Dicking Around

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Authors: Amarinda Jones

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica

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Scarlet Harlot Publishing

Erotic Romance

Copyright © 2011 by Amarinda Jones

E-book ISBN:

First E-book Publication: June 2012

Cover design by Amarinda Jones

All cover art and logo copyright © 2011 by Amarinda Jones
This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission.

All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.


Scarlet Harlot Publishing™


Dicking Around

©Amarinda Jones

The present

Carlisle Carson clutched at the broad shoulders of the man before her. He had her pinned to the wall, his body tight and hot against hers. His mouth sucked hard on her nipple as she lifted one leg higher to allow the fullest penetration of dick possible. She wanted all of his thrusting cock inside her. This was one ride she didn’t want to miss a moment of.

“What’s your name, darlin’?” He pulled his dick halfway out of her cunt and smiled into her eyes.

Lordy, he’s gorgeous. “M-m-my name is Carlisle.” Her voice was breathless with need as she grabbed his ass with her hands and urged him on, and in.

“Unusual.” He plunged the full length back inside her. Carlisle choked back a scream.

This wasn’t the place to yell, however silent sex had always been hard for her.

“And you are?”

“Adam.” He began a fast, deep thrust, bouncing her against the wall.

Her breasts wobbled and her hair was all over the place, but Carlisle didn’t care. She liked sex hard and fast. This was perfect for her. She licked her lips and smiled at him.

“Thank you, Adam.”

“Any time, darlin’.” His lips found hers.

Carlisle kissed him back. While it was true he was a stranger, some men were not to be missed and she planned on enjoying every illicit second of this.

“What if someone comes in and sees us?” Adam murmured against her lips, his pelvis banging against hers.

She shivered at the thought. It was morally wrong what they were doing. Good girls didn’t spread their legs for strangers. “I expect they’ll be shocked and horrified and I’ll come screaming.”

Chapter One
Thirty minutes earlier

“That’s her.” Mickey pointed to the woman opening the door to the changing room. He and his partner in crime, Theo, stood awkwardly among the racks of clothes in the up-market ladies’ boutique. They had been following their target for hours, waiting for the right moment to strike.

Theo looked over at the woman. “The fat one?”

Mickey surveyed the brunette. “I wouldn’t call her fat. She’s got curves. I like a real woman and—”

“I don’t care what
like.” Theo turned and glared at his companion. “If she has the USB stick we have to get it from her.”

“But how? We’ve tried breaking into her apartment. It’s like Fort Knox.”

Grudgingly, Theo had been impressed by her security. The lady lived in a bad part of town. Even they couldn’t break in and he and Mickey had been robbing people for years.

She was smart to be cautious. “Then we mug her.”

Mickey grimaced. “I don’t want to hurt anyone. She looks like a nice person.”

“We’re not going to. We steal her handbag and take her apartment keys and get in that way.”

“What if the stick isn’t at her apartment?”

It had to be. Theo wanted that stick. He needed the money it would bring. “Where else could it be?”

Mickey shrugged. “I don’t know. Maybe we should ask her.”

“You mean go up to her and say, “pardon me, we noticed when you went to that garage sale the other day and bought that two-dollar surprise box of crap, we have rock solid information that a USB stick with sexually explicit pictures of a certain politician, with a hooker, was in the box. We plan to financially benefit from selling it to the highest bidder.

May we please have a look inside the box of crap you bought?”

“That sounds reasonable.”

Theo slapped Mickey on the back of the head. “And what if she says ‘well hell, I’ll use those photos for my own gain’?”

“Nah, she doesn’t look that sort.”

Theo sighed. “I have no idea why you put such a valuable item into a pile of junk for your sister-in-law’s garage sale.” For a career criminal, Mickey was as smart as a block of wood.

“Well, I made a promise to help out at the sale and I was in a rush to get it too. I dropped it in by mistake and—”

“Shut up! Just hearing you explain it makes me what to slap you again.”

A junkie had sold the stick to Mickey for fifty dollars. When they later found out that a certain politician was missing some extremely personal information downloaded onto a USB stick, Theo had considered Mickey’s purchase extremely fortuitous. They could sell it to the highest bidder and clear their debts. That Mickey had lost it so quickly was unbelievable.

“Now we’re screwed.” Theo blew out a breath and ran a hand through his thinning brown hair. It had been a bad year when it came to making a profit in crime. That they were standing in a ladies’ boutique waiting to snatch a bag from a customer indicated to Theo how low he had sunk. “We could kidnap and threaten her.”

“She looks like a nice lady.”

Theo glared at his short, round accomplice. “What sort of a criminal are you?”

“I can’t help it if I have a conscience.”

That was the first thing a career criminal lost. “I say we make our way over to the changing room and snatch her handbag.” It wasn’t going to be easy. The two men stood out like a sore thumb among the clothes and the women. But Theo was determined. “I
get that stick.”


“Bloody hell!” No matter which way she pulled at the dress, it wouldn’t budge. Carlisle was trapped by the scarlet, silk fabric holding firm to her large breasts and shoulders. The worst part was she couldn’t see anything.

“Anyone out there? I need help. I’m stuck.” She called out several times before someone finally answered.

“Stuck in what way?”

Crap. A man
Just who I don’t need.
“Is the sales lady out there?” Carlisle struggled to free herself, running into a wall at the same time.
Why did I wear heels today?
She regained her balance and kicked off her shoes.

“Nope. Just me,” he reported.

“What are you doing here?” The last place Carlisle expected to find a man was in a women’s clothing store.

He chuckled. “Can’t a man be in a ladies’ boutique?”

Oh, he has a nice laugh. Probably gay if he’s in a boutique
. “Well, if a man’s that way inclined, I make no judgments.”

“Yeah you do. You’ve judged I’m gay.”

Fair call
. “Are you?”

“Are you?” He answered back.

not.” Carlisle smashed into a wall again. At this rate she was going to rip the dress and have to pay for it by default.

“See how stupid blind judgments are?”

“Get the sales lady please.”


“What? That’s not very chivalrous.”

“She’s out back getting something for me. Besides, I thought modern women could do everything themselves, hence the reason

they no longer required a knight in shining armor to rush to their aid.”

“Oh, I see. You’re a smartass.”
Perfect. Lovely. Like my life isn’t complicated enough

“This is how I see it, darlin’—”

“Ow–I’m not your darlin’.”

He laughed again. “Okay, but you need help.”

“You’re a man and a possible smartass.”

“Correct.” He didn’t sound offended.

Carlisle shimmied and wiggled and held her breath yet she was still trapped. She was hot, flustered, and wanted to cry. “Well, you can’t help.” She stamped her foot.

“Why not?”

“I’m half naked.”

“Ah, I see. While I prefer fully naked in a woman, half- dressed can be fun.”

“Ouch!” Carlisle stumbled once more into the wall.

“Are you okay in there?”

“Yes—no—oh crap. If I let you in you have to promise not to laugh or gag or anything.” Naked was not a good look for her.
Nor is trapped in a scarlet nightmare of a

“Absolutely.” He reached over the door of the fitting room and undid the lock.


Adam Blake laughed when he saw the woman incased in scarlet, her arms up in the air and her face covered as she wrestled around trying to get a dress off over her head.

“You promised.” Carlisle banged into another wall.

He caught her arm and steadied her. “Forgive me.” Adam’s eyes roamed down the silk scarlet prison to the lacy pink panties and plump white thighs. He felt his dick jerk in reaction.
Very nice.
“So how can I help?”

Carlisle pulled her arm away from him. “Lordy, you’re funny. Get this off me.”

“You don’t like it?” He smiled when he saw her stomp her foot. “The color is lovely on you. It matches your panties.”

“Don’t look at my underwear!”

“Why not?” Adam smiled again. What started out as a boring errand to pick up a package for his ex-girlfriend was now anything but.

“You’re supposed to be a gentleman and help me.”

Adam caught her as she stumbled against him. Soft and no bra on. He could feel the supple mounds of her breasts against his arm. “Right, so a gentleman would ignore pink lacy underwear? Not any man I know.” He looked down the line of her back to a plump, enticing ass. Once more his dick jerked in need.


Okay that I can’t ignore
. Her tone was soft and needy and he wondered what it would sound like in the middle of the night with his body on hers. “Calm down, darlin’. I’ll help you.”

“It’s tight.” Carlisle wiggled against him.

Adam held his breath and closed his eyes for a moment to keep control. “Why did you try it on?”

“I was hoping it would fit.” “Hoping?”

Carlisle sighed. “You’re a man. You wouldn’t understand.”

Now this lady I want to get to know
. He didn’t have to see her face to know she would be endlessly entertaining just by her thoughts.

“How so?” Adam’s hands ran down the scarlet fabric to work out the best way to free her. He liked the way she shivered at his touch. It made him want to play with her some more.

“Different metabolism.” She stiffened and tried to pull away. “Oh crap! Wait a second.”


“I don’t have a bra on.”

Yeah, I know. My day is getting better and better.
“I’ve seen breasts before.”

“Not mine you haven’t.”

“This is how I see it, darlin’. You either let me help you or you go through the rest of your life like this?”

“There must be a sales lady out there.”

There probably was by now, but there was no way Adam was going to step out and let someone else defrock the lady. “Nope.”

“Fine. Whatever. Just don’t tear it. I don’t want to pay for it.” Adam took a firm hold of the fabric around her midriff. She jumped and giggled.

He smiled. “You’re ticklish.” “Get this goddamn thing off me.”

To Adam, the best approach was to lift up and off in one fast move. It took more than that and after three swift tugs the silk flew off and over her head. He gulped as his eyes locked on the pink nipples of her full breasts. “You have a nipple ring.” Adam wanted to suck, tug, and lick. “I love your breasts.”

“They’re just mounds of useless flesh.”

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