Destroyed by Onyx (A Dance with Destiny Book 4) (48 page)

BOOK: Destroyed by Onyx (A Dance with Destiny Book 4)
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Jenevier only nodded in agreement with her Dragon. Then she noticed the girl’s sky blue gaze was locked with the one right beside her. She glanced over at Syadar and almost giggled.

Using only her pointer finger, Jenevier touched the beautiful chocolate man under his chin, gently pushing up, closing his gaping mouth.

“You’re drooling, Kitty,” she teased, still staring at the blushing Princess in the cave’s entrance. “What’s the matter, Syadar? Do you really expect me to believe the two of you have never met?”

Prince Chazeen smiled. “Father keeps our baby sister on a rather short leash.”

“Yes,” Alzeen added. “Ever since we lost Lazeen, he has refused to let Doll Baby leave the palace grounds minus his constant companionship.”

“Well then,” Jenevier said. “You mustn’t be rude, Syadar.” She gave the frozen Prince a little nudge. “Remember who you are, Your Highness. Your father will be terribly cross if he finds out you acted thusly in front of your royal counterparts. Go on, then,” she urged. “Go introduce yourself proper.”

You are wicked, little Naga.

She chuckled softly.
This… coming from the most jealous Dragon ever created?

We couldn’t be more perfectly matched had we been paired by the creator Himself.

Jenevier looked up at him.
Umm, ya don’t say…

They both chuckled.

King Taizeen came to stand beside her, watching as his precious daughter giggled and blushed, batting her lashes at the smiling Southern Crown Prince.

Jenevier motioned with her chin toward the oblivious couple. “And there is the fulfillment of your prophecy, good King. Ahh… just imagine it. Their cubs will be the most glorious, most enchanting in all the land.”

“But how can that be?’ Taizeen turned to face her. “
are the one who holds a life bond with Prince Syadar. His heart is committed to you and no longer his to give.”

Alas, before their bond could be consummated, this tiny little Angel left Byzantha… ran away and married a rare Celtic warrior on Val Hal.

The King looked from the Dragon back down to Jenevier, she was nodding her head.

“It is true, Sire. I left him the very day our vow was made and I have only just returned.” She smiled, never taking her eyes off her dear friend and the fair Princess he was already holding hands with. “No, Your Highness. That beautiful man over there… he is the freest, most
cat in the whole of this realm.” She glanced sideways at Taizeen. “And they have been brought together… all because of wicked little old me.”

King Taizeen only smiled.

The happy royals made their way back down the mountainside, sparing the Angel and her Dragon not much more than a passing glance.

Jenevier sighed.
As it should be.

Yes, little Naga. As it should be.

She then noticed the odd stones near the cave’s entrance. “Well, would you look at that?” She scooped up a few. “I’ve never seen stones glow like these before.”

Come, little one. Our work on this layer is done. I wish to return to Jinn, Empress. I know not why… but this place makes my scales feel all tingly.

“Very well, Brother.” She flew up and resumed her resting place atop his shoulders. “I suppose I have put off my
long enough. I can hardly wait to hear all the lovely words I am all but certain Daichi will heap upon me at my return.”

Ahh, Kagi Naga. How was it I was so richly blessed with such an impious little Guardian?

Nilakanta was still chuckling when they entered the clouds… completely oblivious to the ever-watchful grey eyes yet following their every move.




Protected by Emeralds

Book Five of

A Dance with Destiny


Chapter 1


“Where have you been, Naga?”

She tossed the little bag of colored stones on the table and collapsed wearily down into the soft chair. “Read my mind, Daichi.”

He sighed. “I was not questioning you, Empress. I was merely trying to carry on a normal conversation.”

“Normal?” She huffed out a laugh. “On which layer of this universe, exactly, would we be considered

“You know what I mean, Mistress.” He lightly touched the back of her hand. “You have been returned to your people more than three years now. We share the same room, sleep on the same bed. Yet, I no longer know you, Kagi Naga. You are withdrawn.”

She rolled her eyes. “I’m going to take a bath.”

Her dismissive words stabbed his aching heart. “You have another summons,” he said stiffly.

She sighed loudly, exaggeratedly. “And just
were you keeping this little bit of news to yourself?”

Daichi stood then and turned to face her. “I miss you, Naga. I only wished to spend a tiny moment in time with you—a blissful breath of peace. Is that too much to ask?”

“You dream of things that will never be, Daichi.” She sighed again. “You wanted me eternally? Done. I am yours. I am immortal. I made the choice, accepted my lethal wings. I am at your side for all time. Yet, my eternal decision came with a price, one I must continue to pay. We can never have it both ways, Daichi. We were not formed with freedom such as that. Either we live and love like a flash in the pan—blissfully happy yet gone in nearly an instant—or, we live as we are. Forever we breathe, yet forever we war. Blood was my choice. I gave up on love when I accepted my fate. You would do well to follow my lead, Brother.”

“Wise words birth wise counsel.” He bowed toward her. “I shall plant them in my heart and tend them daily, Empress.”

“Spare me your condescending sarcasm, Lord Daichi. I grow ever tired of it. Now, tell me. Where am I needed?”

He cocked one sapphire eyebrow as he turned to leave. “Read my mind,” he muttered.

Jenevier rolled her eyes, shook her head, and leapt from the high balcony.

I hate Angels
, she thought.

Swooping down low, she let the tips of the ever-blooming lavender brush along her gliding body.

“Sayonara, Naga Obaasan!”

She pulled up sharp, sending an exaggerated wave to the little girl bouncing on the broad shoulders of her only son.

“Nos da, little one. I will see you soon,” she yelled. “I left a surprise for you in my room—a little bag on my nightstand.”

She watched as the precious little Princess clapped, urging her father to take her at once to retrieve the new gift. Tenshi smiled and waved before turning to go back inside. Jenevier returned the gesture and sighed.

“Wow… You look
to be a mamaw.”

She rolled her eyes when she heard the familiar voice. “Oh, just shut it, Uriel.” She turned to find the Arch right behind her. “What are you doing here? It cannot possibly be good news,
for certain.”

“Ouch, your words cut me like a knife, little sister.” He smiled then and puffed out his angelic chest. “You can consider me your
for this one, tiny Fire Dragon.”

She rolled her eyes, again.

“Why do you always do thus?” he asked. “Know you not it is irritating to all who witness it?”

“Yes. As a matter of fact, I
know that. Thus the action.” She did it again. “Tell me. Why has a mighty Arch been reduced to answering a Death Angel’s summons? A demotion, perhaps?”

“Ah, I never tire of your advanced wit and timely jests.” Uriel rolled

She growled.

“See? Is it not a maddening thing to look upon?” he said sardonically.

She sighed. “Very well, you made your point.” She turned her head slightly and rolled her eyes.

He yanked one of her curls. “I can still tell you are doing it, whether I see it or not.”

“Ugh, I hate Angels,” she grumbled.

“Yes. I believe you have mentioned such before. Once or twice.” He smiled down at her. “Now, are you ready to go?”

She smiled brightly, batting her long lashes. “Always willing and ever eager, Milord,” she chirped.

“Hmm… You used to be much better at hiding your sarcasm and disdain. You are losing your touch, Naga.”

“That was back when I wished not to cause too great an offense. Now… I just don’t care.”

Uriel narrowed his eyes. “Does Daichi remain with you, always?”

“He heals me daily, if that’s what you mean.”

“Physically, perhaps,” he mumbled.

“That is the only way he heals me because that is the only way I let him. It’s the only type of
I need.”

“So you say.” He cut his eyes sideways at her. “It must be nice to be so young yet know

“Eh… it has its good days and bad,” she said, shrugging her shoulders.

And with that, Jenevier darted into the clouds, leaving the Arch to chase after her.




Uriel’s mighty wings joined hers as she gazed down upon the carnage below them.

“You are maddening, little Naga,” he said.

“So I’ve been told,” she mumbled.

Her eyes never left the bloody scene laid out upon the ground.

“It is horrible, is it not?” he whispered.

“No matter what I happen to witness, Uriel, no matter what horrible thing I come across, the atrocities contained within the heart of man… never cease to amaze me.” She shook her head, sorrowfully.

“΄Tis true.” He slowly nodded his agreement. “This particular realm has known its fair share of war and unexplainable violence, to be sure. Magic was once a blessed thing upon Earth. Long has it been absent this place.”

“But, these people, Uriel…” She drew closer, morbidly mesmerized by their raven hair and fair skin. “They look like…” She paused.

“Yes, Naga.” He lightly touched her shoulder. “And that is the truth of why I am here with you today.”

She looked at him, confused.

“For support,” he continued. “Support for your heart, if you need it. And support for your mission, should you not be able to complete it.”

She bent down and brushed the long black locks off the cold cheek of a young woman. “Why would I not be able to complete it?” she asked absently.

He waited until the realization of what she was looking upon sank in.

She gasped. “Uriel, this woman… she could be Hinata’s twin.” She turned to make sure he was looking. “This woman, Brother, look at her. How can these people be as my own? You said we are on Earth, did you not?”

“Yes, Naga. We stand upon the eighth layer, yet a different part from what you have seen before. The humans who live here, they call this part of their realm, Asia, to be exact. And, yes. They greatly favor your Jinnites in looks and coloring.”

“It is wretchedly uncanny,” she whispered, mostly to herself.

She narrowed her eyes when she looked back up, studying Uriel’s guarded face. He shuffled uncomfortably under her penetrating gaze.

“What do you hide from me, Brother?” she said, staring deep within him. “Why is your mind so closed to me? Do you not think, in just a very short time, I will find out your secrets for myself?”

He didn’t answer her.

“Very well,
,” she half hissed. “Keep your knowledge locked away. You can bloody well drown in it, for all I care. I can plainly see these mangled bodies. Yet, I know they are not who they appear to be. Believe it or not, I learned years ago to look deeper than
the wrapper

“That is what we all tell ourselves, yes,” he whispered. “Alas, the eyes are extremely powerful things, Naga. Vision claims a direct line to our hearts, little sister, almost magically so.”

“Save your wisdom. Store it alongside your secrets. I wish for neither,” she spat. “The reality is this. A madman is murdering innocents at an alarming rate. He poses their lifeless forms within this forgotten forest and visits them as one would admire their possessions. I am here to put an end to his wicked game and cease his life. No worries. I have done this same deed many, many thousands of times before. Your ridiculous babysitting is not necessary. I got this.”

Still, Uriel didn’t speak.

She sniffed the air. “He comes,” she whispered.

Uriel remained silent, motionless.

Jenevier watched as the long barrel of the cold black gun emerged cautiously from the dense bamboo. She stepped closer, removing her mask.

“Naga, what are you doing?” Uriel demanded. “He will be able to see you in that form. Don Vashti, now!”

She turned toward the infuriated Arch, rolled her eyes and crinkled up her nose at him. She almost stuck out her tongue, but caught herself.

“Is this how you carry out your missions, Angel? Does Daichi know about this? Does anyone?” He started toward her. “You are reckless and foolhardy, little sister.”

The man’s face appeared at that very moment.

Her eyes went wide. She took a hasty step back.

“By the gods…”

He spun at the sound of her shaky voice, gun leveled at her angelic face.

“Musashi…” The name forced itself from her lungs, painfully taking her breath with it.

The man dropped his gun and ran toward her. Quickly speaking in a language she could not force her addled mind to understand.

When he touched her, grabbed her shoulders… all hell broke loose.

Her claws sprang out, full length. She raised her arm, meaning to slash open his massive chest, but Uriel grabbed her wrist.

The man could see neither her ethereal weapons, nor the Angel now restraining her, keeping her from claiming his life. He simply watched, amazed, as the tiny little woman covered in colorful curls, struggled with the very air about her.

Fear has claimed her mind
, the man thought.

“Hold, Naga,” Uriel shouted. “Don your mask and calm yourself. That is not Musashi. Look closer. He is not—”

She screamed as she tore free from the mighty Arch, leaving him with a nasty cut down the length of his forearm, and minus a handful of his lovely angelic hair.

“Why… you little demon,” he snapped.

Then, her maddened eyes revealed to him the extent of her temporary insanity. Naga was gone. She stood before him as weapon only—raw, unreasoning, Death.

By the gods… What did that man truly do to you?
Uriel thought.

The Arch lunged for her just as another raven-haired man stepped into the secret clearing.

She dodged Uriel’s grasp and found herself, face to face, with a dear friend and trusted companion.

“Yui!” Jenevier flung her arms around his neck and held on for dear life.

The shocked man slowly returned her frantic embrace, fixing his gaze upon the now unarmed man before him.

Time froze.

“Kagi Naga, open your damn eyes before I remove your head,” Uriel shouted.

She shook her head violently, burying her nose into the second man’s neck, her curls half covering his hardened face.

“Yui, I thank all that’s holy, you are here.” She pulled back, holding his cheeks in her hands. “He is alive, Yui. He came back for me.” She smiled lovingly at the confused man. “I knew you would save me. Just like last time. Hold me in your arms, dear friend. Keep me safe. Hide me from the beast.”

She kissed his fair cheek and then his nose. Giggling at the look on his face, Jenevier kissed him again, over and over until he gave in to her.

Tightening his arms about her, the man looked deep into her magical eyes, tenderly ran the tip of his nose along her cheek bone, and then inhaled deeply the thick rose scent of her colorful hair. He moaned softly, then slowly covered her mouth with his. She was startled by this unusually forward action. Yui had never kissed her like
before, not like a man would. But she was too relieved by his presence to just push him away. His tongue entered her mouth just as a burning, searing pain shot through her back.

Jenevier fell to her knees, gasping for air that wouldn’t come. Loud shots rattled her ears, bounced through her throbbing head. Then… Yui’s body fell to the ground before her, crumpled in an unnatural position. She focused on his still open eyes, on his still open
eyes. All life had left them.

Then, she heard the reapers—the dark ones, the ones that made her shiver, caused painful goose bumps to cover her arms.

“Yui?” she whispered, confused.

BOOK: Destroyed by Onyx (A Dance with Destiny Book 4)
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