Destructively Alluring (5 page)

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Authors: N. Isabelle Blanco

Tags: #Romance, #Erotic Fiction, #Erotic Romance, #Contemporary Romance, #Businessmen, #Internship programs

BOOK: Destructively Alluring
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Two steps, I was in front of her.

No thoughts. No premeditation. Just uncontrolled movement. Four words out of my mouth followed after and the next thing I knew, I was cupping her face. “Demi, you’re so beautiful.”

One gasp from her. Seven million warnings were going through my head.One undeniable truth above it all -the fact that I
her- and I lost it again, pressing her back into the maze wall behind her. Demi’s hands shot up, wrapping around my wrists. I told myself it was wrong, that my behavior was straight-up sexual assault, that this girl could very well have me arrested for what I was doing.

Yeah. My body didn’t listen to any of that.

Her lips were soft against mine, her breath wet and tantalizing. So much more delicious than I remembered. I groaned deep in my chest, lust pounding through me painfully. Self-preservation didn’t matter anymore.

Nothing outside of her skin against mine did.

I felt how she tensed, the momentary urge she had to fight me. I didn’t let her. Flicking her bottom lip with my tongue had become my new addiction. A flash went through my head, an image of her lip being replaced by her nipple. I started tonguing, sucking, brought her closer. I was so hard there was no fucking way I could think past it.

Demi let out a sound that made my skin burn hotter. I purposely kept my eyes semi-open, watching her eyelids fluttering as I tilted my head. In one move, I thrust my tongue in between her lips, moaning while my brain imagined that it was my cock.

Said cock throbbed dangerously. I could hear its warnings. I was too damn close. Too much on edge.

Demi let go of my wrists, her hands latching onto my tuxedo jacket’s lapels. Our tongues connected. Slid. The pleasure had my eyes rolling back, lids sliding closed.

I let go of her face, wrapping my hands around her waist. Brought her closer still. She pulled on me, closing whatever miniscule distance had been left between us. My mind took off, fighting pass the pleasure enough to rush through ideas, possibilities of where I could take her and how fast we could get there.

I needed her wet little mouth and willing body all to myself.

“Dorian,” Demi gasped, pulling her lips away from mine.

I almost fucking whimpered, my mouth too addicted and needing more of her skin in it. I latched onto her jaw, sucking lightly and nearly dying from how she mewled into my ear.

oh, God. What are you…”

She was actually sort of fighting me at that point, her body obviously torn between giving in or pulling back. I raised my head just enough to press my mouth against hers again. Small moans leaked out of her, mixing with my own. Her tongue was nothing short of sensual as it slid against mine, reconnecting. Shackling me. Her breath escaped her in tiny gasps and slid into me, adding to the erotic haze that had me prisoner.

I tightened my hold on her waist, needing to feel her against every inch of me and damning the fact that there was fucking fabric in the way. Demi whimpered my name again as I pulled lightly on her bottom lip. “
,” she groaned, letting me tilt her head back so I could suck lightly on the tip of her tongue.

“Fuck, Demi. You taste unbelievable,” I panted against her lips, hands tightening and threatening the material of her dress.

“Dorian, wait,” Demi breathed, her voice all breathless and just downright sexy.

I actually had to fight back the urge to pout as she pushed lightly on my chest. Two things that pissed me off and made me scowl as I took in my own behavior. I was completely out of it. This went beyond simple ‘out of control’.

I forced myself to take at least one step away from her, gritting my teeth and somehow finding the will to let her go. Then, I yelled at myself as I watched her pant while adjusting her dress.

The glasses were adjusted next and fuck me, but if my dick throbbed like that one more time, it was going to fall off.

I could feel it.



“I’m sorry, Demi,” I said, voice hoarse and throat tight as my cock and lower abs continued to rage against me. “You look unbelievable…I’m sorry,” was all I could say.

Demi looked sheepish at my compliment but when I saw her fighting back a smile, I nearly lost it all over again. Visions of her invaded, pressed up against the maze wall, the top of her dress pulled down, her nipple in my mouth…

“Dorian? Dorian!”

“What?” I asked, having to actually shake my head.

Which did nothing to clear it.

“Where’s your date?” Demi asked slowly, eyebrow raised and arms crossed.

I blinked, confused. Until I remembered who she was talking about. As one of my ‘assistants’, Demi had my entire calendar at her disposal and was supposed to pretty much have it memorized. This not only included my schedule but whomever would be a part of said schedule.

Of course, she knew who I was supposed to be here with.


“Dorian,” Demi continued when I obviously took too long to answer. “Are you seriously thinking of keeping me out here and…and…
me while she’s waiting for you inside?”

My jaw fell open at that. I mean, ok, it was a logical conclusion to come to but fucking hell, it wasn’t quite true. Monica had stormed away from me upon arriving and was probably with the next cock deep inside her by now.

You know, making good on her promise and all that shit.

Problem is, even if she hadn’t stormed away from me, the moment I saw Demi…


“I can’t believe this,” Demi grumbled, obviously taking my silence the wrong way. “Move. Just because you’re willing to abandon your date, that doesn’t mean I’m willing to do the same with mine.”

Oh, yeah. Like that would be the thing to get me to move.

“Dorian, move!”

“What is he to you?” I asked slowly, still blocking the way out.

Demi looked beyond furious.



“I don’t think that’s any of your business,” she said just as slowly.

I’d never seen her so openly worked up. So angry. Pure fire was spitting out of her eyes. Eyes that were locked with mine and not looking away. No hint of shyness from her. She was so brazen, furious, and mouthwatering.

God, I want her.

I licked my lips, almost smirking because of how her eyes momentarily flickered towards my mouth.

“I very much beg to differ,” I finally said.

You do?

Damn right, I do.

“You what?” Demi nearly growled, her expression incredulous. She was two seconds away from blowing, I could see it.

As sick as she’d made me, I could feel my heart speeding up with excitement. “You heard me. Let me make two things very clear. One, my ‘date’ left me as soon as we got here. And, why do you think that is?” I asked, taking the last step towards her.

Demi still looked ready to tear my hair out but something of what I was feeling must’ve shown on my face because she actually started moving back.

“I…I don’t understand-”

I cut her off, still advancing towards her. “Because of you,” I growled, letting all my frustrations show.

Demi’s back met another of the walls just as she let out a tiny gasp. “Dorian.”

“Now,” I continued, not stopping until I was right in front of her. “You say it’s none of my business what happens between you and that boy-”

“It’s isn’t!” she stubbornly whispered, her voice giving her away as much as her heavy breathing.

I bit my lip, the haze expanding. Need roaring.

“I saw you kissing your lover today. You can do whatever you want, right? So what right do you have-”

“Damn it, Demi,” I said, running one finger up her arm and licking my lips at the way she uncontrollably shivered. “She kissed me. I won’t deny that she was once my lover but I haven’t slept with her in months. There’s no reason for you to go out with that boy and lie to yourself and him just because you want to get back at me.”



emi’s mouth fell open, her breath seeming to get stuck in her throat. Then…

“You egotistical bastard. What if I do want him? How do you know I’m not fucking attracted to him?” she spat, pushing at my chest.

This newfound fire in her was damn near hypnotizing. Her words infuriating. In the dim light, I could see how flushed her skin was. My body coiled tightly, my sanity further dying. “You’re lying, Demi,” I said as calmly as I could while trying to control the anger her words caused.

“Oh? I’m lying?”

Common sense had flown out the window. I could tell by the look on her face that my behavior had pissed her completely off. I didn’t have to be a mind reader to know that behind it all, what she was really angry about was Monica.

What she’d seen happen between us earlier.

She was jealous. The very thing that roared that I keep her away from Keith was pushing her towards him.

“Dorian, move out of my way. I’ll show you just how interested in him I am.”

God almighty. Where had this obstinacy come from? “Damn it, woman. You’re not listening to me.”

“I am,” she snapped. “And what it sounds like to me is that you’re ok with being a playboy-type asshole but on top of that, you don’t like anyone else playing with your toys. Well, I’m not one of your damned toys!”

Holy shit.

I wasn’t sensitive to the negative opinions of others. I usually took that kind of shit in stride. But what she said actually hurt. I can’t even deny it.

“Is that really how you see me?” I couldn’t help but ask.

All the fire seemed to drain out of her eyes. Looking completely contrite, Demi crossed her arms and looked away from me.

, damn it,” she mumbled, not meeting my eyes.

Then why?

I threw a look up towards the sky, feeling the last of my patience seeping away.

“I’m not letting you back in there if it’s to continue flirting with that boy,” I said slowly, knowing how psychotic I sounded but not really caring.

All the fire that had vanished reappeared in the blink of an eye. “I’m not on the clock and even if I was, you are so overstepping-”

“I’m not talking to you as your boss. I’m talking to you as the
who won’t let you go back in there to meet up with someone who is clearly so ‘taken with you’. Not that I blame him. My point is that I’m ready to carry you away from this damned place if I must,” I said.

She sputtered. Broken curses crashed with each other on the way out of her mouth.

All fine and understandable but the angry intention in her eyes was what made up my mind for me.

Apparently, when it all came down to it, Demi did not like being told what to do. I think I might’ve heard Stephen mention this before but I hadn’t paid that much attention to it at the time.

Nor had I ever pushed her buttons enough -obviously- to see this side of her.

She was planning on going in there no matter what I said. She was too worked up to hear the logic behind what I was saying, however flawed that it was.

Very well…

“Dorian! What the fuck?”

I lifted Demi and draped her right over my shoulder, snapping one arm around her legs to keep her still.

“Dorian! You’ve gone insane!”

“Clearly,” I mumbled, already scrolling through my contacts in search of my driver’s number.

“Dorian, what gives you the right to go psycho on me?” Demi asked in a falsely sweet tone.

I moved deeper into the maze. My company had actually designed the gardens for this place years ago and if I remembered correctly, there was another exit that led out to one of the parking areas on the other side of the property.

“I told you, Demi,” I finally answered her after sending the text to Carl and asking him to bring the limo around. “I’m attracted to you and therefore it’s not really my fault I’m out of control. It’s yours.”

There was a heavy silence that followed that statement.

“You said no such thing,” Demi said after a few seconds, her tone odd.




You’re pathetic.

You’re the one talking to yourself again.

“Well,” I responded, ignoring the fact that I was indeed going mad. “I thought it was very obvious.”

“That is still no excuse for you to act like a brute.”

The petulant and miffed tone in her voice actually made me smile.

“I’m not letting you go back to someone who will most likely end up trying to seduce you.”

“Keith won’t try that!”

“Yes, he will.”

“He’s not like you!”

“Damn right he’s not.”

“Dorian, I swear to God. Put me down right now!”

Funny, she was demanding I let her go but she wasn’t really struggling. As a matter of fact, she was downright pliant in my hold. All I had to do was look to my right and there was that hot ass of hers. I was so busy ogling her that I almost missed the near-hidden exit I was searching for.

“You’re acting like a freaking caveman,” Demi huffed, bracing her hands against my back and trying to lift herself up.

I tightened my arm around her legs and braced myself for battle.

“I thought women liked that,” I said lightly, turning so I could maneuver us through the tight exit. Which worked even more to my advantage. Demi was forced to lay back down and

Something that wasn’t going to last for long. I assure you.

“Not if you don’t have a right to act like it,” Demi growled.

“Back to that again, are we?”

“I saw you kiss another woman so you do
have the right!”

“You stubborn woman, I told you- she kissed

I don’t know if it was the tone of my voice. Perhaps it was that we’d stepped out of the maze and were now in the small parking lot, which was completely devoid of people. I couldn’t even see one security guard around.

Whatever it was, it served to rekindle the fight in Demi and the woman started struggling furiously. Her legs kicked hard, one knee slamming into my ribcage. I cursed, circling both arms around her as much as I could. I continued heading out into the parking lot, spotting my parked limo fifty feet away.

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