Dimitri (Immortals of New Orleans, Book 6) (30 page)

BOOK: Dimitri (Immortals of New Orleans, Book 6)
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Dimitri’s cock jerked as his mate turned up the heat, cupping her breasts, teasing him. He laughed, guessing that she was attempting to use her feminine wiles to get her way.
Yeah, doesn’t matter. Kinda likin’ it.
Dimitri kept his eyes locked on his mate, as she played with herself. The sexy lil’ vixen didn’t realize the fire she was starting.

Dimitri glanced over to his cell phone, attempting to check out the time. He knew Jake would be home any minute, and they didn’t have much time to make love without an audience. He hesitated, wiping his hands on the towel, but as she pinched her nipples into hard points, Dimitri lost control.

Gillian sensed the exact moment that Dimitri had shifted his position on their mating. A sense of victory and relief filled her chest. She knew it was crazy to fall for someone after only knowing them for a week, but the entire concept of mating wasn’t based on reason. Destiny drove two souls to merge hearts, not logic.

Love wasn’t supposed to make sense, she supposed. Love just was. She smiled as the thought popped into her head.
Falling in love?
She couldn’t even say what she felt was love, mostly because she never had really been in love. But what she did know was that she’d sacrifice everything for Dimitri, her wolf, her heart, her life.

She’d purposefully taunted him with her white lie, telling him that she hadn’t been crying. It had hurt that he hadn’t jumped at the opportunity to mate with her, but she could see the conflict in his eyes, having believed she’d never shift again. And she, too, had believed the same until earlier when she’d heard the wolf. Like an owl in the woods at night, it had sounded its unique call. The realization that she’d transform again gave her hope that she could survive mating and save Dimitri all at once.

Gillian watched intently as Dimitri silently contemplated her words. Filled with a longing for him, she touched herself, hoping she could seduce him into making love. She craved his hands on her body. Intimacy with her mate would wash away the evil of the day, refreshing all that was well with her life.

As he turned to her, she’d begun to fondle her creamy flesh, pinching her tender peaks. The hunger on his face sent a jolt of lust to her sex. She squeezed her thighs, in response to the ache that built between her legs. With her eyes pinned on his, she deliberately let her left hand slide down her stomach into the bubbly water.

Like a cobra, he struck, tearing off his shirt and jumping into the tub, still wearing his pants. She gasped as he straddled her with his legs, water sloshing onto the floor. Her hands went from her own skin to his. Dimitri raked his hands into her hair, stealing her mouth in a hard, possessive kiss. His tongue forcefully slid through her lips, exhaustively exploring every inch of her warmth. She fought for breath, surrendering to his savage kiss, his hands fisted in her hair.

“Fuck, Gilly,” he groaned. “Look what you do to me.”

He grabbed her wrist, setting her hand onto his steel-hard cock. She clutched at the wet denim, earning a hard groan from Dimitri. Breaking free from his lips, she sought to taste him, biting and licking at his muscular chest. Reaching his nipple, she nipped him until he cried out at the sensation.

“Oh no, kitten. I’m having none of that,” he told her, tugging her head away. His eyes were wild with desire; his lips turned upward in a devious smile. “Tonight, you’re submitting.”

“What makes you think that?” she challenged with a giggle, her hair still held tight in his grip. At the sight of his wet slippery abs, her lips parted. She tilted her pelvis upward, grinding her mound against his erection.

“Bad kitty,” he scolded playfully.

Before she could return his banter, he wrapped his hands around her waist, and stood up straight in the tub. In one smooth movement, he threw her over his shoulder with ease, her legs dangling over his chest. Water splattered all over the floor as he stepped out of the bath.

“What are you doing?” she screamed, laughing at the same time. “You’re making a mess.”

“My mess, my house, my woman,” he responded.


“I think it’s ‘bout time for that lesson in submission. What do you think, Jake?”

“What? Jake’s here?” Gillian strained to see as Dimitri twisted his body, giving her a view of Jake, who was standing in the doorway. She gasped in embarrassment, but oddly, the idea of him watching made her hot with arousal. On the plane, he’d seen her suck Dimitri’s cock and she’d secretly fantasized about Dimitri’s earlier warning that he’d be there again.

“I was going to ask how Gillian was doing but I guess all’s well that ends well. Hey, Gilly.”

“Hi,” she giggled, giving him a wave. “Would you please tell this caveman of a beta to put me down?”

“Wouldn’t dream of it, sugar. I expect this is going to be fun. Wish I could participate, but I got a feeling you two got something going on that needs settling.”

“My mate’s been askin’ for a lesson in submission. And during our lil’ talk, she bit me. That’s twice now.”

“That doesn’t sound very submissive to me,” Jake laughed.

“And I do recall me promising her that when she submitted you’d be here to watch, so feel free to take a shower. You do want him to watch, don’t you, Gilly?” he asked, smoothing his hand over her bottom. “You seemed to like it when we were flying.”

“I never said that…” Gillian silently cursed, wondering how Dimitri knew she was turned on by the idea of it.

A hard slap hit her bottom and she screamed out loud. The hot sensation caused her to wiggle against him, needing to alleviate the pressure between her legs. Her pussy ached with need, and she dug her fingernails into his back, trying to get him to move to the bedroom.

“I’m thinking maybe after we mate, she may even want to play with both of us,” Dimitri suggested. “Do you want Jake to touch you, Gilly? Do you want to play with the big wolves?”

“I can’t talk like this,” she protested.
Yes, I want to play all right.
She was falling in love with Dimitri and sought to explore her sexuality within the safe confines of their mating.

“Yes you can. No more lying.” Dimitri slapped her cheek once more. “Tell me, do you want Jake to touch you?

“Please…Dimitri.” She dug her face into his back, but her smile gave away her desire.

“I’ll take that as a yes, darlin’.” He smiled to Jake, who in response reached to stroke Gillian’s smooth globe, eliciting a small hiss from her. “See Jake, she does like that.”

“Your mate is so soft.”

“She is. Ah, look at how you respond, Gil. Does it feel good to have both of us touch you?”

Jake ran his fingers down the crevice of her bottom, brushing over her rosebud, his fingers lightly grazing the wetness of her core. Gillian squirmed, her hips pressing back into his touch.

“Yes, Dimitri, please…” she gasped. If he didn’t make love to her within the next two minutes, she’d rip out her hair. The man was infuriating and hot, so very, very hot.

“You’re suffering aren’t you, my lovely mate? We’ll leave Jake now. Time for our lesson.”

“Shower.” Jake pointed to the clear blocked-off stall. Since the bathroom was made entirely of glass, he could easily see them on the bed and they could view him.

Gillian kicked her legs as Dimitri strode into the bedroom. She laughed as she attempted to bat his ass through his wet jeans and promptly earned herself another swat on her wet bare bottom.

Dimitri bent, carefully depositing her on the bed. Gillian went to scurry across it when he latched onto her legs.

“Sweet, Gilly. I’m not joking about your submission tonight. You’re going to be wolf soon.”

“Yes,” she breathed. As she lay belly down onto the white cotton down comforter, she relaxed into his hold.

“You’re mine, do you accept this?”


“Do you trust me?”


“Put your hands to your sides. No arguing, understand?”

When she didn’t respond, he swiftly spanked her twice. He cupped her reddened cheek, and slid a finger into her slick pussy.

“Ow,” she cried and then moaned in pleasure as he entered her.

“Now that I have your attention, I’ll ask you again. Do you understand?”

“Yes,” she breathed. His low voice sent a delicious chill down her spine. At his command, she stopped trying to get away and lowered her arms.

“That’s a girl. Now, I’m going to move you sideways here, because I want you to be able to see Jake watching you.”

“Why would you want that?”

“I want to be able to share with you what it’s like to submit, to be with other wolves. I also know that you seem to be interested in this sexually. Does it turn you on to know that someone could watch you?”

“I don’t know. I guess so. It seems wrong, but I know wolves do it.”

“Lots of people do it, not just wolves. And there’s nothing wrong with it as long as it’s consensual. Do you want Jake to watch us fuck? If you want him to leave, I’ll tell him right now.”

“Yes.” Gillian groaned at her admission. She dug her face into the blanket, having a hard time believing the words that spilled from her mouth. Deep within her, she wanted this, to know that she was being possessed by Dimitri with Jake watching. But it was more than that; she wanted to see Jake’s reaction, watch him touch himself. As if Dimitri read her mind, he probed further.

“You want to see him, too, don’t you?”


“Look at him. Someday we can play with Jake, too. Do you want that?”

“Maybe,” she hedged, still embarrassed by her own desires. “He’s attractive…but he’s not you.”

“Whatever we do, I’ll always take care of you. You come first in everything I do. We’re wolves…what you feel for me, what I feel for you…we’ll always have that connection. Just you and I. But playin’? If we choose to do that, it’s our decision, but you’ll always be mine and I’ll be the same with you.”

“I won’t share you with another woman,” she admitted.

“That’s fine, because you’re the only woman for me. When and if we play with Jake, we’ll decide together to do it. Okay?”

“Okay,” she agreed.

“Tonight I just want you to enjoy watching and being watched.”

“Yes,” Gillian breathed. Her pulse began to race as she glanced over to the shower, and Jake’s eyes fell on hers.

“Now back to our lesson,” Dimitri laughed.

“Please, I’m so hot. I can’t take it…”

Dimitri tugged on her legs so that they fell over the sides of the bed, her bottom completely exposed to him. He reached over into his drawer and took out a few small items, placing them on the bed. Unscrewing a small blue bottle, he poured the cinnamon-scented oil into his palms.

Gillian slowly turned her head, the side of her face pressed into the mattress. She lifted her eyelids, taking in the sight of Jake. Stark naked, the water sluiced down the sinewy muscles of his back and over his chiseled buttocks. It was as if she was watching a movie, but she knew it was real. If she wanted, if Dimitri let her, she could walk over and touch him.

Dimitri’s warm hands massaging her back diverted her attention, the spicy scent filling the room. Her body lit on fire with desire as he worked his magic fingers into her neck, slowly moving down her back, carefully working out the knots. She watched with interest as Jake washed his hair, his eyes closed, the bubbles rolling off his lithe body. He turned in her direction and she caught sight of his erection jutting outward.

Dimitri’s palms reached her bottom, continuing to caress. Using his knees, he parted her legs until they were wide open to him. She looked back and saw him unbuttoning his jeans, finally shucking them off onto the floor.

“Tell me about this?” he asked, tracing a finger over her tattoo. “What’s it mean?”

“Strength within. It’s how I first felt when I shifted, like there was something inside me. But then I started to realize it wasn’t my tiger who gave me that. I needed strength no matter what.”

“You’re the strongest woman I’ve ever met.”

“Hmm? I feel like the horniest when I’m around you,” she giggled.

“You’re definitely the sexiest. Goddess, I love your ass. And this,” Dimitri cupped her cheeks, dragging his thumbs down the crevice until he reached her puckered flesh. “I’m gonna have this, too, darlin’.”

“Hmm,” she replied, calmed from his massage. Gillian had never known nirvana, but expected that this was it. Relaxation and arousal swirled into one delicious reaction.

“But first we’ve gotta get you ready for me. We can’t rush these things. I know you’ve had my fingers in you before, but I have something new we’re going to play with tonight…besides Jake, that is.” Dimitri caught Jake’s eyes and reached for a small pink bulbous object. “I’ve got a little toy here for you, Gil.”

“Toy?” Her eyes flew open in surprise.

“That’s right, darlin’. Open your legs for me. A little more now.” He waited as she spread herself wider, and dribbled the lube onto her bottom. He coated the soft rubber and pressed its tip into her anus. “I’m gonna go slowly.”

“What? Ah…” Gillian tensed as Dimitri worked it into her.

“That’s it, cher. Just relax.” He continued, gently stretching her.

“I don’t know if…oh my God.” The foreign sensation caused her to release a small moan. Gillian had begun to gyrate against the mattress, seeking relief. His hands on her bottom stilled her movement.

“You okay?”

“I feel so…I don’t know…Is it wrong that this feels so good?” she breathed.

Gillian, at a loss for words, glanced to Jake who soaped his body. Unable to do anything but enjoy the moment, she immersed herself into the delightful fullness that overtook her body as Dimitri adjusted the toy into her.

“Just imagine when I’m inside you. It’s all the way in now.”

Gently, he rolled her onto her back and she smiled up at him. He leaned over and pressed his lips to hers, briefly sweeping his tongue into her mouth. Gillian moaned in protest as he retreated. Her disappointment was short-lived as his hands fell to her breasts, and he circled his forefinger around her aroused tips.

“Hmm, you’re so beautiful. I can’t get enough of you.” Dimitri smiled down at her lovingly. He abandoned her nipples, gliding his hands toward her belly.

BOOK: Dimitri (Immortals of New Orleans, Book 6)
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