the topic. Keeping his arm around her shoulder he began walking again. “I don’t know when we’ll be done tomorrow.”

“Well, I’ll be there. You can join me whenever you are done if you want.”

“I’ll give you a call when we are.”

“Okay.” Landi paused in front of an old-time candy shop. “Oh, wait, I have to go in here.” She darted in and pulled him with her.

Holding the basket she’d slapped in his arms, Dimitri followed Landi through the aisles watching her choose and put items inside.

“Hungry?” he teased, the fuller the basket became.

She sneered at him over her shoulder before returning her attention to the task at hand. “These are gifts. For my sisters.”

She’d never talked about her family before and he was intrigued. “Tell me about them.”

Landi looked over her shoulder at him again. Her eyes shuttered briefly. “I have two. Both older…twins. And since they
chocolate, I do my best to bring them a variety from the places I go.” She sifted through some lollipops.

“Names?” He looked at the chocolate lollipops she’d dumped in the basket. Dark, milk, white, mint, and more.

“Shandra and Chandra.”

He could tell she didn’t want to talk about them anymore. Why, he wasn’t sure. But he would let it go for the moment. Dimitri watched as she crouched down. The fabric of her capris tightened around her delectable rear end. He felt his cock respond. He placed the basket in
Dimitri's Moon


front of his hardening erection. A groan escaped as she stood and smiled at him.

“You okay?”

Swallowing, he nodded. “Fine. Why?”

“You looked in pain for a second there.”

He stepped closer and lowered his head so no one could over-hear him. “I am. I’m as horny as a teenager around you.”

Her light-brown eyes sparkled. “You don’t look like a teen.”

Landi brushed her hand along his hard cock and muttered, “Don’t feel like one, either.”

“Landi,” he growled.

Her gaze was sultry as it met his. “Something wrong, sailor?”

“If you don’t want me taking you in this store, stop.”

“I thought you were trained to have patience.” Her fingers grazed along his length. “Besides, I’m ready to go.” She turned and walked away from him, an extra swing to her hips.

Several deep breaths later and Dimitri was ready to proceed onward. Damn, she knew just how to work him. He followed her sexy, sashaying ass up to the counter and placed the basket there. Dimitri half listened to her lighthearted conversation with the woman ringing up her purchases. He was counting down until the time he’d be alone with Landi.

“Ready?” Landi asked.

“Absolutely.” Dimitri took the two bags and followed Landi to the door, opening it for her. He smiled when she was placed her hand in his. He squeezed hers gently as they walked to where her car was parked. After helping her into the passenger seat, he drove them to her hotel where they made love until they both fell asleep from exhaustion.

The console shot up sparks, followed by flames. He pulled back from the
heat. Smoke billowed across the landing window as well as the windshield. The
control stick wouldn’t respond. The ground rushed up to meet them as they
plummeted, unable to do anything to stop it. Death was imminent. The crew’s
screams surrounded him as he realized he’d failed them. He was in charge of
their safety and it had gone terribly wrong.

was his last thought as his world erupted into a ball of fire.



Landi bolted upright as the single name ripped through the air.

It was laced with enough pain and torment for her to feel it. Reaching for the lamp, she turned it on and saw Dimitri sitting up in bed, hands over his face, with his dark-olive skin covered in a sheen of sweat. He trembled.

“Dimitri?” she asked, touching his muscled arm. His entire body shuddered. “Dimitri, talk to me. What’s wrong?”

“I’m sorry for waking you,” he said in a low tone. “Go back to sleep.” He wouldn’t look at her. Instead, he got out of bed they shared and sat down on the other double bed, facing away from her.

For a moment, Landi stared, her eyes skimming over some scars on his nude back. His body posture screamed “leave me alone!”; but this time, Landi wouldn’t to listen. Her own heart still beat erratically from the shout he’d released to the room.

Without a sound, she got out of bed, pulled his shirt on over her naked body, and padded over to stand before him. When he looked up at her, the devastation in his eyes nearly brought her to her knees. Landi pushed his hands to the side and straddled his lap. Wrapping her arms around him, she pressed his head close to her breast and just held him.

For a while, powerful shudders racked his body and his heart beat fitfully against her before it slowed. His strong arms held her tight, his fingers digging into her flesh. Landi never said a word. One hand teased the hair at the back of his neck while the other kept him against her.

“I can’t stop the dream.” Dimitri’s voice was unlike any she could recall hearing from him; the strength, confidence, even arrogance in his tone were gone. Even when he’d told her about his brother’s death, the pain had been somewhat contained. Now it was raw and explosively real.

“Over and over I see it.”

“Tell me,” Landi whispered against his head.

“I told you what happened.”

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“Tell me your dream.” His virile body tensed and she wondered if she had truly overstepped her bounds.
No backing down now, Ilanderae.

“Tell me the dream,” she reiterated.

“It’s like I am right there with Khristos when the chopper goes down. I can feel the heat, smell the acrid smoke, feel his panic and fear when he realizes they’re going to crash. I can feel his shame at being unable to save his crew.”

Her hand rubbed against the bare skin of his back.
Oh, Dimitri,
how can I make you feel better?

“He’s always saying goodbye to someone. I can’t tell to whom, but the desperation to get his farewell to that person…” He fell silent.

“Dimitri, tell me what to do. Tell me how I can help you to get through this.”

“You’re doing it, Landi. Just by being here with me. That’s more than I could ever ask for.”

Landi closed her eyes and pressed her nose deep into his hair, inhaling the gentle clean scent of his shampoo. “I would have liked to meet your brother,” she murmured. “Was he older or younger?” Not that it mattered; losing a sibling could never be easy.

“Older. You would have liked him. There wasn’t anything he loved more than flying. I never got to tell him goodbye or that I was proud of him. If only I could have…”

“I’m sure he’s proud of you as well. And he knows you’re trying to find a way to say goodbye. His death wasn’t your fault, Dimitri, so stop blaming yourself.”


“No,” she interrupted. “No buts.” Landi leaned back and made him look at her. “You couldn’t have done anything. It was a horrible accident and a terrible loss. What it
was your fault. Cut yourself some slack.”

Dimitri felt the weight of his guilt flow away. Landi’s words set him free from the prison in which he’d incarcerated himself. Watching her face, he was struck by the amount of compassion and love he saw there. Yet there was also a hint of determination in her beautiful eyes.

This woman sitting on his lap was a solace to his soul. He loved her more than anything. There was no censure, no pity, just love and understanding flowing from her aura to his.


Aliyah Burke

“I’m sorry I left without telling you, Landi.” He caressed the side of her face. “It was the stupidest thing I’ve ever done. I’m so,

She leaned forward, brushing her lips over his. “I know you are and I forgive you. We’ve both done things we regret. That’s not important right now. Forgive yourself, Dimitri. You had no control over his own destiny.”

She forgave me. She forgave me for my stupidity.
Dimitri closed the small distance and kissed her once more. His tongue swept through her mouth as his hands moved up beneath his shirt that she wore, loving how soft her skin was. “
, Landi.

She kissed him again, her hips moving slightly against him. His cock hardened as her slick pussy moved over him.

“Landi,” he muttered into her mouth.

“What, Dimitri?” She shifted against him again.

His erection was rock hard and sought entrance. He couldn’t find the words. A low groan slipped out as she rose up and sank down up on his shaft.

” she sighed.

Dimitri bit his lip as she began to ride him. Up and down she moved. Her tight, wet, velvet heat encased him perfectly. Her muscles flexed and tried to keep him deep within her as she lifted up. The pace was slow, erotic, and drove him crazy.

“Landi,” he grunted.

Her hands rested on his shoulders, her head dropping back to expose her graceful neck to him. The faint glow from the light gleamed off her rich, dark skin. His eyes lingered over the rapid pulse in her neck.

Landi brought her head up, eyes smoldering with passion.

“Love me, Dimitri. Make love to me.”

He removed his shirt from her body before standing and repositioning them on the bed. Then he did as she asked and made love to her. She screamed her release to the hotel room; Dimitri’s own cry echoed hers loudly as he released his load deep within her.

Dimitri held her in his arms until she fell asleep; then, he got out of bed and turned off the lights. He kissed her forehead as she snuggled up against him when he settled in next to her. Her deep even breath lulled him to slumber.

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The soft chime of her travel alarm clock awakened her. Landi sat up and rubbed her eyes. She cast her gaze around the room and realized two things. One, she was still in the other bed; and two, she was alone.

“Dimitri,” she said into the empty room as she climbed out of bed and walked to where her alarm still sounded.

Shutting it off, Landi headed for the bathroom and got cleaned up. She stood by the window while waiting for her coffee to percolate, her towel wrapped around her midsection, and watched the sun’s rays touch the Pacific. Diamonds sparkled across the water as the sun inched higher. The gentle golden glow faded the higher the sun rose.

The smell of freshly brewed coffee hit her nose and Landi prepared herself a mug. Walking back to the window, she leaned against it and stared back out over the water. Her eyes narrowed from the glare and she sipped the strong brew. As the hot liquid ran through her, she felt more energized. Coffee
was a necessity.

Placing the ceramic mug on the bedside table, Landi hefted her bag onto the bed and pulled out her lotion. She massaged it into her skin, let it dry, and then got dressed. Landi walked to where her cell sat on the desk and smiled as her eyes landed on a small sheet of paper lodged securely beneath her pink phone. Removing the paper, she read it.

, Landi,

Thank you for everything. I’ll call you when we’re done with training.

See you at SeaWorld.


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