Read Destino Online

Authors: Sienna Mynx

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Family Saga, #Romance, #Anthologies, #Sagas, #Collections & Anthologies

Destino (18 page)

BOOK: Destino
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He paused at the door.

“My request, to be part of the meeting with Don Calderone? Domi is headed back to Napoli. Will you allow it?”

“No. I’d rather you focus on returning my investment.”

He waited for Lorenzo to challenge him. The flash fire of rebellion sparked in his cousin’s eyes. Instead he nodded his obedience and held his tongue. Giovanni shook his head and walked out.


Once alone Lorenzo picked up the phone and dialed.
“Che cosa?”

“We need to meet.” A deep voice rasped on the line.

“Where and when?” Lorenzo asked, checking his timepiece.

“Now. The Denelli place.”

Lorenzo ended the call. He walked over to the closet behind the bar and located his gun. Giovanni would be occupied, and with Carlo and Dominic gone he could manage the meeting with little consequence. So he hoped. Things were getting further out of his control, and Giovanni was too close to the truth.


“Where are you?” Fabiana threw her door open. Mira had chosen another green dress. This one had a long skirt that covered her knees, and thin spaghetti straps. She was working on her tangles when her best friend charged in.

“There you are. I saw Giovanni downstairs. He said you were up here.”

“Did he?” Mira tried to sound unimpressed. She could still feel herself tingle between her thighs at the mere mention of the man. How on earth could she face him after what transpired between them?

“I had the most fantastic of times. We took Lorenzo’s yacht out. I met with an artist who took pictures of me. He’s going to do my portrait. Can you believe it? And after breakfast I gave Lorenzo a little dessert. Let’s just say it was everything I thought it would be.” Fabiana plopped down on the bed. “Wait, why are you changing clothes?”

“Long story.” Mira turned on her heel and smiled. “So what’s up now?”

“Nothing. The men have business. Lorenzo got a call, and we had to come back. Is that why your date ended too?”

“Wasn’t a date,” Mira mumbled.

“Oh. Didn’t go well?”

She pondered the question for a moment. Things between them went beyond well. However, it was far too soon to define what the passion they shared meant. “Let me show you something.” Mira went to the dresser and picked up her purse. She turned and showed it to Fabiana.

“Is that—?”

“Yes. And guess who gave it to me.”

Fabiana inspected the purse. “Are you serious?”

“He had it delivered to my room. Now how do you explain something like this?”

“I can’t.”


Fabiana scanned the contents. “What about your bracelet?”

“Everything was returned, including my passport. You know that purse has been missing for over three weeks and now it shows up as if it was never taken?”

“You think he set you up to be robbed? Why would he?”

Mira shook her head. “No. I don’t think so. It’s not his style. I have no clue what he wants. Surely a man like him can have any woman he wants. But he seems fixated on me. Or maybe that’s the wrong word choice. He’s so mysterious and opinionated I can’t tell what his motivations are. And I feel so overwhelmed when I’m alone with him. I don’t think I will make that mistake again.”

Fabiana laughed.


“You kissed him didn’t you?”


“Oh I can tell. Something is up.”

“Shut up.”

“Good grief. So what? A little kissy-poo between consenting adults isn’t a sin. The man is hot, and we’re vacationing. What harm could it do?”

“Have you forgotten the conversation we had this morning? Mafia men. Plenty harm can be done. Access to our building with locked cellar doors we can’t enter?” Mira kept her gaze averted so Fabiana didn’t read more. The man’s kiss was the least of her worries. What he did with his tongue still had her knees wobbling.

“I think that purse over there is a peace offering. So what, he’s a bad boy? Not telling you to marry the guy. His friendship could be a benefit to us. I had a long talk with Lorenzo. Not saying I’m totally sold on us becoming involved with the Battaglia’s, but what they are asking of us isn’t illegal.”

“Fabiana, you know I’m in no need of a new relationship, casual or otherwise. Have you forgotten about Kei?”

“The asshole who broke up with you because you said no to his marriage proposal? No. You don’t have to remind me. I just want you to have some fun the next few days. It’s a different country, a different time for us both.” Fabiana almost beamed with happiness. She studied her for a moment. Her wet hair was suspect.

“You really did sleep with Lorenzo?”

“We’re not talking about me.”

Mira shook her head. “I hope you know what you’re doing.”

“Of course I do. I’m falling in love. Now get dressed. We still have the city to see. Screw the boys. I think we should do it together. Be right back while I tell Lorenzo and get us a driver.”

“Wait. I… Giovanni and I had planned to do some sightseeing.” Mira said.

“Really? Oh. Okay.”

“Go find Lorenzo. I’ll talk to Giovanni. Maybe we can do it as a foursome.”



Chapter Five


The day had burned away faster than either of them anticipated. It was near dusk when they returned, exhausted. Fabiana could always out shop, out drink, and out eat her, but on this day she managed to do all three. They laughed as they strolled side by side through large double doors drawn open as if in anticipation of their arrival. With shopping bags swinging in their hands, the two of them finished each other sentences.

The villa in the evening had a spacious airy feel to it. Every window and door on the lower level was open. It allowed a sweetly fragrant tropical breeze to flow through the long halls. Soft yellow lamp fixtures on the walls and posted in the corners of the rooms chased away the shadows. Even the chandelier, twinkling from the high vaulted ceiling, cast beams of light over the hanging portraits and marble statues. Together they bounded up the winding stairs. Her friend chatted her up over something funny they’d seen in a storekeeper’s window, and she pretended to agree. Her mind was elsewhere.

All day her thoughts were filled with him. The man had left one hell of an impression. From his larger than life imposing stature to his handsome tan gold face and dreamy eyes, it had become hard to shake thoughts of him. Even the strong spice of his cologne lingered in the back of her mind and caused her blood to rush to her face with shame. He’d used his tongue masterfully, gave her the first climax she’d had in months, and she was sure he had done it all on purpose.

At first she intended to decline Fabiana’s invite for a day in town without the men but found that Giovanni had left on business when she returned to the parlor in search of him. Mira half expected to hear he’d left Bellagio for his life in southern Italy. And that had been disappointing.

“Are you even listening to me?” Fabiana walked in her room ahead of her.

“Yes. I think.” Mira answered.

Fabiana slipped her a look under dark lashes. Mira pretended not to notice. She placed her bags on the chaise, and nervously rubbed her hands together.

“You’ve been weird all day.” Fabiana began, circling her. Mira rolled her eyes upward. Her friend went to the window in the room and leaned against the sill. “You’ve been a bit spacy. Is it work? Do you want to call Angelique and check in?”

“No. Don’t be silly. I’m trying to unwind, and you keep taking out the measuring tape to see how much. I’m relaxed. We had a good time, didn’t we?” She dropped on the bed and crossed her legs. Fabiana observed her with a scrutiny she had grown to loathe. If she weren’t careful she’d confess it all before she had time to decide on how she truly felt over her and Giovanni’s passionate moment.

“Wonder where the men are?” Mira said through a forced smile. “We haven’t seen Lorenzo. Shouldn’t you let him know we’re back?” Fabiana rose. She glanced out the window and paused. Her brows furrowed together with concern.

“What is it?”

“Come here! Quick!” Fabiana stepped closer to the window. Mira pushed up from the bed and hurried to her friend’s side. Together they watched Lorenzo speed up the sloping driveway on a motorbike. He climbed off with a flushed hard look to his face. The front of his shirt, and his trouser legs were caked in dirt, as were his shoes. “What in the hell happened to him?” Mira asked. “Maybe his car broke down or something?”

Lorenzo spoke with a few men who regarded him curiously as well, then marched toward the villa.

“I’ll go downstairs and find out what’s going on.”

“Wait a second, he—.” She turned and her friend was gone. The door slammed shut behind her. Mira searched the cars parked and didn’t see the shiny yellow Ferrari she and Giovanni had taken earlier. She chewed on the inside of her jaw wondering again if he had gone for the evening. After a few minutes curiosity forced her to act. She headed for the door and stepped out into the hall. The armed man who always stood guard had gone. She’d noticed that detail first when they returned.
Just knock on the door and see if he’s there. Maybe he’s in there?
He clearly stated what a return visit to his room would bring. After the fourth knock it was clear he was gone. Feeling a bit silly she turned away.

Ciao, Bella.

From nowhere, he appeared. Their eyes met, and she stood frozen to the spot. “Yes. As a matter of fact I was.” A warm mixture of excitement and trepidation filled her. “You left this morning without saying goodbye.” To her, her voice sounded soft and needy. However, the sly smile on his face and the desire in his stare indicated he had a thing for soft and needy. She cleared her throat and straightened her back. Giovanni did his usual sweep of her appearance; his gaze lingered on her breasts before returning to her face.

When he stopped before her, she felt breathless again.

“I returned. For you.”

“I see.” She pretended to be unimpressed. “I…” Mira cleared her throat and spoke in a steady voice. “I didn’t get a chance to tell you that Fabiana wanted to do some sightseeing with me today. Didn’t want you to think I was running away again.”

“You? Run? After allowing me to taste you? The thought never crossed my mind,” he replied with a jesting quip.

“Oh? Good.”

His gaze left her face and shifted to his closed door. “You want to come in?” he reached for the knob with one hand and placed his other to her hip to steer her toward temptation. Contact of his palm against her body nearly seduced her into complying.

“No. No.” She laughed nervously reaching to touch his chest. She kept her hand there and felt the strong rhythm of his heart.
Was he excited to be near her also?
Something had accelerated his pulse. “I only wanted to see if you were free. That’s all Giovanni.”

“You miss me?” He gave her hip a gentle squeeze. Giovanni pulled her up under him. She was forced to put both hands to his chest to keep from colliding with it. His hand then eased lower, and she was now secure in his hold. For some reason, he found her discomfort pleasing. The man knew the control he wielded over women, and she was sure he frequently got whom or whatever he wanted. This man wasn’t one she should tease. “I owe you lunch, don’t I? It’s the most important meal of the day. Though we never finished breakfast,” Giovanni chuckled. Humor softened his gaze, and she dismissed her previous assessment. He was just being friendly. She noticed in this country men were a bit more forward. Maybe she had let too many boundaries down for him to understand what affect he was having on her?

“Okay?” she said.

“Lorenzo has had food prepared, I’m sure. We can join him and your friend. Would that make you comfortable?”

“Who says I’m not?”

His left brow arched in response.

“I’m perfectly comfortable,” she answered. “Evident by the way you have your hand on my ass.”

This time laughter exploded from him. He lifted his palm and put his hands up in surrender. Mira smirked. She stayed close, however, to emphasize her point. Lowering her hands, she felt the light brush of her nipples over his chest and knew he did too. “Besides we can eat anywhere.”

“I think it best we join them.”

She didn’t hide her disappointment. Her lip dropped in a pout. He winked at her and ran the backs of his fingers over her cheek. Funny, earlier she told Fabiana she had no intentions of being alone with the man again. Oh yes, as usual her mind and desires were at odds. She lifted her gaze from his lips to stare into his beautiful eyes again. This time she wouldn’t retreat from him like a schoolgirl. Giovanni extended his hand to her. She accepted it, allowing him to lead the way. His palm was warm and large. It covered her entire hand. She felt a sense of protectiveness in the way he assumed the lead. Together they walked down the stairwell, wide enough for them to descend side by side. Below she found the hall and the dining room to be empty, but a very romantic setting with blue roses and candles were placed as the centerpiece. Mira stared at the fresh blooms, curious of their history with his family. When he drew out her chair she only half hesitated. Where were Fabiana and Lorenzo? Before she could ask, her friend sashayed in from the other end of the dining room. She blinked at Giovanni, then at her, and the romantic place setting for four.

BOOK: Destino
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